NSP vs AR vs BP

NSP vs AR vs BP

in WvW

Posted by: jester.1083


Hey, I just wanted to note here that the current score is:

345,363 NSP
57,115 AR
43,001 BP

I’m from the NSP server and I just want to thank AR and say sorry at the same time for having to put up with us for two weeks in a row.

Honestly, I’m not sure what happened with match making but lets just say it isn’t fun for us either. I have been talking to my guild mates who seem uninterested in WvWvW at all because there just isn’t anything to do. Most of the time we have EVERYTHING capped except for 1 tower maybe and 1-2 camps.


NSP vs AR vs BP

in WvW

Posted by: jester.1083


we will be happy when your exploits and hacks have moved on to another matchup.

I’m not certain what exploits or hacks you are talking about. Can you elaborate? I’d be happy if you can share this with ANet.

I’m not aware of hacking or exploiting going on in our server that isn’t happening on other servers either. The only thing I can think of is the massive amount of botting that occurs in frostgorge in PVE… I kinda assumed that those kind of bots existed in all servers. Also the massive amount of gold spam that people seem to get.

NSP vs AR vs BP

in WvW

Posted by: Stormcycle.4208


Its already been reported, already have been numerous threads on the subject as well.

If you haven’t been reading the forums at all for the past two weeks, people are using fly hacks, underground hacks and using this to steal orbs. They do it in plain sight during prime time on Friday night for instance.

NSP vs AR vs BP

in WvW

Posted by: Windmoor.9834


So 1 instance, that occured on Friday, and we have said time and again that we don’t condone; Is the only reason we have been able to dominate through till today.

I’m not gonna apoligize anymore to AV. You need to stop blaming an Orb and start making changes to your strats. All the excusses will not make you better, only action will change things for you.

I never hear Brolis Pass making excusses like this, they just get out there and FIGHT! Yet they are in last place. I’m holding them in a higher respect then the communtiy here on the forums from Anvil Rock.

Don’t fear the unknown, CONQUER IT!!!

NSP vs AR vs BP

in WvW

Posted by: jester.1083


I have heard rumors of such things but never seen it done, but i also heard it was other servers doing it causing us to no be able to cap all 3 orbs. Something about last week where AB was bugged by Anvil Rock and the orb was never able to be retrieved until the last 5 hours of last weeks matchup.

Regardless, if that is the sole purpose of NSP dominating the lower brackets then I apologize again. Either way this is an issue Anet should probably be looking into, as well with match making.

NSP vs AR vs BP

in WvW

Posted by: Stormcycle.4208


Its been seen three times in the last two weeks, that isn’t saying how many times it has happened. You guys do have organization between your guilds, Ill give you a nod there. But threads like this need to go, If Anvil Rock had hackers stealing the orb and fielding us victories through automatic three orb bonus, I wouldnt be on here bragging about our score and posting screenshots and patting myself on the back. Just sayin.

And no I havent transferred since I started this game, Anvil Rock is the server I picked when I started out.

NSP vs AR vs BP

in WvW

Posted by: Radiodread.8469


We get it, we have a bad apple or two. We’re looking for it. Now quit grouping us all in with the cheater. Getting really old.

Radiodread, Guardian [Os] NSP
AKA: Darkshines, Schroedingers Mesmer

NSP vs AR vs BP

in WvW

Posted by: Kodiack.2783


Wanna bet that NSP wont’ be posting any scores of next weeks match-up?


NSP vs AR vs BP

in WvW

Posted by: Rusty.8697


Let’s not start the slandering matches. I’m a leader in [ANV] and I’ve had great fights with you guys in NSP all week, regardless of orb ownership. Hope they continue and you guys move on up a tier. The 3-4 hour spiritholme battles the other night were great fun! Much love and cold steel from [ANV]! Kudos!

Silborn, General of Defenders of [Hero]ism

NSP vs AR vs BP

in WvW

Posted by: Windmoor.9834


Not trying to create any acceptance…not even sure where you see that in my post? I meerly pointing out the true sportmanship between the 2 servers. AR really needs to stop whinning and take a page from BP.

As Radiodread stated; “This is getting old.”

Don’t fear the unknown, CONQUER IT!!!

NSP vs AR vs BP

in WvW

Posted by: Squeal.7142


My apologize for NSP for providing less entertaining match. I’m from ANV and I agree with the opinion that any further discussion about orb hack is like beating a dead cow. Pretty much pointless, would have been more useful using it as treb ammo.

That aside, I’m sorry too, that it’s the hack is also a known fact, and the effect on this match is significant. Not only on the instance it self, but to the morale of our players and I’m hope you guys notice that there have been no serious operation toward any of the orb by AR for the last few days ? because most seasoned players refuse to do it and find hours they spent are meaningless even if they succeed. This really cut lots of options that we have.

And I’m sorry too, if you feel annoyed that we don;t acknowledge your winning as fair and square. shrug, one man action do tarnish the whole group.

For good and ill, I do hope you guys move to next bracket, on next match.

Rose Forestborn, 80 Ranger,

(edited by Squeal.7142)

NSP vs AR vs BP

in WvW

Posted by: jester.1083


Let’s not start the slandering matches. I’m a leader in [ANV] and I’ve had great fights with you guys in NSP all week, regardless of orb ownership. Hope they continue and you guys move on up a tier. The 3-4 hour spiritholme battles the other night were great fun! Much love and cold steel from [ANV]! Kudos!

Exactly, and honestly we aren’t I’m not trying to swing our d—-s around. After all we are the top of the bottom bracket. Not much to brag about. The main reason for the post was to point out that this match up is not ideal, and the matchmaking is not working as intended.

NSP vs AR vs BP

in WvW

Posted by: Artorous.8573


I don’t condone any cheating, naturally, but to say that’s why we’re winning is crazy. Borlis has tried taking Borlis Keep many times only to find I spent the better part of the day building loads of siege weapons. I usually build between 10-20 Arrow Carts, 5-10 catapults, and sometimes a ballista if I can find a decent spot that’s hard to reach. Even if you do manage to break in there’s sooo many siege weapons you can’t possibly hope to take down the lord.

If you guys actually tried to fortify your keeps when you took them then maybe you’d keep some, but you don’t. You go and cap something then run off to the next one leaving nothing behind. If you don’t hold it, you don’t get points.

NSP vs AR vs BP

in WvW

Posted by: Windmoor.9834


I have had some decent battles with AR and understand the moral issue. Its just the forums that some members of AR seem to be showing thier maturity level.

I and MANY other on NSP have been diligently seeking the person. We don’t want it as much as you don’t. To be constantly slapped in our face day after day as some excuse for our dominance, is frankly getting insulting and extreemly tiresome.

Don’t fear the unknown, CONQUER IT!!!

NSP vs AR vs BP

in WvW

Posted by: Stormcycle.4208


Just as tiresome as getting hacked and reading posts about how great the other servers score is I am sure.

NSP vs AR vs BP

in WvW

Posted by: Windmoor.9834


^^ my point made, ty

Don’t fear the unknown, CONQUER IT!!!

NSP vs AR vs BP

in WvW

Posted by: Stormcycle.4208


We both lie silently still
In the dead of the night
Although we both lie close together
We feel miles apart inside

Was it something I said or something I did
Did my words not come out right
Though I tried not to hurt you
Though I tried
But I guess that’s why they say

Every rose has it’s thorn
Just like every night has it’s dawn
Just like every cowboy sings his sad, sad song
Every rose has it’s thorn

Yeah it does

I listen to our favorite song
Playing on the radio
Hear the DJ say love’s a game of easy come and
Easy go
But I wonder does he know
Has he ever felt like this
And I know that you’d be here right now
If I could have let you know somehow
I guess
[ Lyrics from: http://www.lyricsfreak.com/p/poison/every+rose+has+its+thorn_20109974.html ]
Every rose has it’s thorn
Just like every night has it’s dawn
Just like every cowboy sings his sad, sad song
Every rose has it’s thorn

Though it’s been a while now
I can still feel so much pain
Like a knife that cuts you the wound heals
But the scar, that scar remains


I know I could have saved a love that night
If I’d known what to say
Instead of makin’ love
We both made our separate ways

But now I hear you found somebody new
And that I never meant that much to you
To hear that tears me up inside
And to see you cuts me like a knife
I guess

Every rose has it’s thorn
Just like every night has it’s dawn
Just like every cowboy sings his sad, sad song
Every rose has it’s thorn
Every Rose Has Its Thorn lyrics © Universal Music Publishing Group

NSP vs AR vs BP

in WvW

Posted by: MATT THE OWNER.7412


Let’s not start the slandering matches. I’m a leader in [ANV] and I’ve had great fights with you guys in NSP all week, regardless of orb ownership. Hope they continue and you guys move on up a tier. The 3-4 hour spiritholme battles the other night were great fun! Much love and cold steel from [ANV]! Kudos!

I agree with you fully. I’m starting to think you if mention the NSP server in general, then you automatically set yourself up for a slandering match… And that’s not really a good thing for anyone. It’s completely childish and immature and not only that, it ruins the GW2 community in general and the server communities within the bickering servers. I personally think these threads shouldn’t exist at all if this is what they’re gonna be.

We’ve had to work really hard considering that major WvW guilds server-swapped right before we started the 24h match-ups. And we’ve put in just as much work in WvW as every other server within the game. I respect all of the servers for dealing with the matchmaking system and with the hacking situation that happens across the board. I apologize that our server has these hackers on the server, and I wish they were banned and everything was reset just as much as you guys do. You guys are really respectable servers and we’ve had some good fights.

It doesn’t matter if we move up or down this week, or next week, or 30 months from now. We just want the match-ups to be as even as possible to prevent all of the current stuff from happening. Hell, I don’t care if we’re at the bottom of the very last tier in the game, if that’s where we belong skill-level wise, then so be it. I would be fine with that as long as we’re evenly matched. Are we evenly matched now? We’ll never find out until we move up. We might get owned in the next bracket, and if that’s the case all the guilds on NSP are willing to work really hard to make sure that we improve our skill level to hit that next bracket. That should be the mentality of all the servers.

I hope the hacking situation does get resolved for the better, whatever direction that may be. I also hope that you guys continue to improve your strategies and skills as well so that if we do get pushed back down with you guys, we won’t have to deal with this situation again. That goes for all servers we’ve faced too, not just Anvil Rock and Borlis Pass.

Its A Conspiracy Theory™ – Northern Shiverpeaks – IGN: Matt The Owner

NSP vs AR vs BP

in WvW

Posted by: Squeal.7142



Sorry, but yeah that our morale kinda drop and we face an overwhelming odd is what taken by the hack from AR. That someone slap NS in the issue, each time dominance or winning mentioned, is what taken by the hacker from NS.

Rose Forestborn, 80 Ranger,

NSP vs AR vs BP

in WvW

Posted by: Arkiels.9016


Question, why didnt NSP just let AR take the keep back once they knew someone on their server hacked the orb??

NSP vs AR vs BP

in WvW

Posted by: Windmoor.9834


Because the orb never went to NSP. It went back to BP alter in the north; But we have been blamed for it ever since.

Don’t fear the unknown, CONQUER IT!!!

NSP vs AR vs BP

in WvW

Posted by: Aephyx.2351


“You need to stop blaming an Orb and start making changes to your strats. All the excusses will not make you better, only action will change things for you.” – Windmoor

^This^ is what is tiring. Telling us to change strats and to forget about the orb. You think that’s what is going to give us some magical advantage? The fact of the matter is that even though you guys (NSP) had nearly double our score, someone or several people on your server thought you guys still deserved to have all three orbs and so hacked one out of our keep. Then a few days later it happens again this time leaving the orb floating in the air so it would reset. I’m not saying your whole server is responsible for their actions, however they are still a part of your server. They are giving you guys a bad name and a healthy bonus to stats in game.

Why should we bother upgrading our keeps and continue to take the orb, spending money on siege, etc, when you guys are just going to take it all back during a PVE raid or hack the orb yet again? Don’t get angry because the mentioning of the hack comes up. If it only happened once, specially if you guys were down in points and needed and edge, then maybe I would let it go. However, unfortunately for all of us, that wasn’t the case now was it?

You know what else is tiring? Constantly reading about your server’s Cinderalla story about the little server that could. Who cares if a bunch of people left your server and some others came and took and their place.

TL:DR; No I don’t blame our loss in not having a 3 orb bonus, or strategy. It simply boils down to numbers (approximately 200 defenders of the Alamo would agree with me if they could) , fighting you guys two weeks in a row (night capping, which is not an excuse but a reality), and hacks.

(edited by Aephyx.2351)

NSP vs AR vs BP

in WvW

Posted by: Moldy.9215


From the past 2 or so weeks, I think we’ve improved in strategy a lot but it’s what Aephyx said, it all boils down to numbers. I’ve overheard that in NSP too that the team chat is practically dead compared to other servers which surprises me when they say that we have a problem with strategy unless they use a server vent to communicate to everyone. Also, what amuses me the most, I’ve actually been laughing at this fact too, is we’d jump to different worlds and take a few towers here or there and a second later see a huge 30+ man zerg from NSP following us to and from each battleground. I’m from AR btw.

NSP vs AR vs BP

in WvW

Posted by: Kiviar.7063


Do we really need so many threads for NSP to pat themselves on their backs for kicking two nearly dead servers?

NSP vs AR vs BP

in WvW

Posted by: trapline.8541


I’m from nsp, and I’m not patting myself on the back, and we have a large population and active wvw guilds, we’re winning cause of numbers regardless of orbs the population mismatch is massive.

I give credit to both our oppositions for coming in each night and at least playing, anyone from nsp bragging about the score or claiming we have better strategy is a dummy, we have more people more hours of the day.

NSP vs AR vs BP

in WvW

Posted by: jester.1083


Honestly if you can’t understand the original post then you guys deserve the flame.

Here we have it from the words of ANET themselves. You can stop blaming hacks. Quit your whining and go PvP and have fun:

I don’t have a list in front of me of who or when, but we have banned many people that have been reported for flyhack/maphack. For security reasons, i’m not able to say how the process works.
If you see players using any sort of hack please report them. You can do this in WvW by targeting the player in question, right clicking and select report.

We do have counter measures in place on our end, so player reports are not required in order to catch a cheater, they just make it that much easier. I’ll see what can be done about making it easier to report players that are difficult to target.


NSP vs AR vs BP

in WvW

Posted by: Korval.2197


If you guys actually tried to fortify your keeps when you took them then maybe you’d keep some, but you don’t. You go and cap something then run off to the next one leaving nothing behind. If you don’t hold it, you don’t get points.

While I do agree in principle with the idea that a tower/keep which has been taken from the enemy should be upgraded as fast as possible and that a suitable amount of defensive siege equipment should be placed, I have to say that doing so in the context of the current match up is not a reasonable thing to do for us on the AR side. The simple truth is that the WvW population on the AR side is in general lower compared to the NSP side but particularly lower after 10PM US West Coast time. This is when more and more AR player start to log off but more and more players on the NSP side start showing up. The result of this change in population can be clearly seen in the WvW map because one keep after the other falls until around 12AM – 1AM the map has turned all green with the one or two odd blue and red spots on it.

Defensive siege equipment is a powerful tool and also a great way to make a lot of XP and to get a lot of loot when you man it. It has one flaw though: it’s dead and useless wood if you do not have enough people to man it.

NSP vs AR vs BP

in WvW

Posted by: Hadan.2841


Anvil rock dont be in complete denial. NSP has numbers. Not only do they have numbers, they are organized. Do they have people hacking? most likely. What server hasnt had there fair share of hackers. Dont blame an entire server for hacking when it really is just 1 or 2 random tools. BTW im on Borlis pass, the guild leader of Krew. We are in WvW from the time we get on to the time we get off. I have yet to see any hacks from NSP. The only thing i saw was the orb on NSP borderlands bugged on sunday when we took the garrison. It was a bug people not NSP hacking. I understand you guys have faced NSP for 2 weeks now and are just sick of them. Only a few more days!

NSP alone this week has caused many players from Borlis pass to transfer, including a 300+ WvW focused guild. Do we blame NSP for this??? If anything this week has showed us as a server who is dedicated to fighting even when the map is like that screenshot, as well as the guilds who are dedicated to our server. BTW thank NSP for the easy hit and run groups loving the karma,$, and exp for lower lvled guildies

Leader/Driver of Krew/MR

NSP vs AR vs BP

in WvW

Posted by: brandon.6735


Anvil rock dont be in complete denial. NSP has numbers. Not only do they have numbers, they are organized. Do they have people hacking? most likely. What server hasnt had there fair share of hackers. Dont blame an entire server for hacking when it really is just 1 or 2 random tools. BTW im on Borlis pass, the guild leader of Krew. We are in WvW from the time we get on to the time we get off. I have yet to see any hacks from NSP. The only thing i saw was the orb on NSP borderlands bugged on sunday when we took the garrison. It was a bug people not NSP hacking. I understand you guys have faced NSP for 2 weeks now and are just sick of them. Only a few more days!

NSP alone this week has caused many players from Borlis pass to transfer, including a 300+ WvW focused guild. Do we blame NSP for this??? If anything this week has showed us as a server who is dedicated to fighting even when the map is like that screenshot, as well as the guilds who are dedicated to our server. BTW thank NSP for the easy hit and run groups loving the karma,$, and exp for lower lvled guildies

I play on NSP and did my fair share of WvW for the best 2 weeks and never seen any hacking going on at all. I also like to say great fights with Anvil and Borlis but i pretty much all respect for Anvil at this point and gain lots of respect for Borlis for the good sportsmanship. I hope you guys get some people on that server so we can have another match in the future.


NSP vs AR vs BP

in WvW

Posted by: Rinzler.8072


I like how NSP is criticizing our tactics, like that had a major effect on how the scoreboard came to be.

No you simply have more people on throughout the day.

If we had equal pops, at best you would have a slight edge in score, not total domination.

With your numbers, you don’t even need tactics, just outzerg us on all maps like you have been.

Rinzler [Mesmer] -BROLIS PASS- Violent Tendencies (vT)

NSP vs AR vs BP

in WvW

Posted by: Kodiack.2783


I stated this in an earlier thread that was deleted.

How BP and AR see this currents match-up. NSP wins due to the following 3 factors.

1-Greater population during primtime.
2-Greater population during off hours
3- Skill / Tactics / organization.

How NSP sees why they won.

1- Tactics/ Skill / organization

Unfortunately this will not be resolved until NSP moves up a bracket and can test their skill/tactics against other servers that can field equal numbers on the battlefield.



NSP vs AR vs BP

in WvW

Posted by: epicsmooth.7825


Unfortunately this will not be resolved until NSP moves up a bracket and can test their skill/tactics against other servers that can field equal numbers on the battlefield.


Pretty much this.

NSP vs AR vs BP

in WvW

Posted by: Dovgan.8605


Only time and equal opponents will tell when it comes to the future of the NSP server. Yak’s Bend felt the same way, that they had superior players and tactics until they met servers that had equal numbers, and we see what’s happening to them now. I don’t blame the entirety of the NSP server for the orbs? that were hacked (one of which I watched happen) no comment as far as any others. But the effects it has on the overall morale of the server cannot be under estimated either. A large enough group of people would just rather not even queue up, basically turning the whole of the BG’s into very one sided fights.

That all being said, I have had some excellent battles with a lot of NSP players and a great time over all. I am saddened to see the match soured, but I guess after two weeks, and some obvious bitterness, it was to be expected. This is “war” after all. I wish NSP the best when they move up, but let YB be a lesson, it is not an easy road.

I think that is the one reason that Borlis has not been as vocal, if they were on week 2 of the same line that AR has been on, I can pretty much guarantee there would be players there as well feeling a lot like the AR community is feeling right now. Not to slight either of the other 2 servers, but you have to have walked down this road before you can judge the people on the server for feeling the way they do.

Dovgan lvl 80 Ranger
[LPC] [KAOS] – Killing As Organized Sport

NSP vs AR vs BP

in WvW

Posted by: Sundial.9015


So Anvil Rock, feel like trying to do something your own borderlands or NSP instead of double teaming us on Borlis?

Seemed like most of tonight a 30 man group including a guild named ToF were taking our supply camps and generally hitting us from a second direction on our borderlands and by proxy assisting NSP siege our garrison.

While we love fighting you guys, do you really not see who the common enemy is here? I am not even talking about score at this point (nor do I personally give a kitten about it). But seriously, this is beyond counterproductive to both of us.

Sundial, Necromancer – Aurora Catulus, Engineer – Kaine Illuma, Elementalist
WvW Captain – Horde of Miscreations, Borlis Pass Alliance

NSP vs AR vs BP

in WvW

Posted by: Dovgan.8605


@Sundial Borlis is just as guilty of this as AR is. Your server does the exact same thing. But what a great idea, if only your server felt the same way.

Dovgan lvl 80 Ranger
[LPC] [KAOS] – Killing As Organized Sport

NSP vs AR vs BP

in WvW

Posted by: jester.1083


Thank you Borlis Pass, I am having a great time going back and forth on your borderlands garrison tonight. You guys bring the fight. Much respect.


NSP vs AR vs BP

in WvW

Posted by: Stormcycle.4208


If people are attacking you on Borlis from Anvil Rock, its most likely just randoms. Aside from the Anvil Rock Coalition, we do have a fair share of pugs that just zerg around aimlessly most of the time and are not aware of happenings in ARC. As far as the guild I am in is concerned, the order was given not to attack Borlis unless you attacked us.

NSP vs AR vs BP

in WvW

Posted by: Sundial.9015


Thank you Borlis Pass, I am having a great time going back and forth on your borderlands garrison tonight. You guys bring the fight. Much respect.


Thank you NSP for the good fights. My guild had fun raining down terror on your two trebs at the garrison and many great skirmishes at the northeast supply camp (though you guys ultimately overwhelmed us there)

Sundial, Necromancer – Aurora Catulus, Engineer – Kaine Illuma, Elementalist
WvW Captain – Horde of Miscreations, Borlis Pass Alliance

NSP vs AR vs BP

in WvW

Posted by: Kodiack.2783


At least now that BP lost that 300 man WvW guild, the lower bracket might be competitive.


NSP vs AR vs BP

in WvW

Posted by: Radiodread.8469


Other crap aside, we had some great battles tonight on BP BL. Hopefully we get one more night of it before Friday! Cheers.

Radiodread, Guardian [Os] NSP
AKA: Darkshines, Schroedingers Mesmer

NSP vs AR vs BP

in WvW

Posted by: Windmoor.9834


That treb idea was mine, and yes we loved every minute you guys rained on us…GOOD JOB BOLIS PASS!!

Don’t fear the unknown, CONQUER IT!!!

NSP vs AR vs BP

in WvW

Posted by: Stormcycle.4208


I was over on Anvil Rock Borderlands fighting NSP between our Garrison and Dawns. When we broke through the first time you guys had some excellent siege weapon placement that took us out, since then it has just been zerging back and forth between your army and ours. Starting to get late though and people are logging but it was some great fighting. I honestly don’t remember the last time me or the guildies I run with encountered any serious battle with Borlis. The other day I think a group of 10 Borlis ran up on a fight with us and NSP at a tower, but we beat them back.

In any case, other crap aside, its been a fun two weeks with NSP and Im glad you are moving up to the next bracket (mostly so we get some fresh faces in here) I think threads like this one are starting to show how sick we are getting of each other.

As far as Borlis, we might be seeing you in the next one, if not, then get with whatever guilds you have going on there and see what the gameplan is. In fact do that anyway

NSP vs AR vs BP

in WvW

Posted by: Telmae.5720


Its been fun all week in Anvil Rock. TFO has been having a great time from what I can tell, regardless if we are getting steamrolled by zergs.

As for hacks, I think the fingers are being pointed in the wrong direction. Point them at Arena net and not other servers for using them. Hold Arena Net responsible.

Has it been confirmed that NSP will be in the next bracket next week? If so I will be watching that match-up closely. I honestly wish you guys luck against a server with a higher population.

NSP vs AR vs BP

in WvW

Posted by: Stormcycle.4208


I don’t think it has been confirmed, but I think I am half hoping half guessing.

As far as Arena Net, it took multiple servers constantly complaining to get them to acknowledge it. Now that they did I am somewhat satisfied. The squeaky wheel gets the grease.

NSP vs AR vs BP

in WvW

Posted by: Arkiels.9016


If they don’t move up, get ready for another NSP/AR matchup! lol

NSP vs AR vs BP

in WvW

Posted by: neithan.9750


Those were some fun fights last night in BP Borderlands!

Neithan Turambar
Level 80 Guardian, Thief
Minions of Grenth, Jade Quarry

NSP vs AR vs BP

in WvW

Posted by: Kardiamond.6952


So Anvil Rock, feel like trying to do something your own borderlands or NSP instead of double teaming us on Borlis?

Seemed like most of tonight a 30 man group including a guild named ToF were taking our supply camps and generally hitting us from a second direction on our borderlands and by proxy assisting NSP siege our garrison.

While we love fighting you guys, do you really not see who the common enemy is here? I am not even talking about score at this point (nor do I personally give a kitten about it). But seriously, this is beyond counterproductive to both of us.

Wow you are in HoM guild and you say that?

In the shilverpeak borderland yesterday at like 9 pm, we (anvil rock) had our west supply back, and were raiding Faithleap and camp around in the ennemy territory.

What do we see? Borlis Pass attacking our west camp in our territory, then them coming directly to the north camp we are attacking to attack us. Like a zerg fo around 20 player.

I’m telling myself : It must be random player group running around.

But now that I see your signature ahah It was your freaking HoM guild that did it. I’m sure it happens on both side, but don’t attack us on the forum about it when your guild did it!

Really it’s not big deal, it just weird that I see you complaining when yesterday your guid went out of their way just to attack us in our territory and attack our only tower owned in the map.

Rotthen (Necro) / Zhyx (Engineer) /Inglorious Beasterd (Ranger)
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]

NSP vs AR vs BP

in WvW

Posted by: neithan.9750


We were in NSP fartin’ around until the queue for BP Borderlands popped.


Neithan Turambar
Level 80 Guardian, Thief
Minions of Grenth, Jade Quarry

NSP vs AR vs BP

in WvW

Posted by: dirtyklingon.2918


to be fair, Anvil rock has has been playing hard at us for 2nd place in every match we’ve been in together since headstart.

you guys seem to hate us more than anyone else and even have tried to help lock us into our spawn when we were in 3rd already.

in one or both videos you will see Anvil rock players throwing themselves literally into the middle of our zerg from the flank as we pry ourselves out of our spawn. this is as way back on september 10th and this was far from the first time the rock teamed up with 1st place to push us out.

since then we’ve seen the bulk of our competent wvwers on borlis pass quit to go to greener pastures.

as long as anvil rock continues to aid 1st place against us in such desperate ways to avoid facing the bottom teir, idk that we can really bother to avoid taking any objectives you guys hold.

at this point i’d be more inclined to make you guys pay for past insults and take the lose or fight you for 2nd rather than ascede to requests to NAP. your servers’ rep on borlis is entirely founded on going after us to secure 2nd place at all costs.

who doesn’t love wow clones?

NSP vs AR vs BP

in WvW

Posted by: neithan.9750


DK laying the wood

Neithan Turambar
Level 80 Guardian, Thief
Minions of Grenth, Jade Quarry