More rewards

More rewards

in WvW

Posted by: Knight.1084


After finding out there was no award for taking over every single castle/area/town/etc in the game I quit it.

I’m just saying in my opinion that you should get a chest, some gold or some rare items or something…

Something other than xp anyway.

So its like more of a completion.
You know that when you finish everything there is an reward.
Or as it currently is: When you finish everything it all resets and the other team takes back everything making you think what you just did was useless and won’t spend as much time on the game

More rewards

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


You do get silver, karma, XP, world XP (which will turn into chests next patch), and loot bags. Also possible progression to your daily achievement which earns laurels, XP, silver, karma jugs, and yet still more random things like those gold coins and black lion salvage kits.

I imagine there’s somethin about fun and working together to overcome great odds as well.

WvW rewards still isn’t as profitable as other ventures in the game but it has been gettin better and still continues to do so.

Gate of Madness

More rewards

in WvW

Posted by: HeliaXDemoN.1208


IMO. A big chest(on the floor) for take SM, small chest(screen chest) for a Keep and for take a tower or camps normal event reward is fine.


More rewards

in WvW

Posted by: Pendragon.8735


I advanced this idea months ago. At the very least SM and each major garrison should offer a bonus chest with a rare, on par with world event bosses.

WvW players are usually losing income just playing the mode as intended. I doubt a change like that would cause anything drastic, like constant castle/keep flipping. Not as if that kind of doesn’t already happen due to Wxp being a disincentive to defend.

More rewards

in WvW

Posted by: HeliaXDemoN.1208


I advanced this idea months ago. At the very least SM and each major garrison should offer a bonus chest with a rare, on par with world event bosses.

WvW players are usually losing income just playing the mode as intended. I doubt a change like that would cause anything drastic, like constant castle/keep flipping. Not as if that kind of doesn’t already happen due to Wxp being a disincentive to defend.

PvE players grind like hell and get a LOT of gold doing the same think all the time.

My friend only play PvE basically he have more than 2 legendary weapons and a lot thinks and I only play WvW having only 14 gold now :-|