NSP vs EB vs SF 10/26

NSP vs EB vs SF 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Supersun.4603


Im very surprised to see Ebay isnt as aggressive in NSP borderlands as it is in SF borderlands o.o good fights so far guys keep it classy!

Shouldn’t be that surprising as we get a better position in SF’s borderland then NSP’s borderland.

I hate the Bay…

NSP vs EB vs SF 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Aldare.5836


I can honestly say my motivation to wvw this week just wasn’t there. It’s been a hard few weeks for us here at NSP.

Just a Guy

NSP vs EB vs SF 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Jamaz.9837


Wish someone would contest EB’s stuff on their grounds. Only we have a mosiac going on here.

SF and NSP send about 20-30 guys each every night just to try to take our borderlands. Usually that’s when our guild gets a call for reinforcements, and we come in and suffocate any sort of resistance. We’ve been enjoying the Halloween event and don’t have any interest spawn camping other borderlands, but any time some guys even think about setting foot in EBB, we give invaders at least three repair bills and a feeling of soreness.

Ehmry Bay – The Shadowmoon

NSP vs EB vs SF 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: brandon.6735


lol SF zerg group right now in SF borderland. Almost wiped to a few of us in arah hope when we went up that wooden tower.


NSP vs EB vs SF 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Noice.8730


Im very surprised to see Ebay isnt as aggressive in NSP borderlands as it is in SF borderlands o.o good fights so far guys keep it classy!

Hills is easier to defend and closer to our waypoint. This is day 3 my guild [FTF] has the keep with the orb on watch.

Ehmrybay is doing really good with defending the orb.

Let’s keep it up guys!

Noice – Lvl 80 Elementalist
Noice To Meet Ya – Lvl 80 Guardian

NSP vs EB vs SF 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Jinks.2057


Don’t really care who wins this weeks match…only really care about killing NSP and SF peeps.

That being said only played a few times so the corpse abuse on you those fellas is prolly low.

NSP vs EB vs SF 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: AsteriskCGY.5931


Meh, I need another 242 badges for a gift then I’m out. Wish they’d drop more frequently. I don’t want to have to drag a bunch of toons through the jumping puzzles.

NSP vs EB vs SF 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Ralathar.7236


Im very surprised to see Ebay isnt as aggressive in NSP borderlands as it is in SF borderlands o.o good fights so far guys keep it classy!

It’s a combination of worse positioning and NSP zerging alot more than SF. So not only is it harder to take their stuff but they also reclaim it quicker if we are not careful. Trust me we ARE aggressive there. I’ve spent much of my fighting there this week.

Rashanala – 80 Elementalist
Ehmry Bay – Legion of the Iron Hawk [Hawk]

NSP vs EB vs SF 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Serebus.7314


Just witnessed a suspicious looking zerg of NSP that were all rangers all from the same guild and all ran around the same circle in the keep lords room at hills a guildie will provide a screenshot shortly.

Bronade – Guild leader of TERROR[TG]
Homeworld = Home Borderland!

NSP vs EB vs SF 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: wolf.1895


NSP, you got some good bots. Keep it up, makes y’all good!

Synco // Retired Guild leader of TERROR [TG] #1 GvG Guild NA Post-HoT
Maguuma Server Dictator

NSP vs EB vs SF 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Darius Glazkov.9750

Darius Glazkov.9750

I only see one person from FINE in that screenshot. Every person from that screenshot is from a different guild. Mind explaining a little more before throwing around accusations? And regarding being in green, of course we’re all green. We are the green team.

You must be new. Welcome to World vs. World. Enjoy your stay.

Second Law [Scnd]

NSP vs EB vs SF 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Serebus.7314


I only see one person from FINE in that screenshot. Every person from that screenshot is from a different guild. Mind explaining a little more before throwing around accusations? And regarding being in green, of course we’re all green. We are the green team.

You must be new. Welcome to World vs. World. Enjoy your stay.

it was more then just one that was a bad screenshot and i apologize for not having better evidence. For all i know your guild could be highly populated by rangers idk, from my perspective it looked rather suspicious, my experience with bots in this game have been that they are all rangers and run pretty tightly together, all I’m saying is IF there is a zerg of bots on NSP please report them its not fun trying to defend against 20+ rangers all spamming the same AoE in the same location.

I am just asking you guys to keep it clean IF there is suspicious activity going on in your BL.

Its late for me so GN and GL out there.

Bronade – Guild leader of TERROR[TG]
Homeworld = Home Borderland!

NSP vs EB vs SF 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Deer.1890


Snagged Garrison, and ran up and placed the orb. Yall almost got the both back, with the cap bar 90% the way finished, but they couldnt quite clear the room. Good times NSP.

As for the screen shot, not to sure what that is showing besides a bunch of random people. I do find it weird they are all wearing green … something tells me it may have something to do with them being the green team though .


Deeer 80 Warrior RLH Ehmry Bay

NSP vs EB vs SF 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Supersun.4603


Did they all have bear pets?

NSP vs EB vs SF 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Darius Glazkov.9750

Darius Glazkov.9750

I can personally guarantee you that there are no bots in FINE. Any such activity found would be reported and removed from the guild immediately. If you have any substantial evidence (video preferably) showing otherwise, I request that you present it. Just because you see a lot of people hitting the same spot with AoE does not mean that they are bots.

The only “suspicious activity” would be the typical group of 4-5 bots up in centaurs farming as seen on almost every server’s borderland. Much smaller than the group of 10 or so bots sitting in Ehmry Bay’s North Quaggan camp preventing anybody from capping it unless they get zerg’d out.

Second Law [Scnd]

(edited by Darius Glazkov.9750)

NSP vs EB vs SF 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Coolmoos.8546


BTW, Those are not bots…. Everyone is in a different guild. Secondly we enjoy putting groups together of the same class.

Atriese 80 Thief – Os Guild [Os] – Northern Shiverpeaks

NSP vs EB vs SF 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Dokem.2634


I hope that with the restrictions to transfers, we can get better wvw experience here in SF, we need to build community. A lot of bandwagoners left and continue to leave and the server lacks the wvw population needed to advance in tiers. With low numbers, the motivation to play diminish and people prefer to simple pve and quit for the week, hoping next week will be better. That’s why we play from friday to sunday at the most, but then when we start losing we quit fast. There is an important lack of good commanders aswell.

Anyways, it has been more fun compared to the Yak’s Bend massacre from last week.

Yak’s Bend
Coalicion [GWH]

NSP vs EB vs SF 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Khairos.3890


Perhaps he was confused because he saw organization. I’ve fought alongside with [FINE] on the battlefield, and never saw bots being used to take keeps and territory. [FINE] fights with honor.

Helia – Stormbluff Isle – [MORD]

NSP vs EB vs SF 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Noice.8730


well, we tried to hold the orb but we are just completely outmanned. Good game NSP at etheron hills sf borderlands It finally fell after the 4th day of holding it.

Noice – Lvl 80 Elementalist
Noice To Meet Ya – Lvl 80 Guardian

NSP vs EB vs SF 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Samusen.4578


so Northren shiverpeaks is using bots. we just got defeated at etheron hills by 2 guilds of bots. although i will say 90% of the bots in my screenshot on the way to the anet team were in the guild XXXX. all ranger, all in green. all running around in circles behind one another where the guild lord fell as i laid on the floor watching them. It is also a wonder why EB is staying out of this borderland. the ranger army of bots swarming really suck. It is bad when you have to cheat so bad it what is supposed to be fun for all.

Hi, I am the Guild Leader of [FINE]. I’d like you to remove our guild name from your post based on the fact you have no proof shown. One dead FINE member and a group of people who are in fact not running around in a circle but just standing there shows there is no botting. You may be upset because your zerg was wiped trying to take something that only a few people held. But that gives you no reason to throw out claims of cheating against my guild.

You may also be interested to know that FINE actually only fields 4 rangers at the most. You may be confused with warriors, and thiefs using bows as well. Also to answer the question of why people are running behind members of FINE, it’s because we have the most commanders on server and are one of the best WvW guilds. People often follow our members around because we speak up in Team chat to organize defenses.

So I am asking you to take out my guild name and remove the picture of my guild member where you have labeled them bots with no actual proof. If you reported people for botting, then let Anet sort them out. But throwing out accusations against my guild in a public forum without any proof is down right rude. So I will be forced to report you in turn, if you do not remove your false claims.

P.S. I would also like an apology when you realize, that you were mistaken.

Commander Samusen – 80 Warrior
Guild Leader of Fat Insecure Neurotic Emotional[FINE]
Resident of Maguuma

(edited by Samusen.4578)

NSP vs EB vs SF 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Suralin.3947


SF really does need to build up its community. It used to be impossible to get into any of the BLs during prime time. Now we’ll be lucky if we can fill up the slots on just one.

Still, this match has been far more enjoyable than last week. Yak’s Bend made it impossible for us to take and hold some of our forts. This week, we’ve been able to fight back in eternal battlegrounds even after losing just about everything to NSP. Maybe after the Halloween event, things will get better for us. Who knows? We have a lot of selfless commanders laying down defenses and upgrading. I wish I had their money, haha.

DragonBrand – Terror Gaming [TG]
Fer Aline – Thf; Suralinta – Rgr; Alyra Va Tel – Ele; Mer Aline – War

NSP vs EB vs SF 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Radiodread.8469


I don’t understand whats so difficult to understand about reporting cheaters and exploits to the appropriate channels and not in WvW match threads. It has been posted many dozens if not hundreds of times by moderators. Keep this thread focused on the match and let the proper channels take care of the exploits. PM one of the guild leaders if a specific guild is in question.

Radiodread, Guardian [Os] NSP
AKA: Darkshines, Schroedingers Mesmer

(edited by Radiodread.8469)

NSP vs EB vs SF 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Serebus.7314


@Samusen Ill take your word for it in saying it wasn’t bots you guys gave us a good run for our money Good times in NSP borderlands then I hope it didn’t make us seem weak i know some of my guildies posts seemed alot more heated then mane.

@Suralin What you have to understand about SF in its current state is that the server is split right now between 2 languages, Since some one claimed that SF was the unofficial Latin NA server its difficult to communicate with half the population ( even though i speak a little bit of Spanish I don’t think i could stay up and translate all day), right now I’m working out a new server alliance thins the old one crumbled fast.

@Radiodead we posted here in the WvW forums to inform NSP as well so that if it was in fact bots you guys could act on it as well id hope if some one witnessed an entire guild on a server botting the server would want to get rid of their trash. Luckily for all of us it wasn’t bots it was a good guild that kicked our kitten and took hills legit.

Anyways I’m looking forward to fighting NSP next week, it should be fun with all this Ebay pressure off of us. I did notice you guys field a lot of players in Ebay borderlands and held a good chunk of it.

Hope to see more good fights for the rest of out match!

PS: sorry i couldn’t quote i think the forums bugged on me.

Bronade – Guild leader of TERROR[TG]
Homeworld = Home Borderland!

NSP vs EB vs SF 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Radiodread.8469


Yeah, 70% of the time I can’t quote from forums either. It is quite annoying.

Radiodread, Guardian [Os] NSP
AKA: Darkshines, Schroedingers Mesmer

NSP vs EB vs SF 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Supersun.4603


Yeah, 70% of the time I can’t quote from forums either. It is quite annoying.

Copy the address of the Permalink for the post you want to quote.
Paste it into your address bar.
Add /quote at the end of the address.

NSP vs EB vs SF 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Actium.8765


Hello there everyone… as you can see I am not from either of these 3 servers so I’ll keep this brief.

If possible, could I get a commander from SF to message me? I’d like to discuss some stuff with them. thank you and have a good match everyone.

Character: Acium 80 Guard
Server: Northern Shiverpeaks, Commander
Guild: Legends and Myth [Myth]

NSP vs EB vs SF 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Gorefiend.9675


Sorrows Furnace, I saw this probably three times today. The biggest advantage of a Trebuchet is they have an enormous range. It allows you to get onto advantageous spots and assault keeps with as little trouble defending as possible. For the love of god, please stop building them 20 meters away from the keeps to siege it. Use catapults instead.

D/D, Staff Elementalist

NSP vs EB vs SF 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: jboynton.7894


Sweet orb hax just now on the part of ebay in NSP bl…..

NSP vs EB vs SF 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Serebus.7314


@jboynton Careful with calling out hacks in these forums, true or not it has the potential of getting you banned from further use. One of my guildies got banned on his first post ever for mentioning bots.

Bronade – Guild leader of TERROR[TG]
Homeworld = Home Borderland!

NSP vs EB vs SF 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Supersun.4603


Sweet orb hax just now on the part of ebay in NSP bl…..

You sure it wasn’t Quaggan?

NSP vs EB vs SF 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: aKIRA.7123


@gorefiend thats not the first time ive heard/seen our server do that..

Azuna Hatsue | Sonya Hayashi
Jaunty Chaps [LAD]

NSP vs EB vs SF 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Niim.9260


Yeah, 70% of the time I can’t quote from forums either. It is quite annoying.

Copy the address of the Permalink for the post you want to quote.
Paste it into your address bar.
Add /quote at the end of the address.

You are a rockstar!

~ AoN ~

NSP vs EB vs SF 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Niim.9260


SF really does need to build up its community. It used to be impossible to get into any of the BLs during prime time. Now we’ll be lucky if we can fill up the slots on just one.

While normally I am very critical of all of the people and commanders that ‘go missing’ the moment SF starts to lose, this week I have been impressed with what appears to be an increasing number of people ‘sticking with it’. Hat’s off to those that are still out there fighting.

~ AoN ~

NSP vs EB vs SF 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Eyrwin.8527


I’ve had fun getting double teamed by EB and NSP all week. Watched zergs run by each other just to tag us.

NSP vs EB vs SF 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Galneon.5096


I’ve had fun getting double teamed by EB and NSP all week. Watched zergs run by each other just to tag us.

People cry about this every match-up and it’s rarely the case. The zerg is typically a mindless thing. With the rendering issues and follow the leader mentality, they will occasionally bypass one another for the primary objective. There’s no organized cease-fire. It’s not a conspiracy.

Seawrack – Mesmer
[FINE] – Northern Shiverpeaks

NSP vs EB vs SF 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Eyrwin.8527


you are probably right but I have been watching it happen all week.

NSP vs EB vs SF 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Suralin.3947


you are probably right but I have been watching it happen all week.

Then you apparently weren’t on this morning. EB and SF were both hitting NSP in Eternal. Before I left for work, NSP was trying to fight both while EB & SF were pretty much avoiding each other, save for the occasional skirmishes over the supply camps around the SF keep. When I see two servers seemingly avoiding each other, I know that it just ends up being temporary.

DragonBrand – Terror Gaming [TG]
Fer Aline – Thf; Suralinta – Rgr; Alyra Va Tel – Ele; Mer Aline – War

NSP vs EB vs SF 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Gorefiend.9675


Suralin, the natural order is to pick on the king of the hill. This morning, that was NSP. If you need proof, the PP are NSP: 540 EB: 90 SF: 65

D/D, Staff Elementalist

NSP vs EB vs SF 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Radiodread.8469


A rematch is looking more and more likely. If the ratings between Dragonbrand and EB change by about 3 points both will remain in their respective current brackets.

Radiodread, Guardian [Os] NSP
AKA: Darkshines, Schroedingers Mesmer

NSP vs EB vs SF 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Delmorgan.2174


It was actually a very fun week for the match up. We had some epic fights. Even if the holiday events took alot of people. Looking forward to next week.

Delmorgan Ranger [Os], Delmarie Mesmer [Os]
Northern Shiverpeaks

NSP vs EB vs SF 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: AsteriskCGY.5931


Hey, with the new month we’ll probably get a flood of folks trying for the monthly achievements. That should make for easy pickings.

NSP vs EB vs SF 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Suralin.3947


Suralin, the natural order is to pick on the king of the hill. This morning, that was NSP. If you need proof, the PP are NSP: 540 EB: 90 SF: 65

I never denied that. I knew that NSP was probably being flanked on both sides because they had a majority of the map. I’m SF and I was merely pointing out that it happens.

DragonBrand – Terror Gaming [TG]
Fer Aline – Thf; Suralinta – Rgr; Alyra Va Tel – Ele; Mer Aline – War

NSP vs EB vs SF 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Ralathar.7236


Suralin, the natural order is to pick on the king of the hill. This morning, that was NSP. If you need proof, the PP are NSP: 540 EB: 90 SF: 65

I never denied that. I knew that NSP was probably being flanked on both sides because they had a majority of the map. I’m SF and I was merely pointing out that it happens.

I’ve actually seen alot of situation where Ehrmy Bay has had to fend off both SF and NSP on opposite sides of our spawn keep, on two adjacent towers, constantly ninjaing to supply camp needed to hold DB or hills keep while the other attacks, etc.

Most of these things are just smart moves by your opponent. X is hitting Y? Cool, that means we can hit X and they will either not resist or they will have split forces. There is even good rationale for backdooring someone on a tower and then NOT taking the tower. Sometimes you don’t want to antagonize the other server and you definitely don’t want the assaulting server to have it.

Does it suck sometimes? Yes. 20 people vs 50 of one server and 30 of another SUCKS BAD. But this is part of what keeps war interesting.

Rashanala – 80 Elementalist
Ehmry Bay – Legion of the Iron Hawk [Hawk]

NSP vs EB vs SF 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Niim.9260


The only time I care about double teaming, is when it makes no sense at all, just either out of spite or just plain stupidity.

Last night I had a catapult on an EB tower and got the wall down to 25% and 2 NSP folks start attacking me and trying to destroy the catapult. I killed them so it wasnt a big deal, but to me it makes no sense at all. Wait for me to get the wall down, then attack so you can go into the tower after I am dead. Or pull off and rally a group to take the tower once I do the grunt work. Those things make sense. Attacking the catapult and me before the wall goes down… no sense.

~ AoN ~

NSP vs EB vs SF 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Ralathar.7236


The only time I care about double teaming, is when it makes no sense at all, just either out of spite or just plain stupidity.

Last night I had a catapult on an EB tower and got the wall down to 25% and 2 NSP folks start attacking me and trying to destroy the catapult. I killed them so it wasnt a big deal, but to me it makes no sense at all. Wait for me to get the wall down, then attack so you can go into the tower after I am dead. Or pull off and rally a group to take the tower once I do the grunt work. Those things make sense. Attacking the catapult and me before the wall goes down… no sense.

For mindless zergers just looking to kill you it makes perfect sense haha.

Rashanala – 80 Elementalist
Ehmry Bay – Legion of the Iron Hawk [Hawk]

NSP vs EB vs SF 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Surbrus.6942


That big friendly, cross server fight club was pretty fun.

At first when I spotted you guys I was just scouting out that south camp in preparation for guildies to come and take it out… but then once I saw many NSP and EB guys just standing/sitting around, emoting and dueling, my curiosity was perked and I just had to partake.

That little event was nice to show off everyone’s good sportsmanship. It left warm feelings and a good impression of the servers.

Unfortunately, by the time I thought of setting up a golem duel, it had appeared that the event had ended. Too bad, that could have made for a bit of an attraction.

-that Sorrow’s Furnace Charr Mesmer

NSP vs EB vs SF 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: HackerTeivospy.2031


as a NSP user who doesn’t care about his server winning or losing and just wants to roam gank people in borderlands as a casual pvp affair instead of participate in the roleplaying zergy weak pvp (albeit less weak now that they’re removing their dumb orb idea):

If you see someone in my guild [DMG] pls stop and 1v1 instead of running for the nearest zerg group. You get better at your class by allowing us to kill you 1v1 instead of forcing me to Shadow Step -> Shadow Trap -> Shadow Return after shadow trap is triggered and juke your raid of 60 mindless try hards. Not that it is a bad skill, but I don’t like having shadow trap on my bar constantly in wvw, i’d rather have infiltrators signet for when I finally find someone who actually can do battle

Thank you. Until then me and my group will continue to camp you at EB jumping puzzle with log traps and other places in order to pass the time (ENDGAME GW2 = LOG TRAP)

learn to speak and behave

(edited by HackerTeivospy.2031)

NSP vs EB vs SF 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Darius Glazkov.9750

Darius Glazkov.9750

That big friendly, cross server fight club was pretty fun.

At first when I spotted you guys I was just scouting out that south camp in preparation for guildies to come and take it out… but then once I saw many NSP and EB guys just standing/sitting around, emoting and dueling, my curiosity was perked and I just had to partake.

That little event was nice to show off everyone’s good sportsmanship. It left warm feelings and a good impression of the servers.

Unfortunately, by the time I thought of setting up a golem duel, it had appeared that the event had ended. Too bad, that could have made for a bit of an attraction.

-that Sorrow’s Furnace Charr Mesmer

yup! did it with DH and Mag last matchup, was a lot of fun! glad to see you joined in. we did a lot more group fights this time, 3v3s, 5v5s, even a 10v10 at one point. the golem fight did take place and did draw some attention :P thanks to everybody who joined in and gave a great turnout.

Second Law [Scnd]

NSP vs EB vs SF 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Niim.9260


Not that it is a bad skill, but I don’t like having shadow trap on my bar constantly in wvw, i’d rather have infiltrators signet for when I finally find someone who actually can do battle

I just put it on my bar when I am running away and get out of combat.

~ AoN ~

NSP vs EB vs SF 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Plutonium.1308


as a NSP user who doesn’t care blah blah blah
trap is triggered and juke your raid of 60 mindless try hards. blah blah blah (ENDGAME GW2 = LOG TRAP)

I think it’s obvious who is trying hard around here my friend. If it makes you feel better we’re all so very irritated by your post.. practically seething with rage. Run along now.

Observe Adapt Overcome
[FTF]Danke Bitte