My days with Borlis Pass (Long Days)

My days with Borlis Pass (Long Days)

in WvW

Posted by: Hakato.9650


What’s going on everyone and thank you for allowing me to talk in the troll free community of GW2 (Jk).

Well first thing is first, I play WvW from 6:30 AM till 3 PM almost every day EST time. I’ve been in almost every situation you could imagine. I’ve built up (not sounding kitteny but telling the truth) a reputation in the WvW for Borlis Pass so well that some people follow me instead of the commander. (A true commander spends money on EQ instead of saving 100g to look cool and form a zerg at the click of a button)

I’ve noticed a few ‘Homosexual’ things happen to us the past couple days that has really kitten me off. For one, we have an alliance in the server full of US guilds and not a single Aussie guild. With that being said, we have had a huge problem with night capping, of course this would happen it’s apart of WvW.

A Guild called LEET had left the server with over 300 members to join up with Maguuma or what it is called I am not to sure, and we took a beating on that. Mind you that LEET wasn’t too bad, they just didn’t want to waste their time in WvW fighting for a server that just gave up on WvW. Which I don’t blame them, but they got it all wrong.

Borlis Pass has a ton of Dedicated WvWers. And the ONLY reason Anvil Rock went to 2nd place was the BP alliance attacking the orb in Anvil rock with 2 trebs and 2 golems (which in the end we just got out zerged, name of the game). Anvil Rock took this advantage and started taking all of EB and their borderlands while BP had full assault on NSP’s Orb (Anvil Rock Borderlands). So for that matter I know that the rankings are so false because we helped Anvil Rock out a ton.

Another thing, Anvil Rock has got to be the DUMBEST people in all of the servers. Yesterday 10/2/2012 at 9AM we had taken our garrison back. I was able to FINALLY get my server working with me, and keep the battle in the fields of dreaming bay but out of range of the cannon, so we could get supplies from arah to the garrison. If we held Arah and Astral, and had the battle at dreaming bay fields, and another group camping Astral and protecting the dolyak, the Garrison would reach full supply easily (which it did).

Everything was going AMAZING! We had a golem up, 5 trebs built in garrison (1 attacking dreaming bay wall), over 15 arrow carts, ballistas and the works. All of a sudden, I get a report of Anvil Rock attacking astral. Then they moved up to gods and took gods. We started defending against Anvil Rock, then NSP started pushing and took the arah back. Now we were stuck with (once we took it back) gods only. Then NSP pushed to longview and when the gate was at 40% I told everyone in team to get inside the garrison for the last hold. I knew that our server would get a population spike soon, and wanted to hold it off for another hour. But it was too late, we held the garrison against the full NSP zerg for approx. 3.76 hours. Which is the longest since the Reset.

My plan (correct me if It’s a bad one) was to get a waypoint inside the garrison, take out their waypoint at dreaming bay by hitting it with a treb, and have our reinforcements be at the garrison which would make things a ton easier in taking the orb. Unfortunetly what it came down to was not having enough numbers… And Anvil Rock ****ing everything up. And taking most of the map AGAIN giving them more score again. So you’re welcome Anvil Rock for BP helping you gain ranking.

Bottom line, is BP Alliance would REALLY Appreciate some help from guilds in HoD that would be willing to move over to BP. Because I keep seeing and hearing about guilds moving to Kaineng and Devona’s Rest but not ONCE did I see something about a guild moving to Borlis Pass. I would really appreciate someone talking to me ingame at Hakato.9650 and set up a meeting with your guild and the alliance. It would really help if a guild moved over, if we just had more numbers! We would be winning vs NSP. And they can say that all they want but it is the truth!

PS fix the dang glitches with the orbs please. The BP alliance took NSP’s orb in their garrison in their own borderlands, then it disappeared for more than 30 mins. Could of been one of those guys flying around the map -.-…

Please reply with good comments and feedback, no trolling would be highly appreciated.

We did awesome at the reset, we even had taken 2 orbs. But it just got to the point overnight where we couldn’t hold it any longer. We NEED more aussie guilds.

Server – Borlis Pass
Guild – FIST Leader
Main Toon – Razzer Fel Level 80 Warrior

My days with Borlis Pass (Long Days)

in WvW

Posted by: Hakato.9650


And another thing, when we had the orb walls down at dreadfall, the person who screwed us over was ANVIL ROCK attacking the tower we had the trebs on.

Server – Borlis Pass
Guild – FIST Leader
Main Toon – Razzer Fel Level 80 Warrior

My days with Borlis Pass (Long Days)

in WvW

Posted by: Kardiamond.6952


Funny you are calling Anvil Rock for attack you.

I heard the same thing about your server at the beginning of this weeks. Borlis Pass attacked 2 on us with NSP.

Don’t act like “Anvil Rock is the dumbest server” while you guys keep doing it to us. It’s part of a three way wars without communication : attacks happen.

By the way, it’s weird that you call us dumb for keeping our second place. I will call a guild meeting on AR and let them know we have to keep quiet and let you guys overscore us. Seems right.


Rotthen (Necro) / Zhyx (Engineer) /Inglorious Beasterd (Ranger)
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]

My days with Borlis Pass (Long Days)

in WvW

Posted by: Hakato.9650


I never said anything about letting us back into 2nd place, I’m only saying the reason you are there right now is because our whole alliance focused on taking down NSP while you guys just took everything instead of focusing your attention on that orb. I’m sure I was just mad typing that, but believe me when I say the Server alliance does not have control over the small vigilante guilds that attack you.

Server – Borlis Pass
Guild – FIST Leader
Main Toon – Razzer Fel Level 80 Warrior

My days with Borlis Pass (Long Days)

in WvW

Posted by: Rusty.8697


Our ARC alliance is not responsible for a few vigilante guilds attacking you. Perhaps if you called out some specific guild names that ruined your master plan, they would have a good laugh reminiscing about it. We’ve held onto this (albeit low) bracket for a couple weeks now. Hopefully you get some more guilds, cause we’re tired of playing hard while the server below us gives up. If you want to push NSP out of your borderlands, get your alliance and come to NSP borderlands and field an eastern offensive. We’ll do the same on the west and that will split their offense teams into a split defense…it’s quite obvious really.

Silborn, General of Defenders of [Hero]ism

My days with Borlis Pass (Long Days)

in WvW

Posted by: Stormcycle.4208


Anvil Rock always destroys Borlis Pass, and always will. Not sure where you get off acting like your server is better than ours, we proved again that you aren’t. The only reason your server is even on the map at all is because a lot of peoples morale was ruined on our side after NSP hacked the orb from us for the second and third time in our last two weeks of WvW.

In any case, if some hardcore guilds want to find a server with short queue times, they would do good in moving to Anvil Rock. If we could get a solid Oceanic/European guild or two, we would be a pretty formidable server. We have a lot of talent, its that we are simply outmanned at times.

People have to sleep sometimes and ARC can only carry us so far, would be great to have the reinforcements

My days with Borlis Pass (Long Days)

in WvW

Posted by: Hakato.9650


You sound just like BP.

Server – Borlis Pass
Guild – FIST Leader
Main Toon – Razzer Fel Level 80 Warrior

My days with Borlis Pass (Long Days)

in WvW

Posted by: Stormcycle.4208


I’m just telling the truth, you can’t fault me for telling the truth.

My days with Borlis Pass (Long Days)

in WvW

Posted by: Morxeton.1743


AR and BP are both guilty of doing hit and runs on each other. If there’s no coordination and cooperation between the two servers to focus fire on NSP then you really can’t expect much. Of course you will always have some pugs that will attack anything with a red name above their head regardless of cooperation between servers…

I don’t think it’s fair to say AR is a server full of the dumbest people. It’s also not fair to say AR will always crush BP. Let’s be civil and work together against a common enemy. I’m all for flanking NSP from multiple sides and at least going out with a bang.

Regardless, this is all in good competitive fun.

Tataera (Elementalist), Morxeton (Necromancer)
Borlis Pass

My days with Borlis Pass (Long Days)

in WvW

Posted by: Kardiamond.6952


Well AR lost so many people this week. My guild never attack Boris Pass, so we always focus on NSP but we just dont have the man power to take them.

I don’t know whats the situation on your side BP, but since yesterday I always get the outmanned buff in every borderland. It’s gonna be hard to come back)

Might as well fight each others and have some fun ahah!

Rotthen (Necro) / Zhyx (Engineer) /Inglorious Beasterd (Ranger)
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]

My days with Borlis Pass (Long Days)

in WvW

Posted by: Hakato.9650


Well we attack NSP at your borderlands just now and took both towers, kitten them off at that. But Anvil Rock attacked our north supply camps at our Borderlands haha. kitten raid groups.

Server – Borlis Pass
Guild – FIST Leader
Main Toon – Razzer Fel Level 80 Warrior

My days with Borlis Pass (Long Days)

in WvW

Posted by: Sundial.9015


AFIAK Borlis Pass is just starting to get organized. Before a few days ago, I didn’t hear one word from our server on any of the GW2 forums or even mentioned anywhere outside of the game. We just got on the radar and need time to learn to cooperate between many of our guilds. Yes, things were extremely zergish and unorganized in the beginning but we are making progress. People need to give these things time, they don’t happen overnight or without sacrifice.

As for Anvil Rock, my guild (HoM) raiding groups will try and stay out of your camps and will keep the pressure on NSP, of course I cannot speak for anyone else.

“I don’t know whats the situation on your side BP, but since yesterday I always get the outmanned buff in every borderland. It’s gonna be hard to come back)”

Yep, gotta love that out manned buff.

Sundial, Necromancer – Aurora Catulus, Engineer – Kaine Illuma, Elementalist
WvW Captain – Horde of Miscreations, Borlis Pass Alliance

My days with Borlis Pass (Long Days)

in WvW

Posted by: Hadan.2841


I have and will continue to keep my guild (krew) focused on green. We have no reason to fight Anvil rock when green owns 90% of the map.

Leader/Driver of Krew/MR

My days with Borlis Pass (Long Days)

in WvW

Posted by: Kardiamond.6952


90% is on goods days! :P

Someday we should get some connection between unmanned server, so we can fight togheter those pesky NSP!!

I don’t like going 2 vs 1, but our two server togheter have prolly less people then them alone. And they have hack, orbs and stats boost

Rotthen (Necro) / Zhyx (Engineer) /Inglorious Beasterd (Ranger)
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]

My days with Borlis Pass (Long Days)

in WvW

Posted by: Grundnir.3852


I love that someone wants to roll in here talking trash on BP from AR.

Bottom line is, we’re both bottom of the barrel and got stomped by NSP. Talking trash on the other underdog doesn’t mean anything, we both still lost by an insanely huge margin.

Makes it all seem a little dumb don’t you think?

My days with Borlis Pass (Long Days)

in WvW

Posted by: Brassnautilus.2941


sounds like you guys (BP) react too much, instead of taking initiatives.
make them react to your move.