Mesmers need a decent AOE attack

Mesmers need a decent AOE attack

in WvW

Posted by: Aeros.2046


Mesmers have a huge structural problem in WvW right now. And that problem is they are absolutely critical for zerg maneuvering, (Portals, Temporal Curtains, Veils) as well as zerg defense (Null Field, Feedback). However, to play a Mesmer in WvW is to essentially do it for charity. Mesmers have no effective splash AOE attacks that they can rely on for tagging potential loot bags, especially when compared to say, Eles spamming lighting bolts everywhere, necro wells, engineer grenade spam, guardian staff 1 spam, etc. Which means they don’t tag enemies. And get pathetic amounts of loot. Worse, they are constantly being bugged by commanders for this or that and then berated when they don’t deliver.

This has effectively made the Mesmer the WvW equivalent to a salary man. Overworked, underpaid, and insulted for its efforts.

A simple solution to this would be to make the Scepter 1 attack the equivalent to the Guardian staff 1 attack. Instead of focus firing one person, the attack will instead spawn a clone per swing, and splash AOE 4 other targets within a set radius (say, 500) it will do this for all three Scepter 1 attacks. After which you have the 3 mesmer clones that you can shatter for the rest of the AOE tag.

The attack itself is not onerously damaging, or in my view, game breaking. But it does mean that in fights that the mesmer is in, where his or her team wins, they get more then one or two loot bags.


Mesmers need a decent AOE attack

in WvW

Posted by: Helly.2597


Now this idea isn’t great.

Mesmers have a long range aoe weapon with the greatsword already and short range mesmers can use sword auto attack.

If someones goal is for bags on a mesmer, all they have to do is trait for glamours giving confusion and blind. Blind is useful and confusion does still do damage even after the nerf a while back.

You are asking for a change that isn’t completely needed. I understand it isn’t as easy on a mesmer to tag enemies but its not impossible.

As for mesmers being berated by their commanders; either get a new commander or don’t mess up.

People call me Hobo.
Violent Tendency [vT]
Ferguson’s Crossing Roamer

Mesmers need a decent AOE attack

in WvW

Posted by: Dawdler.8521


A simple solution to this would be to make the Scepter 1 attack the equivalent to the Guardian staff 1 attack. Instead of focus firing one person, the attack will instead spawn a clone per swing, and splash AOE 4 other targets within a set radius (say, 500) it will do this for all three Scepter 1 attacks. After which you have the 3 mesmer clones that you can shatter for the rest of the AOE tag.

What, do you even play Mesmer?

No one want the kitten scepter auto-attack to generate clones. Its one of the core flaws because it wreck builds trying to use it for anything other than shatter. Its completely pointless, you already got a clone generator by the #2 skill anyway.

Having it work like the Guardian staff would be quite awesome because as a long range weapons it suck. People run faster than the bloody orbs fly. Apply weakness or confusion or something on the 3rd attack just like other weapons.

Mesmers need a decent AOE attack

in WvW

Posted by: geist.3980


I make out just fine with my Mesmer. I spam glam skills on the zerg and then my dying clones affect those around them. its enough to fill the bags, but yes running Mesmer is a charity for most zergs as you portal ppl around way to much.

Mesmers need a decent AOE attack

in WvW

Posted by: juno.1840


You have iZerker and you can also use Sigil of Fire on your GS. Both are decent AoE.

Not every class plays the same and there are pros/cons with each. None are perfectly suited for all situations.

If you want AoE without carrying a GS for iZerk then you may just be out of luck — go run a staff ele for spammable AoE (but don’t complain when you have a hard time with quick single target hits, nor the ability to survive while running solo).

EDIT: 1H Sword is also AoE, but in melee range — still it’s an option. Also consider GS2 + F1 for a near-instant AoE tag.

Part of me thinks that someone in ANet was thinking “hey, wanna see something funny? Watch this…”

(edited by juno.1840)

Mesmers need a decent AOE attack

in WvW

Posted by: Kovu.7560


As a Ranger, with nothing to contribute to a zerg outside of a water field, I’m sad that a profession with so much wvw utility would demand more. =(

~ Kovu

Charr Ranger, Necromancer, Thief
Fort Aspenwood. [CREW], [TLC], [ShW], [UNIV]

Mesmers need a decent AOE attack

in WvW

Posted by: sephiroth.4217


Get a fire sigil into that GS of yours

I mostly play for the new Free-For-All arena in PvP lobby.
….. And Elementalist.

Mesmers need a decent AOE attack

in WvW

Posted by: DeadlySynz.3471


Given their ability to stealth in the manner that they do, they do not need a decent AoE attack, not unless their stealth takes a massive hit.

Mesmers need a decent AOE attack

in WvW

Posted by: Ptolemy.5086


Mesmer Aoe: Staff 5, GS 5, feedback, clones. If you need something additional use sigil of fire or torment with AOE proc on crit.
I am not against mesmer receiving better Aoe skill Just think your reason for it kinda kittened. Bags lol. Seriously? Who goes to WVW for loot? Join mindless robots running FS champ train or do few easy Dungeon runs if you need money then go to WVW to kill ppl and have fun. I spend 1-2 g on upgrades, siege, food and repairs in WVW within 2 hours.
Guess i would have to kill whole BG and SOR Zergs few times over to cover my expenses with lootbags
I personally do one COF P1 run a day to cover WvW expenses. Mesmer can run it in 7-10 min with half decent group.

(edited by Ptolemy.5086)

Mesmers need a decent AOE attack

in WvW

Posted by: selan.8354


Now this idea isn’t great.

Mesmers have a long range aoe weapon with the greatsword already and short range mesmers can use sword auto attack.

If someones goal is for bags on a mesmer, all they have to do is trait for glamours giving confusion and blind. Blind is useful and confusion does still do damage even after the nerf a while back.

You are asking for a change that isn’t completely needed. I understand it isn’t as easy on a mesmer to tag enemies but its not impossible.

As for mesmers being berated by their commanders; either get a new commander or don’t mess up.

glmaours?your kidding right? i used to play a glamour mesmer and i cant kill anything with it. confusion is a joke and a mesmer with perplexity cant stack confusion even half as good as a thief,war and engi.
glamours are not viable at all anymore. they are the bottom of the bottom of the absolute bottom.
none of our skills are strong enough to be part of zergfights. all we can do is kitten veil and kitten tw and stand on the side while GWEN fights!
that is neither fun nor is this balance, this is kitten!!!!!!!!!!!

Lv 80 glamour Mesmer Triforce Mesmerpower PU mes,Lv 80 power necro
Isle of Kickaspenwood

Mesmers need a decent AOE attack

in WvW

Posted by: selan.8354


Given their ability to stealth in the manner that they do, they do not need a decent AoE attack, not unless their stealth takes a massive hit.

the only reason u see this much stealth atm is because that is the only way to survive acc spam. on my glamour mes back then i used 0 stealth and with 0 i mean 00000000! stealth doesnt hit any of u, so why u compare apples with oranges makes no sense! we need aoe as we are a light armor class, we are slow, have terrible condi cleansing and no stability. thats already reason enought to qualify for aoe dmg!

Lv 80 glamour Mesmer Triforce Mesmerpower PU mes,Lv 80 power necro
Isle of Kickaspenwood

Mesmers need a decent AOE attack

in WvW

Posted by: selan.8354


I make out just fine with my Mesmer. I spam glam skills on the zerg and then my dying clones affect those around them. its enough to fill the bags, but yes running Mesmer is a charity for most zergs as you portal ppl around way to much.

idk what kind of zergs u are fighting but the zergs i face. i get cced like crazy. if i have clones traited i barely see any numbers and the mass condi cleanse spam with war shouts and all that makes the already weak glamours completely useless. yeah u get a few more tags, but u are only allowed to be part of the zerg because u have veil. other than that u are no threat. i never heard a commander saying oh watch out they got 2 mesmers, make sure u kill them fast. they will go for ele first, then necro and then kill the rest of the GWEN

Lv 80 glamour Mesmer Triforce Mesmerpower PU mes,Lv 80 power necro
Isle of Kickaspenwood

Mesmers need a decent AOE attack

in WvW

Posted by: Eloquence.5207


There is Mind Stab… and it sucks.

“L2P” according to pr0 Thieves
See, Blinding Powder is nothing.

Mesmers need a decent AOE attack

in WvW

Posted by: Chewy.9263


As a Ranger, with nothing to contribute to a zerg outside of a water field, I’m sad that a profession with so much wvw utility would demand more. =(

~ Kovu

Sad, yet so true…
RIP Ranger

There is a thread where suggestions on class balance can be made, so here you go:


Mesmers need a decent AOE attack

in WvW

Posted by: Melanion.4892


50k kills in wvw primarily on a mesmer (running 2-3 hours a night, 4 nights a week since last December). I do just fine with most group play. Yes, if you blob into a mega zerg, you’re not going to get any tags, but any sort of ACTUAL fight will have you AoE a lot of things. Glamour confusion mesmers are not supposed to kill people on their own, they’re supposed to damage the group as a whole so that others have an easier time killing them. Other forms of mesmer will do damage just fine. Running greatsword, you can target someone farther away from you and damage ~5 people in a line towards that person. You have iBerserker through a large clump. You can feedback. You should definitely be getting plenty of tags if that’s all you want.

If you want to be single-target dps heavy, obviously you have a harder time tagging things, but it’s the price you pay. If you want AoE damage, that’s easy enough.

To whoever said they get a lot of CC on them, maybe you’re positioned incorrectly. I always run Blink for the quick escape, but most of the time just knowing where not to run is enough to avoid it. And if your commander never pays attention to two mesmers dishing out damage from the back, they’ve never faced a group with good mesmers (either good through sheer damage or through annoyance). Causing warriors to blow their warhorns and use their condi removal IS effective. It may not seem like it, but it leaves them susceptible to other conditions.

Claude – Pink Fairy Mesmer

Mesmers need a decent AOE attack

in WvW

Posted by: Skyz.4105


The only way to do damage in a zerg fight with mesmer is shatter spikes but is hard to play for the average player and will still not do as much damage as a ele or necro with full zerker, gl mesmers i feel your pain.

Sky–Shatter Mesmer, Guild leader – [IV] The Fourth Legion – r1400+ – 95k+ kills
Seafarer’s Rest Gold Invader [IV]

Mesmers need a decent AOE attack

in WvW

Posted by: Kyu.1290


I think just a buff on the staff #1 atk would be nice (since staff is a great weapon for group fights). Maybe buff the scaling on normal dmg (not to much since it also gives condi’s) on the atk and buff the atk spd of it a bit (at max range you are lucky if they are still standing there when you projectile arrives, it is so slow).
I think this would help out a lot already since the staff #1 atk is a bouncing atk so it has some aoe and some nice buffs for allies. Because now the staff is almost to be used as a melee weapon since otherwise your projectiles will move so slow that the fight is over by the time they reach the enemy.

Other then that I think it should be fine, maybe buff the glamour confusion a little bit again (not a lot tho since we don’t want it to be OP again). Maybe make it 2 stacks instead of 1 or buff the dmg of 1 stack a little bit. Or maybe add a direct dmg tick to them instead? Because imo it is hard to buff the build while not making it OP again in wvw zergs but something should be done.

Mesmers need a decent AOE attack

in WvW

Posted by: selan.8354


now look at that! a mesmer crying that he hasn’t it all ? oooowwwww ….
what next ? crying that you don’t have death shroud ( it seems that is the only thing that you don’t have )

lol u really dont know what its like to be a mesmer in wvw. veilbot. all of u talking about utilities. yeah its veil,tw, mayyyybe feedback which is useless in the current meta. all u do is put veil down and then afk while GWEN goes at it.
we got barely any aoe or any strong attacks that could make us useful in an actual zergfight, apart from veil. the only reason u got a mesmer with u is veil and tw and veil and veil again and veil.
im not saying that rangers and thieves dont need help in wvw. rangers are right down there with us as the pet dies in like 1 aoe hit. thiev has high dmg high escape and can at least pick the eles and necros off, but other than that they lack aoe aswell.
every class has the right to be viable in every game mode and be useful at it. and wvw is about largescale fights not raoming. and in large scale thiev,mes and rangers are left out.
if veil was nerfed, no one would use his mes in zergs ever!

Lv 80 glamour Mesmer Triforce Mesmerpower PU mes,Lv 80 power necro
Isle of Kickaspenwood

Mesmers need a decent AOE attack

in WvW

Posted by: Handin.4032


I get PLENTY of loot by using either the staff AoE or the iZerk. If you want loot, those two weapons are actually great for it! The staff’s auto attack bounces for slow and steady loot, and the AoE is a big AoE (especially if geared for that kind of attack). GS too, with #3,4,5 all being AoE essentially.

The only time as a mesmer I feel like I’m doing it for charity is when I’m hiding in a keep. But then I’m not killing any enemies, so it’s all fair!

TC Golden Dolyak – [DOLY]
Mesmer – FURY
Rank 55 – Bunker Engi, Top 300

Mesmers need a decent AOE attack

in WvW

Posted by: Mochann.5298


You can’t have your cake and eat it, too. Mesmers are already a very powerful class, and you want to give them a super clone generator on scepter, too?

You can already do AOE with iZerker and GS2. Someone mentioned you can also attach Sigil of Fire to your GS. That should be enough. People are saying Eles are spamming lightning everywhere — Mesmer’s GS2 is actually better than Ele’s chain lightning. It’s faster and it can be traited to hit the same number of targets, and gives might stacks to boot. Mesmer Staff 1 is almost the same with one less bounce and is about the same speed as Ele Chain Lightning — so if you don’t want to wait for cooldown of GS2 you can use Staff 1.

Whine whine whine, really do people not try to solve simple problems that have simple solutions?

#ELEtism on Eredon Terrace

(edited by Mochann.5298)

Mesmers need a decent AOE attack

in WvW

Posted by: Straegen.2938


A mesmer in a zerg is a nice to have and not critical. Often they are rally bots so in some cases I would rather they log in with a heavy. That aside, there is no reason they need a zerg centered AoE since they already bring utility to a zerg that no other class can.

There are several classes that are under performing in a zerg capacity and the mesmer is not one of them. Not every class is meant to to everything.

Sarcasm For Hire [SFH]
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”

Mesmers need a decent AOE attack

in WvW

Posted by: Aeros.2046


For the record, my primary toon is a Necromancer. I screwed around with a Mesmer, and absolutely hated it. For the reasons stated in the OP.


Mesmers need a decent AOE attack

in WvW

Posted by: Mochann.5298


It’s a L2P issue then. You can’t always learn the best way to play a class just by screwing around with it for a while.

I play Mesmer and I had no issues with the problems you mentioned — I play Staff and GS. Had no problem tagging things really and killing. My actual problem with Mesmer is the slow run speed. Focus 4 wasn’t enough to get me around all the time unless I did a boon duration build, and no signet for movement speed sucked big time. I also sucked at clearing conditions, but this was offset somewhat just by being awesome at dodging and spamming clones.

Learning to play a class well and screwing around with it for a bit are two entirely different things. Especially when you’re used to a different playstyle (as a Necro), going a different class can be jarring and you can’t just pick it up and play and get the same results instantly. It needs some time and dedication to learn.

#ELEtism on Eredon Terrace

Mesmers need a decent AOE attack

in WvW

Posted by: Requiem.8769


Er, perhaps shatter, our core class mechanic?

Mesmers need a decent AOE attack

in WvW

Posted by: Johje Holan.4607

Johje Holan.4607

Yeah, I gave up on my Mes a long time ago. After Mes I tried Ranger, lol was that ever a mistake.

Then I found Ele. The fairest of them all.

Mesmers need a decent AOE attack

in WvW

Posted by: Bunda.2691


Staff/GS dps build or dire gear + clone-death traits. Both are more than sufficient to rack up lots of tags and contribute to zergs aoe.

Just accept that you need to change your mesmer playstyle in zergs and you’ll be fine.

Mesmers need a decent AOE attack

in WvW

Posted by: Deli.1302


lol u really dont know what its like to be a mesmer in wvw. veilbot. all of u talking about utilities. yeah its veil,tw, mayyyybe feedback which is useless in the current meta. all u do is put veil down and then afk while GWEN goes at it.
we got barely any aoe or any strong attacks that could make us useful in an actual zergfight, apart from veil. the only reason u got a mesmer with u is veil and tw and veil and veil again and veil.

This thread is not about how useful a mesmer is. It’s about mesmers being unable to tag as many people (read: nothing to do with their damage) as other classes. Which is stupid because if you trait for confusion/blind on glamours, your mesmer becomes a tag machine as well as fire sigil on gs like others have already stated.

Mesmers need a decent AOE attack

in WvW

Posted by: BlackDevil.9268


I think the OP wants to make something clear which I also posted in the balance thread:

Odly enough I also must agree on Deli that this thread looks a bit like the OP wants more tags for bags, though I don’t think that’s the main problem the OP is strugling with.

Mesmers need a decent AOE attack

in WvW

Posted by: Roe.3679


I’ve felt that the mesmer role in a zerg is support with elite/utilities and then picking off squishy casters or weak targets with their chosen style of play, be it conditions or shatters or phantasms. There doesn’t seem to be a clear role in something like an organized hammer train type of engagement but they aren’t without options entirely.

Mesmers need a decent AOE attack

in WvW

Posted by: Weaselfierce.5241


Use shatter much?
Mesmer is my most favorite profession to play in WvW.
1 vs 1 DPS can be devastating (there goes the “shatter” thing again)
1 vs many – traited correctly a Mesmer can easily escape uneven fights (yes, I run when I cannot win and laugh as they chase down my clones going the other direction).
1 vs zerg – trait correctly, drop 3-5 clones and shatter them each time; plenty of AOE, plenty of bags; my bag are usually full after 1 good zerg fight.
Mesmers as utility bot: the veil machine. So what if commanders berate you when a veil fails? It’s their own fault for being too far ahead of their Mesmers (yes commanders, Mesmers have the worse movement speed in the game, so it’s your job to make sure they are with the zerg near the front when you want a good veil – learn to slow down once-in-a-while)

My most favorite thing to do in WvW is to identify the enemy commander and turn him/her into a MOA …. LOL

The only thing I wish is that Anet could improve Mesmer movement speed, but I can live with it the way it is now.

Jade Quarry – Shadow Gypsies [SG]
- Thus passed the greatest warrior of our generation -

(edited by Weaselfierce.5241)

Mesmers need a decent AOE attack

in WvW

Posted by: Weaselfierce.5241


…By-the-way, you’re only a veil bot if you want to be one; play your Mesmer the way you want to.
You wanna run with the Hammer train? Play a Warrior… or flank the hammer train with your Mesmer and collect bags, your choice.

Jade Quarry – Shadow Gypsies [SG]
- Thus passed the greatest warrior of our generation -

Mesmers need a decent AOE attack

in WvW

Posted by: BlackDevil.9268


Sorry but what stupid arguments are you bringing up.

’’you’re only a veilbot if you want to be one’’, no you’re a veil-bot because everything else besides that is useless. Sure, roll whatever you want on your mesmer, but don’t expect to play in top guilds with that mind-set.

Rerolling is not a solution for memer being really unbalanced in WvW.

Idk which scrubs you’re fighting, but against decent guilds those clones wont even come close to hitting the enemy. Which leaves yourself with IP alone to hit with shatter.
Your bags are full after 1 fight? How many slots do you have? 20? Even I with RG when farming 80+ guys my bags aren’t even full yet.

You’re bringing up roaming, which is cute because that’s not really the point of this thread as far as I’m concerned. The whole idea of this thread is because mesmer lacks ability’s in Raids/Zergs.

Moa is probably one of the worst skills in game. Not only it’s a very immature skill, it’s totally imbalanced and worthless on many aspects. Not to mention how many times this skill fails.

The ’’only’’ thing anet can do is balance mesmer in WvW so roaming and raiding is equal strength. Not like now, where mesmer is totally superior in roaming and gets more useless every patch in raid.

Mesmers need a decent AOE attack

in WvW

Posted by: Chris.3290


If bags are your goal then you should be in PvE. Mesmers are the unsung heroes and things always go to seed when you don’t have them.

Mesmers need a decent AOE attack

in WvW

Posted by: Stand The Wall.6987

Stand The Wall.6987

If mesmer was given good aoe then we would see “mes trains”.
Everyone in the train traited for mantras, with no way to kill them…

No dude. You are wrong. Please rethink your post.

Team Deathmatch for PvP – Raise the AoE cap for WvW – More unique events for PvE

Mesmers need a decent AOE attack

in WvW

Posted by: Contiguous.1345


I’m proud to be a Mesmer. (when I play it) I love the damage I can do to the backliners. I love the damage I can do to melee.
I love the fact that I’m (almost) unstoppable and unkillable in a zerg-fight. I love the fact that I can reset the fight any time I please.

Veil and portal? I have them occasionally when someone needs my help – but I don’t regard them as anyone else’s utility. I take orders from no-one.

P.S. I find clones are useful only when traited to inflict conditions when killed. Other than that their purpose is to confuse the enemy and cover my position. The shatter mechanic is a nice little bonus if you catch someone close to a couple of clones but it’s not bread-and-butter to me. Phantasms on the other hand are REAL killers if you use them correctly.

Mesmers need a decent AOE attack

in WvW

Posted by: style.6173


@OP: So, let me get this straight…. You want to give the best 1v1 class more power for group fights as well? No. If you want more group support, the 1v1 effectiveness needs to be reduced.

Mesmers need a decent AOE attack

in WvW

Posted by: TooBz.3065


Worse, they are constantly being bugged by commanders for this or that and then berated when they don’t deliver.

If a commander ever berated me for anything they would never get any more help.

That said, I get pretty good tags with the greatsword phantasm.

Anything I post is just the opinion of a very vocal minority of 1.

(edited by TooBz.3065)

Mesmers need a decent AOE attack

in WvW

Posted by: Jocksy.3415


Why are mesmers the only ones ever complaining about being xyz bot…
Wars – Hard CC + banner bot
Guard – Healer bot
Necros – debuff bot
Elem – water + cc bot (and put those AoE’s on the walls!)
Mesmers : veils/portals/debuff bot
Thief – staggler killer and explosions bot (and rallybot)
Engies – water and bomb bot
Ranger – CC bot (and rallybot)

All professions can do much more than what they are used for in WvW – when they are used…

So why complain that “mine doesn’t do enough”, when at least it is wanted in most settings?

Mesmers need a decent AOE attack

in WvW

Posted by: Tongku.5326


Why are mesmers the only ones ever complaining about being xyz bot…
Wars – Hard CC + banner bot
Guard – Healer bot
Necros – debuff bot
Elem – water + cc bot (and put those AoE’s on the walls!)
Mesmers : veils/portals/debuff bot
Thief – staggler killer and explosions bot (and rallybot)
Engies – water and bomb bot
Ranger – CC bot (and rallybot)

All professions can do much more than what they are used for in WvW – when they are used…

So why complain that “mine doesn’t do enough”, when at least it is wanted in most settings?

I play all the classes you mentioned except ranger. And I can tell you, that having veil / portal on your utility bar is like having no utilities.

Go ahead, play your war, necro or whatever and just blank/empty 2 utility slots, you will get the drift of it.

Also just to give you some examples from my own gameplay

necro boon strips and plague – high dmg, high tag and you can still run same build in small group / large group with relatively few adjustments. I get about 10x to 20x more tags for loot on my necro then on my mes. even when i set up the mes to mass tag, which is pretty difficult due to portal and veil.

my guard is a healy bunker, commander/frontline build, brings MAD stability, cleanses, stunbreakers and between staff and GS, it is the toon I get most loot on in WvW hands down. nothing else comes close.

my war is also frontline, CC and survivability and mobility for days, practically can’t be immobilized and chills cripples on him are a joke. does a lot of damage, loot tagging is on par with my necro though the application is more direct and requires far less planning/set-up.

I can give you hundreds of examples but its all been said before so just google it or see youtube.

What I would like to run on my mesmer is Mantra of Concentration for stun-break group stability on low CD, Decoy or Blink, then nullfield or feedback then mass invis. What I have to run on my mesmer is veil, portal and timewarp, leavign 1 spot for me.

This is the reason why I retired my mesmer from WvW, and I am not the only 1. There are MANY of us.

Heavy Deedz – COSA – SF

Mesmers need a decent AOE attack

in WvW

Posted by: Brutal Augus.5917

Brutal Augus.5917

Please don’t. For the love of kittens don’t do that. One of the best people I roam with plays mesmer and even though doing this would probably make us nearly impossible to take down in small group combat, this would just make them completely overpowered, and to be honest I couldn’t morally feel good about advocating this.

[varX] Limitless Potential

Mesmers need a decent AOE attack

in WvW

Posted by: Fuzzion.2504


Buff Mesmers for more lootbags???

Fuzzionx [SF]
Guest member of [LOVE]
JQ official Prime Minister

Mesmers need a decent AOE attack

in WvW

Posted by: Stand The Wall.6987

Stand The Wall.6987

Why are mesmers the only ones ever complaining about being xyz bot…
Wars – Hard CC + banner bot
Guard – Healer bot
Necros – debuff bot
Elem – water + cc bot (and put those AoE’s on the walls!)
Mesmers : veils/portals/debuff bot
Thief – staggler killer and explosions bot (and rallybot)
Engies – water and bomb bot
Ranger – CC bot (and rallybot)

All professions can do much more than what they are used for in WvW – when they are used…

So why complain that “mine doesn’t do enough”, when at least it is wanted in most settings?

I am not a bot! I am a real man!
(the prisoner references anyone)

Team Deathmatch for PvP – Raise the AoE cap for WvW – More unique events for PvE

Mesmers need a decent AOE attack

in WvW

Posted by: dzeRnumbrd.6129


As a Ranger, with nothing to contribute to a zerg outside of a water field, I’m sad that a profession with so much wvw utility would demand more. =(

~ Kovu

Entangle, Muddy terrain, Barrage, Spirits and an assortment of traps say hi.

Mesmers need a decent AOE attack

in WvW

Posted by: dzeRnumbrd.6129


I actually don’t use my mesmer for exactly this reason. Glamour AoE confusion traits don’t proc enough confusion to make it worthwhile.

I like to see numbers and I don’t feel I’m contributing unless I see multi thousands of damage hitting 5 players.

iZerk does some damage but compared to my necro/engineer/ele/guardian/warrior bleh.

Being a veil slave is really boring – because you give people an awesome advantage and then stand back while they kill everyone and take all the loot.

Mesmers need a decent AOE attack

in WvW

Posted by: selan.8354


Sorry but what stupid arguments are you bringing up.

’’you’re only a veilbot if you want to be one’’, no you’re a veil-bot because everything else besides that is useless. Sure, roll whatever you want on your mesmer, but don’t expect to play in top guilds with that mind-set.

Rerolling is not a solution for memer being really unbalanced in WvW.

Idk which scrubs you’re fighting, but against decent guilds those clones wont even come close to hitting the enemy. Which leaves yourself with IP alone to hit with shatter.
Your bags are full after 1 fight? How many slots do you have? 20? Even I with RG when farming 80+ guys my bags aren’t even full yet.

You’re bringing up roaming, which is cute because that’s not really the point of this thread as far as I’m concerned. The whole idea of this thread is because mesmer lacks ability’s in Raids/Zergs.

Moa is probably one of the worst skills in game. Not only it’s a very immature skill, it’s totally imbalanced and worthless on many aspects. Not to mention how many times this skill fails.

The ’’only’’ thing anet can do is balance mesmer in WvW so roaming and raiding is equal strength. Not like now, where mesmer is totally superior in roaming and gets more useless every patch in raid.

ty finally someone that gets it. im part of a zergbusting guild and yes shatterer does not work vs outnumbered or organized guilds. i refuse to reroll as a warrior only because of balance fails. every class should be viable and not just a ganker or 1v1 roaming class or be veilbots. fighting vs zergs is what i like and why i play. and before glamour nerf and tons of other nerfs, mes was viable and not a veilbot. a mindless 111 spam zerg had to be careful if they faced a coordinated guild with lots of mesmers, but then the nerfs kicked in hard and other classes got big buffs. well hellooooou to veilbot role.
only because of spvp and wvw balance being the same our class seems to not ever get a bone fore wvw at all.clones are ai and ai is terribad in wvw.

Lv 80 glamour Mesmer Triforce Mesmerpower PU mes,Lv 80 power necro
Isle of Kickaspenwood

Mesmers need a decent AOE attack

in WvW

Posted by: selan.8354


Why are mesmers the only ones ever complaining about being xyz bot…
Wars – Hard CC + banner bot
Guard – Healer bot
Necros – debuff bot
Elem – water + cc bot (and put those AoE’s on the walls!)
Mesmers : veils/portals/debuff bot
Thief – staggler killer and explosions bot (and rallybot)
Engies – water and bomb bot
Ranger – CC bot (and rallybot)

All professions can do much more than what they are used for in WvW – when they are used…

So why complain that “mine doesn’t do enough”, when at least it is wanted in most settings?

those examples are not bots at all.

ranger has same issues in wvw. everything that has ever be strong was nerfed to non viable right away. organized guilds dont allow rangers with them. he is not even viable as a bot at this point.

war: does great dmg, the more u have the better, u got cc u got condi cleans, u got tons of aoe attacks, lots of toughness, lots of hp and on top of that high resistance vs condis and great mobility. thats not a bot. that is the meta and u get to fight and loot and have fun.

guard: is not bot either. yes they help with boons and all that, but they got aoe, they get to fight in large groups and have fun.

ele: has aoe that can deal massive dmg, they heal they cleanse they cc and yes they can play and have fun. they are no bots


i think u really dont get the point of bot at all. being a veilbot means that is the only thing that sets u appart from the other classes, the only reason why people have 1-2 mes in a zerg. its veil and tw, nothing else. u have to bring it or you are not useful for a zerg. being useful in a zerg means u can contribute to the overall dmg u can do to a big group. aoe dmg is very important in wvw and therefore every class should have access to it in wvw.
our phantasms and shaters are not viable as they are no threat to a a large group at all. u are lucky if u get yur berserker to hit properly. most of the time it gets cc’ed, dies right after its spawns, gets the los bug or simply get evaded.
c’mon mesmers are no threat in a zerg at all. if your group gets wiped its not like u hear them say: darn they had a lot of mesmers thats why they got us this time..(which used to be the case before glmour nerf)
now its: oh they had soo many necros, gotta watch out next time, or woah they all run war and guards…or oh they had a lot of glassy eles with them. its because those 4 classes get to deal massive dmg and also support in a zerg. we cant, we are only there for veil, not to deal dmg.
that is a veilbot. if veil was nerfed, mes would join ranger as least useful class in large fights.

Lv 80 glamour Mesmer Triforce Mesmerpower PU mes,Lv 80 power necro
Isle of Kickaspenwood

Mesmers need a decent AOE attack

in WvW

Posted by: Weaselfierce.5241


Sorry but what stupid arguments are you bringing up.

" …but don’t expect to play in top guilds with that mind-set.

Rerolling is not a solution for memer being really unbalanced in WvW.

Idk which scrubs you’re fighting "

I do not play in a top guild and I’m always fighting scrubs? What other brilliant insight do you have into your lack of knowledge about me?

Jade Quarry – Shadow Gypsies [SG]
- Thus passed the greatest warrior of our generation -