Rocking Wizard Wars until this mess of a game is fixed…
Hey folks.
Not sure where this should be placed, but here goes..
Was pottering about in WvWs last night when our garrison kept flashing under attack.
Eventually we found a Mesmer in the actual walls, below our champions (or wtf they are).
I`ve found out their name & tried to report as cheating, but there`s no option.
Anyone else had this &/or know Arenanet` position on it?
They hid inside during the siege and are waiting to portal people in.
Sweep your garrisons.
Also people repairing walls while people are running through can actually trap the people in its path.
That and mesmers can get stuck in walls, floors etc accidentally through their skills. There’s nothing they can do from there except waypoint out once they’re out of combat mode.
Actually golem, a mesmer can wait in the wall/stairs/etc where they are stuck then blink back into the tower or keep. Getting stuck is typically a function of staff 2 teleport. Again, not a problem of mesmers themselves but map glitches.
Have fun all the people with low integrity who go and try this now.
oh I didn’t know that, whenever I’ve gotten stuck nothing’s worked. Hopefully they’ll fix this.
I had something wonky happen to my Thief as I used Scorpion Wire on a Guardian just as he/she was passing through the door. He/She must have had Retaliation up because the Scorpion Wire reflected back at me and pulled me through the gate.
I thought it was pretty funky at the time.
I’ve fallen through the map several times in the AC dungeon. (There’s nothing but water) I highly doubt it’s the mesmer’s fault, it’s most likely the Staff 2 or Mirror Images that caused him to get stuck.
I’ve been stuck underneath the dock at bay before right in front of the front inside gate… it sucked to wait for combat reset to port out as everyone and their cousin was trying to kill me. When I finally got to wp out it was of course over but i ended up wasting like 10 minutes stuck there not out killing peeps… but its a little rare for it to happen.
“We’ll release the game when it’s ready.”
Have the feeling this one did it on purpose.
They were /laugh etc, whilst attacking our guards etc.
Three of us stood waiting for them to map out for ages, so they weren`t in combat & could`ve easily left, but they didn`t.
Actually, one of the veteran wizards pulled me through a wall, while playing my mesmer, at quentin in EB last night. I couldn’t get through the walls back outside, or waypoint out due to constant battle, but i could run around underneath the castle floor. It also let me target siege, and eventually killed the tower lord, 4 players, and all the siege with beserkers, before i got bored and went to bed.
Hey folks.
Not sure where this should be placed, but here goes..
Was pottering about in WvWs last night when our garrison kept flashing under attack.
Eventually we found a Mesmer in the actual walls, below our champions (or wtf they are).I`ve found out their name & tried to report as cheating, but there`s no option.
Anyone else had this &/or know Arenanet` position on it?
Have the feeling this one did it on purpose.
They were /laugh etc, whilst attacking our guards etc.
Three of us stood waiting for them to map out for ages, so they weren`t in combat & could`ve easily left, but they didn`t.
Hi there, I did wonder whether there would be a post about this.
It was me (on my mesmer) who got stuck under the Dreaming Bay keep yesterday night.
I just like to clarify that I have no idea how it happened, but I’ll try to explain the events that led to me being stuck there:
A large group (including me) were attacking the south inner gate at Dreaming Bay. It was being defended so someone put down a Ballista Build Site, just on the edge of the land/water. I had 2 supply left and decided to add them to that Ballista Build Site. I did get there, help build the Ballista, but after I put in my 2 supply and tried to get up and back to the fight I got stuck somwhere under the Ballista Build Site.
No matter what I tried I couldn’t get back up on land. At one point it looked like I was walking on land, but the grass was appearing above my head. After that I did try to see where I could end up;
- I could swim under the whole of the inner keep of Dreaming Bay.
- I could NOT attack any NPC’s/Guards etc (all invulnarable).
- I could attack the gate and other players from under there.
I did attack the gate and other players for a while. But even after I stopped attacking I was kept in combat for ages, not allowing me to port back to the Citadel Eventually I did get out of combat and ported out straight away.
I can understand that it seemed very dodgy and/or could be considered exploiting behavior, but I didn’t deliberately look for a way to get stuck like that, so I certainly didn’t do it on purpose!
At first I was like “what the hell?? how do I get out of here?” I have to admit that I did find it funny when I could attack the gate and/or players and I did laugh on Ventrilo with my gf about it (I didn’t use any emotes btw), but I really didn’t mean to cause harm to anyone or deliberately exploit.
If I somehow end up in such a ridiculously “stuck” situation, I will try to port out as soon as I can. But ask yourself, if it would happen to you (or anyone)…who wouldn’t try to see what can or can’t be done whilst being in such situation?
I do would like to know if Arenanet can prevent such “stuck” situations from happening as I’m someone who’s also being put off by people that use exploits deliberately.
Again, I’m sorry for any problems I may have caused But I like to point out once more that I didn’t do it on purpose.
Can we go back to (normally) battling in WvW now?
Normal would be nice, can we have our Bay with upgrades back and the orb that someone from Xaoc took a couple of hours ago using the same exploit on Blacktide map? As Blacktide has twice taking the base, once with orb and another time after using this same method clearly using exploits is fine with many people as they brought in about 15 at one point. All walls and gates up both outer and inner and we had searched for mesmer inside and 3 of us started looking again as soon as white swords appeared. Next we knew there were orange swords inside the boss room and about 15 Xaoc there.
As for shots of SR doing questionable stuff, get us their account name from report feature. We’ll make sure they don’t have any guild or help from our server again like we did to the orb thief in a previous match who later went to the enemies servers and stole the orbs because his brother was kicked from a guild since both had same ip. Its a shame ArenaNet is so slow banning when you have screenshots of the guy admitting what he did and saying he is going to go other server and do it back on us, which he did, because we found this unacceptable behaviour. At the very least, you should have someone who knows who your exploiter was a couple hours ago and should shun him and those who thought it was ‘funny’ to steal the Bay.
Are you completely sure, that Xaoc team didn’t attack your gates with classic white sword sneak attack?
And one of random defenders could repair gates.
Yes, I’m sure all outer and inner gates and walls were up. I also have an idea of how Mesmers are getting inside using their skills, but not having played one I can’t say for sure. Hard to say if that system is being used is an ‘exploit’ since it would mean the skill was used as described, but if it is allowed to be used there will never be a reason to bother with taking out walls or doors or buy siege equipment ever again.
I will say as an Elementalist, I discovered a way to get past outer walls of Bay today using only my skills. I can’t say its an exploit because the skill works exactly as described. I guess if my thought about how Mesmers are getting in are true then that wouldn’t be an exploit either. Maybe ArenaNet wants Mesmers to port in a lot of people past walls because they think standing around in a boss room for hours in case its done is a fun thing to do.
yesterday JQ had mesmers underneath bluelake destroying our siege. They destroyed our catapults on the ground and kept shooting our builder.
We all waiting update what fix that.
In that moment u can get all keeps and towers on borderland with mesmer without destroing gates or walls.
Have a patience and remember that even if it look like an exploit it can be usial play style with mesmer.
Dont blame other servers if u dont have proofs.
Yes, I’m sure all outer and inner gates and walls were up. I also have an idea of how Mesmers are getting inside using their skills, but not having played one I can’t say for sure. Hard to say if that system is being used is an ‘exploit’ since it would mean the skill was used as described, but if it is allowed to be used there will never be a reason to bother with taking out walls or doors or buy siege equipment ever again.
I will say as an Elementalist, I discovered a way to get past outer walls of Bay today using only my skills. I can’t say its an exploit because the skill works exactly as described. I guess if my thought about how Mesmers are getting in are true then that wouldn’t be an exploit either. Maybe ArenaNet wants Mesmers to port in a lot of people past walls because they think standing around in a boss room for hours in case its done is a fun thing to do.
It would be wise to assume that anyone can get past the water gate @ bay. Keep a close eye on it.
I’ve also seen quite a few players get stuck inside walls/gates when they were repaired as they were crossing that area. The repair I saw that trapped someone inside the door also locked the Keep Lord outside of his keep! Unfortunately, this happened before I started screenshotting stuff
I know some of this is an exploit or cheating.
But, I played a mesmer to 80, and a hundred skill points past that, so for a while. I have fallen through the map maybe 50 times so far. Some of it is our porting like skills such as the staff. Some of it honestly is crappy design. I remember having to repeat one story quest 5 times because I kept getting knocked through the world by knockback. I fell into a tower once from similar things, and trust me its not nice for us either. I was stuck and couldn’t walk or skill out, and since tower was under attack I couldn’t waypoint out either. Ended up logging and doing that nonsense again.
Some of what we call exploits are exploits and cheaters. I feel though a lot are however game issues. Just something to keep in mind.
Hey folks.
Not sure where this should be placed, but here goes..
Was pottering about in WvWs last night when our garrison kept flashing under attack.
Eventually we found a Mesmer in the actual walls, below our champions (or wtf they are).I`ve found out their name & tried to report as cheating, but there`s no option.
Anyone else had this &/or know Arenanet` position on it?
Have the feeling this one did it on purpose.
They were /laugh etc, whilst attacking our guards etc.
Three of us stood waiting for them to map out for ages, so they weren`t in combat & could`ve easily left, but they didn`t.Hi there, I did wonder whether there would be a post about this.
It was me (on my mesmer) who got stuck under the Dreaming Bay keep yesterday night.I just like to clarify that I have no idea how it happened, but I’ll try to explain the events that led to me being stuck there:
A large group (including me) were attacking the south inner gate at Dreaming Bay. It was being defended so someone put down a Ballista Build Site, just on the edge of the land/water. I had 2 supply left and decided to add them to that Ballista Build Site. I did get there, help build the Ballista, but after I put in my 2 supply and tried to get up and back to the fight I got stuck somwhere under the Ballista Build Site.
No matter what I tried I couldn’t get back up on land. At one point it looked like I was walking on land, but the grass was appearing above my head. After that I did try to see where I could end up;
- I could swim under the whole of the inner keep of Dreaming Bay.
- I could NOT attack any NPC’s/Guards etc (all invulnarable).
- I could attack the gate and other players from under there.I did attack the gate and other players for a while. But even after I stopped attacking I was kept in combat for ages, not allowing me to port back to the Citadel
Eventually I did get out of combat and ported out straight away.
I can understand that it seemed very dodgy and/or could be considered exploiting behavior, but I didn’t deliberately look for a way to get stuck like that, so I certainly didn’t do it on purpose!
At first I was like “what the hell?? how do I get out of here?” I have to admit that I did find it funny when I could attack the gate and/or players and I did laugh on Ventrilo with my gf about it (I didn’t use any emotes btw), but I really didn’t mean to cause harm to anyone or deliberately exploit.
If I somehow end up in such a ridiculously “stuck” situation, I will try to port out as soon as I can. But ask yourself, if it would happen to you (or anyone)…who wouldn’t try to see what can or can’t be done whilst being in such situation?
I do would like to know if Arenanet can prevent such “stuck” situations from happening as I’m someone who’s also being put off by people that use exploits deliberately.
Again, I’m sorry for any problems I may have caused
But I like to point out once more that I didn’t do it on purpose.
Can we go back to (normally) battling in WvW now?
Nah, this wasn`t you.
It was someone from the Riken server, different name etc.
As a mesmer u can hit everything at blue lake legit theres no need to exploit. We tend to try to hide and not let u find us as much as possible… but this seems like a silly way to exploit something we can allready do. Non mesmers confuse the clone as us so much when calling hacks… there is no safe location in the lowerlands for seige.
there are many ways to enter a keep as a mesmer or rogue (exploit), someone made a video, but since we can’t post them here (search for guild wars 2 exploits mcm on youtube)… and Anet, is doing nothing against it as for orb flyback.
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