Mobile Spawn Point

Mobile Spawn Point

in WvW

Posted by: Apathy.6430


After playing Planetside 2 for the past week or so, which is basically WvW with guns, mobile spawn points really make the game feel more focused.

It serves multiple purposes…one, it directs the flow of the masses. This is probably the most important. It makes it easier for the herd to focus on one point rather than be scattered around and left alone at the portals.

Two, it speeds up the pace. My biggest gripe with WvW is that it can easily turn into 10 minutes of walking followed by 10 seconds of combat, then another 10 minutes of walking after you die. Perhaps there would need to be a slight timer (20 seconds?) to respawn at a mobile spawn instead of a waypoint.

Three, it adds many tactical applications. WvW even has the set up in place, with supply and blueprints. It would become a tactic to build one in an intelligent place that is easy to defend. On the defenders side, they could make use of their siege weapons, or a small group of defenders could sneak behind to take it out.

I don’t know…they just add a LOT to Planetside 2, and I think they could work well in this game as it is essentially the same thing, and this game already has mechanics that could easily support it.

Mobile Spawn Point

in WvW

Posted by: Apathy.6430


For those that haven’t played Planetside 2…

The mobile spawn point is a vehicle that costs a fairly high amount of resources and has a 20 minute cooldown (per player), along with a moderate cost to unlock.

You drive it to a spot and deploy it (or, in GW2 case, set up the blueprint somewhere then use supply to build it). Once it is deployed, another one cannot be deployed within a large radius to keep people from stacking a bunch of them.

Mobile Spawn Point

in WvW

Posted by: HyTman.2719


I would love this idea! A blueprint and then it can be upgraded to reduce the timer.

Though I think 20 second timer is far too short, maybe 1 minutes for standard and 45 seconds for upgraded. This is viable because dead players are still punished by the repair bill.

Sea of Sorrows [SoS]
Team Shatter [TS]

Mobile Spawn Point

in WvW

Posted by: Kajetan.3146


I think it wouldnt work simply because it would allow for people to put spawnpoints inside areas such as far away keeps. Then when the keep is attacked they would just use their spawn point. Also, it defeats the purpose of an even battlefield as you will be able to hold the farthest away keep from your spawn very easily when you take it (and it’s fully deranked) and be able to come back very quick if your zerg wipes breaking a tactical aspect of the game

Mobile Spawn Point

in WvW

Posted by: Apathy.6430


I think it wouldnt work simply because it would allow for people to put spawnpoints inside areas such as far away keeps. Then when the keep is attacked they would just use their spawn point. Also, it defeats the purpose of an even battlefield as you will be able to hold the farthest away keep from your spawn very easily when you take it (and it’s fully deranked) and be able to come back very quick if your zerg wipes breaking a tactical aspect of the game

Then don’t let them be built inside the walls of a fort.

Mobile Spawn Point

in WvW

Posted by: Azaruil.3406


The mobile spawn points in Planetside 2 exist because the map is huge. If you wanted to run from one end to the other, it would take you a few hours. The same can be done in 3 minutes in GW2. The maps are already too small as it is, don’t need to make it even easier for zergs to travel around the map.

“I smell like pomegranate.”

Mobile Spawn Point

in WvW

Posted by: Parthis.2091


The maps are too small for mobile spawns to be balanced effectively.

Personally I’d like the ability to spawn on a commander (any commander), which applies a debuff to prevent it for 30 minutes. It could be used tactically, but not abused.

Commander Amayasu Gerani, Guardian.
Leader of [JDGE] on Gandara EU.
A GW2 API for Objective-C –

Mobile Spawn Point

in WvW

Posted by: Bash.7291


Maybe having a limit to one per map might work. Also make it so if it is destroyed another one cant be set up for another hour. Also would need something to make it so random trolls cant waste it, such as a high end guild perk like the guild golems or require some other pre-req. Also make a combat radius around it that if there is pvp combat within a certain radius it cannot be used.

Living Dead Girl ~ Necro

Mobile Spawn Point

in WvW

Posted by: Lexander.4579


u already have that, its called mesmer’s portals

Alex Shadowdagger – Thief – Blacktide

Mobile Spawn Point

in WvW

Posted by: Fixeon.5076


This would only make matters worse in WvW. All this would do is give more power to which ever server has more people active at the time. More people active means this is more likely to be available. It also means that attacking forces could spawn right outside the keep they are trying to take or defenders spawning inside the keep they own. There would no longer be home field advantage (so to say) on boarderlands. Very few guilds would ever be pushed out of Hills (because of the lords room design) and trying to take Stonemist would be a joke unless you attack when they have no one online.

You could always put a contested timer on it like waypoints but then…. whats the point you can already buy waypoints for defense now all you are doing is buffing attackers even more.

Another thing is these would have be big clunky and easy to spot otherwise they would just be abused as another way to ninja towers/keeps.

Fixeon – Guardian
Umberage of Death – Thief
~~~Sanctum of Rall~~~

Mobile Spawn Point

in WvW

Posted by: buki.3108


It works in PS2 because the maps are ginormous :P These maps are small after you get used to them.