My notions towards the new season of WvW.
Where did you see anything about placing players on different servers according to skill level? And how would ArenaNet determine skill level, anyway?
As I understood what they meant by ‘tracking you to associate your WvW activities’, they meant rather than associate you to the world you first logged into WvW during the season, if you transfer during the season, you will be associated with the server you spent the most time (in WvW) on.
Lots of people transferred after Season One started, but got rewards for their old server. This time, it will be the server you spent the most time in WvW that you get rewards for.
I think he is semi-misinterpreting this:
" Instead of being associated with the first world you log in on during the tournament we are tracking various activities in WvW to more closely align your rewards with the world you played on. We’ve also added an NPC to all the WvW maps who can tell you which world you are currently associated with."
I do think that I’m happier with the ‘swiss style’ vs ‘sports league’ set up though, but we’ll see how it works out. Of course, being on one of the bottom rung servers probably means even should I participate, my rewards are going to suck.
So.. at the start of season 2 i will be put back into UW if i go onto WvW? Why the server transfers then… i’m confused. If you promote server transfers and then throw us back into the servers we transferred from, what’s the point?
I do think that I’m happier with the ‘swiss style’ vs ‘sports league’ set up though, but we’ll see how it works out. Of course, being on one of the bottom rung servers probably means even should I participate, my rewards are going to suck.
Thats my fear as well. Especially since the rewards are unique skins that can only be gotten from this.
It’ll still be the same servers that won last time even with the different setup (because they’ll completely stomp the lower server when they’re matched with and once they knock out the only possible one that can beat them, they’ll never have to face them again, so they’ll go unchallenged), so I don’t see the point in even changing that. It still all comes down to the stupid coverage problem which they apparently don’t even want to try to fix.
Please give us a keyring…
My understanding of this is that the servers who win their weekly match will match up against other servers who won, however not to the extent where you would have a server ranked 21st who won going up against a top tier server.
We were in the same boat last Season. We ranked into the silver league but one or two days before the Season started we lost some major WvW guilds. The result was our server lost every match except one time where we came in second place. The result was very demoralizing and we lost even more players during the season.
This new Season looks much better if I understand it right. It would mean servers who might lose guilds at the last minute (they tend to leave in herds), will not continue to be placed against servers who win most of the time, or you won’t be playing against servers who out-number you 7 to 1 one the playing field.
I don’t believe the rewards have to do with the server you’re on, but your own personal accomplishments. If I understand it right you could be on the bottom ranked server but you could still get all the achievements and rewards the top tier server got.
So.. at the start of season 2 i will be put back into UW if i go onto WvW? Why the server transfers then… i’m confused. If you promote server transfers and then throw us back into the servers we transferred from, what’s the point?
You will not be brought back to UW…
Interpretation :
1- if you play one week on one server (server A) doing 3 achievements, then you spend 4 weeks on another server (server B) doing 7 achievements, then the last two weeks on a third server (server C) doing no achievement
a) you will get 1/7 weeks worth of server A rewards, 4/7 worth of server B rewards 2/7 weeks worth of server C rewards
b) you will get 3/10 of server A rewards and 7/10 of server B rewards
c) you get rewards for server B, on which you spent most time…
For season one,only the first world the player was on was counting; for season two, worlds on which the player played will be taken in consideration for the reward.
From what i understand there will be no “tiers” so if guilds will leave server and this server will go down, he will just fight against similiar servers.
Probelm with UW from Season 1 just wont happen again.