Moments of WvW awesomeness

Moments of WvW awesomeness

in WvW

Posted by: Fraggle.1236


Just wanted to share a little experience I had a couple of days ago that made me smile.

I don’t WvW much, but I’m determined to actually get a monthly for November, just so I’ve done it – (I missed October’s frantically trying to complete the WvW requirement), so I was playing it a couple of days ago to get it done (which I did. 3 fractals to go!!)

I’m on Vabbi and we suck at WvW, but we were holding our own that day and were assaulting Bravost Escarpment held by Ruins of Surmia I think (we held Durios Gulch). They had a cannon or two I think, and we didn’t have much by the way of siege weaponry, so most of the fight was really them trying to push us away, as we really weren’t getting anywhere with taking the fort itself. It was fun to see the ebb and flow of the fight, and we were starting to get on top of the battle, mostly keeping them pinned inside the fort, but then all of a sudden a DE spawned a champion grub right in the middle of our impromptu staging post!!

I’ll never forget the chaos of trying to damage the fortifications, put down enemy charges AND deal with this grub that kept spawning adds.

Your turn.