Minimum lvl requirement for wvw?
Why does it matter? You just ball up in a zerg and run around face rolling anyways. Low level as valuable as anyone else in that setup.
Low level as valuable as anyone else in that setup.
Haha not at all… A level 5 character can do extremely little. A level 80 is about equal to 5 level 5 chars – especially if its a good player.
But anyway, you’re right it doesnt really matter. WvW should definetly not have a level requirement. Many people do WvW only even when leveling. Its worked perfectly fine for the past 2 years and havent hurt WvW at all. Personally I’m a little surprised that many people even stomach playing WvW without a level 80, I cant even tolerate being level 60 because you’re so kitten weak. But hey they do. Kudos to them for running around as cannon fodder.
Why does it matter? You just ball up in a zerg and run around face rolling anyways. Low level as valuable as anyone else in that setup.
Imagine…. you’ve got a zerg/small group on the go. You come across the enemy zerg with roughly the same numbers. All of the opposing players are lvl 80 whilst your group are a mixture of say; X lvl 80’s, X lvl 10-35’s and X amount of lvl 50’s thrown in. I don’t have to tell you the result of that encounter now do I?
So, if you make the requirement lvl 50 then it evens thing’s out a bit and makes thing’s a bit more interesting does it not?
Why does it matter? You just ball up in a zerg and run around face rolling anyways. Low level as valuable as anyone else in that setup.
Imagine…. you’ve got a zerg/small group on the go. You come across the enemy zerg with roughly the same numbers. All of the opposing players are lvl 80 whilst your group are a mixture of say; X lvl 80’s, X lvl 10-35’s and X amount of lvl 50’s thrown in. I don’t have to tell you the result of that encounter now do I?
So, if you make the requirement lvl 50 then it evens thing’s out a bit and makes thing’s a bit more interesting does it not?
How would it make things more interesting?
Lets say for arguments sake it was 20 level 80 against 10 level 80, 5 level 50 and 5 level 10-35.
With your level requirement in place it would just plain be 20 vs 15 (of which 5 is still useless).
Was that any more interesting? I dont think I need to tell you the result of that engagement either.
Low level as valuable as anyone else in that setup.
Haha not at all… A level 5 character can do extremely little. A level 80 is about equal to 5 level 5 chars – especially if its a good player.
But anyway, you’re right it doesnt really matter. WvW should definetly not have a level requirement. Many people do WvW only even when leveling. Its worked perfectly fine for the past 2 years and havent hurt WvW at all. Personally I’m a little surprised that many people even stomach playing WvW without a level 80, I cant even tolerate being level 60 because you’re so kitten weak. But hey they do. Kudos to them for running around as cannon fodder.
If you’re in a massive blob, then yes, a dozen low levels won’t make any difference. Besides I always level up my lowbies with karma training, PVD is great exp.
It is not what you do, but how and why you do it that counts.
A few things,
- WvW levelers aren’t lazy, they just find world exploration boring and after the first character I did too, if you can stomach multiple map exloration then good on you. Unless it’s Ktrain, WvW generally is slower to level than map completion. If it’s Ktrain, then who really cares?
-Lowbies in WvW matters greatly, not only are they contributing less to the overall to the zerg due to their traits not fully functioning yet, but also the fact that they die quite often (minus the people who go out of their way to make their characters “tanky” with upscaled stats). When they do drop like flies (majority of them) they basically ressed a bunch of people on the other zerg. However this is only a disadvantage if only one side has up levels and the other doesn’t. Ususally up levels will get blamed for after a wipe if anyone even seen one of them, it’s never becaue people aren’t paying attention, stacking, and almost never the WvW commander’s fault.
Low levels are just rally bots.
Low levels are just rally bots.
So are a lot of level 80’s, mostly PvErs coming into wvw looking for map completion or something to do with a legendary. I propose no PvErs allowed in wvw, then we can karma train at night and not get wiped by lord anymore. kthxbai
It is not what you do, but how and why you do it that counts.
LvL80,low lvls are only ok in karma trains were you only fighting doors
Low level as valuable as anyone else in that setup.
Haha not at all… A level 5 character can do extremely little. A level 80 is about equal to 5 level 5 chars – especially if its a good player.
But anyway, you’re right it doesnt really matter. WvW should definetly not have a level requirement. Many people do WvW only even when leveling. Its worked perfectly fine for the past 2 years and havent hurt WvW at all. Personally I’m a little surprised that many people even stomach playing WvW without a level 80, I cant even tolerate being level 60 because you’re so kitten weak. But hey they do. Kudos to them for running around as cannon fodder.
A level 80 that is at least any good could take 10-20 level 5s. I mean, you can basically swing an axe at each one (oh hey, cleave, so 3 at a time!) and they’ll drop.
I don’t mind uplevels in WvW, but they should probably go to EotM rather than the main WvW maps if they’re just there to level. The rewards and XP there are much higher, and experienced WvW players will gleefully pounce on uplevel trains for the bags in the main maps anyway.
Personally and I think maybe quite a few people would agree with me, that there needs to be a minimum level requirement to enter wvw. Far too many (new) people now-a-days are too dam lazy to level up exploring map’s/doing events/learning the game etc so they join wvw and leech X amount of levels without helping the zerg/server gain valuable points in the league.
I think a reasonable level ought to be around lvl 50 at least so that they can help the zerg/server.Thoughts…….?
1. Don’t blame people for thinking that PvE map completion is boring as kitten, for some of us it’s the umpteenth time around.
2. Don’t blame players for Anet’s horrid rally system that revives a player if they had so much as sneezed in the dead enemy’s direction.
3. Don’t blame players for the terrible and long lamented commander/squad system that sentences groups to either Ctrl+T multi party groups or massive vague blobs.
4. See point 3. Get in a guild group, at least they have some control over who shows up to their raids. Can’t complain about scrubby rally bots when you put up a pug magnet.
I know some uplevels that were far more useful than some 80’s i know…
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing
tbh if u take it just a litle serious you have to be lvl 80 with ascended equip.
but then you wont run around those public balls, so there’s no problem with others being upscaled.
I’d even miss the moments a low lvl thief/war/whatever (i prefere bearbows ranger at this point^^) who jump at you when u just pass ignoreing them and 1 sec later they lie dead on ground…
Finally, if some day WvW get to the Point where its real competetive Challenge between Server (or what ever) and there is a general strategy going on- yes, then i’d agree to make it lvl 80 only.
but i’ve given up this hope long time ago…(please suprise me anet!!!!)
PVD from lvl 1 but when fights starts the 80.
I kept a lvl80 thief busy on my upscaled lvl38 mesmer yesterday- in the end he got so bored not being able to gank players coming out of our respawn that he respawned himself. And I also got to time my dodges based on his skill use which will help in full wvw in due course.
Also, with 900+ ranks, I can happily man siege.
However, I only go into main wvw if I’m getting ready to switch to my current main (staff ele), otherwise for levelling, karma etc it’s WAY better to be in EoTM, so i tend to level new toons in there.
More surprising is the huge number of lvl80 toons that are clueless about their class and can’t even stack, blast or bring group utility skills along.
A level 1 toon that actually participate in wvw like siege building and reporting enemy zergs positions are way better for wvw then 80s showing off their ascended gears and whatnot. Some 80s are way more terrible then uplevels.
Just my 2 cents on this matter.
Madness Rises [Rise] – Banners Hold.
Don’t argue with idiots, they pull you down their level and own you with experience.
Would be good if they made it so you need to be lvl 30 or 40 to enter queue.
Would be good if they made it so you need to be lvl 30 or 40 to enter queue.
Why such arbitrary levels?
If we assume that any upscale is pretty much only useful as a siege camper, supply carrier, backline zerg cannonfodder or possibly scout (that’s going to be cannonfodder if he engage anything) then why 30 or 40? By that time you may not have all your skills, but you should be more than proficient with the basic class and he will perform all these roles just as well as a level 10.
I could maybe see some point with it at 5/10 to allow players to get their bearings in PvE first, but I fail to see the point of dragging it out to 30/40. So what’s your argument for it? Aside from the fact it “would be good”.
Uplevels are fine. A few weeks ago I was playing very late on a weekday night/morning and wanted to take our keep back in EBG. I was running with a bunch of uplevels and didn’t even know it at the time. We’d taken back the 3 towers closest to our main keep when I suggested we take the keep. “No, we’re a bunch of uplevels,” was the reply. “We’ll get crushed!” I have no idea why they thought they could take Durios, Langor, and Bravost, but not the main keep, but I talked them into it, and we did it. Just 6 of us- me on my mez, and a guild group of 5 uplevels. Granted, we were just about the only ones on the map at the time, but it went smooth as butter and they learned a bit of strategy at the same time. When they come back as lvl 80’s, they’ll be great.
The thing about being an uplevel is knowing your weaknesses and playing to your strengths. I’ve been bringing in a staff ele uplevel from time to time and been contributing quite a bit. Laying down and blasting fields, taking out arrow carts, cutting off enemy players from their zerg with skills like unsteady ground, and knowing where to place myself and what skills to use to avoid being a rally bot. Plus the shared Wxp means I get mastery and guard stacks.
Would it be better if I was 80 and not hitting like a wet noodle? Of course. Doesn’t mean I’m going to suffer through pve to play the one aspect of the game I enjoy.
I propose no PvErs allowed in wvw
Come on, you have no idea how satisfying it is to stomp one of those PvE dudes when all they wanted was to get that Dredge skill point..
Commander – Jam Death [Jd]
Fissure of Woe
Everybody hurt the wvw is he is on my side and not lvl 80 with proper gear and build. Upleveled enemy is just a free kill.
Just the WvW
They can’t place a minimum level for WvW. There are traits and skill points to unlock before 80.
Personally and I think maybe quite a few people would agree with me, that there needs to be a minimum level requirement to enter wvw. Far too many (new) people now-a-days are too dam lazy to level up exploring map’s/doing events/learning the game etc so they join wvw and leech X amount of levels without helping the zerg/server gain valuable points in the league.
I think a reasonable level ought to be around lvl 50 at least so that they can help the zerg/server.Thoughts…….?
I think level 20/30 would be the most reasonable. By that level you got the most crucial stuff unlocked: weapon switch, class mechanics, all 3 utility slots ( and your elite). and chances are that you already have some skills unlocked aswell.
Traitwise it is hard to say. some specs may have really important grandmasters, for which you have to be lvl 80 now, others may need less than that. The difference in terms of raw stats can be pretty big, but that issue could be circumvented by giving the upleveled players some sort of stat-compensation for every trait point theyre missing.
Other than that anet should just fix their horrible, kitten-tier uplevel system. Bring all gear, no matter what color and level, statwise (weapon damage and armor aswell) up to exotic lvl80 in WvW, add the missing tertiary stats and it would be fine.
Gunnar’s Hold
This should not happen. WvW is designed to be the accessible pvp format in gw2.
This should not happen. WvW is designed to be the accessible pvp format in gw2.
Technically sPvP is the acessible and balanced pvp format for all levels. Even tho I agree that there should be no level requirement, your argument is pretty much invalid.
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing
It is designed as a mix between pvp and pve. Spvp is much more reliant on individual skill than wvw because of the small team sizes and that comes out to wvw being more friendly and accessible for new players.
Patton: What’s the matter with you?
Soldier Who Gets Slapped: I… I guess I… I can’t take it sir.
Patton: What did you say?
Soldier Who Gets Slapped: It’s my nerves, sir. I… I… I just can’t stand the shelling anymore.
Patton: Your nerves? Well, hell, you’re just a God-kitten ed coward.
[Soldier starts sniveling]
Patton: [Slaps him, once forehanded, then backhanded on the rebound]
Patton: Shut up! I won’t have a yellow kitten sitting here crying in front of these brave men who have been wounded in battle!
[Soldier snivels some more, and Patton swings a vicious forehand slap, knocking his helmet away]
Patton: Shut up!
[to the doctors]
Patton: Don’t admit this yellow kitten. There’s nothing wrong with him. I won’t have sons-of-kittenes who are afraid to fight stinking up this place of honor!
[to soldier]
Patton: You’re going back to the front, my friend. You may get shot, and you may get killed, but you’re going up to the fighting. Either that, or I’m going to stand you up in front of a firing squad. I ought to shoot you myself, you god-kitten ed… kitten! Get him out of here!
[pulls his service automatic. At that, the doctors leap forward and hustle the soldier out of the tent. Patton keeps shouting at the soldier’s back]
Patton: Take him up to the front! You hear me? You God-kitten ed coward!
[Takes deep breath]
Patton: I won’t have cowards in my army.
What about those of us that dont PvE and actually do contribute in WvW be it zerging upgrading scouting sieging etc. cause thats me all my toons have been lvl’d in WvW but leech i do not!!!! Of course u gonna have uplvls that turn into rally bots but will also have uplvls that turn the enemy into rally bots as well
Jade Quarry
Know your roll,and shut your hole!!!!!!!!
(edited by bigchief.2417)
uplvl with ac mastery and feet cover in bags FTW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jade Quarry
Know your roll,and shut your hole!!!!!!!!
WvW is bleeding players and this dude wants to keep them out…lol
I mean, uplevels still offer CC. I made a new guardian just for the sake of knocking level 80s off eotm (10/10 would recommend). They do less damage though obviously. I personally only leveled 1 of my 5 80s through PvE because I find PvE boring. Don’t punish people like myself because of that.
Tyronee Biggums- Warrior SBI
“If fifty people say a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing”-Bertrand Russell