Need feedback for WvW suggestion refinement!

Need feedback for WvW suggestion refinement!

in WvW

Posted by: Julenal.3907


I have had this suggestion topic on our forums for a while and haven’t got much feedback. Before posting this to suggestion forums I would like to fine tune this and need feedback for it. I’m not saying that every idea is mine, but idea is to add content/mechanics for certain parts of WvW. Try to enjoy and please post your feedback/additional ideas.

I mostly play as a raidleader for medium size guild and I really think that WvW doesn’t have certain content/mechanics for this kind of groups. In some ways the game rewards only the attacking team. For example there is no way to get any loot/ascended materials by defending, when compared to attacking. You can wipe ten attacks to supply and get virtually nothing while attacking team might get 50 Empyreal Fragments. (Well, you get the basic player loot, but I suppose you get what I mean) Main idea is to make WvW Guild Wars and reward/encourage scouts/upgraders:

Commander upgrades
Few possible ideas how to upgrade commander functionaly via WvW rank or separate upgrades. Main idea is to improve quality of guild gameplay and commanders ability to inform raid members/other commanders.
1. Guild tag – option to show commander tag only for guildies and other commanders
2. Custom colour – option to change tag colour
3. Map draw – for everyone on map/squad with your custom colour
4. Commander precense – optional, +10 to every stat, not stackable, glow on commander that also the enemy sees.
5. Supply buff – while near commander, +5 supply carrying capasity for everyone (not stackable with camp claim)

1-3 are things that would support guild gameplay and communications between raids. Atm Guilds tend to raid without tags (atleast on our server) to avoid randoms a.k.a “Rally Bots”. Main problem with nontag culture is that commanders are not always aware where other commanders are. This was not big problem before buff revamp as before it you could have all commanders in same group. Atleast Guild tag would be relatively small change that would increase quality of gameplay for guilds and co-operating raids significantly.

Guild tags could also be implemented via guild influence upgrade or guild commendations. You might still need commander mark or you could just bye guild tag with 50 guild commendations or get it as a activated upgrade. Single use guild upgrade could just be simple mark for guild members that could be used without any commander functionaly as “party leader”.

Custom colours would make it easier for players to follow their commander and you wouldn’t have to check which commander is which. It could be automatic or every commander could choose own for dye colours or something. It would also be kind of mandatory for wider mapdraw to see who is drawing what. Map draw is such a great way to show “we will run from there”, but you really cannot atm use it in raids. Commandes could use this to mark enemy trebs etc for other commanders.

4-5 are fillers in this suggestion, but I wanted to add 5 to take in to account that objective claim is currently only mechanic in WvW that directly gives guilds benefit against random raids. As WvW seems to be Zerg Wars atm. it would be nice to give random commanders some way to get to same level as Guild Commanders who can claim camp almost always.

If you have better suggestions for commander rankline abilities go ahead!

Map announces:
”Red has capped Dreaming Bay!”
”Enemy guild [XxX] has claimed Dreamin Bay!”

Small change to increase quality of gameplay. If it is techically posible, you could add party leaders name to some of these shouts like in GW1 HoM announces, as
suggested here.

“Devon’s team has protected Lowlands supplycamp”

Before I though that these could be used in PvE like Scarlet announcements:

“Your realm is defending Stonemist castle and it’s outer walls have been breached, join Eternal Battlegrounds to defend it.”

Cool way to encourage players to join WvW, but with all the whining about PvE-players ruining WvW it’s more than year too late for it. I would personally prefer that these announcements would be only for captures, claims and upgrades so that they wouldn’t replace scouting and map tactics. How lame would be announcements like:

“Ten Green attackers at Redbriar with 2 catapults”

GM of Finnish gaming community guild “Frozen Dawn” [FD] since GW2 announce
GW player of 14+kh and Passionate Mind Wracker since 2005

(edited by Julenal.3907)

Need feedback for WvW suggestion refinement!

in WvW

Posted by: Julenal.3907


Guild Taunts:
When Guild claims object they gain ability to start Taunt Challenge by talking to objectives Lord and choosing objective upgrade that they are going for. Every upgrade has it’s own challenge that is bound to it’s difficulty with some kind of mechanic – for example supply camps increased supply delivery is kind of easy as you only have to protect the objective for few minutes if camp is already full of supply and lord might have buff on most of the time. Keep’s waypoint is much harder as you really have to upgrade walls, gates and then cannons and mortars to be able to achieve Waypoint.

You could pop only one challenge/objective. For example supply upgrades would be easy, but you could choose to go for increased Guard Level, as you have to complete Doly Guards and Increased Supply Deliveries before you could get Guard Level. This would create risk vs. reward system where you could go for easy/“trivial” goal or you can risk longer challenge for greater reward. Guild can also pop only one taunt/map to give other guilds something to do and to encourage communications between guilds/raids. (you can upgade Keep much easier if there is other guild upgrading camps)

If Guild success in taunt they get Guild-WvW influence or something that guild can use in WvW as buffs, rewards etc. This reward system needs some consideration as you would have to have some way to rank these upgrades. Trivial way would be supply spend/incoming so that each supply is 1 point. To prevent Increased Supply Delivery farming objectives could give guilds extra points for each completed upgrade before the last one (i.e. amount of supply spend on that upgrade) and extra tick for completing the challenge. (i.e. all supply spend for upgrades from start of challenge doubled) That way you could “easily” get 200 points from full camp, 100+2x(100+100)=500 for Increased Supply and Doly Guards, but if you risk going for fully upgraded camp you could get 100+100+150=350 from upgrades on the way and 2x(100+100+150+150)=1000 points from final tick!

Every time you activate any of these challenges or complete any upgrades in those objectives enemy teams get notified via map announcements: “[XxX] is trying to build Waypoint at Dreaming Bay”, ”[XxX] completed Reinforced Walls upgrade at Dreaming Bay, are you letting them to build that Waypoint?”. This could also be handled via map icons or something, but there is reason why I call these “Taunt Challenges”.

My orginal idea was that you could pop these challenges only when objective is just capped, but then I realized that it would create situation where it would some weird way benefit guilds to loose fully upgraded objective. That’s why I think that there would have to be some incitiment to hold fully claimed objectives or to start new upgrades when orginal Challenge is done. For example Guild could get 1/4 of incomming supply as reward after the keep is fully upgraded or they could start to build “Guild Trophy” as a challenge, but only after keep is fully upgraded. Fully upgraded supplycamps could have option to pop “Dolyak caravan” taunt every 20 minutes.

Other thing that could cause problems is attacking guilds that just cap objectives, leave and let others handle the upgrading. Because of this major objectives like Keeps and Towers should have some kind of opposing mechanic like: one could talk to objectives lord and oppose the claim, then the claimed guild would have 15 minutes time to report to Objectives Lord that Guild is still defending the objective. If orginal Guild Checks in they can keep the claim and challenge, if it doesn’t the opposing guild gets the claim. Guild could oppose only 7 times/week to avoid unnecessary drama. (claim ninjaing)

All this is about defending, but what about attacking? If you success in capping the enemy keep under challenge attacking team would get some kind of reward. For example all spend supply so far x2 100/300/500 divided with players. So if there was 50 attackers and 10 from [XxX], keep had 2250 supply inc in challenge [XxX] would get (2250×2500)/(50/10)=500 points!

And if you keep record of all these points we would have Guild Leaderboards for WvW!
(You could count also the kills some way but…)

This system could also be used for “kill challenges”. Something like this suggestion with fixed rewards. I may have write about this.

GM of Finnish gaming community guild “Frozen Dawn” [FD] since GW2 announce
GW player of 14+kh and Passionate Mind Wracker since 2005

Need feedback for WvW suggestion refinement!

in WvW

Posted by: Julenal.3907


Scout bonuses:
Ascended materials are kind of weird as you can get those only from attacking; you removed the Quaggans from BL, those could have dropped Empyreals and other stuff. You could still add some kind of NPC attacks for scouts to kill to give them something to do/report that it was only the NPC’s. Let me add that it is weird that you can afaik complete “Mists Merc Camp Vanquisher” in EB, show some love for borderland about this or remove this kind of achievements from meta next time, please.

[i] There has been many suggestions about this. I don’t have anything original to say about this, but something needs to be done for this. If someone wants to write this part, be my guest.

I had idea, that is now cut out from this that was about siege resetting as a part of scouting bonuses. I removed it because the system was too easy to exploit by building siege next to supply depot.

I personally liked barracks door idea in this topic. [/i]

Map points (for team/taunts)
What I hate in WvW is that it rewads too much for night capping/map jumping in match points. Ok, map jumping is nice mechanic to “fix small maps”, but still. While you are working on queue revamp, (I suspect it has something to do with map population vs. max population on map) consider that points would be calculated based on population. For example, Green team has everything capped on all maps and they have 25% of potential own max population in WvW -> they get 25% of points.

This could go like in example for whole WvW or separately for each map. (previous example: all active players (25% of total max = 100% on one map) on one map -> full points from there) Active servers would get advantage in addition of upgraded keeps, but night capping would not dominate match outcome. This could also go for taunts: upgrading keeps on empty maps with 5 players is beneficial for team, but not as “good” (if you consider leaderboard) as upgrading keeps on full maps.

And btw, [XxX] doesn’t refer to any guild, it is just generic guild tag.

-Guild tag on NPC’s

GM of Finnish gaming community guild “Frozen Dawn” [FD] since GW2 announce
GW player of 14+kh and Passionate Mind Wracker since 2005

(edited by Julenal.3907)

Need feedback for WvW suggestion refinement!

in WvW

Posted by: Julenal.3907


This has been suggested and ignored a year ago..

How nice from you to read whole text.

I personally have to read documentations and feedback/development ideas on weekly basis and nothing is more annoying than someone saying something like: “we need x” Unless you have good grasp on the specific topic, like you have personally thought it before, you cannot processes whole topic with a single read trough especially if you get tens of these suggestions daily. That’s why I would like to refine my suggestion and carefully form it to “We need x, because” before posting it as a suggestion.

Yes, as I said, most of these ideas have been posted before, but can’t I atleast try?

GM of Finnish gaming community guild “Frozen Dawn” [FD] since GW2 announce
GW player of 14+kh and Passionate Mind Wracker since 2005

Need feedback for WvW suggestion refinement!

in WvW

Posted by: Merlin Dyfed Avalon.5046

Merlin Dyfed Avalon.5046

This has been suggested and ignored a year ago..

How nice from you to read whole text.

I personally have to read documentations and feedback/development ideas on weekly basis and nothing is more annoying than someone saying something like: “we need x” Unless you have good grasp on the specific topic, like you have personally thought it before, you cannot processes whole topic with a single read trough especially if you get tens of these suggestions daily. That’s why I would like to refine my suggestion and carefully form it to “We need x, because” before posting it as a suggestion.

Yes, as I said, most of these ideas have been posted before, but can’t I atleast try?

Yes ^^

cleaned my post , wasn’t expecting 3 more pages

54 infractions and counting because a moderator doesn’t understand a joke when he/she sees it.

Need feedback for WvW suggestion refinement!

in WvW

Posted by: Julenal.3907


Yes ^^

cleaned my post , wasn’t expecting 3 more pages

np, but I get your point. I don’t understand why WvW core mechanics have been left without much love from ANet.

We talked much about this during betas: my guildies were so disapointed about only two WvW maps, but we agreed that it isn’t as important in long run than solid core mechanics for WvW.

Since then we have had many good technical repairs and few good WvW mechanics, like wall/gate repair treshold at 10%.

GM of Finnish gaming community guild “Frozen Dawn” [FD] since GW2 announce
GW player of 14+kh and Passionate Mind Wracker since 2005

Need feedback for WvW suggestion refinement!

in WvW

Posted by: Carize.8532



I think that as a whole, your suggestions are great. I especially like the Challenge/Taunt option. The only thing I’d add to that would be a hope that in this system we could have the guild tag appended to the claimer. Basically I hate when I’m trying to recall what guild has what property and have only the symbol on the flag outside to go by.

“Pink quaggan with a blue background….umm that’s [Indy] right? Wait, no…theirs is teal, not blue..”

So why not just have the guild claimer Lord wear the same tag as any guild member would? I shouldn’t need to look outside the game—like having to check the live map websites—for info about what’s going on IN the game. Just looking at them now, the mechanic seems to already be in place for this. They’re called something like: Champion Keep Lord [Guild-Claiming] <=== just put the guild tag in those brackets, instead of ‘guild claiming’

The idea that we all just KNOW what guild icon is which offhand is laughable…there are so many guilds, any of whom can claim something without needing to announce it or ask permission. Which of course, leads to the whole discussions about the random pink quaggan (just a made up example) guild that claimed Garrison but didn’t upgrade it ever. Give me some guild tags, please!

TL;DR: why can’t guild claimer of WvW properties have guild tag (ex" [HzH]) added to their name like players do?

Bianca Helios, Ele :: Ganna Shouztu, Ranger :: Selad Mahen, Necro :: Rowan Nightseer, Warr
Melodic Whisper, Thief :: Mephelotic Phantasm, Mes :: Xoboda, Guard :: Plikkik, Engi
Jade Quarry since launch then I started wandering the borderlands of Yak’s Bend

Need feedback for WvW suggestion refinement!

in WvW

Posted by: Julenal.3907


So why not just have the guild claimer Lord wear the same tag as any guild member would? I shouldn’t need to look outside the game—like having to check the live map websites—for info about what’s going on IN the game. Just looking at them now, the mechanic seems to already be in place for this. They’re called something like: Champion Keep Lord [Guild-Claiming] <=== just put the guild tag in those brackets, instead of ‘guild claiming’

That is nice and possibly easy quality of life update. Going to add this in some way to final version. When I said possibly easy it might be hard to get the tag after lords/guards name. But atleast some kind off artificial interactive object where you coul check the guild should be easy one to add.

GM of Finnish gaming community guild “Frozen Dawn” [FD] since GW2 announce
GW player of 14+kh and Passionate Mind Wracker since 2005

Need feedback for WvW suggestion refinement!

in WvW

Posted by: huudis.8790


Commander tag is one of the most annoying things in the wvw, people has it but don’t want to use it. It’s the only way to get scattered people in one place where they are needed.

1. Guild tag – option to view commander tag for guildies and other commanders
2. Custom colour – option to change tag color on map

Every time when com tag is activated it picks automatically new color that is not on the map, so people don’t have to select color for them selves.
I would also like the guild tag, something you can’t buy but unlock with influence and guild leader can pick people who can use it.

Map announces:
”Red has capped Dreaming Bay!”
”Enemy guild [XxX] has claimed Dreamin Bay!”

Why aren’t these in the game yet??!?! Adding like extra npc scouts that can be bought by the guild that claimed the tower, SM, Keep, etc. to just shout for help.

Then adding cities like Lions Arch an WVW announcement “Your borderland needs help! Join the battle” or “Eternal battleground has no queue at this moment! join battle!” etc.

I hope to see better wvw in the future, like Alliance battles were awesome with multiple maps and many good battle strategies.
You should think more like wvw = alliance battles v2 (bigger, better, faster, stronger)

Need feedback for WvW suggestion refinement!

in WvW

Posted by: Merlin Dyfed Avalon.5046

Merlin Dyfed Avalon.5046

Some things:

- Server wide wxp per cap after you have participated in 1-2 objectives/achievements.
I.o.w. Afk-ers get nothing and active wvw trough participation get a worldwide wxp buff per tick. ( goes well with a report afk kick)
Say, after you capped 2 sentries and 1 camp, killed 2 dollies and capped 2 sentries, 2 camps, 1 tower or keep. You activate your worldwide wxp buff.

-Server shouts:

I would love to see shouts next to the ones suggested that choose the party spending the most time on an objective and give the recognition.

“Julenal’s team has protected Lowlands supplycamp” Camp defense/capture
“The world owes Huudis’s party favor for cutting off enemy supply”Dolly kill/defense"
“Our Keeps are more secure due to Carize’s groups effort” *On upgrade/repair

“Bloodlust gained trough Merlin’s Awesomeness” bc im awesome..

This would get people known on the server. Tie this in with the other server shouts..

“X’s Group has dealt a blow to your server cutting your south supply route” etc..

Add some achievements in the mix for good order

54 infractions and counting because a moderator doesn’t understand a joke when he/she sees it.

Need feedback for WvW suggestion refinement!

in WvW

Posted by: Julenal.3907


ty on feedback!

I added some details, but started to think more about those team contribution announces: you could only use these if the party does most of the work. On top of that, ANet doesn’t use enemy player names, so team annoinces wold most likely be own team only. :/ I have to think about this more.

Great news btw!

The next topic for WvW after skill lag is: Commander mechanics and Commander tag functionality.


Atleast something might happen at one point hopefully not so distant future.

GM of Finnish gaming community guild “Frozen Dawn” [FD] since GW2 announce
GW player of 14+kh and Passionate Mind Wracker since 2005