Need info about UW - AG and Piken WvW status

Need info about UW - AG and Piken WvW status

in WvW

Posted by: DaYeL.1495


Im here to gather infoes about the 3 server.
[MdA] is nearly to choose for a transfer, tired of carrying WSR randoms players in 2/3 guilds dedicated to wvw.

We are interested in servers in medium/low tiers like:
Aurora Glade
Piken Square

We are looking for a WvW solid community and we want to know how many guilds are WvW dedicated on these servers and if are there some alliance or communities WvW dedicated.

We are a 30 man WvW guild with the chance to bring with us 2 or 3 more guilds that are with us in “The Whiteside Pact Alliance” with a number of player near to 100 guys and more.

Feel free to PM me or just reply on the topic, atm this is just an infoes gathering

THX for your attention and eventually for your informations.

Dayel Baratheon – Guardian LvL 80
[MdA] Mietitori di Anime – Officer
Commander-Whiteside Ridge (Whiteside Pact Alliance)

Need info about UW - AG and Piken WvW status

in WvW

Posted by: kribre.9683


Hey, I’m from AG. Our main core from all time consists of FURY, UNTY & BaQ as the biggest WvW guilds from the start. In the last two weeks we’ve got three more WvW guilds on our server which are realy giving us some good help, this new guilds that’s easy to see in WvW are KISS and LoE from GH-server, and VAR from your server. As I’ve said before, we would welcome you with open arms nad could use the extran man power as it looks like we will skip T6 and jump straight up to T5 on friday. And as I’ve said to you guys before, I think, that you are welcome to join our server. We also have a server mumble (200 slots atm.) and our own communitywebsite with over 500 registered users.

I have no idea about the other servers, dont think we have met Piken before but I know they have some guilds there from warhammer, which I dont know the name of. Underworld is a decent server aswell I think, can’t remember any specific guilds on their server atm. but sure there is some there aswell

Thanks for reading

[VII] – Seventh Legion – retired
[Dius] – Semper Dius – Kodash

Need info about UW - AG and Piken WvW status

in WvW

Posted by: Steelo.4597


im from GH and i dare say Piken has a really strong guild (BOON) which is coordinated and also knows how to pvp. havent seen anything alike on abaddon nor aurora. there are big guilds there, but not outstanding in quality like boon.

i fear we will look back to this day and remember the good old wvw as it is now – Jan 2015

Need info about UW - AG and Piken WvW status

in WvW

Posted by: Raithwall.6397


Just out of curiosity, what’d be your “Prime” time for WvWing when joining one of those servers?

I’m not sure if either of the server would welcome you with open arms if that’d mean
they’d have to endure even longer ques while they want to play together with their friends.

Need info about UW - AG and Piken WvW status

in WvW

Posted by: Reaping.2964


If ur primetime playing hours are from 7:00 -11:00 gmt then piken isnt the place for u as we are full and have ques on this time slot sorry…

Need info about UW - AG and Piken WvW status

in WvW

Posted by: Twinklefairy.6739


I think I speak for most of our server (Piken) when I say that if your prime time is from around 6-11 gmt or something similar then you’re NOT going to be very welcome here.
EDIT: aww reaping beat me to it.

(edited by Twinklefairy.6739)

Need info about UW - AG and Piken WvW status

in WvW

Posted by: insanesu.3965


PS’s guilds are most oriented for WvW events (everyday). We have many WvW oriented and very organized guilds (like BOON, GG, Necr, TUP, HoB, TNTD, VII, PX etc).

We have small queues in EU primetime usually (we dont like queues). If your guild is really WvW-oriented, then you are welcome =)

visit for more info

Jolly Insane | Insane Empire [INS] |
Piken Square (unofficial roletrollplay server)

Need info about UW - AG and Piken WvW status

in WvW

Posted by: insanesu.3965


If ur primetime playing hours are from 7:00 -11:00 gmt then piken isnt the place for u as we are full and have ques on this time slot sorry…

can’t agree with you. We need for new guilds anyway

Jolly Insane | Insane Empire [INS] |
Piken Square (unofficial roletrollplay server)

Need info about UW - AG and Piken WvW status

in WvW

Posted by: DaYeL.1495


Just received some PMs where ppl tell me new guilds who plays in EU primtime are not welcome on PS.
I think i can remove PS from the list.

Tnx for the infos guys i dont want to create problems with the existing guilds on that server

Dayel Baratheon – Guardian LvL 80
[MdA] Mietitori di Anime – Officer
Commander-Whiteside Ridge (Whiteside Pact Alliance)

Need info about UW - AG and Piken WvW status

in WvW

Posted by: Anesco.8310


Hmmm i’m confused.
Why should new guilds that plays on primetime not be welcome? Just because of the queue?
The middle-high ranking Server must anyway be aware that there will be soon, larger transfers. Or do you think the players remain on empty servers?

(edited by Anesco.8310)

Need info about UW - AG and Piken WvW status

in WvW

Posted by: Kyus.3812


If ur primetime playing hours are from 7:00 -11:00 gmt then piken isnt the place for u as we are full and have ques on this time slot sorry…

can’t agree with you. We need for new guilds anyway

I concur with reaping if its 3 guilds coming with you for prime time weekly wvw I’d recommend another server. We have a nice balance at the moment with where we sit in WvW and prime time guilds aren’t going to impact Piken Square much if at all.

If it was just you guys it might work well but we have had so many bandwagoneers joining as we move up tiers and the effect on some areas have been noticeable.

if you are a day guild or have unsociable hours you’d find yourself in great company as our off peak guilds, commanders and just dedicated people are fantastically dedicated if a lot fewer in number than a lot of our opposition we are beginning to face.

if 3 guilds came over as a large alliance I’d imaging it would have a noticeable negative impact on the current population and even though this is a bit selfish it would be disappointing for a lot of guilds and gamers that have been on Piken from day 1.

Kyús – 80 – Guardian// All Classes Level 80
Hand of Blood [HoB]
EU – Aurora Glade

Need info about UW - AG and Piken WvW status

in WvW

Posted by: Reaping.2964


Well theres servers crying out for EU primtime guilds, Piken EU primetime is full

Need info about UW - AG and Piken WvW status

in WvW

Posted by: DaYeL.1495


We are not Bandwagoners.
We are lookin for medium/low tiers servers
So PS is out of question.

More info about UW or AG? or RoF?

Dayel Baratheon – Guardian LvL 80
[MdA] Mietitori di Anime – Officer
Commander-Whiteside Ridge (Whiteside Pact Alliance)

Need info about UW - AG and Piken WvW status

in WvW

Posted by: vanash.2671


We(LoE) have just joined AG from Gunnar’s Hold. In the last match up we faced UW who seemed far too reliant of running as a zerg rather than employing sound tactics. (imo).

We have been very impressed with AG, while the server could do with a bit more co-ordination it seems this is work in progress atm and things seem to be coming together nicely. Good numbers and a decent core of WvW guilds while still having enough people in PvE to ensure the events succeed.

As has been mentioned we’re skipping a tier this week heading straight into a match vs Gandara and Augery Rock it seems. So could do with a few more numbers here. Am impressed with the server and pleased with our move as a guild.

(edited by vanash.2671)

Need info about UW - AG and Piken WvW status

in WvW

Posted by: Kyus.3812


We are not Bandwagoners.
We are lookin for medium/low tiers servers
So PS is out of question.

More info about UW or AG? or RoF?

Just a headsup that I wasn’t calling you guys Bandwagoners, it was more directed at the influx of unhelplful people that have recently joined that has caused piken some issues with getting the dedicated wvw groups and commanders into zones where they are needed. so sorry if it on first hand caused offence.

Kyús – 80 – Guardian// All Classes Level 80
Hand of Blood [HoB]
EU – Aurora Glade

Need info about UW - AG and Piken WvW status

in WvW

Posted by: insanesu.3965


I concur with reaping if its 3 guilds coming with you for prime time weekly wvw I’d recommend another server. We have a nice balance at the moment with where we sit in WvW and prime time guilds aren’t going to impact Piken Square much if at all.

If it was just you guys it might work well but we have had so many bandwagoneers joining as we move up tiers and the effect on some areas have been noticeable.

if you are a day guild or have unsociable hours you’d find yourself in great company as our off peak guilds, commanders and just dedicated people are fantastically dedicated if a lot fewer in number than a lot of our opposition we are beginning to face.

if 3 guilds came over as a large alliance I’d imaging it would have a noticeable negative impact on the current population and even though this is a bit selfish it would be disappointing for a lot of guilds and gamers that have been on Piken from day 1.

I know one “elite server”, where had played “elite alliance” who did not
need a new guilds. Far Shiverpeaks. And when they couldnt stop BT zerg without new guilds/guys, they just switched to Blacktide

Each server need more and more wvw-oriented ppl anyway. Especially WvW-oriented guilds. Not pugs.

Or this server will die.

Just my opinion

Jolly Insane | Insane Empire [INS] |
Piken Square (unofficial roletrollplay server)

Need info about UW - AG and Piken WvW status

in WvW

Posted by: insanesu.3965


p.s. I sure that new guilds should visit our site and talk with us before transfer, but you words “NO NO NO NO NO NO MORE PPL TO PS!!!!!” looks very bad.

Jolly Insane | Insane Empire [INS] |
Piken Square (unofficial roletrollplay server)

Need info about UW - AG and Piken WvW status

in WvW

Posted by: Scarran.9845


I am on AG and we would welcome any guild/player who is wishing to join our server. As a server we have had to rebuild from the ground up due to earlier mass guild departures.

We are improving all the time and our numbers are getting alot more healthier but could always do with more. We still have a bit to learn on co-ordination and the tactical side of WvW but this is mainly due to alot of new people within WvW. Due to transfers this month we are taking a huge leap to Tier 5 in the next match up and that is going to be a really big test.

From what I can tell, there currently aren’t alot of queue’s to get into WvW, I have seen it pop up every now and then so your not stuck waiting on a queue.

From my time in WvW it is full of friendly guilds who work together to support each other. It depends what your guild is looking for, if your willing to put up with a server that is still learning its trade then AG is for you.

If your looking for a more experienced server that has been there and done it then AG is still learning and might not be what your looking for. If you have any further questions about AG, ask away as those of us on AG will try our best to answer them.

Axere – lvl 80 Necro
Nemmeister – lvl 80 Engineer
Jay Knot – lvl 80 Warrior | Rusty Colt – lvl 80 Thief

Need info about UW - AG and Piken WvW status

in WvW

Posted by: Mushy.3964


I would suggest looking at Far Shiverpeaks (FS), they have dropped down the ranks due to numbers leaving for Blacktide (BT) & Desolation (Deso) but as I hear it they still have a good core & few ques.

What ever server you choose I’m sure they will welcome you.

Officer of Vitas
WvW Squad Leader

Need info about UW - AG and Piken WvW status

in WvW

Posted by: Kyus.3812


p.s. I sure that new guilds should visit our site and talk with us before transfer, but you words “NO NO NO NO NO NO MORE PPL TO PS!!!!!” looks very bad.

Not as bad as this pictures of PS prime-time yesterday.
I don’t think [HoB] likes to share

Mondays aren’t really a night for us but yeah thats an awesome screen shot it shows we are playing against a good server with a nice high population (Riverside great opposition). just where Piken Square should be fun competitive WvW with good organised opposition. We reduced that deficit down as a server by 9 o clock though that was a screeny from gmt

but as to Piken Square, sure as Insanesu says feel free to talk to people on the website that was linked but In my personal opinion cramming loads of guild into our primetime isn’t going to really benefit anyone and there are loads of great upcoming servers that would love to have the guild posting and those involved with that guild.

If you do join another server hopefully your influence skill and numbers will help bring them up the rankings and we’ll fight you guys at some point because thats what WvW is about good equal oppositon not flooding the field with bodies.

Kyús – 80 – Guardian// All Classes Level 80
Hand of Blood [HoB]
EU – Aurora Glade

Need info about UW - AG and Piken WvW status

in WvW

Posted by: Growltiger.3450


Well as you can see from the above Gunnar’s Hold have recently lost a couple of guilds to other servers so you would certainly be welcome here – primetime or not. Like most servers we suffer from nightcappers but our WvW community makes a big effort to focus on tactics, coordination and community. If you want to be part of our forum and mumble community and to work with the other WvW guilds here you would be very welcome. I’ve always found the server welcoming and well meaning and the community to be well structured and dilligent.

What we don’t really need right now are guilds who like to zerg about on their own, capping areas and moving off. If you want to be part of a coordinated community, to help form and execute a weekly strategy and boost our numbers then give us a look –


Sidestrike | Charr Guardian | Cry Havoc – Gunnar’s Hold

Need info about UW - AG and Piken WvW status

in WvW

Posted by: Reaping.2964


p.s. I sure that new guilds should visit our site and talk with us before transfer, but you words “NO NO NO NO NO NO MORE PPL TO PS!!!!!” looks very bad.

Not as bad as this pictures of PS prime-time yesterday.
I don’t think [HoB] likes to share

ur linking screenies that isnt our primetime btw

Need info about UW - AG and Piken WvW status

in WvW

Posted by: genowefapigwa.5769


Short movie from yestarday www

Goraca Mariola
INC&Garaz Runkaraki
Ele from Piken Square

Need info about UW - AG and Piken WvW status

in WvW

Posted by: Turx.6987


What time is your Prime-time then?

Any time you don’t have a screenshot for :P

Turx Stormcaller (Ele) – Turx of the Veil (Mes) – Hand of Blood [HoB]

Piken Square [EU]

Need info about UW - AG and Piken WvW status

in WvW

Posted by: Kyus.3812


lets not derail this guys thread into the current PS matchup we have threads for that on our own website and on the official forums.

Out of all the servers PS have played the best individuals I have come across were on Gunnars Hold! they simply didn’t have the numbers though due to loads of guilds leaving. If the OP can get numbers in the 100’s from a few guilds they could totally transform GH as I’m sure there is still a core of gamers there that are awaiting an influx of new WvW focused gamers.

Kyús – 80 – Guardian// All Classes Level 80
Hand of Blood [HoB]
EU – Aurora Glade

Need info about UW - AG and Piken WvW status

in WvW

Posted by: lindstroem.3601


Maybe you consider Far Shiverpeaks, too. There is a thread about our histroy as a server and whats going on there at the moment. And of course you would be very welcome there.

Need info about UW - AG and Piken WvW status

in WvW

Posted by: Growltiger.3450


Out of all the servers PS have played the best individuals I have come across were on Gunnars Hold! they simply didn’t have the numbers though due to loads of guilds leaving. If the OP can get numbers in the 100’s from a few guilds they could totally transform GH as I’m sure there is still a core of gamers there that are awaiting an influx of new WvW focused gamers.

Thank you – our match against PS was one of the best we have had for open field battles.

Yes there are those among us who are certainly not leaving – we like it too much here. Sure the water’s cold and there’s a bit of an echo now but there are also feral charrs and fighters left dogmatically holding what turf we have…


Sidestrike | Charr Guardian | Cry Havoc – Gunnar’s Hold

Need info about UW - AG and Piken WvW status

in WvW

Posted by: Adanteh.8970


I’m also with one of the guilds that is planning on moving. Basically our first choice is server that we played against. I still remember [BOON] and [VII] when we played against Piken Square quite a long time ago (I know right, Whiteside Ridge, the ultimate casual server, playing against Piken Square). Now it would be a nice to switch to, but it’s already a bit late for that and seems to be busy. Our events are usually around 21GMT or so. My guild is also quite busy at late night still, even though that has mostly decreased the couple of weeks. People have lost the motivation to have events late at night, because we were forced to stay up late at night to get a decent score at one point .

(First match up against RoF we stay up late at night and make sure we defend in earlier night hours and cap a lot of stuff later in the night. Second matchup most guys lost their nightly playing motivation and we get completely destroyed by night capping)

The main thing I would be interested in the guild / zerg ratio. With Underworld this seems to be rather bad (Large numbers, but still doing poorly). What is the case with this on Aurora Glade? I mean, large good guilds is nice, but personally I mostly want to switch to a server that is very guild carried (Playerbase mostly consists out of guilds) During our recent matchup we mostly noticed [UNTY] and [KISS] but both being off different teams then.

How do you guys use the mumble? Seeing we also have a 200 man Alliance Teamspeak server (Our guild server also), but most guilds just stick to their own voiceserver even during shared events (Even though it’s really just us and MdA doing decent events now)

Need info about UW - AG and Piken WvW status

in WvW

Posted by: Kyus.3812


p.s. I sure that new guilds should visit our site and talk with us before transfer, but you words “NO NO NO NO NO NO MORE PPL TO PS!!!!!” looks very bad.

Not as bad as this pictures of PS prime-time yesterday.
I don’t think [HoB] likes to share

Mondays aren’t really a night for us but yeah thats an awesome screen shot it shows we are playing against a good server with a nice high population (Riverside great opposition). just where Piken Square should be fun competitive WvW with good organised opposition. We reduced that deficit down as a server by 9 o clock though that was a screeny from gmt

Population of Riverside and Piken are the same.
I think the difference in WvW population is your own fault for driving players away. As an ex- daytime-Piken player, it was very frustrating watching your anti-transfer attitude where you cared only about queues in your play time, while WvW beeing a 24 hours game, so some of thouse 7-11 gmt players would have joined in early hours as well.

So when i see an apportunity of fresh players for WvW slipping by because of the arrogance of some individuals, i can only send my best reguards to the Piken dayteam. You are worth more than Piken deserves.

And this pretty much summs up my view on situation on Piken.

I’m fairly confident that reapings original post and my original post addressed the issue of finding out when the guilds in question were looking to game. they need to find a good server where they will be the most useful and explaining that our primetime is typically fairly full if not ques everywhere which it normally is 5/7 nights a week that they might be better looking elsewhere.

I’m just one guy but I have a ton of respect for our late night early morning and mid afternoon gamers. They like their counterparts on multiple servers are the bread and butter of points being brought in and put up with crazy odd disparities and defend valiantly. PS discuss the best ways that prime time teams can support those playing at different hours. check my original post on here for the same feedback to if they were a guild who games at other hours.

All that I’ve done here is put an honest picture across to the original poster and for what he’s looking for a server like far shiver peaks or maybe gunnars hold if they have larger numbers is a much better suggestion.

as far as Piken goes we’ve done really well to get to this ranking and we’re playing against great opponents as far as I’m concerned we have good opposition 7 nights a week with close competitive WvW matches not a lot of servers can boast that.

Kyús – 80 – Guardian// All Classes Level 80
Hand of Blood [HoB]
EU – Aurora Glade

Need info about UW - AG and Piken WvW status

in WvW

Posted by: julesremain.7260


More info about UW or AG? or RoF?

You’d be most welcome on Ring of Fire. We jumped up 3 places last week and while neither we nor gunnars hold can deal with AG’s night capping we certainly give them a run for their money during primetime.

The last 2 weeks have really seen a great server wide alliance come together that now sees rof working together better that we ever have before. We might be getting pummelled in the score but our morale is still high and we’re not the easy win we once were. We have a great community going on and I’m excited about rof’s future so come and be a part of it.

Melchizedek Salam
LVL 80 Guardian
[TaG] Gunnars Hold

Need info about UW - AG and Piken WvW status

in WvW

Posted by: Adanteh.8970


I heard rumors about problems inside [ICON] and a split into two guilds or so. Is this true?

Need info about UW - AG and Piken WvW status

in WvW

Posted by: insanesu.3965


but In my personal opinion cramming loads of guild into our primetime isn’t going to really benefit anyone and there are loads of great upcoming servers that would love to have the guild posting and those involved with that guild.

If you do join another server hopefully your influence skill and numbers will help bring them up the rankings and we’ll fight you guys at some point because thats what WvW is about good equal oppositon not flooding the field with bodies.

u can see that topic starter asks us about our servers before transfer. I think it’s a good way. Not like “we are RUIN 2.0 and you must invite us to your server!!111” in another topics.

Jolly Insane | Insane Empire [INS] |
Piken Square (unofficial roletrollplay server)

Need info about UW - AG and Piken WvW status

in WvW

Posted by: Katiechops.6807


p.s. I sure that new guilds should visit our site and talk with us before transfer, but you words “NO NO NO NO NO NO MORE PPL TO PS!!!!!” looks very bad.

Not as bad as this pictures of PS prime-time yesterday.
I don’t think [HoB] likes to share

Thanks for posting the screenshots of how Piken enters prime time in the real EU because if you kept taking screenshots for the Main EU prime time you’d get to see us going from 150 – 400 down to 280 – 245 up during Prime Time against fully upgraded Keeps with actual defenders!

So yeah thanks for giving us the oppertunity to show how well PS does during Prime time in WvW that required you to fight your way into Keeps and Towers.

(edited by Katiechops.6807)

Need info about UW - AG and Piken WvW status

in WvW

Posted by: julesremain.7260


I heard rumors about problems inside [ICON] and a split into two guilds or so. Is this true?

Sadly yes, ICON had maybe 15-20 members leave and form a new guild NP. Both guilds remain in the alliance however and have been working well together since it happened. While it has been difficult to see the members of the 2 guilds still feel a kinship for one another and I’ve loved sill fighting alongside them this week.

P.S. Not meaning to hijack ur threads so wont say anymore on that.

Melchizedek Salam
LVL 80 Guardian
[TaG] Gunnars Hold

Need info about UW - AG and Piken WvW status

in WvW

Posted by: Kyus.3812


but In my personal opinion cramming loads of guild into our primetime isn’t going to really benefit anyone and there are loads of great upcoming servers that would love to have the guild posting and those involved with that guild.

If you do join another server hopefully your influence skill and numbers will help bring them up the rankings and we’ll fight you guys at some point because thats what WvW is about good equal oppositon not flooding the field with bodies.

u can see that topic starter asks us about our servers before transfer. I think it’s a good way. Not like “we are RUIN 2.0 and you must invite us to your server!!111” in another topics.

Yup I couldn’t agree more Jolly this was a great way to go about it , you guys typically play at slightly different times to me and reaping so its good to get a mixture of opinions from Piken so they can make the best decision. didn’t intend any disrespect for not agreeing with you earlier.

Kyús – 80 – Guardian// All Classes Level 80
Hand of Blood [HoB]
EU – Aurora Glade

Need info about UW - AG and Piken WvW status

in WvW

Posted by: allways.9270


I´ll be a bit of an ars, as I usually am .. and will voice only my own opinion, since we have alliance leaders which could propose to you – thus steping upon their territory in this matter could be seen as disrespectful.

To the topic. Regardless of your exploits & tactical knowledge – if you posses any, or are willing to learn; if you can follow orders – without suicidal intend, but rather determination & willpower; consider yourself to be WvW oriented & adjusted your gameplay and thoughts to it .. and especially – “if” you are indeed serious about going for WvW as prime objective for you & your guild .. then you have reached the first step – and I have use for you.
I´m not promising you anything, nor gonna waste time with futile talk like some here; talking is for politicans & door to door sellers, after all.

Facts are simple. If you want something to achieve, you´ll be given the chance .. lot of work .. lot of responsibility .. high expectations .. and the better you are – the higher the bar will raise.
If you want challenge & believe that you´re up to it .. be my guest. I´ll show you, how deep the rabits hole goes.

.. somewhere along these lines should also be “fun” .. wasn´t sure if this thread was for that purpose thou .. but you can imagine it, don´t ya? grinn

Charr Engineer
Death is Energy [DIE]
Underworld server; WvW – UW border/defence

Need info about UW - AG and Piken WvW status

in WvW

Posted by: Atlanis.1473


Hi there,

since there have been some negative and imo sketchy remarks about Uw Zergs (ive seen those zergs on any server we played against) i deceided to post a reply.

UW is well on its way from being unorganized and caotic to a better fast responding war machinery

We do not have the manpower for Drakkar or similar servers in strenght but anyone with closer numbers has a hard pill to swallow with us.

There is also some Nightcapping issues that hit us hard, we simply have very few ppl on at those times.

Unlike some here i refrain from talking bad over other servers, we fought many and ive yet to see any server not worthy of praise.

Numbers are one thing, the will to fight is another.

Our core group of ppl are fun to be with, always a dose of sarcasm within even if we get the short end of the stick.

We have room to improve no doubt, but also no doubt we have improved.

So here goes, dont listen to the nay sayers here, make your own choices and if your up for the Challenge your more then welcome to join our ranks.


Need info about UW - AG and Piken WvW status

in WvW

Posted by: Reaping.2964


well too justify what is was saying earlier, i am all against people jumping ship too a server that is doin well and what we have done with all the hard work on piken i dont want too see it get ruined and the community get destroyed… if people want too join Piken then what can u offer us? if its too add few more guilds at prime time where we cant move our guilds around as it is then another server is better for, if u have later play times or early morning playtimes then theres room for u… we have a tight core on this server, so its about what u can offer us imo

Need info about UW - AG and Piken WvW status

in WvW

Posted by: Wamgor.9347



Like its been said if your prime time guilds Piken Square doesnt want or need you… you won’t be welcomed, it will be just like the fairweather guilds which joined us awhile back… which is bad for our server…

however if your a Night time Guild or morning/day it doesnt clash with our community so you wont get hostile a reception and will be welcomed.

Kind Regards

Raid Leader/Officer
The Unlikely Plan (TUP)
Ex Piken Square (EU)

Need info about UW - AG and Piken WvW status

in WvW

Posted by: twigglet.9310


I would reccomend a move to RoF as we have some seriously well organised guilds running at the minute along with a fantastic alliance that uses 1 teamspeak channel to communicate. The ICON splitting rumour is true and i am one of the members who left to join the new NP. however both guilds are in contact with another on freindly terms and are working together (along with all the other guilds) to bring more structure to WvW. even though we are getting face rolled by AG this week we are still managing some extremely nice fights during primeitme and actually manage to force AG back through some nice tactics and teamwork, our only downfall at this moment is the lack of activity from around 5am GMT to 11am GMT when AG just caps the entire of all BL’s. we would be more than happy for you to join us as weve had some fantastic fights in the past and know eachothers cappabilities

NP’s number one Mesmer (sorry mal youll always be number 2) ;)

Need info about UW - AG and Piken WvW status

in WvW

Posted by: JimFord.4163


And also, on RoF we could do with the numbers you would bring, as in every matchup we have had, we’ve been outnumbered by both opposing servers.
So there will also be very little ques

Lord Fordy – RoF
[NP] – Night Pact
DPS Ranger Mentor

Need info about UW - AG and Piken WvW status

in WvW

Posted by: Tsori.8245


Just to add here since our rather irksome WvW guildies are waving certain kittens around. Piken square is currently doing well due to good communication and co-ordination. Certain guilds, like insanesu’s keep themselves to themselves and serve the role of night time/early morning. As such they dont communicate in any desirable way with the others hence the split down the middle where communication is concerned.

Piken has a very stable community due to it being the ONLY EU RP server. As such its players, the RP’ers anyway, rarely transfer as there is simply no where else for them to go. Now naturally not all WvW’ers are RP’ers and these can and will change servers however our general turn out primetime will always be around the same. As such transfers in and off of that drastically effect the queues as we dont have the fluctuations the competitive servers do. This was highlighted by the recent GH matchup, where we dominated for three weeks against the same opponents. Before this we never won much and normal servers lost their WvW guilds at this time. Ours however stayed, and in turn got bogged down by the mass transfers when we begun to win.
Insanesu wont have seen this, as his guild was one of these “bandwagoning” guilds at the time that transfered over. Such as the effect is we seek to negate the risk that any guilds transferring in would cause.

To sum it up, piken is packed come prime time, 100+ players transfering will effect the queues for the worse. if your players are ok with that then there is nothing we can do to stop you. As a rp server we are generally a nice bunch and this whole “not welcome” kittenstorm is not exactly an example of what the community as a whole is like. The thing is, if you guys want huge queues, then feel free to wander on over. Dont let elitism win.

Tsori [GG]

Need info about UW - AG and Piken WvW status

in WvW

Posted by: Phoenix.3416


Wow this thread has a lot of posts :P I got lost trying to see if anyone from our server had already replied.

I’m the Forces of Grenth Alliance founder on Underworld, we are the main alliance of the server with somewhere between 11- 20+ guilds on the roster all varying from size ( I have been away a week so ive fallen behind in updates :P )

We have a 500 man server wide teamspeak for everyone to use as well as a new forum for the community.

A number of guilds are very dedicated to WvW and even carved up our home borderlands into areas that there guild pay for base upgrades on each day. We also have larger scale alliance events several times a week ( over 4 nights) where a large portion of the alliance meet up, decide on a target and take over as much land as we can

Its not uncommon to see over 100 voice com enabled and coordinated from many alliance guilds joining events every time.

Any questions? don’t hesitate to ask, I can always arrange or a meeting with the other guild leaders if you’re interested as we are a democracy.

Need info about UW - AG and Piken WvW status

in WvW

Posted by: SabreWalrus.8647


Well this thread is on the verge of turning into an unnecessary kittentorm. Quit the trolling and baiting?

Zacharus, Warrior.
Second Law.

Need info about UW - AG and Piken WvW status

in WvW

Posted by: DaYeL.1495


I got it.
We are not welcome on PS. Now we know it. PS is removed from list, dont worry.

Can we come back to the topic? Just gathering info.

Tnx to all for the infos u are giving me.

Dayel Baratheon – Guardian LvL 80
[MdA] Mietitori di Anime – Officer
Commander-Whiteside Ridge (Whiteside Pact Alliance)

Need info about UW - AG and Piken WvW status

in WvW

Posted by: Katiechops.6807


p.s. I sure that new guilds should visit our site and talk with us before transfer, but you words “NO NO NO NO NO NO MORE PPL TO PS!!!!!” looks very bad.

Not as bad as this pictures of PS prime-time yesterday.
I don’t think [HoB] likes to share

Thanks for posting the screenshots of how Piken enters prime time in the real EU because if you kept taking screenshots for the Main EU prime time you’d get to see us going from 150 – 400 down to 280 – 245 up during Prime Time against fully upgraded Keeps with actual defenders!

So yeah thanks for giving us the oppertunity to show how well PS does during Prime time in WvW that required you to fight your way into Keeps and Towers.

You should adjust your clock by 1 hour ahead, so you are out of British prime time and in to CET aka EU prime time, then you’ll see that your usual play time is well in to the night aka Night time capping.

yeah cause the score at the end of the evening is night capping, we were at 130ish at 7pm my time, when PS main guilds start thier raids, so 8pm yours, and 3-4 hours laters the scores are flipped thats calling evening capping, if at 11pm CET we were at 130 and by 1am CET it was 300 I’d get your point but 9 times out of 10 by 1am we have lost the score we build up throughout prime time.

BTW why are you so butthurt about PS? cause very post you make is angled against it? Must be some reason for it and I missed it.

Need info about UW - AG and Piken WvW status

in WvW

Posted by: drkn.3429


AG has the numbers and has the night/morning coverage. They will rise in tiers for a bit until they face servers with even more numbers and better morning teams.
They are a tough server, working hard, but still far from perfect organisation. KISS, a guild that transfered from GH, is a force to be reckoned, but they are not really known for best attitude, towards their allies as well, and they’re not cooperative enough. LoE, another GH jumper, has been fielding decent numbers lately but they break down and flee much too soon, although that will hopefully change. UNTY and FURY both field formidable forces, but are pretty zergy – unless they outnumber their enemies, they have troubles taking anything; usually they do, though, so no biggie.
AG strives to become the new W3 power and might not welcome not fully W3-oriented and dedicated players too well.

UW doesn’t have that many people – i mean, quite a lot for that tier, and yeah, they are disorganised and mainly so because of lots of small guilds that don’t really cooperate with each other, but they are far from ‘zerg’ server. I have some friends on UW, in 2 guilds – mostly PvE folks but they have organised several W3 outings lately; UW lacks coherence or coordination and is only so-so active during their primetime. There aren’t that many commanders either, making the zergs even less organised.

Piken is probably the best choice out of the three. BOON and Tainted are enough alone to carry the server, and they are backed up by other more or less known but also strong teams. Piken is already quite busy, though, being one of the first targets for most transfers, both those more recent and those a bit earlier.

Each of those servers has its issues, each might be a decent choice – or a total miss.
Just like Gunnar’s Hold, which only lacks numbers at the moment – both during primetime and outside of it – and everyone’s welcome to try it out o/


Need info about UW - AG and Piken WvW status

in WvW

Posted by: Phoenix.3416


UW doesn’t have that many people – i mean, quite a lot for that tier, and yeah, they are disorganised and mainly so because of lots of small guilds that don’t really cooperate with each other, but they are far from ‘zerg’ server. I have some friends on UW, in 2 guilds – mostly PvE folks but they have organised several W3 outings lately; UW lacks coherence or coordination and is only so-so active during their primetime. There aren’t that many commanders either, making the zergs even less organised.

I have to ask where this information comes from, since its pretty much rubbish.

Underworld has large scale organised, voice comm events most nights of the week. We have more commanders then we have guilds in the Alliance, and the alliance is easily over 15 guilds by now. My guild has 2 commanders and some of the other alliance guilds are going towards 3 + now, most have at least 1 commander too. Several of those commanders lead WvW Daily for hours on end so I’m somewhat not impressed with this fiction, those commanders do a dam good job.

I believe last week at an event fighting Gunnar’s Hold we have over 7 commanders online, in voice coms communicating with all of the guilds involved during an event night.

At this point I think its fair to say the largest guilds of underworld are either in the alliance, cooperate with the alliance or don’t do WvW.

Ironically we managed to end our last game less than 20k behind Gunnar’s Hold which you’re from while KISS was still on the server, since you came down from the higher tiers that says a lot.

What underworld lacks is a night team, like most lower tier servers the night time is the decider on what rank you are.

(edited by Phoenix.3416)

Need info about UW - AG and Piken WvW status

in WvW

Posted by: Gamble.4580


Hey I am from ag and not really to keen for any more Aliances joing our ranks.. 1 to many guilds flooding in for my likening.. And you know what happens to a community when their town floods…They move out.
So i feel we need to make the walls we got stronger before we add anymore water to the flood.
Oh and speaking for unity, they are not zergy we have only unity members joining us for events with on a great day braking 10-20 mark if we lucky on turn out. Unity held a open mic night last week to welcome new guilds joining so Ofc it would be a sever Zerg and we was faced vs gh. Kiss have been very open and great cons have been made.. And I know they was gh befor hand.. I think people when answering the thread need to speak out about their server only, and none of that she smells and he cant read good rubbish.
Oh and Can people from ag stop requiring and reply on these kinds if thread.. I liked it better if ag didn’t recruit, if u wanna join us then just join I’m not going to ask request or beg…

[UNTY] Unity guild -AG server
Asura -Thief

(edited by Gamble.4580)

Need info about UW - AG and Piken WvW status

in WvW

Posted by: Shonex.5327


@drkn: Yeah, like Phoenix said the info is rubbish for AG too, I am an active Aurora Glade player and we accept, I repeat, we accept any kinds of players, WvW , PvE, sPvP, you name it, we are trying to make a very healthy and friendly community, KISS and LoE for now are cooperating with us very well and are very friendly so what you said about that is rubbish too

Member of: Cute But Devilish Inside [CUTE]
Ring of Fire [EU]