Name legit 5 man teams left on any sever

Name legit 5 man teams left on any sever

in WvW

Posted by: Jscull.2514


Doing this out of curiosity. I know a good portion have left but help name guilds that you see legit without a doubt run consistently 5 guys and not more than that. Guilds you see often in wvw open field fighting. 5 mans, interested in steamrolling groups they absolutely shouldn’t due to size differential. I’m curious because I’ve played for a year now almost all the servers under tier 6 and can count them on both hands and almost just one hand. Help me out.


Name legit 5 man teams left on any sever

in WvW

Posted by: Straegen.2938


My guild runs 3-5 man most of the time. A couple of us will break into the zergs when the others aren’t online but if we can field 3 or more we skirmish. We rarely have more than 5 and I cannot remember when we had more than 6.

Sarcasm For Hire [SFH]
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”

Name legit 5 man teams left on any sever

in WvW

Posted by: Zikory.6871


TEAM RIOT on the Blackgate server. They run small roaming groups looking for out manned fights. I don’t think I have ever seen them out with more then 5 or so and I have rarely seen any of them with the zerg. These are some links to there members that post videos.

[KnT] – Knight Gaming – Blackgate
Zikory – Retired Thief
Zikkro – Zergling Necromancer

Name legit 5 man teams left on any sever

in WvW

Posted by: Jscull.2514


Yea I mean I know of RIOT, SPCA for the most part, TFI from ET, vT from DH… Help me out here like I said its a struggle to name real 5 mans.


(edited by Jscull.2514)

Name legit 5 man teams left on any sever

in WvW

Posted by: Thrumdi.9216


There is [laud] from FA whom we used to face a lot. I always understood they were a sPvP guild that occasionally did some WvW. So not sure if they would count. Very talented though.

Thrumdi, Captain of The Tarnished Coastguard

The ultimate GW2 troll.

Name legit 5 man teams left on any sever

in WvW

Posted by: Acotje.5689


Wish we could, but here in EU its just impossible.
Our guild runs around 15 each night and often we are outnumberd 2:1/3:1
Sad to see that small scale is dying because all the updates that favor the Blob

Also see alot of guild grps of around 15-20 running together, after they got wiped couple times fighting even numbers. People dont want to get better, they just want their Wexp :c

Atleast alot of those grps are easy to run over

Hello darkness, my old friend.

Name legit 5 man teams left on any sever

in WvW

Posted by: Jayne.9251


CORP from FA runs small-man groups all the time. Usually about 4-5 and they’re good. So good, in fact, that when they’re spotted on the map, usually a big call-out goes out to let everyone know they’re there. They’ve gained quite a rep, lol. Andy is unkillable.

EU-side, on Piken, I see a lot of small-man havoc/ninja/fight teams that are lethal and very effective. I’m still new there, so I’m still learning guild names, but I see a lot of small groups out like you are talking about. And EU tends to be more about the open-field fights than the meta.

L’enfer, c’est les autres

(edited by Jayne.9251)

Name legit 5 man teams left on any sever

in WvW

Posted by: Caid.4932


[Tchu] on gandara do, closer to 3 i think really. Couples of other on gandara running small but they’re probably closer to 10 these days.

[team] on AG do too. They attacked our 20 or so a few times and offered more of a threat than some 40 man groups funnily enough.

Theres still a few around.


(edited by Caid.4932)

Name legit 5 man teams left on any sever

in WvW

Posted by: Jscull.2514


So far I have PAXA, SPCA, team, SFH, RIOT, Invi, TFI, vT, laud, CORP…… That’s 10 guilds that always run under at least 5-6…. Anyone know of others?


Name legit 5 man teams left on any sever

in WvW

Posted by: Maskaganda.2043


[Tchu] on gandara do, closer to 3 i think really. Couples of other on gandara running small but they’re probably closer to 10 these days.

[team] on AG do too. They attacked our 20 or so a few times and offered more of a threat than some 40 man groups funnily enough.

Theres still a few around.

yes, we [tchu] typically run 2-5 (we are very rarely 5, but we have lots of friends from other guilds and always pick one or two up) , never more than that. BT from gandara also roams in a similar fashion. judge does it as well but they have more members.

[team] were fun to fight against, the few times we met.I don’t really recall fighting any other small teams like us, except for them.

We dont really mind though, our “thing” is fighting against impossible odds and see how far we can go. having more 5 man groups around to fight every so often would be nice, but I really enjoy those 5v20+ we keep getting.

Tchuu Tchuu I’m a Train – Gandara
engie roaming vids:

Name legit 5 man teams left on any sever

in WvW

Posted by: Iavra.8510


[Psy] and [Imp] from Gunnar’s Hold are one of the main reasons why this server is our (my guild and a good part of Dzagonur) favorite opponent out of all the servers.

Name legit 5 man teams left on any sever

in WvW

Posted by: Haltair.3062


Our functional units are couples. Sometimes we group in 4 or 6. When we are more than this we split en different frontiers.
You can add Shadows to your list.
You can also find particular opinions regarding OdS in dedicated enemy forums as Vizuna….. Quite hated, by the way.
Best regards,

Haltair, one of the Twelve Shadows

Haltair, One of the Twelve Shadows
Baruch Bay´s Thieves Brotherhood, Order of Shadows
Orden de Sombras [OdS]

(edited by Haltair.3062)

Name legit 5 man teams left on any sever

in WvW

Posted by: TheStarflyer.9641


SWaG on Mag, that is all

The Miasma-Human Necromancer
play pvp with me

Name legit 5 man teams left on any sever

in WvW

Posted by: Mbelch.9028


FEAR on Mag, I also see Swag running 5-mans.

I love 5-man-teams so much, it’s just a crying shame they get steamrolled by zergs if they make even the smallest error.

Nice thread.

-Nex, [FEAR] Elementalist

Name legit 5 man teams left on any sever

in WvW

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


Roaming is very common on Desolation. Despite being classed as a Full server, atleast last time i checked, its often Outmanned on one or two borderlands.

This leaves the more dedicated and experienced WvW players to their roaming. Ranging from solo play, and tagging along with another small group if they happen to come across eachother.

These roaming parties consist of anywhere between 2 and 10 players. Anymore and it usually turns into (an attempt) at taking a tower or keep.

Name legit 5 man teams left on any sever

in WvW

Posted by: RageExpert.2453


[TRI] (my guild) from Anvil rock, and i see [vT] run in 5 mans as well, they are awesome roamers, love their style

Name legit 5 man teams left on any sever

in WvW

Posted by: Straegen.2938


vT… love those guys. Their hammer skills are impressive. I don’t remember TRI but we mostly hang out on enemy BLs and tend to avoid home BL and EB so our paths may not have crossed.

Sarcasm For Hire [SFH]
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”

Name legit 5 man teams left on any sever

in WvW

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

So in conclusion, there are plenty of “official” ones, and countless more non-guild, pug, or casual 5 man groups out there.

Yeah, it’s so dead it’s walking.

Name legit 5 man teams left on any sever

in WvW

Posted by: Straegen.2938


So in conclusion, there are plenty of “official” ones, and countless more non-guild, pug, or casual 5 man groups out there.

Yeah, it’s so dead it’s walking.

Pugs and casuals get crushed most of the time by numbers. We (as in most “official” 5 mans) can survive being heavily out numbered because we are all on the same voice channel, have tons of cross class combos working and actively use target calling. Without that high level of coordination, best to just zerg.

Sarcasm For Hire [SFH]
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”

Name legit 5 man teams left on any sever

in WvW

Posted by: Hule.8794


aTs on RoF, 4-5 people almost every day.

Name legit 5 man teams left on any sever

in WvW

Posted by: Moon.6371



On EU Kodasch there`s at least 2 top quality smallscale guilds (3-5): Mondsucht [MS] and Morituri [GC]. These guys can wreck havoc on anything that is not a blob.

Best regards

[Buka] Koma Grey
[Buka] Mojo Monkey Man

Name legit 5 man teams left on any sever

in WvW

Posted by: Daendur.2357


[BT] on Gandara, as Maskaganda said
We run 3-5 men … sometimes 7-8 during prime(blob) time
Sometime we run with friends from other guilds.

It will be really nice, I think, if all small groups will name a border every day, here on the forum, maybe in the match-up section and go there to do their stuff …

There are few guilds with that play style and they are usually spread between 4 different borders, with small to no chance to fight…

Maybe commanders will avoid that border and leave it to small groups, maybe not, but I think it’s the community that has to start kill the blob, and perhaps ANet will follow, incentiving it.

What do you think about that?

Black Thunders [BT] – Gandara

Name legit 5 man teams left on any sever

in WvW

Posted by: Hule.8794


Great idea Daendur. You cannot imagine how funny it looks when 5 man group is wiped by 30 man zerg. (yes TDA and XxX looking at you, last 2 days at our borderland)

Name legit 5 man teams left on any sever

in WvW

Posted by: Deniara Devious.3948

Deniara Devious.3948

I feel that the the number of small teams have slightly decreased, but the number of solo roamers has really dropped low (my experiences are mostly against rank #1-#6 EU servers). By a solo roamer I mean a person who plays fully alone.

I do solo roaming every single day, usually with my engineer, but I have also been solo roaming as necromancer, warrior and thief lately. I mostly encounter enemy thieves or rangers underwater or people who are lost from their zerg (e.g. died and trying to get back to their team). I don’t count the latter as solo roamers.

All the recent WvWvW updates have been just adding more power to the side, which already has larger numbers e.g. arrow carts are more powerful against small and medium groups than a gigantic zerg (who will probably golem rush the doors down anacase).

It is really sad to see that the game designers are ignoring the opinion of many players. The majority of players have never asked for more siege war. Yet Arenanet keeps adding totally imbalanced and overpowered siege-related WXP traits. Those traits are completely out of line with the rest of the traits (e.g. just one WXP trait gives +25% damage buff to certain siege weapon) while e.g. having max ranks against mercenaries gives you +5% damage and defense buff against mercenaries (high useful lol).

Similarly a lot of players have asked for changes to make blobbing little less feasible. I am one of those. I do not want to see zergs disappear. Heck, they can be sometimes be fun, if you don’t mind awful lag related to them, but to force feed everybody just to this blobbing meta is dumb. There should be more variety.

Luckily our server Desolation still has small teams + solo roamers (like myself). We are so often outmanned that we need to do that, but now during prime time there is queue to borderlands as well.

Sometimes people follow me even when I don’t have the commander tag on e.g. few days ago we were doing a lot of supply camps and other small objectives. I was sometimes typing “WXP train chuu chuu” and we got 5000 WXP pretty fast with no deaths on our side. But all those hundreds of hours solo roaming in WvWvW without any gap closers or stealth or shadowstepping has made me good at avoiding enemy blobs.

Deniara / Ayna – I want the original WvWvW maps back – Desolation [EU]

(edited by Deniara Devious.3948)

Name legit 5 man teams left on any sever

in WvW

Posted by: Agriope.4523


Glad to see this thread made, I was curious myself a few days past.

Somewhat related question, and not looking for teh trollz: Are there still any servers who by-and-large can and do appreciate roaming groups and what they bring to WvW?

Agriope – Purple hair’d menace.
Violent Tendency [vT]; & YouTube Agriope

Name legit 5 man teams left on any sever

in WvW

Posted by: Daendur.2357


Great idea Daendur. You cannot imagine how funny it looks when 5 man group is wiped by 30 man zerg. (yes TDA and XxX looking at you, last 2 days at our borderland)

I am in the 5 man group … i know very well how fun it is

Black Thunders [BT] – Gandara

Name legit 5 man teams left on any sever

in WvW

Posted by: PeepMeDown.5017


Team Team Team Team Team Team runs 5 or less most days on borderlands. It’s always fun running into other good small groups and battling. Normally we try to whisper them after and get some gvg going at the mill.
wvw gets blobbier every week and we wish anet would create disincentive for blobbers.
Still we love messing with blobs as most of the difficulty in wvw comes when adding more enemies.
I recently started streaming, check our roaming at

Name legit 5 man teams left on any sever

in WvW

Posted by: gebrechen.5643


We run 4, sometimes 5 for havoc. But at the moment not that often because we are needed for other things and some here have huge lag problems on any borderland.

Some people die on epidemic, other have skill.
- great warlord Waha of Sea 2981bc

Name legit 5 man teams left on any sever

in WvW

Posted by: Straegen.2938


Somewhat related question, and not looking for teh trollz: Are there still any servers who by-and-large can and do appreciate roaming groups and what they bring to WvW?

I don’t think there is much love for skirmish teams or roamers on the servers I have been on. Most are either apathetic or in some cases openly hostile particularly when a larger guild is trying for a big objective (such as “EVERYONE TO MY TAG NOW” or “if you leave the commander, YOU WILL DIE!” messages).

Most of the blob players see keeps and towers as the point makers but a 5 man team flipping 2-3 camps per tick is frequently generating a lot more points per player than a zerg. Our team can usually keep 3-5 camps on a map flipped at any given time plus we often cut off reinforcements by sitting between a contested waypoint and the closest spawn.

Sarcasm For Hire [SFH]
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”

Name legit 5 man teams left on any sever

in WvW

Posted by: Craig.2403


Yea I mean I know of RIOT, SPCA for the most part, TFI from ET, vT from DH… Help me out here like I said its a struggle to name real 5 mans.

I’m not sure you can really count TFI in this as you said “no more than 5 people.” We will typically have 3-8 people, so we occasionally have more than 5. Also funny that I came to the thread to reply PAXA, then realized who made the thread lol.

Bummkin – ranger | Netherdark – thief | Crescor – mesmer | Gears Up – engi

Name legit 5 man teams left on any sever

in WvW

Posted by: Haz.9864


PAXA’s 5 man in action… shall we take your names off the legit list?


Akue – war, Duck Dogers – eng (Splt) (NSP)

Name legit 5 man teams left on any sever

in WvW

Posted by: Agriope.4523


I don’t think there is much love for skirmish teams or roamers on the servers I have been on. Most are either apathetic or in some cases openly hostile particularly

That’s become readily apparent to quite a few of us, which is… yeah.

I think [vT] encounters more hostile people than not since Anvil Rock decided to turn itself into a WvW wasteland (not going to get into that though). There’s some people, of course, who are pretty chill, but by and large the roaming groups of 5-7 (and roamers, in general) are just harassed in /map and /team pretty regularly. In general, the general consensus of the harassment centers around: roaming groups “do nothing to aid WvW” and “should just go sPvP”.

I was curious to see if it happened on other servers as well.

Agriope – Purple hair’d menace.
Violent Tendency [vT]; & YouTube Agriope

(edited by Agriope.4523)

Name legit 5 man teams left on any sever

in WvW

Posted by: Rez.2578


Somewhat related question, and not looking for teh trollz: Are there still any servers who by-and-large can and do appreciate roaming groups and what they bring to WvW?

I don’t think there is much love for skirmish teams or roamers on the servers I have been on. Most are either apathetic or in some cases openly hostile particularly when a larger guild is trying for a big objective (such as “EVERYONE TO MY TAG NOW” or “if you leave the commander, YOU WILL DIE!” messages).

Most of the blob players see keeps and towers as the point makers but a 5 man team flipping 2-3 camps per tick is frequently generating a lot more points per player than a zerg. Our team can usually keep 3-5 camps on a map flipped at any given time plus we often cut off reinforcements by sitting between a contested waypoint and the closest spawn.

We ran into a little of this on our starting server that ended up high tier but after we moved to FC we’ve had no problems with zergs/commanders acting like we shouldn’t be there.


Name legit 5 man teams left on any sever

in WvW

Posted by: Boulderbolg.3460


So far I have PAXA, SPCA, team, SFH, RIOT, Invi, TFI, vT, laud, CORP…… That’s 10 guilds that always run under at least 5-6…. Anyone know of others?

We often run 5, but sometimes less sometimes more. No more than 9 though, which hasn’t happened in a while. I’ve been seeing Invi on again recently, but with the new “ranking” system I don’t think you guys get to play against them right now.

@Rezz – stop trolling the forums!

GL for Team Riot [RIOT] on Blackgate NA – Small Group WvW Focused

Name legit 5 man teams left on any sever

in WvW

Posted by: Rez.2578


9!? How’s the 1 spam doin up there Boulder? :P


Name legit 5 man teams left on any sever

in WvW

Posted by: Rez.2578


Saw Basic [BS] on ET today so i think they are still going also.


Name legit 5 man teams left on any sever

in WvW

Posted by: selecto.5683


HGO from TC we run a 5mesmer team group dedicated to portals , veils ,reflection and etc. we never run with more than 5, 6top lol

Commander Marios Mirror – White Lotus.

Tarnished Coast

Name legit 5 man teams left on any sever

in WvW

Posted by: Kyuzo.4675


[EV] from Ebay. Usually runs 3man with occasional special guests to make a 4 or 5man team.

[AD] Devona’s Rest

Name legit 5 man teams left on any sever

in WvW

Posted by: Jscull.2514


So far from reading the posts I’ve gathered this list (and have elected to point out guilds including themselves in this discussion that run more than 5 on a good amount of occasions).

5 Mans still actively running:

[EV] – Ebay
[HGO] – TC
[BS] – ET (often found with more than 5/6)
[TFI] – ET (often found with more than 5/6)
[Invi] – FC
[vT] – AR
[TRI] – AR
[team] – AG
[BT] – Gandara
[MS] – Kodasch EU
[GC] – Kodasch EU
[aTs] – RoF
[SFH] – BP
[FEAR] – Mag
[SWaG] – Mag
[OdS] – BB
[Psy] – GH
[Imp] – GH
[tchu] – Gandara
[PAXA] – HoD
[RIOT] – Blackgate (often found with more than 5/6)
[Laud] – FA

Point out anymore you know of that stand out. 24 guilds so far.


Name legit 5 man teams left on any sever

in WvW

Posted by: jabberjabber.6804


[Alph] – an Aussie / EU guild from EU Fissure of Woe server – also typically runs as a mixed class small havoc / open field / guerrilla team (usually 5, oft less).

Commander Aldronia
Guild Leader of Alpharius [Alph]: a PvX guild in Gandara

Name legit 5 man teams left on any sever

in WvW

Posted by: Emerge.9640


Oink is dead =(

ROAM | Oink | TLP

Name legit 5 man teams left on any sever

in WvW

Posted by: Lemoncurry.2345


[Buka], now (unfortunately) on Miller’s Sound (EU).

Boy, do they hurt. Look for Vashury on youtube – ’nuff said.

Red Illie
Mondsucht [MS] – Kodash

Name legit 5 man teams left on any sever

in WvW

Posted by: Lert.6287


I don’t know why anyone didn’t post it till now, but by far [BNF] is the strongest guild we’ve ever faced and undoubtly strongest small scale roamer guild on Dzagonur.

Engineer / Piken Square
Former Team Psy [Psy] member/ [BNF] guest
YT Channel

(edited by Lert.6287)

Name legit 5 man teams left on any sever

in WvW

Posted by: deracs.1762


Our guild would never count in your definition of “legit 5 man” but we run everyday on average from 2-5 players and occasionally 6/7. We look for the open field fights, will take on groups of up to 15 (yes we die often enough), and take camps, towers and keeps (we have actually 4 manned hills and bay several times), We do not however form the perfect combination of class/specs but simply run with whoever from our guild that happens to be out doing WvW. We have fun and do well enough

WCC of Yaks bend

Name legit 5 man teams left on any sever

in WvW

Posted by: Rez.2578


Our guild would never count in your definition of “legit 5 man” but we run everyday on average from 2-5 players and occasionally 6/7. We look for the open field fights, will take on groups of up to 15 (yes we die often enough), and take camps, towers and keeps (we have actually 4 manned hills and bay several times), We do not however form the perfect combination of class/specs but simply run with whoever from our guild that happens to be out doing WvW. We have fun and do well enough

WCC of Yaks bend

Sounds legit to me man, keep it up!


Name legit 5 man teams left on any sever

in WvW

Posted by: Boulderbolg.3460


You can add oPP from Blackgate and CAPS from Sanctum of Ral.

GL for Team Riot [RIOT] on Blackgate NA – Small Group WvW Focused

Name legit 5 man teams left on any sever

in WvW

Posted by: Rinzler.8072


vT is now on Crystal desert. We are having a blast. There actually people to kill!

Rinzler [Mesmer] -BROLIS PASS- Violent Tendencies (vT)

Name legit 5 man teams left on any sever

in WvW

Posted by: Jscull.2514


It’s not fun killing kittenty players, rather have 5 mans aiming for 5 mans to test merit. Anyone with a pulse can kill 10-15 Dungeon “masters”. Not sure if 5 v 5 will ever become culture in this game. Don’t think there’s enough talent…. Or desire for non-ez mode pvp.


(edited by Jscull.2514)

Name legit 5 man teams left on any sever

in WvW

Posted by: Straegen.2938


It’s not fun killing kittenty players, rather have 5 mans aiming for 5 mans to test merit. Anyone with a pulse can kill 10-15 Dungeon “masters”. Not sure if 5 v 5 will ever become culture in this game. Don’t think there’s enough talent…. Or desire for non-ez mode pvp.

We do love finding other similarly equipped groups roaming but that has been a very rare occurrence. However, our small group finds PUGs cathartic for the seas of red that routinely diverge on our position.

Sarcasm For Hire [SFH]
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”

Name legit 5 man teams left on any sever

in WvW

Posted by: Boulderbolg.3460


It’s not fun killing kittenty players, rather have 5 mans aiming for 5 mans to test merit. Anyone with a pulse can kill 10-15 Dungeon “masters”. Not sure if 5 v 5 will ever become culture in this game. Don’t think there’s enough talent…. Or desire for non-ez mode pvp.

Yeah, it comes down to all of the things we’ve gone over and over a million times in other threads. This game just doesn’t encourage 5 man roaming in any way other than it is the most fun you can have in WvW.

It is too bad that the Tier 8 project you guys were heading up was destroyed by the new ranking system. We were seriously considering it at one point.

GL for Team Riot [RIOT] on Blackgate NA – Small Group WvW Focused