Need 200 person play testing.

Need 200 person play testing.

in WvW

Posted by: este.8651


I was wondering how many people are used on beta wvw maps? The queue size is set to what it is and it looks like its a technical limitation and/or it changes according to server stress. The reality in Tier 1 wvw is 200+ person battles. That’s everyone in one spot having a three way. I know not everyone gets to experience this orgy of skill lag but hey one could only be hopeful right?? The skill lag has been persistent for as long as I can remember in these 200 person battles. The new map is going to bring lot of new people to wvw so its going to spread beyond T1 and occur more regularly.

The design of a new map has to absolutely consider 200 person battles. The new meta is everyone gets 2v1 on their bl when there are full map queues. Its only natural if two points are taken and one remains. No one gets to own their own garrison on reset night, its just trade after trade.

There are so many problems and dynamics that do not present themselves in small groups of 20 in wvw. You really need to stress test with 80vs80vs80.

Need 200 person play testing.

in WvW

Posted by: Baldrick.8967


I saw at least a dozen people in the promo video all looking very shiny, with lots of acquired buffs from the 9 cap points and not a cc in sight..maybe the new map population limit is 12 a side? Although how they built that many trebs…

There isn’t a proper stress test with real players, which is why when it comes out you will find holes in the walls that people can port through, etc and that then take 2 years to be addressed, just like first time around.

I really wish they would develop these things using real wvw players to test at an early stage (and not just fanboys) and throughout the process, and then have an open beta testing so real stress can be put on it and bugs discovered and cleaned out before it goes live.

WvW player. Doing another world completion for my next Legendary. Hater of mini-games.

Need 200 person play testing.

in WvW

Posted by: Sorel.4870


I totally agree. I won’t be playing in the closed beta, but I really hope that among those who do there will be a good amount of WvW players, to detect problems early. Then of course open beta will give a better idea of what works and what doesn’t, but it will already be too late to change some stuff if needed. Finally, I hope we don’t face a similar problem we had with EotM, where the beta-testers were WvW players and had fun on the map, then we ourselves liked the map for two weeks before it was invaded by the PvE players. Since the map will be in regular WvW rotation, fingers crossed!

I really wish they would develop these things using real wvw players to test at an early stage (and not just fanboys)

You’re right in what you’re trying to say, but I had a good laugh reading this sentence. Opposing real WvW players to fans is basically saying that if you REALLY like WvW, then you don’t like the game and take no pleasure playing it. It’s a kitten CHORE!

Need 200 person play testing.

in WvW

Posted by: briggah.7910


I really wish they would develop these things using real wvw players to test at an early stage (and not just fanboys) and throughout the process, and then have an open beta testing so real stress can be put on it and bugs discovered and cleaned out before it goes live.

Oh you mean like the Sneak Attack event that removed white swords??? That was a test event and more than half the wvw community went into an uproar. Even some players stated they were quitting the game over this TEST event. So in a way anet tried to have us test things out. The outcome was players QQ’ing even before the event took place.

Player Vs Everyone
youtube channel - twitch channel

Need 200 person play testing.

in WvW

Posted by: Bristingr.5034


Oh you mean like the Sneak Attack event that removed white swords??? That was a test event and more than half the wvw community went into an uproar. Even some players stated they were quitting the game over this TEST event. So in a way anet tried to have us test things out. The outcome was players QQ’ing even before the event took place.

A lot of players actually enjoyed the no white swords. I liked it quite well myself.

Need 200 person play testing.

in WvW

Posted by: Ballads.2509


Not only do they need to test the 80×80×80 fights but also 80 x20x40. Also what will night capping be like when its 40×10×7 or other randoms 1v1ing while 8 people stand afk at zone in.

(edited by Ballads.2509)