My experience with wvw after 3 1/2

My experience with wvw after 3 1/2

in WvW

Posted by: Graveside.9253


I have a lv 47 Elem, and was killed by a perma-stealth thief in 2 hits, 13.7k of dmg. Biggest zerg best chances of winning. Tons of 80’s with uber gear, which gear difference is everything vs. anyone not lv 80 and in wvw.

Horrible community atmosphere, tons of elitest not wanting to be social with others. Guilds leave other players dead (happened 2 times) after taking a tower.

In the end, I wish GW2 good luck, new players will need the same luck if they want to seriously have fun and stay with the game. WvW should be limited to true lv 80’s, but I am sure this would diminish the battleground populations tremedously.

In the end, I was bored in 3 days of wvw, having to solo constantly, or dungeon crawl over and over, or find a scenario that respawned over and over. I am not sure if wvw will be looked at for it seems more players are doing pve now days than wvw due to the state it is in.

I will visit again in several months perhaps, to review the experiences again. Until then goodluck all in WvW.

My experience with wvw after 3 1/2

in WvW

Posted by: Saweth You Him.9047

Saweth You Him.9047

Shame. I juiced every drop out of an mmo that is free to play. I went through the story 5 times with 5 different races avoiding dungeons because I was not a fan of them and not stepping foot in WvW until I was 80. Planned ahead for my exotic gear set and the time investment paid off. I did it without really having to do anything over and over again besides the story line which is pretty standard in mmos and the daily quest which is also pretty common among mmos. Now I have a fully geared 80 I can jump into WvW whenever I feel like going to war; otherwise I can read a book or play fallout 3 or something.

so sayeth the great innuendo

My experience with wvw after 3 1/2

in WvW

Posted by: MiasmicMist.1420


At the OP.

Perhaps it was simply the server you were in that gave such a bad experience with the community. I’ve never once has an issue with elitism or otherwise in our WvW community.

Commander Miasmic Spiritsong
Leader of Caedas [CDS] :
Sanctum Of Rall

My experience with wvw after 3 1/2

in WvW

Posted by: Raincrow.1840


Some of that could be the server you’re on.

Crystal Desert; The Viking Server
When are people going to figure out there’s a war going on?

My experience with wvw after 3 1/2

in WvW

Posted by: Eastevil.1534


One word. Hypocrite. You want people to be social towards you, but you don’t make any move to be social towards anyone else. If you real wanted to give team-play in WvW a go, you’d either play with friends or join a guild that was active in wvw.

You sound like the people on /m or /t who constantly spam “we should do this” or “can someone do that”. Rather than just talking it’d be better to take the initiative and get a group together (even if randoms) and do something.

And yes, i’ve managed to gain new friends just by whispering someone if they want to help take a camp or try ninja a tower on an outmanned map. But for what its worth, goodbye and farewell though i certainly wont miss you.

My experience with wvw after 3 1/2

in WvW

Posted by: Deathbearer.2438


@OP: Your post is a joke…

- You want a naked 47lvl elementalist to kill a thief when most classes fully geared at lvl 80 have serious issues against them?

- This is the only MMO I have played where gear means nothing (ever tried AION for example?) since it is extremely easy to gear up in full exotics at lvl 80 and after that only skills, builds, classes in several combinations DO matter

- So in your long WvsW career you were TWICE not rezzed by fellow fighters…what a bad community is this???

If you really want to WvsW then find an organized guild, get to lvl 80, gear up in full exotics, do research – find/try/copy builds and playstyles and maybe then come back here and tell us your opinion with arguments

Guardian lvl 80
Warrior lvl 80
Ranger lvl 80

My experience with wvw after 3 1/2

in WvW

Posted by: Heinel.6548


I think the issue raised by OP is still valid though.

In the eyes of a newbie, WvW does not make sense. It is not like any other parts of the game but yet no where in the game is that point made clear to people who have no experience. I think people will continue to make threads like this until a proper tutorial (or equivalent) is introduced for WvW.

“… but I hate the idea ‘It may not make sense at first’.
I want it to make sense right away, then another sense later. Murkiness =/= quality "
- CCP Abraxis

My experience with wvw after 3 1/2

in WvW

Posted by: Moderator.3964


“Good bye”-Threads are a violation of our forum code of conduct. However your feedback is much appreciated, but please try to make the focus of your post not that you’re leaving the game, therefore we decided to lock your thread.