My most frustrating GW2 experience yet

My most frustrating GW2 experience yet

in WvW

Posted by: Martin.1906


I have loved playing GW2 since the 3rd BWE. It has been an amazing change of pace from WoW and SWTOR for me.

I’ve had fun running AC a couple times, though the first time was with quite a lot of dying. But I came out of that first run still feeling like I accomplished something. It was a hard run, but it wasn’t like a WoW raid where you can spend weeks beating your head against the wall trying to beat a HM boss. I can’t wait to run CM and the dungeons that follow it.

So, I’ve done several nights worth of W3 as well. Overall, the experience has been enjoyable. However, after tonight, I suspect I won’t be queuing up for it until the next round starts. I really tried to stick with it tonight, but no matter where I turned, I ran into a wall of enemies. My team was so outnumbered that it was ridiculous . I managed to log a single kill tonight. Tonight ranked at about the worst MMO experience I’ve ever had.

I’m not going to sit here and say, “The other team(s) are cheating!” or “Population balance sucks!” or “Fix your stupid game, ANet!” because that’s not my goal here. My goal is to simply let ANet know that tonight, while playing their game, I told myself, “I’m not doing this again.”

Level 80 Mesmer – Jordrith
Malum Factum [MF]
Tarnished Coast

My most frustrating GW2 experience yet

in WvW

Posted by: DKP.4196


I have loved playing GW2 since the 3rd BWE. It has been an amazing change of pace from WoW and SWTOR for me.

I’ve had fun running AC a couple times, though the first time was with quite a lot of dying. But I came out of that first run still feeling like I accomplished something. It was a hard run, but it wasn’t like a WoW raid where you can spend weeks beating your head against the wall trying to beat a HM boss. I can’t wait to run CM and the dungeons that follow it.

So, I’ve done several nights worth of W3 as well. Overall, the experience has been enjoyable. However, after tonight, I suspect I won’t be queuing up for it until the next round starts. I really tried to stick with it tonight, but no matter where I turned, I ran into a wall of enemies. My team was so outnumbered that it was ridiculous . I managed to log a single kill tonight. Tonight ranked at about the worst MMO experience I’ve ever had.

I’m not going to sit here and say, “The other team(s) are cheating!” or “Population balance sucks!” or “Fix your stupid game, ANet!” because that’s not my goal here. My goal is to simply let ANet know that tonight, while playing their game, I told myself, “I’m not doing this again.”

Try joining a guild, and join their events with team chat or something. Voice communication:) It will significantly increase your chance of survival, and kills. You could chance with following PUGs or solo skirmish, but as you have experienced. Death is all you get, with lucky kills here and there:)

Keep trying, or die trying. Never give up, never forgive. We will Desolate. – Desolation
Not A Message.

My most frustrating GW2 experience yet

in WvW

Posted by: Luvpie.8350


What server are you with? Have you looked for a WvW organized guild to run with players in group? I run with 10-15 people and encounter larger forces all the time. It’s all about teamwork.

Apply @ Fang-Gaming.US

My most frustrating GW2 experience yet

in WvW

Posted by: Kracin.6078


WvW is not a single player event, its a wordlwide cooperative event that requires teamplay..

simply attempting to run around by yourself with no strategy wont do much but get you killed and no where fast.

not saying you dont know what you are doing, but it sounds like you arent playing with people in it…. its like joining Spvp just to go and play deathmatch vs th eother team… not a good idea.

My most frustrating GW2 experience yet

in WvW

Posted by: Trikk.4685


Please don’t tell him that he needs a guild when there’s literally no way to join WvW in an organized fashion. Unless you’re in a guild with 100+ players, the chances that you will meet a guildie inside WvW is extremely low. Even when we all queue up at once, rarely does it let more than a handful of players inside in the span of most people’s gaming hours.

My most frustrating GW2 experience yet

in WvW

Posted by: Kracin.6078


Please don’t tell him that he needs a guild when there’s literally no way to join WvW in an organized fashion. Unless you’re in a guild with 100+ players, the chances that you will meet a guildie inside WvW is extremely low. Even when we all queue up at once, rarely does it let more than a handful of players inside in the span of most people’s gaming hours.

regardless. its a team playstyle, and just simply trying to fight in 10v1 fights , then saying it sucks, doesnt do a lot for the people who have fun playing even when they are losing. there are hundreds of people playing at any one time, form a group, get a plan, and do something.

playing solo just to run around and kill someone every once in a while is not what WvW is intended for.

My most frustrating GW2 experience yet

in WvW

Posted by: Luvpie.8350


Please don’t tell him that he needs a guild when there’s literally no way to join WvW in an organized fashion. Unless you’re in a guild with 100+ players, the chances that you will meet a guildie inside WvW is extremely low. Even when we all queue up at once, rarely does it let more than a handful of players inside in the span of most people’s gaming hours.

Um. ya. It takes 30mins-1hr for 10 people to get in but once they in form 2 parties and Move as one. WvW is not intended to be soloed, even taking sentry points now you are likely to be killed by patrols. Finding a guild outside of WvW, then you get on voice comm and decide which map to queue for. Usually your home map has the highest queue so queue for a borderland. Form parties after people get inside. A party of 5 can cause havoc on enemy supply lines/camps, take down enemy defenses and then call in map chat for commander to bring in troops after oil/canons etc are down. Just have to communicate.

Apply @ Fang-Gaming.US

My most frustrating GW2 experience yet

in WvW

Posted by: Martin.1906


I’ll admit that I am not running W3 with a guild. However, when I get into the map, I ask “What’s the plan?” I look for a group of people to run around with and do my best to not get caught out alone. However, tonight, there didn’t seem to be much of a centralized plan, and there seemed to be few people on my team. We were simply outnumbered and there was little we could do about it.

Level 80 Mesmer – Jordrith
Malum Factum [MF]
Tarnished Coast

My most frustrating GW2 experience yet

in WvW

Posted by: Thipp.2693


30min-1hr… I wish. My guild has a sizable group interested in WvW and even with people queuing up hours in advance it is lucky if half of us ever get in. With queues the way they are right now it can be very tricky to organize group activities as a guild.

My most frustrating GW2 experience yet

in WvW

Posted by: Luvpie.8350


I’ll admit that I am not running W3 with a guild. However, when I get into the map, I ask “What’s the plan?” I look for a group of people to run around with and do my best to not get caught out alone. However, tonight, there didn’t seem to be much of a centralized plan, and there seemed to be few people on my team. We were simply outnumbered and there was little we could do about it.

voice comm/siege/choke points and 1 leader will solve your problems. If you are looking for WvW as your pass time come to CD and whisper me in game. I usually do WvW every night.

Apply @ Fang-Gaming.US

My most frustrating GW2 experience yet

in WvW

Posted by: Nokaru.7831


Mismatching does cause the most frustration.

My most frustrating GW2 experience yet

in WvW

Posted by: Igolbug.7295


Was running with the same 2 people all weekend, we all happened to defend the same supply camp in EB and it took 2 days before we finally joined a group together. Was amazing to see how fast targets died when they were marked once we were grouped though since without being grouped we were consistently 3v5-6 groups, took a group of a minimum 15 to take our supply camp with Hyleks helping us by the end.

Igolbug – 80 Elementalist
The Owl Exterminators
Crystal Desert

My most frustrating GW2 experience yet

in WvW

Posted by: Scribbles.7493


Wars are fought by armies, not by lone wolves.

If you (want to) enjoy WvW, joining a WvW oriented guild should be your top priority.

Blacktide – [CIR]
Crimson Imperium Reborn

My most frustrating GW2 experience yet

in WvW

Posted by: Nick.3926


I don’t understand where everyone in this thread is getting the idea to tell the OP to not run solo, or to group up with people. No where in his post does he ever mention going out alone and only mentions that his “team”, aka a group of people, were severely outnumbered.

There seems to be population imbalances in a great deal of WvW matches currently and no single person is going to have much of an impact on it or the kind of experience that follows because of it.

The system needs work and there is no denying that.

My most frustrating GW2 experience yet

in WvW

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


I agree with the OP, there are problems with population imbalance. I went in tonight and every area I went into we were outnumbered what felt like 10 to 1.

Needless to say my server is losing badly and the server with over 60% of the map was steamrolling us. It is kind of a vicious circle because if you feel that you are so outnumbered it won’t be fun playing, your side ends up with even fewer.

Now that the resets are 1 week the problem gets worse because we have to wait a week before we get a new and more even matchup.

My most frustrating GW2 experience yet

in WvW

Posted by: Xia.3485


If you don’t have a WvW guild on your server, or any form of organization that takes place before you queue into a WvW map, you will get steamrolled.

I like the quote above, “Wars are fought by armies, not by lone wolves.”

My most frustrating GW2 experience yet

in WvW

Posted by: Slamz.5376


Please don’t tell him that he needs a guild when there’s literally no way to join WvW in an organized fashion. Unless you’re in a guild with 100+ players, the chances that you will meet a guildie inside WvW is extremely low. Even when we all queue up at once, rarely does it let more than a handful of players inside in the span of most people’s gaming hours.


Sounds like you play on an overcrowded server. Why not transfer your guild to Borlis Pass or Ferguson’s Crossing or similar?

My guild plays together every night because rather than try to pick the winningest server to play on, we picked one with low queue times. We typically wait 0-15 minutes to get in. It’s unusual for anyone to spend 30 minutes waiting. There are still several servers with no queue what-so-ever.

Camelot Unchained – from the makers of DAOC
A game that’s 100% WvW

My most frustrating GW2 experience yet

in WvW

Posted by: Thunderknuckles.9475


Tend to agree with the OP and Nick. My guild left Jade Quarry a week and a half ago for Kaineng because the queues were 2-5 hours long for WvW. Once on Kaineng we had 0 queue time and, even though we’re the underdog, we began to have some superb PvP. That is…until this last weekend when we were matched against Northern Shiverpeaks, who took 100% of all four maps. They had entrenched so well through the night that we could barely leave our spawn without being bombed with treb and ballista fire.

Not to sidetrack too much, but the imbalance in server populations can be very frustrating. Unfortunately far too many PvP’ers (in any game) are cowards and easy moders who have no desire whatsoever to actually build up a server from nothing to something respectable. They only desire to run with the babbling hoards and flood over everything with no real opposition at all. It’s human nature, alas. Still, if Arenanet can find a way to balance this they have my full support.

Edited to say that my gal and I actually hopped over to Maguuma after the NS fiasco so that we could actually PvP. We had learned that we would otherwise have to deal with that mess for an entire week, rather than just a day. I can’t personally hang out for a solid week whilst our underpopulated server is utterly dominated by another. As I said, it’s bad enough that we couldn’t even leave the spawn point.

(edited by Thunderknuckles.9475)

My most frustrating GW2 experience yet

in WvW

Posted by: Estus.1726


Being on a low population server sounds noble and adventurous. The truth is, it’s frustrating and demoralizing and not for most people.

Most people do not enjoy being farmed and will give up after a short period of time.

If the OP really wants to enjoy WvW, he needs to take advantage of the free transfers and find a new home. This is not the solution for the game balance, but it is currently the solution for an individual player.

[RE] Isendale – Tarnished Coast
“Did you see that? Tell me you saw that!”