So we’re wrapping up week one of our weekly server pairings, and Kaineng has worked hard this week to secure our place at the very bottom of the rankings again. (Insider secret, it’s not as hard as it looks.)
People have commented in some of my posts about how much fun Kaineng seems to be having even though we’re at the in last place. They are correct. Kaineng is an absolute blast.
But this isn’t a “move to Kaineng” post. In fact, if you’re on a losing server, I have a different message for you. Stay where you are.
I started out on a top 3 server and after a series of server transfers worked my way to the bottom. In my experience, the server rankings and my personal ranking of which servers have been the most fun to play on are completely opposite of each other.
So without further ado, here’s my guide to having fun on a losing server. In honor of Stephen Colbert, I call it:
1) Get some perspective. This is a game, play it.
Some members on the top 3 servers have spent as much as 15 or more hours in queue over the last week just to be able to say their server won. I went 3 days in a row without being able to do WvW because of my play schedule and long queue times when I was on other servers. Once I did get in, there was nothing to do because we had already dominated the other two servers into submission. It’s REALLY boring.
Yes, you might be losing, but you’re at least playing the game!
2) Stop looking at the scoreboard.
Only one team is going to be #1 each week, and chances are you’re not on it. If you were, enjoy the queues. You chose to be there. And even if your team does lose your pairing, take joy in knowing you’re at least beating Kaineng.
3) Make realistic goals.
If your plan is to log in every night, take over the map, and maintain that through the early AM hours while most of your server is asleep, you are setting yourself up for failure.
Instead, start simple. Something like “I’m going to protect this bush”. Then celebrate excessively when you succeed. Work your way up until you figure out what your server’s limits are, then work within those limits.
4) Join a guild that can laugh in the face of failure. If your guild can’t do that, find another guild. Period. There’s no room on a losing server for people who take themselves too seriously.
5) Become a Resurrection Ninja Master.
I cannot overstate the importance of keeping your allies on their feet. If you are a 5 man team facing a 10 man team, and you get people back to their feet 5 times before they’re fully defeated and your opponent doesn’t, you just leveled the playing field. My 5 man team constantly wipes 10 man (or higher) teams based entirely on the fact that we’re better at rezzing than they are (and we do everything we can to prevent them from rezzing).
6) Important: Nothing trumps a good community.
It’s good to have a good guild. It’s good to have an alliance of several guilds, but once you start omitting anyone from having fun it creates a divide. It doesn’t matter if someone’s level 5 and unguilded, accept them, teach them, and let them feel appreciated. They will eventually level and learn the game and you’d much rather have them on your team than off helping some other server.
Check your ego at the door. Don’t claim to be special, you’re not. Don’t claim to be a leader, that will be apparent to anyone if you’re good at it without you telling them. Pride in your guild or your accomplishments are fine, but not at the expense of alienating your community. Your server is losing, badly. This isn’t the time to get a big head.
Set up a community teamspeak server, get an alliance forum going, and have fun with it. If people start to take this too seriously, nudge them back on course and remind them of the following:
7) Most importantly, remember, it’s just a game.
When you’re done at night, turn off the game and be happy with the fact that you did all you could to help your team win, and you’ll do it again tomorrow. The rest is out of your hands.
Congratulations to all of the winners this week, and good luck to everyone next week. Heaven help you if you’re facing Kaineng between the hours of 8:00 and 12:00 EST though. We may only choose to take ONE KEEP, but you won’t get it back until we’re ready to give it to you.