Need info about UW - AG and Piken WvW status

Need info about UW - AG and Piken WvW status

in WvW

Posted by: Phoenix.3416


Can I suggest that the OP gets a group together and enters voice com meetings with representatives from different servers? I am worried this thread will derail from bias views we all have as factions at “war” and not get anyone anywhere.


Need info about UW - AG and Piken WvW status

in WvW

Posted by: Bertrand.3057


Have you considered Gandara? We’re in the same bracket range; lower than Piken, but higher than AG and UW. We’re got a mix of small-medium guilds, and would welcome more… You can usually find a slot in WvW, the only time I ever wait is if I’m queuing for a specific map. Although we still rely on a large non-guild zerg at primetime, my experience lately has been that the commanders are well-coordinated and we also have guild groups running operations.

Now is a great time to join too, as we’re just starting to get organized as a server – we have our community forums up at last (message me for details), so if you get involved now you can make an impact right away on how we run things and move forward. Someone has also set up a community TS server, so we’re figuring out how to get the guilds who already have their own voice comms involved with that as well!

Gandara came off a win against Fort Ranik last week, which was huge for us as we’d faced them several times before. The difference wasn’t an increase in numbers on our part, just organization and a lot of all-nighters pulled. We’re holding our own against Augury Rock, which just dropped out of T4. Unfortunately the French are on holiday now, so things are getting tougher…

Talleyrand, Captain and Commander of the Bloody Pirates
Asura on patrol in defense of Gandara and Bessie!
Administrator of

(edited by Bertrand.3057)

Need info about UW - AG and Piken WvW status

in WvW

Posted by: Snowstorm.3897


Piken Square’s Status

If you are a primetime EU guild, do not transfer to this server. We usually have Q’s on all 4 WvW maps during primetime, due to the large number of WvW focused guilds we have on the server. If you’re a daytime or night time guild, then you’ll be welcomed, as at the minute, we have few players during this time, who still manage to hold their own against 3-4 times their own number (big credit to TUP for this among others).

My advice

Go to Gunnars Hold. They’ve got a very good core of WvW guilds as far as I’m aware, and the community was friendly towards us when we just started to move up the tiers. If they got the added boost to WvW population, you could really kickstart a serious revival on that server and hopefully see them return to their previous status

@ Jolly

I can understand the angle you’re trying to come from here, but something I don’t think you realise, is whats gotten us this high in the rankings isn’t our population, its our guild raids during primetime. If you then bring in more players to the server, those guilds can’t get into the maps, so they can’t raid, so we lose the MAIN thing thats gotten us this high in the rankings, and so we’d drop again. We don’t need our WvW maps diluted with more players, they’re already full as it is, and we need as many WvW guild players in there as possible. So no, please stop trying to actively recruit guilds unless they’re outside of EU Primetime

@ Gamblit

Firstly, Riverside does not have a similar population to us. What you also don’t realise is that what Piken does, is start with 100-200 points at 7PM GMT, and then end the night with usually approaching 400-500 at midnight GMT. When BOON, AFTL, Necr, TUP, HoB, TNTD, VII, PX, DT etc go raiding, they very rarely fail at flipping an entire borderlands to our colour. The only reason we don’t climb higher than we are, is because the servers we’re facing have a massive population comparitively, and thus can field larger forces during off peak hours. I can play at most hours of the day, and so I know what i’m talking about when I say that we are outnumbered at every point during the 24 hours except during Primetime when its even. And could you link me the source where it says that Piken Square has the same population as Riverside in WvW? Are you actually basing a servers WvW population on its population displayed on the login screen?! Guess Seafarers Rest had a tiny WvW population then when they got to T2 as a medium population server…


Can we at least try and keep this civil? I know that I’m kinda contradicting myself here due to what I just posted above, but we don’t want to get this thread locked for flaming when this alliance is just looking for information. Good luck to you guys on WSR, hope you find the server you’re looking for

Second Law [Scnd] – Guild leader
Currently: Axiom – Necro

(edited by Snowstorm.3897)

Need info about UW - AG and Piken WvW status

in WvW

Posted by: chronometria.3708


I too recommend gunnar’s hold. They have a good organisation going for them and deserve to have a few more guilds sticking with them.

Still, all this bandwagoning does nobody any good. They really should be limiting transfers or charging for them now.

Need info about UW - AG and Piken WvW status

in WvW

Posted by: Corran.4957


LoE, another GH jumper, has been fielding decent numbers lately but they break down and flee much too soon, although that will hopefully change.

heh. Still bitter.
We dont just run, we do fighting retreats. It called tactics. Against superior numbers you cant take them head on, especiallly when they co-ordinating on a server mumble, and so you spread them out etc.
Better to retreat then hand out free loot to the enemy zerg, especially when some them chase and others dont allowing you to cut down their numbers drastically.

Of course, we could just recruit tons of randoms and stack up on each other but I dont like that tactic therefore I will keep with the guerilla warfare tactics that are more fun

Anyways. To avoid flaming I privately sent a response in regards to this post containing positives and negatives. I still like the community on GH even though I am not there hence I put across as many positives as negatives

Need info about UW - AG and Piken WvW status

in WvW

Posted by: drkn.3429


I have to ask where this information comes from, since its pretty much rubbish.

Several people from two different guilds on UW, as i said, mostly PvE folks but fielded some events in W3 during the matchup with GH.

Ironically we managed to end our last game less than 20k behind Gunnar’s Hold which you’re from while KISS was still on the server, since you came down from the higher tiers that says a lot.

Oh, GH used to be in tier2, back when we had the original INT alliance up and running. This doesn’t mean much, though, as we had more leavers than UW’s total W3 population since then. KISS was far from being ‘the force’ of GH’s W3 as well – they were one of our biggest guilds, but other GH players and KISS had their issues, what was one of the factors of them leaving.
Still, despite your 7+ commanders and organised big scale events over comms, you lost to GH which is already much weaker than it used to be, but has the core dedicated players that learned to work together. That alone tells something.
Sorry if you felt offended by my comment on UW – i passed on impressions from my friends playing on UW, as well as my own from having played against you for a week.

@drkn: Yeah, like Phoenix said the info is rubbish for AG too, I am an active Aurora Glade player and we accept, I repeat, we accept any kinds of players, WvW , PvE, sPvP, you name it, we are trying to make a very healthy and friendly community

An AG player just above you has said that he wouldn’t like any more people joining, i presume it’s especially about folks playing during your primetime.
I talked with AG people, from KISS as well, and heard quite a lot about working with what AG has already, tighting the bonds with the newcomers, doing more organised stuff, and so on, as well as fears of becoming a zergy mass. AG has potential to break up from the low tiers, especially now, but all i heard from some ten-ish AG members i talked with is that the server needs more internal organisation, which is already pretty good, and not really more numbers yet.
Still, Gamble’s post is enough, i guess.

heh. Still bitter.

I’m actually one of those few who never really gave a kitten about who’s leaving and who’s staying, as long as no bad blood is kept between the two sides. I was sure to clean it up with Disaproval before KISS left, and i am one of those who try to focus Gunnarsholdians of fighting a good W3 rather than following any silly feuds against the hoppers.
That said, i’m not the best diplomat as i don’t really care about semantics.

Now, about LoE – i’ve faced you guys en masse three times, i think, maybe four, each time your formation broke down and scattered, with plenty of LoE tags to kill after using Lines of Warding, pulls or simply ganking LoEs into corners (at Vale, for example). We hardly had more people and we’re not really known for proper portal bombing or being quick about setting siege machinery when taking a camp (GH has too many defenders, atm), yet still you guys started running instead of fighting back with everything you had.
I fully understand the idea to retreat and regroup rather than wipe, but it’s something you need to practice – just saying, no bitterness, bragging or any other kitten.


Need info about UW - AG and Piken WvW status

in WvW

Posted by: Phoenix.3416


before Halloween underworld lost 10 of around 13 WvW guilds to Gandara. All of them between 200 and 500 player in size.

Fact is you’re basing your opinion off some PvE players and a one sided view of us fighting a server with a larger WvW population backing you up. You probably still have more WvW players than us and on friday you drop another tier.

Our alliance is still fairly new and still changing a lot, each week we were getting closer and closer to your points, another week or two and you would have lost to us even if the guilds had stayed.

Anyway this is just going to end up a flame war between rival servers.
Op I will private message you

(edited by Phoenix.3416)

Need info about UW - AG and Piken WvW status

in WvW

Posted by: Adanteh.8970


I’ll follow up on Dayel here and say that Piken is out of the picture. Seeing we are used to NEVER having queues, having queues on every single map is going to be very frustrating.

Our main thing that we want is a good guild to non-guild ratio. Right now it’s a problem that we have to rely way to much on random zergheads when we aren’t having massive events ourselves. I know that you probably think your server is by far the best ever and you have an incredibly special guild, but we care more for honest information about the setup of your WvW playerbase.

Both MdA and my guild are used to leading an entire server and we have a great group of players. We also tried to keep our alliance up and running (Which worked for a few weeks where we started doing better) but so far basically all guilds have left WvW.

I imagine that Gunnar’s Hold consists mainly out of smaller guilds now and zergheads, seeing their most noticable WvW guild left. What about Far Shiverpeaks? They drop and drop. Does this mean just the WvW players left and it’s still a fairly busy PvE server and the WvW playerbase also mainly consisting out of random scraps that are left.

Need info about UW - AG and Piken WvW status

in WvW

Posted by: Moturdrn.2837


I imagine that Gunnar’s Hold consists mainly out of smaller guilds now and zergheads, seeing their most noticable WvW guild left.

Smaller guilds, yes. We predominately have been. The most noticable WvW guild(s) left long ago. We do however work together.

You will get some zergheads wherever you go, and we most likely have one or two somewhere willing to try and facerub a gate just like any other server. That is by far and large not indicative of the general WvW population here though. Even though we don’t have everyone on the server’s Mumble, there is communication back and forth over team chat relaying information which works exceptionally well.

Midnight Mayhem [MM] – Gunnar’s Hold
Visko Bludhaven – Level 80 Human Elementalist
Gunnar’s Hold Server Forum

Need info about UW - AG and Piken WvW status

in WvW

Posted by: MarzAttakz.9608


I would suggest looking at Far Shiverpeaks (FS), they have dropped down the ranks due to numbers leaving for Blacktide (BT) & Desolation (Deso) but as I hear it they still have a good core & few ques.

Desolation has lost many players in the last 3 weeks, majority of them as a result of RUIN recruiting then moving to Blacktide. I’d like to extend an invitation to join Desolation. We are no longer a tier 1 server and are fighting hard to return to tier 2 although we’ll be spending another week or two in tier 3.

Contrary to popular belief we have a relatively small core WvW population often having to jump borderlands to be as strategic as possible. We’re used to fighting with the outmanned buff and we as a server never give up. We seldomly have queues and when we do they last no longer than 20 minutes.

OP you and by extension the members of your alliance are welcome to join Desolation who would be extremely happy to have some more WvW players on the server!


Once proud member of Extraordinary Gentlemen [EXG]{DESO4LIFE}

Need info about UW - AG and Piken WvW status

in WvW

Posted by: Kimbald.2697


A lot of arguments back and forth, but the main message of this thread becomes clear:

It’s clear that there are several servers who are not waiting for even more guilds at their EU primetime.
However, they often do welcome night guilds.

The good news is that there are also a few servers welcoming new guilds to strenghten their forces.

It’s not up to any of us to say that a guild should transfer to any server ‘other than our own’.
But the OP as well as other guilds can easily deduct what would be their best options.

The drama can cool down now, I think we can sort it all out without much hastle.

In the end we all just want to have fun: some by finding a more active server, others by not getting longer queues, and still others by having their numbers strenghtened.

Wiggely, wobbely and other wombaty wabbity creatures…

(edited by Kimbald.2697)

Need info about UW - AG and Piken WvW status

in WvW

Posted by: Lazy Mesmer.7923

Lazy Mesmer.7923

I wont comment on other servers; I don’t think it’s our place to do so as you’re after facts rather than outward impression.

Currently Gunnar’s Hold has some of the most dogged and unshakeable people I’ve had the pleasure of playing alongside. We’ve formed a very fun and strong community through the recent months. We lost a number of guilds early on which forced us to really band together and get things working. Hard times forge hard people, and we’ve very much learnt to stand, fight and play smart against more numerous opponents. We’re not elitists; you find a certain breed of people willing to hold to the last and fight their way back up.

You can check out the community for yourself on We have a huge community Mumble server based off this site and run a weekly WvW mumble meeting, which is open to everyone on the server. We don’t do exclusion, and believe a 3-man guild can make as important an impact through the right calls as those in a 1000-man guild. We like everyone to really feel a part of something big, not just the big guilds.

We have a great laugh exactly as we are, our primetime is hugely successful, but increasing numbers would really allow us to make a difference.

[PRXM] Praxium

Need info about UW - AG and Piken WvW status

in WvW

Posted by: Jefzor.7145


I’m from AG, I can say we have good morale and fighting spirit, but there’s room for improvement in coordination and numbers.
We usually don’t have any waiting queues, even during prime time. During the morning/day however, we usually outnumber the other servers.

We have a nice community going and we’re improving week after week. Please don’t join us unless you intend to stay loyal to our server.

I’ve always been impressed by how Gunnar’s Hold managed to put up a good fight, even when outnumbered. They recently lost one of their guilds. I’m sure they’d welcome you.

(edited by Jefzor.7145)

Need info about UW - AG and Piken WvW status

in WvW

Posted by: Twinklefairy.6739


I agree with people suggesting Gunnar’s Hold (I’m from Piken), they were great opponents when we faced them, although they have now lost quite alot of their players they still give their best but most importantly they still come out and fight no matter what situation they’re in (unlike some servers that shall remain nameless, that sit inside towers all day with more siege than people to man it) Gunnar’s had great spirit and your numbers could very possibly be the thing to help them kickstart a recovery.

Need info about UW - AG and Piken WvW status

in WvW

Posted by: Flaunz.5273


I would like to speak on behalf of RoF.

We have had some good fights against you in the past and I believe there have already been talks going on between some of our leaders and you guys

It is true that ICON, the server’s biggest wvw guild at that time (and I believe it still holds that place) suffered from a member loss before the last reset.

However, the members that have left formed a new guild (Night Pact) and remained loyal to RoF so we are still working together. Personally I am confident we can quickly overcome this little “drama”, in the end we all care more about RoF than some interpersonal difficerences so in the heat of the battle those are successfully pushed aside already.
We are not the only two wvw guilds on RoF though, we have some great smaller-sized guilds with very capable commanders that also share out TS alliance server.

I am confident I am speaking for all of Ring of Fire when I say that you would be very welcome here, ESPECIALLY after those few issues we recently had.
Our fighting spirit has remained the same and maybe even been strengthed by all of this. Now all it takes for RoF to finally live up to its potential is some like-minded people (YOU!) who are also willing to make server wide communication better and help us with some numbers as the tactics and morals are already there

Feel free to contact me ingame as well!

New Years [ICON] Engineer
Ring of Fire

(edited by Flaunz.5273)

Need info about UW - AG and Piken WvW status

in WvW

Posted by: Rusiak.2605


I play on the server Ruins of Surmia. Currently we are playing against Dzagonur and UW. We lack players to keep ourselves hoped. I invite you to join us for 2 weeks. I know that the idea of replay Vabbi and FoW does not will enchant you, but with your help we could easily stay D8 retaining our playing comfort, no queue, and the possibility for guild / alliance like yours make a difference when it is into play

Sorry for my englich, i use google translate and i hope you understand me

(edited by Rusiak.2605)

Need info about UW - AG and Piken WvW status

in WvW

Posted by: Dalure.4691


I got it.
We are not welcome on PS. Now we know it. PS is removed from list, dont worry.

Can we come back to the topic? Just gathering info.

Tnx to all for the infos u are giving me.

Hey mate:)

This is Felerina Dalure (ingamename) from Forsakengamers(FG) and we are from Desolation. Now i can tell you that we dont have big ques(max of 1-2mins) and sometimes we need to leave one Borderland empty/outmannend becus we dont have the manpower to keep all borders covered. So your guild or a few guilds extra for support would be awesome. We are a server that after a big hit with guilds leaving us….we were sinking like a freaking titanicship… we are building up and the people of Desolation are becoming a brotherhood all working together to make a new start. We welcome new guilds that wanna join us…..if you like to help building up with us contact me ingame or /PM or contact Offski from the guild IRON.

GL with everything.


WvW Commander of Piken Square
Guild: ForsakenGamers (FG)

Need info about UW - AG and Piken WvW status

in WvW

Posted by: Lyan.6804


I dont know how is it really to be in any of those servers cause i was born in Gandara and stayed and fight like a good girl, but while transfers are free i would prolly try each server out and see.
Maybe u find 1 that feels like home.
And like Soggyfrog posted, Gandara would also welcome u

Gandara Commander [SN]
Ly Ann at ur service

Need info about UW - AG and Piken WvW status

in WvW

Posted by: Dalure.4691


I would suggest looking at Far Shiverpeaks (FS), they have dropped down the ranks due to numbers leaving for Blacktide (BT) & Desolation (Deso) but as I hear it they still have a good core & few ques.

Desolation has lost many players in the last 3 weeks, majority of them as a result of RUIN recruiting then moving to Blacktide. I’d like to extend an invitation to join Desolation. We are no longer a tier 1 server and are fighting hard to return to tier 2 although we’ll be spending another week or two in tier 3.

Contrary to popular belief we have a relatively small core WvW population often having to jump borderlands to be as strategic as possible. We’re used to fighting with the outmanned buff and we as a server never give up. We seldomly have queues and when we do they last no longer than 20 minutes.

OP you and by extension the members of your alliance are welcome to join Desolation who would be extremely happy to have some more WvW players on the server!

To add this with hopping to diffrent borderlands just to def what we capped is one of the things we do with good communication;)

PS: good to see your actief here Mister EXG

WvW Commander of Piken Square
Guild: ForsakenGamers (FG)

Need info about UW - AG and Piken WvW status

in WvW

Posted by: spiritus.7983


I guess is safe to tell from second page you will recive only trolling, off point conversation and no real data. Tomorow is the last day of thinking, anyway… where do you move?

Evil, GH -Charr rule.
A Skritt is dumb. A group of Skritt are smart.
A Human is smart. A group of Humans are idiots.

Need info about UW - AG and Piken WvW status

in WvW

Posted by: allways.9270


I guess is safe to tell from second page you will recive only trolling, off point conversation and no real data. Tomorow is the last day of thinking, anyway… where do you move?

They don´t need to move before reset – this matter is not bound by time .. the unity of any guild is either displayed by joined gathering & consultation upon the choice of action, or by the dedication to the leader – following his judgment without second thought.
Whatever time it might take .. we shall wait patiently.

Charr Engineer
Death is Energy [DIE]
Underworld server; WvW – UW border/defence

Need info about UW - AG and Piken WvW status

in WvW

Posted by: MarzAttakz.9608


Desolation might be hard to get in to, since it’s labeled as Full, and been so for the last week, even during the morning and day time.

But i’d still like to know w the situation during 08:00 to 18:00 CET time on Desolation? How many Commanders do you have covering that time slot? How many reguler players you have at that time slot?

Unfortunately we are labeled as full due to too many care bears but it is possible to get onto the server with perseverance. Historically that time period is our weakest as all the hardcore wvw teams are usually pulling shifts up until 4am gmt so if that’s your primary playtime then you will extremely welcome.

I’m not 100% certain on commanders since I’m usually sleeping then but things do start picking up again around 4pm. I can ask around for you if you’d like but if you’d like to speak to the main representatives then I’d advise you to get in touch with Nox Wrex or Offski from IRON or Dalure from FG (holla brother!) who posted a few posts up.

Yet again I’d like to say your guild and any allies will be welcomed with open arms on Desolation!


Once proud member of Extraordinary Gentlemen [EXG]{DESO4LIFE}

Need info about UW - AG and Piken WvW status

in WvW

Posted by: Bertrand.3057


I dont know how is it really to be in any of those servers cause i was born in Gandara and stayed and fight like a good girl, but while transfers are free i would prolly try each server out and see.
Maybe u find 1 that feels like home.
And like Soggyfrog posted, Gandara would also welcome u

What is the situation like during 08:00 to 18:00 CET time on Gandara? How many Commanders do you have covering that time slot? How many reguler players you have at that time slot?

I’m usually on until about 10:00 CET (I’m a Canadian player), it’s usually still pretty quiet at the time I leave, although it starts to pick up by about 11. We have a few capable regulars who are around at that time as well, but only enough people to defend and maintain upgrades.

Someone else will have to fill you in on the details about 11:00-18:00. My impression (based off of scores, and knowing that my guild members are online) is that we’re stronger then.

Talleyrand, Captain and Commander of the Bloody Pirates
Asura on patrol in defense of Gandara and Bessie!
Administrator of

Need info about UW - AG and Piken WvW status

in WvW

Posted by: DaYeL.1495


I announce an [MdA] scouting party is on AG atm.
We will scout also UW and GH
But i want to say we are looking for a new home cuz we have played alone on WvW for 2 months and now we are tired ( we lost a lot of players cause of the desolation on wvw in WSR), so we are looking also for a good WvW population.
ATM i have to think to my mates fun, i can say the challenge of servers with good organization but who lack in numbers is very interesting. But i cannot take the decision to see my guildies not having fun for trying another challenge like the one we tried on WSR.
I will keep you informed about.

P.S. This is just for [MdA] [WvW] and the other guilds are still looking for infos and this scouting party will give them

Dayel Baratheon – Guardian LvL 80
[MdA] Mietitori di Anime – Officer
Commander-Whiteside Ridge (Whiteside Pact Alliance)

Need info about UW - AG and Piken WvW status

in WvW

Posted by: Phoenix.3416


Sounds great, if you can give me a heads up when you are sending scouting parties I can invite you to some events and so on

Need info about UW - AG and Piken WvW status

in WvW

Posted by: Aisina.4963


Hi Aisina here from Gunnars Hold.

I don’t usually frequent these forums, but I was informed on our community site we are one of the servers you’re scouting. If you would like to grab me in game for a chat anytime, I can introduce you to our WvW folks and make sure you get an honest outlook of the community here.

Alternatively feel free to email me at and we can set up voice comms. You’d be welcome to guest on our server mumble, or I can come to you. Whatever you’re happiest with.

Hope to hear from you soon :)

S/F Asuran Elementalist

Need info about UW - AG and Piken WvW status

in WvW

Posted by: Hyde.6189


UNTY and FURY both field formidable forces, but are pretty zergy – unless they outnumber their enemies, they have troubles taking anything; usually they do, though, so no biggie.


Need info about UW - AG and Piken WvW status

in WvW

Posted by: JustT.7465


I announce an [MdA] scouting party is on AG atm.

Hope your ready for a hard T5


Need info about UW - AG and Piken WvW status

in WvW

Posted by: Jak Shadow.2864

Jak Shadow.2864

ATM i have to think to my mates fun, i can say the challenge of servers with good organization but who lack in numbers is very interesting.

A core of well organised guilds but lacking the numbers is exactly the problem faced by Far Shiverpeaks. We operate an open TS channel for everyone and the last few weeks have seen us come on in leaps and bounds in terms of inter-Guild co-operation.

Not sure why we weren’t on your list but we are definitely worth a look.

Check out for more information on many of the Guilds on there.

(edited by Jak Shadow.2864)

Need info about UW - AG and Piken WvW status

in WvW

Posted by: Kevan.6349


ATM i have to think to my mates fun, i can say the challenge of servers with good organization but who lack in numbers is very interesting.

A core of well organised guilds but lacking the numbers is exactly the problem faced by Far Shiverpeaks. We operate an open TS channel for everyone and the last few weeks have seen us come on in leaps and bounds in terms of inter-Guild co-operation.

Not sure why we weren’t on your list but we are definitely worth a look.

Check out for more information on many of the Guilds on there.

MdA guild chosen Far Shiverpeaks for home on Beta, but cuz the bandwagon of pre-release with the Russians of the DL and others guild we are constricted to change home for avoid interminable queues.

Yesterday night, 12.12.2012, we tasted WvW of AG on home Border under the lead of Commander Juvez from Killer Tomatoes, with our first assignement (upgrade and defend Redlake).It was funny, I hope the next week with the jump of 2 tiers the challenge will be tough and balanced.

I wanna thanks all the ppl who give us infoes on the requested servers, and GL to all.
I want to remember that our intention is not to create any problem with the existing communities (like the PS drama), if there are some problems please let us know, thanks to all.

Kevan Karstark – Warrior LvL 80
[MdA] Mietitori di Anime – Officer

(edited by Kevan.6349)

Need info about UW - AG and Piken WvW status

in WvW

Posted by: Jak Shadow.2864

Jak Shadow.2864

We dont have any queues any more (chance would be a fine thing) as our loyal Russians couldn’t stand the heat and sailed away.

Ne’er mind. Shiverpeaks will endure. And return.

Good luck in your new home.

Need info about UW - AG and Piken WvW status

in WvW

Posted by: Kevan.6349


We dont have any queues any more (chance would be a fine thing) as our loyal Russians couldn’t stand the heat and sailed away.

Ne’er mind. Shiverpeaks will endure. And return.

Good luck in your new home.

I hope for this, i think Far Shiverpeaks has been abused from lefters and bandwagoners of any kind.
I repeat nothing is definitive, we are in AG like scouting party atm.
Thanks, and MdA support Far Shiverpeaks for affective reasons.

Kevan Karstark – Warrior LvL 80
[MdA] Mietitori di Anime – Officer

Need info about UW - AG and Piken WvW status

in WvW

Posted by: maloki.3527


Hi there Kevan,
Jak asked me to supply you with some more information. I had not checked this thread before since it was directed to be about UW, AG and Piken. However, since Jak already hijaked (pun totally intended) it for me I can give you some further info.

Right now, Far Shiverpeaks is dropping, not as a hot potato but pretty far and pretty quick. We’ve been going through a new tier on our way down every week since we dropped out of t1, with the exception of t5 where we went up to t4, to drop again, and now we’re in t6. (Short version).

Yes a lot of guilds bandwagoned here at launch. A lot of the people with Bandwagon attitude have however left now, to bandwagon elsewhere, to servers like Blacktide and SFR (Who’ll be battling it out in t1 next week most likely).

As far as organization and remaining guilds on FSP is going, tomorrow we have a short notice meeting among us about the status of our WvW, how we can get back into some sort of shape, and probably if we’re taking a “christmas break”. We are at a point now where we know that the people that have stuck around through this are here to stay.
On the server we supply a guild (as a tool) for commanders to be able to get in touch with each other quickly to ask for reinforcements on different maps and to build up a connection between us. Always easier to work with people you know.
I am in no way the leader of Far Shiverpeaks, more like a spider in the web, with a lot of things going on that I help out with.
We also have a guild (CIA) that is a tool for people who play a lot at night/early mornings/midday in WvW where they can make friends and parties and basically the same function as the Far Shiverpeaks Commanders guild.

I personally put a lot of effort into Far Shiverpeaks, and was dropped the forum and our only WvW related Alliance in the lap as others left. Even this Alliance suffered from guilds leaving (about 6 of em), but the core that’s still here is really focused on getting back on track both as guilds and as an Alliance.

From the Alliance we do not believe that anyone needs to be in the Alliance to cooperate with us, and we work hard on building relationships with the other existing guilds on the servers. It works better some days than others.

Anyways, if you want to come over and scout us out for a week or two, we do welcome you.
You can either send me a message here on the forum, or in game if you have any questions!

Good luck and have fun, no matter where you end up!

Maloki – Asura Necro/Sylvari Ele –
You’re dumb. You’ll die, and you’ll leave a dumb corpse

Need info about UW - AG and Piken WvW status

in WvW

Posted by: Krosan.2890


What exactly can you be scouting in AG atm? No doubt they have their good sides, but all you will be seeing now is not representative at all as the matchup is heavily outbalanced number wise.

Need info about UW - AG and Piken WvW status

in WvW

Posted by: Kevan.6349


What exactly can you be scouting in AG atm? No doubt they have their good sides, but all you will be seeing now is not representative at all as the matchup is heavily outbalanced number wise.

Infact, like Dayel wrote earlier, we waiting with impatience the new matchup for a tough challenge.

ps: Im yesterday night at the battle of RoF Garrison with KISS and i do not taste this fun since 1 or 2 month ago.

Kevan Karstark – Warrior LvL 80
[MdA] Mietitori di Anime – Officer

Need info about UW - AG and Piken WvW status

in WvW

Posted by: Thuggery.8521


Come to AG and be welcomed. We are fighting well above our size on a regular basis and desperately need more prime time players. We have weekday nights covered, half decent cover in the afternoons and reasonable cover in the evenings, but importantly not very many queues. A few guilds have joined us recently from Gunner’s Hold which now means we can push for the high mid tiers.

We have a good core of commanders, all willing to communicate and work together on the serverwide mumble. There are several guilds running wvw events and really good coordination for the remaining randoms being led by commanders.

Prime time numbers is the one thing we lack, especially at the weekend and for the Friday Night reset.

Transfer now for our Tier 5 fight after reset if you want a challenge

Thug [Unity] WvW leader