More legendary defenders!!

More legendary defenders!!

in WvW

Posted by: Anlashok.1548


Not sure if this should be in the suggestion forum or not, but I had an idea and was curious about what others thought.


That is kind of how I view legendary defenders, if you have ever played the game shogun total war game you know exactly what I mean.

My idea is this:

As a defender is defending a keep, each time the timer ticks down For A successful defense there is chance that a legendary defender( Possibly more depending on number attackers) will spawn at the spawn area for that server or the tower/keep under assault.

The chance of one spawning should be very low initially but take into account number of attackers vs number of defenders.

So in the scenarios in my head a small coordinated team that takes a keep in a moderate to even long amount of time should have a very low chance of seeing one. A large force that takes a keep quickly would also be unlikely to see one. But a large force that is being consecutively held off by a much smaller force should have an increased chance for one or more to be attracted to the fight and help the defenders. Really would not change how things are done but it means a large “zerg” will have to be prepared for more eventualities

More legendary defenders!!

in WvW

Posted by: Hrist.8972


Sounds somewhat good. It’s a pain to try defend a tower with small force even with great deal of siege weapons as long as the attacking force is huge, it makes staying to defend with few friends feel like waste of time. The attackers will come through that door, no matter how well you try to defend and usually it’s pretty quick since doors won’t hold at all against 15+ players.

Hrist Unriht – [Hovi] Unseelie Court – Seafarer’s Rest EU

More legendary defenders!!

in WvW

Posted by: Strange.9607


Game already has this implemented through the the bug of invincible lords.
Try breaking into Garrison only to find the lord invulnerable.

Not a good idea.

[CRS]Strange Tw (Mesmer)
Member of Henge of Denravi

More legendary defenders!!

in WvW

Posted by: Canoas.8423


Horrible idea. All that would do is create even more snowballing. Right now the longer you have the keep for the higher the upgrades will be and the more siege weapons it will have, so a group of 10 could even stop 30 people.

More legendary defenders!!

in WvW

Posted by: Anlashok.1548


This is the point just to make it so asmall amount of people have areason to stay and defend. This would mean an uncoordinatEd zerg would be possibly punished for badly falling to take a location.