My thoughts to improve WvW

My thoughts to improve WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Nabrok.9023


Just some ideas. Some may be bad.

1. Remove the scores. Particularly the scores of the other worlds. Those should be of no concern. Overall scores and rankings should be internal to a-net. All they do is discourage the losing worlds. Yes, it would be fairly easy to determine a rough idea of what the score is, but most players are not like us and they don’t read forums all day long.

We should still see who has orbs, potential points, and current bonuses.

2. Lock out the jumping puzzle until your world owns a certain percentage of structures on the map. Maybe something like in borders it’s 2 keeps and 3 towers. To compensate, increase drop rate of schematics and badges from players and allied NPCs (keep lords and such, anything that can drop a badge) for the worlds below a certain number of structures (for example if you have no keeps and maybe 1 or less towers).

3. Remove or greatly reduce WvW repair costs. If not out-right remove, have them scale to the number of structures you own, so if you own the whole map it costs a lot (perhaps even more than it does now), if you have nothing but a supply camp it barely costs anything. Repair costs are another thing that discourage the losing side, which is much more likely to incur them.

4. Put the maps online. Have an API we can use to query for data on who owns what.

“I’m not a PvE, WvW, or PvP player – I am a Guild Wars 2 player”
Tarnished Coast – Dissentient [DIS]
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My thoughts to improve WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Perdan.1045


1. No. If there is no score, there is no motivation. If you see you are low on the scores, you know you got lots to take over.

2. IDK about jumping puzzles. They get camped at the end of the week.

3. If you are playing wvw right, you gain more money than you spend on repairs. If you are losing money and only paying for repairs, you must not be in your server’s zerg group.

4. I like this.

My thoughts to improve WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Nabrok.9023


1. No. If there is no score, there is no motivation. If you see you are low on the scores, you know you got lots to take over.

2. IDK about jumping puzzles. They get camped at the end of the week.

3. If you are playing wvw right, you gain more money than you spend on repairs. If you are losing money and only paying for repairs, you must not be in your server’s zerg group.

4. I like this.

For #1 I think the potential points serves this purpose well enough. I care about how WvW is doing while I’m playing, not about how it was doing when I was sleeping/working (not as much anyway).

For #2 I mean you can’t get to it to camp it if you don’t own enough of the map. Basically, this would mean if you’ve taken over the map, go jump! If you haven’t, work to take it (and if you’re in a really bad situation you’ll get some more badges and schematics for your work anyway).

For #3, yes you can come out ahead. I don’t dispute this. But it’s not by enough. I come out ahead by maybe 50 silver a night if I’m lucky and that’s with using badges to buy siege and not buying any upgrades. I don’t really do any PvE anymore and I don’t want to be forced to go out and do some just because I’m running out of money.

It’s also a LOT worse if you are vastly outnumbered. This makes people want to just leave, so of course that makes you even more outnumbered.

“I’m not a PvE, WvW, or PvP player – I am a Guild Wars 2 player”
Tarnished Coast – Dissentient [DIS]
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