Most Imbalanced Match in GW2 History?
Gate of Madness has been there a few times.
I wouldn’t get used to it though. I’m sure your server will get its chance to be the residence of the masses of zerging morons sooner or later.
[FcTR] on Maguuma
It could be the most lopsided match since the one week games started, and no it’s not fun .. not for anyone. It sucks what happened to HoD and ET, but whats done is done. There will be more “fall from glory” and “rise from the ashes” scenarios in the future I’m sure, especially while server transfers are free.
[KnT] – Blackgate
Well a lot of WvW players from HoD and ET left last week or 2 weeks ago so it will only get worse I’d imagine…
I use to be on those servers so i know…
If people are not going to participate in WvW on various servers, I don’t see how a one-sided match can be avoided as long as one server like Blackgate is fully participating in it.
The trouble is anet are allowing server hoping and alot of guilds have left. how this benefits the game is beyond me.
This may be the most lopsided match in the history of the universe!! It even beats out when the Federation of Planets got into it with the Klingon Empire and stomped them.
Not to be confused with our teams Klingons.
Live Long Blackgate And Prosper!!
ET and HoD are in the wrong bracket. Unfortunatley, due to free daily transfers and 7 day long battles; ET and HoD will have a painful drop to the bottom.
This system is so borked.
I get the feeling that people would prefer queues than to play in a ghost town.
There are systemic issues to WvW. Ranking system and more. Once these are addressed, this will improve. I’d lay them out but I don’t know if this is the proper place.