Name 3 "easy" improvements for WvW
1. add the claiming guild’s tag to the lord and guards of keeps/towers
2. add the claiming guild’s tag and emblem to the map so you can see what keeps are claimed and by whom on the overview
3. add more and better skin options for exotic badge armor
[TSFR] – Jade Quarry
1. Add the ability to turn off other players and seeing only their names (10+ years older games have this, why not Guild Wars 2??)
2. Badges go straight into inventory.-
3. More rewards and achieves !!!
1.delete thief
2.delete mesmer
3.delete thief and mesmer
- Remove JP badges/blueprints from WvW (drops from kills too). They are given as a daily reward after:
Caping 2 supply camps
Caping 1 enemy defensive structure
Caping 2 quaggans/ogres/sentries etc
Reviving 10 teammates
Killing 10 Enemies
Spending 30 supply (repairing and building)
It’s not much because I’m keeping in mind all casual players, but it will push PvE grinders to go through actual WvW to get their legendaries. And it will stop blueprint farming via mesmer portals.
- Improve the outmanned buff so it really benefits the servers with less numbers, and make it BIG. Maybe a +% to all stats depending on how outmanned a server is (considering the most populated server to make the maths)
This would stop cross NA-EU zones transfer to have the “night crew” advange. And people would be encouraged to play against servers with equal prime times.
- Server transfer are paid (10g/500 gems maybe) and last 1 month. You cannot transfer to a high populated server.
- Remove rewards for standing in circles during cap. To win any event you should do ENOGH damage (to supervisors at camps, guads at sentries, champs at towers/keeps).
This will stop exp-farming zergs and people will be pushed to PvE to level their chars.
- Give options in a map tab allowing to toggle on/off:
See guild (yellow dots on map)
See squad
Any commander icon
Sometimes we have 6 commanders on the same borderland and it gets really annoying!
- Reduce mesmer portal cap to 5
If any zerg wanna portal bomb they will need more mesmers same if there’s a mesmer hidding in a keep, the server will need to port in more mesmers after getting 20 people in. Not a big deal, but it’s fair since all AoE/heals were reduce to 5.
And I would take it farther and say: After ONE golem uses a portal, it dissapears. So if you wanna port 5-8 golems through the map, you better have a nice mesmer team.
Edit: Only three easy improvements weren’t enough for me :p
(edited by Engels.8537)
- No Jumping Puzzle
-Better rewards, especially for defending (defense should give more rewards than attacking).
- Commander tag goes away if you afk more than 3 minutes or enter a jumping puzzle area
1. Remove the need to complete WvW maps for 100% map completion. All this requirement does is make PVE players feel like they’re being forced into doing something they really don’t want to do, and WvW players hate them for being there. The goals of each player type is completely different and incompatible which leads to unnecessary strife.
2. Limit the number of world transfers based on world rankings. Allow open transfers within 3 ranks of the current server. Nobody doing WvW in their right mind is going to transfer from the top ranked server to the bottom unless they believe 1000 buddies are going to join them. The advantage to the massive guilds in doing a top to bottom massive transfer are obvious, but it totally sucks for everyone else that comes into contact with them (including the poor server they swarm to…just ask players still on HOD). Not only do queues get insane, but the server gets hit with wannabe’s, the people who transfer that want to say they’re on a winning server. Usually the wannabees are the worst players who stand around LA griping about everyone and how this server is as bad or worse than the last one (somehow not grasping the the only thing in common between the current server and the last is them).
3. Don’t know if this is technically feasible, but create server buffs based on numbers. The buff would only kick in if the player ratio is idiotically insane (which only happens with massive server transfers from top to bottom ranking) and would only affect health. This way we would not be creating one-shots from the under-dogs, but would make it a little more work for the swarm.
1. Remove stealth while in combat
2. Nerf all melee damage by 50%
3. Allow different colors for each and every commander icon.
I can’t just do 3.
4. badges should be automatically looted.
5. Something needs to be done with char names. I’m not sure what, but I am sure it is a hell of a mess seeing a million red/green char names on your screen…. especially dead ones.
(edited by Zatria.5783)
1. Remove the stupid stacking that completely ruins combat and tactics in WvW (you know where the bright guys who love this stand around in a little clump and autotarget everyone while blocking with mesmers and guardians).
2. Lower portals to 10 players. This mechanic mixed with the above tactic has made a fun mass combat game into a boring game with no real combat. These two problems are the BIGGEST problems.
3. Remove free server transfers and limit paid transfers to two weeks at the very least.
This game is losing players on a daily basis because of the above problems.
[DIS] and [TTC]
Tarnished Coast
1. Add people’s actual names rather than “X invader”
2. Nameplates disappear on downed / death
3. Evaluate downed state in WvW, perhaps change downed state so that people can be ressed by others, but all their downed abilities do not work
bonus: Portal to 10 total uses
1) Remove free server transfers
2) Mesmer Portals like AOEs. 5 players only
3) Max 1 Breakout per half hour
3 aren’t enough…. there are sooooo many improvements to do!
i like:
4) Daily/Monthly WvW Achievement
1) Move eternal JP to an extra Map, players there are not counting to the eternal BG
2) Option to upgrade dolyaks, for example veteran dolyak with more life and speed
3) Golems are only accessable for its owner or are lockable
1) Daily/Monthly WvW Achievements.
2) Option to show/hide name.
3) Commander Icon, purchased if you obtain an achievement and badges, instead of purely gold.
4) Guild Commander Icon, only visible for guild members.
– Improved grouping, up to 20 people.
1) Culling!
2) LoS issues and keeps/towers (it’s often more difficult to defend from the top of the battelments than it is to attack, because you have to expose yourself too much)
3) bugfixing (bay keep mesmer entrance exploits etc.)
[DP] Diamond Pirates
1: Engine and net-code improvements !
2: Remove PvE (except Hyleks + Ogres) jumping puzzles from WvW.
Keep the various critters and animals for atmosphere but just make them green (un-attack-able)
3: Reward people for doing the jobs that lazy people refuse to do. Like fixing doors ect , throwing siege down and building.
- Allow commanders to change their icon color to help eliminate confusion on the battle field.
- All members of a squad should see other members of that squad as yellow dots on the mini map. (yellow to match squad chat text color.)
- /joinsquad Playername Needs to be in game and work from anywhere on the map.
- Allow commanders raid frames for the squad and give the ability to invite and remove people from their squads.
- Allow kick votes for WvW groups while in WvW.
All simple fixes and would go a very long way in adding to the enjoyment of WvW IMO.
Leader, Transcendent Veneration – Tarnished Coast
Forgive me for not seeing this thread prior to starting my own earlier today. Besides the typical culling issues, here are my thoughts:
Do you think the Asian servers have had enough time to choose thier homeland? ~Hence, start charging ppl for transfers; adding some further stablity to our server ranks.
Do you think we might be able to have different borderland maps based on our ranking/color?
~I love the original borderland map, however the tactics on them…are getting kinda old. only some many things work really well, AND once that is figured out…well, i hope you get my drift. This would allow Anet to release 3 more WvWvW maps. GREAT idea, eh?!? I mean dnt you have some bright eyed and bushy tailed interns sitting around looking to make thier mark on your design team…take off the REINS!!!plz
What happened to OUR chance to get fractal gear w/o actually having to step into another dungeon???
~I can only speak for myself, but i burnt out on instance dungeons back in ’05 during WotLK!!!
THE Mystic Plumbers [LUCK]
Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.
PS i really do like my idea of 3 new borderlands according to ranking/color.
THE Mystic Plumbers [LUCK]
Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.
1) Remove the cap on the amount of players that siege can actually hit (5? what?)
2) Add more interesting siege weapons – give me some kitten siege towers!
3) Give the server system more diversity, I don’t know, maybe a league table hybrid instead of having to fight the same people for weeks on end – this works in all competitive sports, I don’t see how it can’t work here.
4 – sorry, I’m having a 4 ok!) Change the commander system. Quite frankly I’m sick of seeing crappy commanders with no experience and nothing but bad attitudes and bad decisions just because they have 100g or their guild donated it. Commander icons really need to be given in exchange for WvW experience, not by throwing money at it.
I agree with some of the ideas also to cease bandwagoning, maybe make it so that you can no longer transfer to T1 & T2 servers, this would stop a lot of tag-along guilds from bouncing to whoever is in the top rankings without actually earning their spot at any point.
(edited by Static.9841)
1. As already stated, all loot goes right into your inventory
2. Have siege display who placed it OR have an option to report the person that placed said siege when you select it. Because someone building useless rams in walls or the edges of the map so your server can’t place any useful siege shouldn’t be a thing that happens.
3. At least be able to deconstruct rams when they are not in use or after your server has captured the tower/keep they were placed at. Would drop a portion of the supply used depending on the health of the siege upon deconstruction. Can’t be abused to deconstruct useful siege, or siege that is being manned at that moment. Removes siege that has already outlived its purpose and makes more space for siege to be placed elsewhere.
Although 3 could just replace 2 really.
1) More siege equipment. I want one of those cool tanks or some siege towers for inserting small groups into keeps. That would be awesome.
2) More rewards for protecting your servers assets. I spend so much time reinforcing stuff when everyone else is just zerging. I want a reward for doing my part.
3) Siege Commander needs to be more interesting. Maybe we can tame some animal mobs to bulster are numbers with equipment only available from the siege commander. Maybe we can recruit the Skritt to help bump supplies when we’re struggling in our own borderlands with help from the siege commander.
1. People “sticking around” after they are dead.
A. Add “Auto-re-spawn” feature where someone will be kicked to the closest friendly re-spawn point within 10 seconds of dying unless being actively rezzed.
B. If not this then allow opponent players to force this action. i.e. “finish them!” would then transition to “kick them to the curb!” or whatever was appropriate to allow players to get this done.
2. Thieves stealth healing suicide mezzer’s, part of #1 above.
A. Remove all stealth revives.
B. When a player is in a downed state/dead they are 100% visible on the map. No downed state should prevent this.
C. ‘Fix’ mez (or is it ele?) downed state so they can *never go through a portal or door in gas form, that’s 100% broken because they can jump into the middle of an attacking group, AOE, then even if downed, can still escape right back inside.
3. Remove Jump Puzzle from the WvW map, or at the minimum, Remove ALL commendations from the chest!
A. Have other ways to obtain siege with a cap to prevent abuse, i.e. the server has a chest that spawns siege for every X places they control but can only spawn X pieces of siege per day and no player may loot more than 1 item from the chest, etc.
B. If the goal is to have a PvP type area with a JP then move it to it’s own area, with seperate vendors to provide attack/defend pieces of equipment with building materials auto-restocking internally.
- Extra credit: Either raise the base drop rate for commendations, or lower the % damage done to player that allows you to qualify for it. Right now, unless you’re heavy DPS you may not get a lot of these, and there is much more to do than simply attack out there.
1) a direkt live-feed from the servers point-ticker into a web-site like (an open API where everyone interested can receive them).
2) weighting of the points by the amount of people fighting for them (are in WvW), if noone is in WvW the ticker is not giving points, if all maps are full for all sides maximun points are given.
3) make siege weapons neutral: every side can use and destroy all of them, remove the auto-delete of them. Make 4 limits for them:
- one for each side for siege-weapons INSIDE owned fortifications (including all empty golems INSIDE and all outside golems manned by that side) and
- the 4th for all siege-weapons outside any fortification.
4) exlude neutral mobs and siege-weapons from auto-focus and auto fire and they are only hit by peoples AoE, if not one enemy is inside the AoE-radius.
5) Make honor-badges another currency (like exp or karma), every current-badge can be used to get 1000 honor pts, every kill gives honor pts (from 1 to 1000, depending on difficulty and contribution to kill), it is automatically collected like exp.
6) Add a 1vs1 duel mode query (with auto-deny option) for cities (or special parts of cities) maybe some, hoepfully some 1vs1 fans will use that instead of abusing WvW for duels.
7) Alllow /s speaking-bubbles of LIVING enemies be seen (and an options to turn that off)
8) Auto-respawn totally dead immediately to the entry-spawn (no resurrection of totally dead, no culling capacity wasted for dead, no dead-spying, no behind door reanimation-exploits), if they want to teleport to somewhere else they can do that from the spawn.
9) Make the eternal battleground JP an own map with own player limit and queue, if you go in you give up your slot on eternal map, if you go back you have to queue again for eternal (or exit to another map)
10) Remove the AoE (and negative effect) cap of 5 (or increase amount to the same amount that fits a mesmer-portal) it already has an area-size, healing and other positive effects should still cap at 5 => People should spread out instead of clump together to avoid AoE damage.
(edited by Dayra.7405)
1. As already stated, all loot goes right into your inventory
2. Have siege display who placed it OR have an option to report the person that placed said siege when you select it. Because someone building useless rams in walls or the edges of the map so your server can’t place any useful siege shouldn’t be a thing that happens.
3. At least be able to deconstruct rams when they are not in use or after your server has captured the tower/keep they were placed at. Would drop a portion of the supply used depending on the health of the siege upon deconstruction. Can’t be abused to deconstruct useful siege, or siege that is being manned at that moment. Removes siege that has already outlived its purpose and makes more space for siege to be placed elsewhere.
Although 3 could just replace 2 really.
Number 3 above, 100%..
Allow us to deconstruct any Ram’s inside a position and the supply to go back into the base, even if that provides above capacity for the supply in the area. Cap this at 5%-10% (depending on size, smaller are’a have higher cap) above max to prevent abuse of stockpiling extra supply.
We shouldn’t be penalized because one ‘spy’ from another server drains supply form a defended position because we have zero way to kick the person doing this out of the battleground or attacking them. So it’s not even realistic to IRL when you could at least try to stop someone sabotaging something like that.
- remove rallying and make revive break and reset to 0 on damage.
- raise AOE cap to 10. WVW needs stronger zergbusting tools.
- 60 sec forced respawn after defeated and remove the annoying camera pan
1: Add warbands options (ability to group with 20-25 people, see their boons etc etc))
2: Remove aoe limit to heals and damage. As of now, it only supports the zerg.
3: Remove all aggressive NPC’s (apart from guards) in the lakes.
3 easy to make changes.
I’ll give you one…because all I need is one:
Make Commander Badges ACCOUNT BOUND.
Server transfer costs gems with a 1 month cd
Automatic trebuchets, see link below.
Here’s one: get rid of that stupid kittening commander npc in enemy borderlands. It takes a kittenedly long time to kill and a stupid amount of people and there is absolutely no down time between events, even though we’re fighting both servers’ npc’s at the same kitten time. I don’t play WvW to fight npc’s all day. Also fix the auto-target. It targets npc’s and then pets before players? How much sense does that make?
I just have one more suggestion.
5) I think the amount of points you get for holding bases should increase the longer amount of time you hold them. For example: For every 15 minute click you’ve held a certain base, that base will reward you +5 points. So say a base rewards 100 points every 15 minutes, but you’ve held it for 10 clicks so far; the next click would reward 150 points. I also think this system should be dynamic. So bases that are closer to your spawn will reward much less, or even no additional points the longer they are held. So for example, your nearest 2 bases from spawn will reward +2 points every click they are held but bases that are in the middle of the map will reward +20. Going even further, bases that are near your enemies spawn will reward +30 for every click they are held. See where I am going with this?
This would encourage more to stay behind, defend and upgrade bases after they have been captured. It will also discourage quick capping for points and then immediately abandoning said base for another one.
I would definitely say that people acting as scouts and defenders should be better rewarded. At the moment they get little to nothing for lots of running and waiting around, respectively.
After reading everyone’s suggestions I’ve compiled the ones I find that would help the most, and added a few of my own:
1. Profession symbols for enemy players.
2. Visible despawn timer on seige.
3. Have buying keep/tower upgrades give you a buff based on the amount spent.
4. Party kick option always available.
5. Condition damage on siege/doors.
6. The quaggans should always agro people attacking the nodes.
7. 30 min cd on breakout events. 8. Purchase upgrades with karma/ badges.
9. Allow call target when not grouped.
10. Allow claiming over another guild if the current claim has no active buffs running.
11. Raid frames (10-20 instead of just 5 player parties).
12. Move golems back to spawn points on server resets.
13. Add a “report AFK” feature, as well as a “report sabotage” for those building rams inside owned keeps/towers.
14. Outmanned buff should (also) give PVT stats.
15. Reduce WvW title requirements.
16. Fix the bug that drops you back down to 10 supply when you kill a dolyak while carrying 15 supply.
17. Have Superior Siege gain repair option when placement area isn’t under an attack event timer. This could be a 3s timeframe in a place like Stonemist, so it wouldn’t be too OP.
18. Make siege account bound.
19. World first and server first messages.
20. Change squad leader icon to overlap all other icons, and a different colour.
21. Show a % on castbars when using siege to help cast that amount easier (ie. 10-25% markers).
22. Add extra bandwidth in high-pop areas like Stonemist.
24. Nerf Siegerazer: Get rid of the pull ability. Nerf damage. Do not let him block portal entrances and move up to the keep lord.
23. More cowbell.
I like all of these things, but my personal must-haves are: 1, 4, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 16, 18, 21.
1. Spawn of enemy NPCs – just seen it yesterday. In our keep, there were spawning enemy veteran NPCs and it made that keep waypoint unusable.
1. Culling – try generic placeholder models perhaps
2. Thieves – still the most ludicrous class ingame
3. Expiry timers on siege
More loot drops. Completly close all the keep doors to stop exploiting and Big loot bags for wining that weeks WVW
no BO event or a 2-4 hour timer. Its just ridiculous that you can retake a keep as soon as its taken again.
1) Name plates of dead players greyed out for much better overview.
1) limit 1 free server-transfer per 2 months
2) remove pve stuff in specific w3 areas
3) increase drop rate
[LNS] – Legion Night Stalkers
Abaddons Mouth
Follow Function, so much walking around in wvw sometimes being able to /follow someone would be really nice.
1. Rewards for players who pay for upgrades.
2. Randomize starting location for sides in the eternal battle ground.
3 Add a “Rescue” timer to forts and supply dumps that if you take it back before a time passes the upgrades are preserved.
Not really an easy fix but, Map extentions:
- Create Realm Keeps that are open for attack once a Boarderlands has been taken
- Owning Stonemist in EB allows for opening of underground tunnel’s to Boarderlands / Realm Keeps
- Open maps so that each boarderlands can be accessed from each map (no zoning)
IE: More Roaming.
Have ramparts protect the guy on the wall rather than blocking the defender while aoe fire balls sail over it like the swallows returning to Capastrano.
1) Make siege blueprints account bound and depositable.
2) Do something about zerging. It’s not particularly fun, it’s very difficult to defend against and the participants rarely have any interest in sticking around to defend or upgrade.
3) Make map chat actually useful. It’s redundant as is, with Team serving the same purpose. I see two options here. A) Make it a channel across all four maps or B) Make it on one map, but allowing all servers to use it. There are advantages and disadvantages to both, but I favour B personally.
- remove all permanent speed buff traits (ranger, thief, necro, etc.) getting chased by enemy ranger and you cannot escape, enemy zerg catch up on you cause of this, not fun
- read my signature, line 2 and 3
- better outmanned buff
Someone say game crash must be related to OOM
when you read the log it’s not related to that whatsoever…
How to 3 man some crap!
1. Remove Jumping puzzle on Erternal
2. Remove JP on other Battlegrounds
3. Remove PVE Mobs
Good old Days [GD] Elona
1. Create a points system for every enemy killed. Give us something to go out and kill for!
2. Make/create WvW weapons/armor rewards exclusive and can only be obtained via points gained from WvW enemy kill count. These armors/weapons have to be very much worth it and has WvW only stats on them e.g increased hp/def/atk while in WvW map.
3. All above has to be done considering that one player cannot accumulate ALL needed points in 1 night!
1. Prevent all kinds of cheat (zoomhacks etc…).
2. Raise reward amount for capping T>T1 targets.
3. Allow more than one commander tag per map on “a vote” in map only.
1. The commander icon of the commander in whose squad you are be a different colour (yellow mark maybe?)
2. On the overview map show the guild name under the castle/keep/tower/camp of the guild that claimed it. (maybe put a timer on claiming as well so it resets when there is no guild buff on it?)
3. Disable defensive door catapulting.
[RPS] & [PRXM] Lippsy
Gunnar’s Hold