NSP vs EB vs SF 10/26

NSP vs EB vs SF 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Radiodread.8469


Maybe I’m blind but I don’t see a thread for us yet.

Does anyone have an updated score?

So far this game is shaping up to be pretty competitive. I’m glad to be back in a bracket that is closer to our population. I really hope they shut down free transfers soon to avoid the lopsided finish.

Also, if you witnessed the Os golem march in EB last night, I’ll have a video of it up soon. 7 Keeps and 12+ towers isn’t too bad for a golem train.

Radiodread, Guardian [Os] NSP
AKA: Darkshines, Schroedingers Mesmer

(edited by Radiodread.8469)

NSP vs EB vs SF 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: MATT THE OWNER.7412


Current Scoreboard:

I think it’s gonna be a very even matchup this round. I had a blast last night when I was in WvW!

Good luck to all three servers!


Its A Conspiracy Theory™ – Northern Shiverpeaks – IGN: Matt The Owner

NSP vs EB vs SF 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Niim.9260


25k/23/20k for NSP/EB/SF respectively, everyone has an orb I think.

Fights have been good, getting better solo fights then I got last week with Yak Bend 3 orb baddies, though I had a 2 orb EB fail called Danger Zone from Tyme guild force log on me last night. Ironic name considering his skill level. Was having a good fight with a NSP guardian in front of redlake this afternoon, but takes to long to kill a guardian in my spec and a bunch more came along and added on the fight. Not sure why folks continue to attack when they get friends, if I am having a good 1v1 I always pull off is someone joins the fight, guess it is my DAoC upbringing.

Back and forth battles have also been good, SF lost bay to a backdoor while defending the front door, was a good move by EB.

Week is young, but its better then last week so no complaints.

~ AoN ~

NSP vs EB vs SF 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Arsilon.5467


There’s a bunch of Ehmry Bay bots in the Ehmry Bay Borderlands lake, on the north side if anyone needs some free badges.

Ehmry Bay
The Purge [PURG]

NSP vs EB vs SF 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Supersun.4603


I’m glad to be back in a bracket that is closer to our population.


NSPs population from what I’ve seen is significantly larger then the other 2 servers population.

NSP vs EB vs SF 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Niim.9260


NSPs population from what I’ve seen is significantly larger then the other 2 servers population.

Didnt seem that way to me. Maybe a bit more, but after Yak’s Bend my vision of what significantly larger means, is totally skewed.

~ AoN ~

NSP vs EB vs SF 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Radiodread.8469


On a Friday night, there is not much difference in population.

Radiodread, Guardian [Os] NSP
AKA: Darkshines, Schroedingers Mesmer

NSP vs EB vs SF 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Supersun.4603


On a Friday morning on the other hand…

NSP vs EB vs SF 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Krathalos.3461


Populations are all “high” right now for all three servers. The populations are close. NSP lost a lot of its players recently, including a large guild from the server.

Also, we’ve yet to see a Friday morning from this match up, so I have no idea what you’re talking about, Supersun.

NSP vs EB vs SF 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Supersun.4603


*Saturday morning

Edit: Can SF stop fighting for second.

There is no reason you guys should be throwing your bodies at the Bay in our borderlands which we can just Treb from Garrison and take back in 5 minutes.
NSP has no one challenging them in their borderlands and you guys spawn closest to the easiest to hold keep in the game that currently does have a waypoint.

I’d love to swap positions with you guys so that we didn’t have to spawn next to NSPs Bay, but that’s not how the current match up ended up. NSP is going to run away with this if you guys don’t contest the Hills in their borderlands and continue to smash your head against the Bay in our borderland.

(edited by Supersun.4603)

NSP vs EB vs SF 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Krathalos.3461


So what you’re asking for them to do is help the second place server get first place while they stay in third place? Yeah, I don’t know why you’d expect them to do that. Ehmry Bay did nothing but attack NSP two weeks ago whenever Darkhaven had the lead by a large margin.

NSP vs EB vs SF 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Supersun.4603


NSP self admittedly practically lived in EB’s borderlands for the first half of the week.

I’ve seen plenty of posters agree that was one of the main reasons why DH pulled ahead.

Really, the match is close. Ehmry is at a tremendous disadvantage in NSP’s borderlands just like SF is at a disadvantage in our borderlands.

I’m just suggesting they attack where they actually have the advantage at.

NSP vs EB vs SF 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Raptor.9863


NSP self admittedly practically lived in EB’s borderlands for the first half of the week.

I’ve seen plenty of posters agree that was one of the main reasons why DH pulled ahead.

Really, the match is close. Ehmry is at a tremendous disadvantage in NSP’s borderlands just like SF is at a disadvantage in our borderlands.

I’m just suggesting they attack where they actually have the advantage at.

Show us where it was admitted that we lived in your bl during the first half of the week? For the most part we only hit you just enough to reset upgrades. A small group of us where even defending your sites one night from DH on your bl. We did not go all out on embay until we’d had enough of you guys only attacking us.

Raptor – Human Guardian
Northern Shiverpeakes

NSP vs EB vs SF 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Supersun.4603


It wasn’t Os as much as VIP, but I’ve heard they were rather unconnected and have left your server.

If you check out the last 2 pages of that thread (https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/pvp/wuvwuv/Darkhaven-Vs-Ehmry-Bay-Vs-Northern-Shiverpeaks/page/9)
there are a few mentions to it.

NSP vs EB vs SF 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Surbrus.6942


So far the only bad sportsmanship I’ve seen has been from Ehrmy Bay. From setting up trebuchets apparently inside their safe zone in their citadel, to people like Summer Drowspyder of the guild “Thanks For Trying Come Again [IWIN]” exploiting through walls to destroy siege in critical towers for the past 6 hours straight. (https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/pvp/wuvwuv/EBAY-Hacker/first#post563343)

I know that it is mainly just individuals seemingly trying to give you guys a bad reputation.. but come on guys, let’s try to make this a fun and fair match. I know it isn’t a fair generalization, but I’m starting to think of you guys as orb hackers (previous matchup with EBay)and exploiters.

Let us hope for a resolution, whether it be patch, bans, or even boredom/change of heart on part of the hackers/exploiters. For the most part this match has been a fun match up, although threatened by the mentioned lack of sportsmanship.

NSP vs EB vs SF 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Supersun.4603


EBay, to my knowledge, has never hacked an orb.

NSP vs EB vs SF 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Wizardauz.3761


I just confirmed with all those on the Sorrows Furnace Borderlands fighting today that the Orb was taken legitimately. We used a Suicide Run of Golems to zerk down the gates and specifically get the alter. We actually left the garrison and didnt want to take it.

Ebay will not condone hacking. And its bad sportmanship to spread rumors people. Play fair, play hard.

- Tzenjin [AoN]

Ehmry Bay – Good Fights Guild Leader
Lvl 80 Sylvari Guardian – Tzenjin [GF]
Lvl 80 Human Elementalist – Tzenkai [GF]

NSP vs EB vs SF 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Surbrus.6942


@ Wiazardauz

I was referring to a previous match, a few weeks ago now when mentioning orb hacking. No big deal at the moment, I think we’ve all had that kind of thing happen to us (honest players on all servers) several times by now.

@ Supersun

I wouldn’t be so confident in making that kind of assumption about any server. Their have been hackers jumping from server to server with all the other fair weather pvpers and botters. You would be safer to make the claim that every single server has hacked orbs rather than claiming that one has not.

NSP vs EB vs SF 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Supersun.4603


We’ve double check any orb steals that seemed suspicious in the past.

The one you are referring to was taken from NSP who just took it from DH (they had screenshots to prove it). If I remember correctly NSP said they originally took that orb as well.

NSP vs EB vs SF 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Dane.3948




also, apparently meow is filled with really nice guys and we feel horrible.

(edited by Dane.3948)

NSP vs EB vs SF 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Ralathar.7236


So what you’re asking for them to do is help the second place server get first place while they stay in third place? Yeah, I don’t know why you’d expect them to do that. Ehmry Bay did nothing but attack NSP two weeks ago whenever Darkhaven had the lead by a large margin.

When the fighting is done 90% in our corner of the map it is not attacking, it is defending. Ehmry Bay got annihilated in that matchup and had less than half the score of either of the other two servers. Your comment is completely and totally false on multiple levels. We didn’t even possess the capability to do what you said considering we had a FRACTION of your population that week.

Now, around Thursday evening of the matchup NSP finally stopped doggedly attacking us, realizing this was causing them to lose the match via poor tactics. They tried to reclaim the #1 place that they in reality had easily had they played right. But Ehmry Bay was kind of annoyed at them for being relentlessly attacked for 3/4 of the matchup and we pretty much said “NO”.

Other than that you have a valid point on why they shouldn’t agree. Just try to keep the red herrings, specifically incorrect red herrings, out of it next time.

Rashanala – 80 Elementalist
Ehmry Bay – Legion of the Iron Hawk [Hawk]

NSP vs EB vs SF 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Ralathar.7236


It feels weird to nightcap as Ehrmy Bay, who is known to have had a horrible night population. (we are talking 10 per BL lol). Server transfers definitely need to go.

Score update:


Rashanala – 80 Elementalist
Ehmry Bay – Legion of the Iron Hawk [Hawk]

NSP vs EB vs SF 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Niim.9260


Go to sleep with NSP in the lead, wake up with EB having almost a 20k lead. Sorry our doors didnt put up as much of a fight as we would like, we been talking to them about being more responsive…

To bad, it was shaping up to be a nice match.

~ AoN ~

NSP vs EB vs SF 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Supersun.4603


IIRC we ended up passing you in score around 10 PM PST.

That’s not that late is it?

NSP vs EB vs SF 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Niim.9260


Notensack you clearly have never had kids as your comment makes no sense, and how old are you that you haven’t mastered the basics of telling the time?

Supersun that would fit better as I went to bed just before that, that’s 2 am my time on the east coast. At around 4 am PST EB was ticking at around 625. Couple hours after that NSP seems to have woken up and stomping over the map.

~ AoN ~

(edited by Niim.9260)

NSP vs EB vs SF 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Arsilon.5467


NSP clearly has the numbers online right now for sure. Barely anyone from EB online to try and stop them. Should make for an interesting week. Especially if you throw in Hurricane Sandy creating log-in problems all week with people in the East potentially losing power.

Ehmry Bay
The Purge [PURG]

NSP vs EB vs SF 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Tryble.6819


Ehmry took a gigantic lead overnight; about 20k. Last time we (NSP) were against EB I don’t remember there being a real night presence on either side. Looks like that’s changed.
On the other hand, NSP controls about 2/3rds of the world at the moment, so that gap may close quite a bit.
I’m really hoping this doesn’t turn into us just taking each others’ stuff when there’s no enemies online, the battles were really good (and closely matched) up until I logged off yesterday.
Territory control right now is at:
NSP 430
EB 190
SF 75

NSP vs EB vs SF 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: elorei.6251


Tryble, NSP was not seriously outnumbered til about 6am eastern. Fact is, most fights we ran into EB was outnumbered. We won many fights outnumbered 3 to 1, in fact. Watch the keep video, for that matter. 8 vs 30 for like 2 hours. Thats 8 EB players and 30 NSP.

The real problem, as I see it, is how stupid orb bonuses are. Stack 25 might and go into a fight with 3 orbs and you can mow down any number of enemies.

The outmanned buff popped on NSP once. ONCE. This was after the entire map was taken and nsp left. When you guys have 45 people holding a gate against our 25 man zerg and we take the other door with 5 ppl and your defenders never react, you have a problem. And its not a numbers issue.

NSP vs EB vs SF 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Noice.8730


Ehmrybay had a good start this week. I hope we can continue this for the rest of the week guys! We had some good battles with NS and SF at Etheron Hills today! Both your offense were really good! So many close calls!

Special thanks to GH and PK guild for the always awesome response.May all our guilds stay strong and have good camaraderie!
“Ehmry is Family! "

-FTF guild leader

Noice – Lvl 80 Elementalist
Noice To Meet Ya – Lvl 80 Guardian

(edited by Noice.8730)

NSP vs EB vs SF 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Convenant.7092


What’s happening to NSP and SF? This is gonna be a boring week if this keeps going :S…

NSP vs EB vs SF 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Niim.9260


Cant speak for NSP, but if I know SF at all, they were down 20k and all up and quit for another week. Granted we cannot, nor have we ever, been able to compete on the nightcap front, so the match will leave us in the dust either way.

~ AoN ~

NSP vs EB vs SF 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Coolmoos.8546


Cant speak for NSP, but if I know SF at all, they were down 20k and all up and quit for another week. Granted we cannot, nor have we ever, been able to compete on the nightcap front, so the match will leave us in the dust either way.

People enjoying Halloween event and people jumping kitten to winning servers.

Xfers win again

Atriese 80 Thief – Os Guild [Os] – Northern Shiverpeaks

NSP vs EB vs SF 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Notensack.9268


how old are you that you haven’t mastered the basics of telling the time?

Supersun that would fit better as I went to bed just before that, that’s 2 am my time on the east coast. At around 4 am PST EB was ticking at around 625. Couple hours after that NSP seems to have woken up and stomping over the map.

There aren’t a lot of keeps to bang on for a night crew when you have 395pts a tick at 8pm EST. When you maintain a lead like that it will close a 2k gap in a few hours. So no, you did not go to bed with a lead, you went to bed with a deficit.

This is how we do it
Run Like Hell recruitment

(edited by Notensack.9268)

NSP vs EB vs SF 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Ralathar.7236


Go to sleep with NSP in the lead, wake up with EB having almost a 20k lead. Sorry our doors didnt put up as much of a fight as we would like, we been talking to them about being more responsive…

To bad, it was shaping up to be a nice match.

It’s no fun to PVE WvW, we had more than our fill of that last week. But we play when we have time to play.

If you guys were still showing up like you did during the first few daya (when Ehmry fighting a tough battle for 2nd) then we would have your nice match. But quite simply you guys quit showing up as much after a few days. Heck, we were even being beaten in 3rd place for a couple days.

More specifically on NSP though. You guys need to get organized and communicate. Most of the defeats that Ehrmy Bay is dealing you right now are defeats you should not be suffering. Like 30 people beating on Hills keep front gate while another gate is down and you are in lord room. Like 5 players wiping those 20 players in the lord room.

Ehrmy Bay is going to face other servers, and it’s going to hurt. Because NSP quite simply doesn’t have it’s stuff together and I can confidently charge into battle outnumbered 2:1 or more.

People enjoying Halloween event and people jumping kitten to winning servers.

Xfers win again

I agree completely. The ironic thing is that Ehmry Bay starting out losing and dueling for second.

Rashanala – 80 Elementalist
Ehmry Bay – Legion of the Iron Hawk [Hawk]

NSP vs EB vs SF 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Niim.9260


how old are you that you haven’t mastered the basics of telling the time?

Supersun that would fit better as I went to bed just before that, that’s 2 am my time on the east coast. At around 4 am PST EB was ticking at around 625. Couple hours after that NSP seems to have woken up and stomping over the map.

There aren’t a lot of keeps to bang on for a night crew when you have 395pts a tick at 8pm EST. When you maintain a lead like that it will close a 2k gap in a few hours. So no, you did not go to bed with a lead, you went to bed with a deficit.

I never said I had a lead, I am from SF, we haven’t had a lead since the first night. When I went to bed at just before 1 am EST, NSP still had a lead. I have no issues with night crew, my issue is with people that pretend that it isn’t happening.

~ AoN ~

NSP vs EB vs SF 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Supersun.4603


how old are you that you haven’t mastered the basics of telling the time?

Supersun that would fit better as I went to bed just before that, that’s 2 am my time on the east coast. At around 4 am PST EB was ticking at around 625. Couple hours after that NSP seems to have woken up and stomping over the map.

There aren’t a lot of keeps to bang on for a night crew when you have 395pts a tick at 8pm EST. When you maintain a lead like that it will close a 2k gap in a few hours. So no, you did not go to bed with a lead, you went to bed with a deficit.

I never said I had a lead, I am from SF, we haven’t had a lead since the first night. When I went to bed at just before 1 am EST, NSP still had a lead. I have no issues with night crew, my issue is with people that pretend that it isn’t happening.

That’s the thing though.

While 1 AM EST may seem late to you, 10 PM PST isn’t really that late for the west coast.

It’s not really night capping when half of the US is still awake.

NSP vs EB vs SF 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Ralathar.7236


how old are you that you haven’t mastered the basics of telling the time?

Supersun that would fit better as I went to bed just before that, that’s 2 am my time on the east coast. At around 4 am PST EB was ticking at around 625. Couple hours after that NSP seems to have woken up and stomping over the map.

There aren’t a lot of keeps to bang on for a night crew when you have 395pts a tick at 8pm EST. When you maintain a lead like that it will close a 2k gap in a few hours. So no, you did not go to bed with a lead, you went to bed with a deficit.

I never said I had a lead, I am from SF, we haven’t had a lead since the first night. When I went to bed at just before 1 am EST, NSP still had a lead. I have no issues with night crew, my issue is with people that pretend that it isn’t happening.

That’s the thing though.

While 1 AM EST may seem late to you, 10 PM PST isn’t really that late for the west coast.

It’s not really night capping when half of the US is still awake.

This is the way it is most of the time. Time zone differential. In those cases you have hours where your server has the advantage as well unless you are much lower pop in the first place, in which case it wouldn’t be night capping but instead server mismatch.

Alot of times people say night capping and give up immediately on a perfectly winnable or competitive fight though. SF showed plenty of people for all of 3 days then almost completely disappeared. If their people would stay on they could make a fight of this match. Likewise NSP had more people as well during that time.

I know server transfers is some of it, but how much you wanna bet both servers show up at full strength first day of the new match-up again?

Rashanala – 80 Elementalist
Ehmry Bay – Legion of the Iron Hawk [Hawk]

NSP vs EB vs SF 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Raific.4652


Instead of getting mad that someone does not know what server you are on and also having to write it in your post, why not use “Signature” and put your server there? Are people embarrassed to show what world they represent?

Guild Officer, Supply and Demand [SAnD]
Kot Thaed – Warrior
Maguuma Server

NSP vs EB vs SF 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Radiodread.8469


For the people bickering about time telling, I recorded the whole night (Friday night/Saturday morning) in EB up to about 3am EST and NSP was ahead until I went to bed after the golem march. So the dramatic shift in score happened after 3am EST.

Radiodread, Guardian [Os] NSP
AKA: Darkshines, Schroedingers Mesmer

NSP vs EB vs SF 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Niim.9260


Perhaps we should call it off hour capping instead of night capping, as time of day really doesn’t matter, what does matter is that there are blocks in the day when one team or another has mostly uncontested access to the map. This is part of the game, it is a reality until such time as Anet does something about it, and it is not the servers fault the opponents have no population at those hours.

SF, my server, has an epic ability to abandon ship the moment there is a sign of a loss. All they needed to start that ball rolling is waking up sunday to see how many points were gained in off hours, something we have never been able to do or compete with.

I took the attached screenshot on sunday morning, before SF had really woken up, and about an hour before we took most of our EB section back. I thought it was a funny reflection of SF.

On friday we will have 3 commanders per map, most of which I have never seen before, many yelling or doing things that contradict other commanders. From now till the end of the week we will have Terror, Nova Scotian’s, CL and a few other die hard guilds and people out there fighting it out, trying to make things happen and play WvW for the fun of WvW, not the scoreboard.


~ AoN ~

(edited by Niim.9260)

NSP vs EB vs SF 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Caosaur.3871


This is why I left SF a couple weeks ago (I’ve been there since day 1, btw). They aren’t very active after the weekend, nighttime, or barely in the daytime. They give up way too easily.


Being a cancerous roamer on TC.

NSP vs EB vs SF 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Niim.9260


I am starting to think the posts above by EB folks above, about NSP being dysfunctional are correct. For some reason this afternoon they pushed into red, instead of blue, interrupted our defense of a tower against blue, took the tower from us and then promptly lost it to blue.

So not only did you not accomplish anything, you gave more territory to blue… awesome job.

~ AoN ~

NSP vs EB vs SF 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Reido Kyuuten.4709

Reido Kyuuten.4709

When I was in and out of WvW yesterday, it was pretty dead cuz of the Halloween events. And when there was a decent number of people in our (NSP) borderlands considering the time, there was only 1 organized group of <10 [Os] players who didn’t communicate (outside of their mumble I assume). The only other decent sized group just mindlessly zerged at the garrison while the other group quietly took out the opposite gate, infiltrated and went in. It would’ve been a great tactic by the zerg if they meant to be a distraction, but they didn’t.

NSP vs EB vs SF 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: runeblade.7514


It will be a good match, Northern Shiverpeaks and Sorrow Furnance.

See you in the battlefield.

5x Warrior, 5x Ranger, 4x Elementalist, 4x Engineer,
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant

NSP vs EB vs SF 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Keiel.7489


Not an excuse, but after the NSP light lead on Friday, most people just went and PVE all weekend. When urged to go to WvW most people just shrugged and said that after the weekend we’ll take the lead again. I know this isn’t true cause once you lose the lead by such a large margin the general populace aka “zerg” will lose interest, and after that no matter how great of commanders you have it won’t matter. I enjoy the day fights but as the nightfall begins people give up completely since the minor gain isn’t catching up fast enough. I’ll continue the fight, but I hope next week will be different for NSP.

Side-note I do like the new EB a lot more, you guys seem to be more organised than when we were matched up against DH. I think next game you’ll be matched up against them if you keep this lead. With your night crew I think it would make it a interesting match up.


NSP vs EB vs SF 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Meurto.8520


This is starting to feel like a repeat of YB from last week. We seem to be constantly out manned, even in our own borderlands and have never had much of an off peaks population so anything we might take will most likely be gone in the morning. If SF keeps getting matched up with the worst team of the upper brackets, who so far seem to have a much better showing, then we are in for a rather miserable wvw experience. I am not sure if we have lost a considerable number of people to server xfers or lack of motivation, but we rarely seem to have a queue outside of Friday. If this keeps up SF may see more people leave for a more competitive matchup.

NSP vs EB vs SF 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Surbrus.6942


So how about that Castle capture, then almost taking out NSP’s keep just a couple minutes later?

Yeah sure we on Sorrow’s Furnace don’t really have the numbers to necessarily stand even with you guys, but we will sure as hell try to keep it exciting.

Also, funny to see NSP and SF both teaming up on EBay right before those two servers go to bed tonight. Just trying to give the Ehrmy night crew something to do.

NSP vs EB vs SF 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Deer.1890


Match is going down hill fast, but its a good time running around in our little zerg busting group tonight. in NSP BL. If you see 5 RLH coming at ya , you might want to Run Like Hell . … its 3 am…. need sleep…

Deeer 80 Warrior RLH Ehmry Bay

NSP vs EB vs SF 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Serebus.7314


Im very surprised to see Ebay isnt as aggressive in NSP borderlands as it is in SF borderlands o.o good fights so far guys keep it classy!

Bronade – Guild leader of TERROR[TG]
Homeworld = Home Borderland!

NSP vs EB vs SF 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: AsteriskCGY.5931


Wish someone would contest EB’s stuff on their grounds. Only we have a mosiac going on here.