More Marks

More Marks

in WvW

Posted by: Deamhan.9538


In short, I’m barely getting them. I’m putting out plenty of damage, conditions, and stomping. Yet I mostly get claws and some coin. Now on my main I seem to get them much more often but currently on my alts, barely anything.

Do you get reduced amounts if you are not max level? Right now I’m trying to level them in WvW and are both not over lvl 20 as their actual level.

Seriously, you up level so that even new characters can do some good in WvW yet, don’t reward them for doing just that. It’s out right hypocritical.

It’s not just the marks that make it hypocritical as well. You level faster in pve as well. At least the slow level would be worth it if marks were obtained more regularly. This way, by the time you do finally reach lvl 80, you’ll have the marks to kit yourself out with them. At the rate it’s going now, not only will it take twice as long to hit lvl 80 in WvW but you’ll still have to grind out marks to finish kitting out your character.

More Marks

in WvW

Posted by: Uther Deathhand.1570

Uther Deathhand.1570

So when you say marks do you mean badges of honor? If so then the problem maybe that you are not tagging as many people because as a low level you don’t do as much damage. Also just because you are WvWing doesn’t mean you need badges to get armor, trinkets, and weapons. You can craft, do dungeons, or get them off the TP. Lastly WvW can be a very fast way to level if you run with a good group such as a dedicated WvW guild or if you have a karma train running.

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