Mist Warrior Dialouge

Mist Warrior Dialouge

in WvW

Posted by: Kali.6209


So i was listening to the mist warriors in LA and they said something like. “i’ve seen so many people step through that portal and never come back” “thats evils work you’ll recognize them by how they kill. with out purpose need or gratitude” Anet’s clever refrence to the lack of incentive in wvw? lol?

Mist Warrior Dialouge

in WvW

Posted by: frostflare.6390


I find this absolutly funny. You drew a great parallel. But to be honest I think anet put those lines in to pull in PVE players and entice Roleplayers. From the sounds of it, the mists wars are not like PVP where it’s a simple battle for glory. The mist wars are wars, and to your server, your defending your world, your reality against an onslought of evil doers. And let’s be honest here-if its red, its automaticaly evil. Anet trained us well.