NA Server Transfer Suggestions

NA Server Transfer Suggestions

in WvW

Posted by: brosiph.9463


Hey all,

(There is a too long; didn’t read version at the bottom)

Before I start this talk I’d like to say that I am completely 100% new to WvW, and am going to be learning it throughout the next couple weeks/months because I finally am about to hit 100% world completion and sPvP is getting boring for me currently.

I currently reside on the server Sorrow’s Furnace. I am a returning player (about a week old) from I’d say January 2013. If I remember correctly, we would destroy WvW and was mainly made up of good pvpers. I did some research and learned that our server died out sometime with a forum war or something. And currently if I look now. In our Tier 8 WvW Matchup we are in last place by 40k on 2nd, and 80k on 1st. I spent maybe 15 minutes roaming our map and found 1 player (there might have been stuff going on and my noobie wvw skills couldn’t find it). Our server is currently ranked 23rd, above borlis pass, but they currently are in 1st place this matchup by 80k. We normally have like 4 “buildings” and i feel that even though I want to learn WvW I can’t because we don’t stand a chance ever.

With this recent sale I was able to convince 7 people to buy this game (one being my girlfriend), but before I even looked at the WvW stats they all joined me on this server. I feel kinda bad because I am the only person who really even considers WvW as an option currently and maybe for a long time. I did my research and learned I could play with them for sPvP and PvE. So I am considering buying a server transfer, and sadly, ditching my friends on our “empty wvw” server. I feel that since they got the game at $10, they shouldn’t really complain about a server transfer considering some of us paid full price (but that might just be me thinking that).

So now finally is where I come to you guys. I want to transfer servers, but I don’t want one like mine currently. I want probably the most even match up one can have. I want a server where we have competition and the score matters until the last second. I don’t want to be on some server that leads by 40k, as such I really don’t want to be on a server that has like 5 “buildings” at all times. Currently from what I see the “Northern Shiverpeaks vs Henge vs Darkhaven” seems the most even (I know matchups change but these servers are T3 for a reason). From watching videos I would much rather roam then sit in a giant zerg and crash my pc. So I was wonder if you guys could give me some insight to which servers are good for roaming, have a normally even WvW matchup group, and has an active WvW community (preferably 24/7).

- tl;dr: My current server is T8 bottom of the bottom, I want a server transfer to a really fair server that competes till the last moments for WvW. I want to be able to roam and also enjoy zerg every once in a while. I don’t want a steamroll server, and i dont want to be looking at a steamroll server either.

NA Server Transfer Suggestions

in WvW

Posted by: Liston.9708


One note- your girlfriend/friends can transfer for free if they delete all characters. You said they were new so maybe they are still low level?

T2, where I am, is fun, but the matches are not close at all. T4 might be your answer, but you need to explain when you play. Some servers have good na prime, but not so much during other times.

YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→most likely YB

NA Server Transfer Suggestions

in WvW

Posted by: brosiph.9463


T4 might be your answer, but you need to explain when you play. Some servers have good na prime, but not so much during other times.

Currently the only reason I am up on the forums is cause I have a paper due in like 5 hours, but my time schedule changes throughout the day because I am a college student. Like on Wednesdays I have only 1 class so I can be on almost all day, but Mondays I have 5 so I rarely touch the game. I’d say if I had to pick a normaly schedule I’d say (with breaks) 5pm – 12am.

NA Server Transfer Suggestions

in WvW

Posted by: ashammer.2359


Hey Brosiph,

If its a matter of finding a good guild and getting other helpful in-game things done (Guild Missions) it may just be a matter of finding a good SF Guild. That said, there are a few SF guilds that focus purely on WvW (check out the servers website or there is one like the one I’m in with scheduled WvW events 2-3 times a week and also PvE events weekly.

Reset night will give you a decent idea what SF is like when there are guilds running their scheduled events and active in WvW.

Here’s the website for the guild I’m in: Forgeman Destroyers (FORD):

If you have any questions about the guild you can whisper me in-game. We will have a guild group running around our Borderland tonight.

Guild Leader – Wrath Incarnate

NA Server Transfer Suggestions

in WvW

Posted by: Grimwar.3789


No perfect tier but, from what you describe as ideal, best bet is around Tiers 3-4. Welcome to pm me for specifics if any.

Stay Thirsty,

Deux Ex [XX] on Stormbluff Isle

NA Server Transfer Suggestions

in WvW

Posted by: Shademehr.1397


As another alternative: Take all eight of you, form a guild (if you haven’t already) and join the SF WvW community. Your group will make a difference and may just be the tipping point your server needs in getting more people interested in the war effort. Run together, get good, and wreck some face.