My 2 cents about balancing servers

My 2 cents about balancing servers

in WvW

Posted by: Ikihiki.2316


For the first time ever, in any MMO i have played, i will have to bandwagon to more bigger server.

I usually stick to the world / faction where i first start playing, but after server linking, things have gone way worse.

Ring Of Fire lost huge amount of players and we just can’t defend EB or BL simultaneously. And that is really really frustrating.

Any way, some suggestions to make balancing little bit steadier:

Instead of 20+ whatnot different worlds, there should be 3 worlds / factions / realms against each other, with different campaigns. You can stay in your world and move to other campaigns, if needed.

No possibility to change character’s factions once created, but every character can select different faction / realm during creation.

That way outnumbering shouldn’t last very long, since players are able to switch campaigns and help the outnumbered campaign.

One thing Elder Scrolls Online have done better than GW2 is the PvP (their WvW) faction system.

Please Anet, do something about the balancing problems. Even though GW2’s PvE and story are enjoyable, nothing beats epic human vs human fights.

Go big or go home

Im on fire in Ring of Fire

My 2 cents about balancing servers

in WvW

Posted by: RodOfDeath.5247


With each week and blowout I’m starting to believe the faction system is the only thing left. I love being on different servers and experiencing the communities, but so many players are gone and switching around these days those things have dissolved. It’s all about server stacking and waiting on anet now. Players on dominate servers don’t want to transfer and are hanging tight because they know anet will do something illogical sooner or later when it comes to wvw. I mean for the love of puppies they are having polls about siege? Not many players have the mentality to transfer to a server like DH/ebay for example because they are S A W F T. Players need to start taking steps as well, not only anet. As in certain servers too worried about spending months and months stacking to push to T1. Then complain about match ups and the staleness of wvw. Transfer to the little guys and fight the big dog. You’ll have to leave you itty bitty zerg.

I feel ya on the pve and story. I’ve tried to experience other game modes in gw2 and it just isn’t the same. An NPC that runs around spamming skills and then players have the rotation down to a science, then it becomes meta and routine run. I love the unpredictable things you come across in wvw, that’s what makes it an enjoyable experience. I blame wvw guilds for ruining me

In fact, I really liked dungeons. But those things have crashed and burned with HoT. The one pve thing this wvwer liked and anet messed that up along with needing to be a certain pve level to progress in your story, hated that too.