Nerf Conditions
“Out of all the possible condition builds, across all the professions, there are two or three builds who i think are overpowered.
As such i feel all conditions need to be nerfed, even for builds who are balanced or underpowered, because i wouldn’t recognize balance if it slapped me across the face with it’s flacid genitals.”
“Out of all the possible condition builds, across all the professions, there are two or three builds who i think are overpowered.
As such i feel all conditions need to be nerfed, even for builds who are balanced or underpowered, because i wouldn’t recognize balance if it slapped me across the face with it’s flacid genitals.”
Just remove rune of perplexity and tone down mesmer condition application. Simple fixes that would improve the health of small scale combat SO much, and not affect large scale combat.
I Bought Hot – Revenant | [QQ]
People often try to make comparisons between power and condi but because they dont have nearly enough experience theorycrafting condi builds they dont see that the supposed differences are mirrored in both playstyles.
This is actually a fundamental problem with condi in this game. DoTs from a single source should never spike damage up front. Currently condi can easily spike damage on par with power.
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”
(edited by Straegen.2938)
No. Power offers still way better burst.
Condition damage has been nerfed in quite a few notable ways since the game was released (700 boundary thing, halved +condi duration food). I don’t think it’s a problem at all really given how most condi builds are probably a mixture of dire and rabid, and it’s so easy to burst through someone’s armour stat now given how much direct damage we can pump out. You can do some massive stacks of confusion on people with Chrono/Mes (my record is 36 stacks on one person with perplex runes/mistrust and the stars aligning for maximum group interrupts) but if someone face tanks one of my condi shatters, they would probably face tank a power shatter and be dead sooner.
700 boundary thing nerfs hybrid players, not condition players. Condi duration food was also nerfed for -condi duration. Are you kidding me, “Condition damage has been nerfed” yea ok nerfed so hard that poison and burning were allowed to stack and confusion was allowed to tick passively. Not to mention that vulnerability affects condition damage now, but protection, -damage aspects such as Bulwark Gyro, and weakness don’t.
Easy to burst through Dire? One of the tankiest stat mixes in the game? What are you on??? I would love to see you play Marauder builds if you think Dire is easy to burst through. To see how skewed conditions are vs power, go fight a Dire build as a Soldier build.
Damage done through condition partial shatters FAR outshines damage done through power partial shatters.
I burst through dire/rabid condi builds on my full glkittenter Mes all the time. I also have built with condition removal in mind so I have Inspiration which trivialises a fight against, say, a condi Mes by simply rotating my burst in a sequential manner so that I can ensure removal of a condi burst. It’s significantly easier to overcome the natural sustain achieved from the armour stat now that direct damage has been increased so much. I really have no problems with condi builds unless I have no condi cleanse. I’d say 95% of my deaths are from very high damage short CD direct damage attacks – I so rarely die from conditions even when playing with just a few cleanses simply because I understand how and when conditions are applied.
Also, of all the game modes, WvW probably has the best condition damage balance because its effectiveness scales with the player number and WvW can go from a simple 1v1 up to 30v30. It’s honestly fine and also, my point still stands that conditions have been nerfed to a point where they are completely manageable and it really is so much easier to kill dire builds now.
Condition damage has been nerfed in quite a few notable ways since the game was released (700 boundary thing, halved +condi duration food). I don’t think it’s a problem at all really given how most condi builds are probably a mixture of dire and rabid, and it’s so easy to burst through someone’s armour stat now given how much direct damage we can pump out. You can do some massive stacks of confusion on people with Chrono/Mes (my record is 36 stacks on one person with perplex runes/mistrust and the stars aligning for maximum group interrupts) but if someone face tanks one of my condi shatters, they would probably face tank a power shatter and be dead sooner.
700 boundary thing nerfs hybrid players, not condition players. Condi duration food was also nerfed for -condi duration. Are you kidding me, “Condition damage has been nerfed” yea ok nerfed so hard that poison and burning were allowed to stack and confusion was allowed to tick passively. Not to mention that vulnerability affects condition damage now, but protection, -damage aspects such as Bulwark Gyro, and weakness don’t.
Easy to burst through Dire? One of the tankiest stat mixes in the game? What are you on??? I would love to see you play Marauder builds if you think Dire is easy to burst through. To see how skewed conditions are vs power, go fight a Dire build as a Soldier build.
Damage done through condition partial shatters FAR outshines damage done through power partial shatters.
I burst through dire/rabid condi builds on my full glkittenter Mes all the time. I also have built with condition removal in mind so I have Inspiration which trivialises a fight against, say, a condi Mes by simply rotating my burst in a sequential manner so that I can ensure removal of a condi burst. It’s significantly easier to overcome the natural sustain achieved from the armour stat now that direct damage has been increased so much. I really have no problems with condi builds unless I have no condi cleanse. I’d say 95% of my deaths are from very high damage short CD direct damage attacks – I so rarely die from conditions even when playing with just a few cleanses simply because I understand how and when conditions are applied.
Also, of all the game modes, WvW probably has the best condition damage balance because its effectiveness scales with the player number and WvW can go from a simple 1v1 up to 30v30. It’s honestly fine and also, my point still stands that conditions have been nerfed to a point where they are completely manageable and it really is so much easier to kill dire builds now.
Inspiration mesmer has no problems with conditions. More news at 11.
I Bought Hot – Revenant | [QQ]
No. Power offers still way better burst.
Well…yea? But why should conditions, a DoT concept, be allowed to burst pretty much just as effectively in small scale situations while being able to stack defensive stats that counter power?
I Bought Hot – Revenant | [QQ]
No. Power offers still way better burst.
I can drop 10+ stacks of confusion, a few stacks of bleed, torment and poison in the span of about a second. Most players crumple from the damage. It gets disgusting if there is a fire or poison field around. My glass power thief does hit harder up front but not by much and has to hit through toughness. Factor in the residual ticks and my condi builds total DPS is higher, significantly more so against high armor targets. Even better is that typically condi builds come into the fight with more armor/health than a power build ever could.
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”
(edited by Straegen.2938)
Another thought: Anet made a big mistake adding in Expertise stat without nerfing condition durations across the board. This could have really been a good way of balancing condition builds and their freedom to choose defensive stats. Instead, we just have another useless unnecessary stat that almost no one uses because condition durations were never touched to accommodate for it.
I Bought Hot – Revenant | [QQ]
Condition damage has been nerfed in quite a few notable ways since the game was released (700 boundary thing, halved +condi duration food). I don’t think it’s a problem at all really given how most condi builds are probably a mixture of dire and rabid, and it’s so easy to burst through someone’s armour stat now given how much direct damage we can pump out. You can do some massive stacks of confusion on people with Chrono/Mes (my record is 36 stacks on one person with perplex runes/mistrust and the stars aligning for maximum group interrupts) but if someone face tanks one of my condi shatters, they would probably face tank a power shatter and be dead sooner.
700 boundary thing nerfs hybrid players, not condition players. Condi duration food was also nerfed for -condi duration. Are you kidding me, “Condition damage has been nerfed” yea ok nerfed so hard that poison and burning were allowed to stack and confusion was allowed to tick passively. Not to mention that vulnerability affects condition damage now, but protection, -damage aspects such as Bulwark Gyro, and weakness don’t.
Easy to burst through Dire? One of the tankiest stat mixes in the game? What are you on??? I would love to see you play Marauder builds if you think Dire is easy to burst through. To see how skewed conditions are vs power, go fight a Dire build as a Soldier build.
Damage done through condition partial shatters FAR outshines damage done through power partial shatters.
I burst through dire/rabid condi builds on my full glkittenter Mes all the time. I also have built with condition removal in mind so I have Inspiration which trivialises a fight against, say, a condi Mes by simply rotating my burst in a sequential manner so that I can ensure removal of a condi burst. It’s significantly easier to overcome the natural sustain achieved from the armour stat now that direct damage has been increased so much. I really have no problems with condi builds unless I have no condi cleanse. I’d say 95% of my deaths are from very high damage short CD direct damage attacks – I so rarely die from conditions even when playing with just a few cleanses simply because I understand how and when conditions are applied.
Also, of all the game modes, WvW probably has the best condition damage balance because its effectiveness scales with the player number and WvW can go from a simple 1v1 up to 30v30. It’s honestly fine and also, my point still stands that conditions have been nerfed to a point where they are completely manageable and it really is so much easier to kill dire builds now.
Inspiration mesmer has no problems with conditions. More news at 11.
Neither does my Daredevil or my Druid. This just in: GW2 has plentiful ways to manage or completely mitigate condition damage dependent on sensible and well considered build decisions (unless you’re a revenant – poor revenants). Add that to your news reel.
Condition damage has been nerfed in quite a few notable ways since the game was released (700 boundary thing, halved +condi duration food). I don’t think it’s a problem at all really given how most condi builds are probably a mixture of dire and rabid, and it’s so easy to burst through someone’s armour stat now given how much direct damage we can pump out. You can do some massive stacks of confusion on people with Chrono/Mes (my record is 36 stacks on one person with perplex runes/mistrust and the stars aligning for maximum group interrupts) but if someone face tanks one of my condi shatters, they would probably face tank a power shatter and be dead sooner.
700 boundary thing nerfs hybrid players, not condition players. Condi duration food was also nerfed for -condi duration. Are you kidding me, “Condition damage has been nerfed” yea ok nerfed so hard that poison and burning were allowed to stack and confusion was allowed to tick passively. Not to mention that vulnerability affects condition damage now, but protection, -damage aspects such as Bulwark Gyro, and weakness don’t.
Easy to burst through Dire? One of the tankiest stat mixes in the game? What are you on??? I would love to see you play Marauder builds if you think Dire is easy to burst through. To see how skewed conditions are vs power, go fight a Dire build as a Soldier build.
Damage done through condition partial shatters FAR outshines damage done through power partial shatters.
I burst through dire/rabid condi builds on my full glkittenter Mes all the time. I also have built with condition removal in mind so I have Inspiration which trivialises a fight against, say, a condi Mes by simply rotating my burst in a sequential manner so that I can ensure removal of a condi burst. It’s significantly easier to overcome the natural sustain achieved from the armour stat now that direct damage has been increased so much. I really have no problems with condi builds unless I have no condi cleanse. I’d say 95% of my deaths are from very high damage short CD direct damage attacks – I so rarely die from conditions even when playing with just a few cleanses simply because I understand how and when conditions are applied.
Also, of all the game modes, WvW probably has the best condition damage balance because its effectiveness scales with the player number and WvW can go from a simple 1v1 up to 30v30. It’s honestly fine and also, my point still stands that conditions have been nerfed to a point where they are completely manageable and it really is so much easier to kill dire builds now.
Inspiration mesmer has no problems with conditions. More news at 11.
Neither does my Daredevil or my Druid. This just in: GW2 has plentiful ways to manage or completely mitigate condition damage dependent on sensible and well considered build decisions (unless you’re a revenant – poor revenants). Add that to your news reel.
Why yes, I am in fact a revenant! And a thief, mesmer, engi, all in the sig you know. I would have been shocked if anyone had problems with conditions on Druid. 13 condition clears every 10 seconds kind of helps in that area. On Daredevil, you must not have had an opponent smart enough to condi bomb you then stop attacking lol.
Fact still remains: Condition is far too effective vs power. Conditions too easy to apply, cleanses don’t prioritize properly, too much defensive stat stacking, and too much power hate (protection, weakness, Bulwark Gyro-like effects). Your solution of “lol bring cleanses” doesn’t add up.
I Bought Hot – Revenant | [QQ]
This is quite possibly a stupid thought but I will throw it out anyway. What if protection affected condition damage? Assuming a condition nerf is needed, would that be too much? Not enough? Imbalanced across classes? Unworkable? Be gentle… grin
This is quite possibly a stupid thought but I will throw it out anyway. What if protection affected condition damage? Assuming a condition nerf is needed, would that be too much? Not enough? Imbalanced across classes? Unworkable? Be gentle… grin
Well vulnerability buffs condition damage. I don’t see why protection, weakness, and alternative effects (Bulwark Gyro) don’t affect it. Protection could be -20% condition damage or duration, and weakness could be 25% chance to not apply conditions.
Inb4 “omg my toolkit 3 5 stacks of confusion didn’t apply!”, yeah yeah Warrior Eviscerate and Thief Backstab say “welcome.”
I Bought Hot – Revenant | [QQ]
Just remove rune of perplexity and tone down mesmer condition application. Simple fixes that would improve the health of small scale combat SO much, and not affect large scale combat.
This. So much. That rune is seriously easy mode, and I lack respect for any duelers who use it.
Couple of anecdotes:
1. I win a slight majority of my 1v1s (and duels) against semi-skilled to skilled condi based roamers as a power-based guard roamer. I have practically the maximum amount of condi cleanse anyone could hope for:
-Smite condition (2 condi/16s)
-Contemplation of purity (all condis/32s)
-wings of resolve (3 condi/27s)
-traited heal (2 condi/25s)
-elite replenishes my wings (3 condi/75 s)
-focus #4… It’s less reliable, but (1-2 condi/ 22s)
-light field + whirl or projectile finisher (extremely unreliable but I actually try with these and average to remove 1 condi/50s)
*note: some of those cds look weird, i’m just factoring in cast time.
Even after all of that, I still crumble to high condi pressure over time (particularly perplexity mesmers).
2. Dueled my necro friend in wvw 9 times about 2 months ago. The first 4 times he was using nightmare runes. I beat him all 4 times with ease. The next 5 times, he used perplexity runes to prove a point to me. Otherwise, our builds remained exactly the same. He proceeded to beat me 3/5 times, and the 2 times I won were extremely close if not lucky. My second win, both of us got single-downed, but he downed first, so that wasn’t really even a win.
Unfortunately, balancing around roaming or small-scale wvw fights is last on ANET’s priority list for balancing :/
They should make confusion like a reverse Retaliation, the way Blind is like a reverse Aegis. It will add more skill play to both giver and receiver.
Please don’t reference anything with Retal. If something needs to go from WvW, it’s Retal. Think of it this way, in a zerg fight, retal has near 100% uptime. Thus, one attack that hits 5 target will punish the player with 1,500 damage. That simply shouldn’t be! Players should be rewarded for active combat. Combat should last longer without having to build so much sustain. This is where I will reference Confusion as confusion punishes active combat. Which as previously stated, shouldn’t be.
Condi is pretty stupid right now.. especially since the dmg scales of only 1 stat meaning you can do a lot of condi dmg and still be stupid tanky…
condi dmg needs a nerf or be made a lot more reliant on expertise (or condi duration in general)
Look at how effective someone is in a full Dire set.
Nice balance.
No, conditions are not a problem in WvW. In 1v1 combat there is no automatic win for a condition build vs. a power build as a general rule.
Mainly people are mad about (1) confusion as a condition and (2) runes that put confusion onto people (mainly because of their issues with “1”).
Confusion is a troll condition because it makes the person kill themselves. Passive condition clears counter it better than active clears (making it frustrating for players to deal with). Personally, confusion makes more sense as applying random negative conditions on the player periodically and on skill activation.
But, Anet likes Confusion the way it is. So, maybe dealing with the runes is the way to go. Either way, lol at trying to get Anet to nerf a fundamental part of the game that has consistently been buffed to make it more competitive with power builds. (AKA now that conditions actually DO something people are complaining like it’s the end of the world).
Miss the first year of guild wars when everyone except necros ran power. Sure there were some things that were a bit unbalanced but I would rather have that than condi. Condi just seems bologna. Idk something about it.
Zerker Everything
Devona’s Rest
You can win against them outnumbered with a revenant spamming aoe resist w/ demon stance
So funny to watch them drop a pile of conditions with no effect.
Some of these things that don’t exist in spvp shouldn’t be in wvw either, if they’re considered too op for spvp why should they exist in wvw? which is also a pvp area.
North Keep: One of the village residents will now flee if their home is destroyed.
āGame over man, Game Over!ā ā RIP Bill
You people make it sound like every person and their mother are running condi in WvW. But when I run around I barely seem to run across any. Zergs certainly don’t focus on it. In smaller scale battles its all Dragonhunters, power d/p Daredevils, bunker support Eles (or worse, those Tempests that run in group doubling up on that OP air overload), pew pew Druids, boon humping Scrappers, etc. Even a lot of Necros are running power. If players do run condi its usually Necros and Mesmers that I see, and sometimes Rangers/Thieves and a rare occasional taunt-cheese Warrior.
I think people are just mad that they run super bunker expecting to never die and occasionally lose to a condi build that bypasses their toughness. Mesmers need a nerf I agree but that’s about it, otherwise bring condi removal and L2P.
(edited by roamzero.9486)
Try to play against Gandara… Tons of roaming group full with condi (necro / mesmer / thief / ranger)… And you can be sure to fight 70% of the time only condi guys…
And generally they run at 3 to 5…
Generally small group roaming on core mesmer or ele. Looking at between 3-8 usually 4/5 of us tbh. Mostly run into power builds but do see the occasional condi mesmer, necro and engineer. Very rarely see condi thief and rev tbh.
Oh whats your guild? We have probably bumped into you guys given [tRex] has shifted servers and we have small manned from tier one to tier three. And we specifically look for smaller guilds to fight because like you we run around 3-8.
[lion]~ riperonis
Generally small group roaming on core mesmer or ele. Looking at between 3-8 usually 4/5 of us tbh. Mostly run into power builds but do see the occasional condi mesmer, necro and engineer. Very rarely see condi thief and rev tbh.
Oh whats your guild? We have probably bumped into you guys given [tRex] has shifted servers and we have small manned from tier one to tier three. And we specifically look for smaller guilds to fight because like you we run around 3-8.
From your video I believe you’re NA and I’m EU so not likely we’ve met. Still from what I saw in your most recent video that is similar to what we experience but we mostly don’t run guards. You’ll also see me with a variety of guilds tbh. When I was on GH I was mostly solo but would join the fray with Rise, Drgr, MM and So and on WSR I can be seen with EVO, TasH, AoC, ONE and a few other guilds.
Things are very different on small servers, you kinda know everyone and while you all might be in different guilds you can be roaming with the same people a lot of the time.
My problem with condis is they are supposed to be dot but in this game they are basically bursts due to heavy handed condis and heavy handed cleanses…condis should be more about gaining stacks and high uptime then it currently is
Papa’s Lady Luck- Necro
For WvW all Condi playing classes have one prob you can run away and than burst and run
Dia Cele or Ber Ele
Medi Dragon Hunter
Ber Mes
have enough vs condis players too kill or kite them too death
maybe list is not complete
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. It’s all Scarlet Briars fault!!! When she was introduced with her Toxic army, new conditions were introduced and they ran amuck.
We killed that kitten and conditions should have died with her!!!
Edit: I guess it’s her legacy, lol.
Tacktical Killers [TK]
We’re looking for players.
PM me here or ING.
Condition damage has been nerfed in quite a few notable ways since the game was released (700 boundary thing, halved +condi duration food). I don’t think it’s a problem at all really given how most condi builds are probably a mixture of dire and rabid, and it’s so easy to burst through someone’s armour stat now given how much direct damage we can pump out. You can do some massive stacks of confusion on people with Chrono/Mes (my record is 36 stacks on one person with perplex runes/mistrust and the stars aligning for maximum group interrupts) but if someone face tanks one of my condi shatters, they would probably face tank a power shatter and be dead sooner.
700 boundary thing nerfs hybrid players, not condition players. Condi duration food was also nerfed for -condi duration. Are you kidding me, “Condition damage has been nerfed” yea ok nerfed so hard that poison and burning were allowed to stack and confusion was allowed to tick passively. Not to mention that vulnerability affects condition damage now, but protection, -damage aspects such as Bulwark Gyro, and weakness don’t.
Easy to burst through Dire? One of the tankiest stat mixes in the game? What are you on??? I would love to see you play Marauder builds if you think Dire is easy to burst through. To see how skewed conditions are vs power, go fight a Dire build as a Soldier build.
Damage done through condition partial shatters FAR outshines damage done through power partial shatters.
I burst through dire/rabid condi builds on my full glkittenter Mes all the time. I also have built with condition removal in mind so I have Inspiration which trivialises a fight against, say, a condi Mes by simply rotating my burst in a sequential manner so that I can ensure removal of a condi burst. It’s significantly easier to overcome the natural sustain achieved from the armour stat now that direct damage has been increased so much. I really have no problems with condi builds unless I have no condi cleanse. I’d say 95% of my deaths are from very high damage short CD direct damage attacks – I so rarely die from conditions even when playing with just a few cleanses simply because I understand how and when conditions are applied.
Also, of all the game modes, WvW probably has the best condition damage balance because its effectiveness scales with the player number and WvW can go from a simple 1v1 up to 30v30. It’s honestly fine and also, my point still stands that conditions have been nerfed to a point where they are completely manageable and it really is so much easier to kill dire builds now.
Inspiration mesmer has no problems with conditions. More news at 11.
Neither does my Daredevil or my Druid. This just in: GW2 has plentiful ways to manage or completely mitigate condition damage dependent on sensible and well considered build decisions (unless you’re a revenant – poor revenants). Add that to your news reel.
Why yes, I am in fact a revenant! And a thief, mesmer, engi, all in the sig you know. I would have been shocked if anyone had problems with conditions on Druid. 13 condition clears every 10 seconds kind of helps in that area. On Daredevil, you must not have had an opponent smart enough to condi bomb you then stop attacking lol.
Fact still remains: Condition is far too effective vs power. Conditions too easy to apply, cleanses don’t prioritize properly, too much defensive stat stacking, and too much power hate (protection, weakness, Bulwark Gyro-like effects). Your solution of “lol bring cleanses” doesn’t add up.
A thief can trait for excellent condition cleanse without escapists in WvW.
Withdraw alone can be traited to remove 6 conditions per 14+ seconds , 4 fixed and 2 flexible if wished. Use a PR out of acro , stealth with SE or the built in cleanse on an s/d build and there plenty of ways to cleanse if the opponent decides to “wait as you evade”.
(edited by babazhook.6805)
Have you guys ever noticed that 99.9% of the gear drops primary stat is Condition Damage?
Tacktical Killers [TK]
We’re looking for players.
PM me here or ING.
Just remove rune of perplexity and tone down mesmer condition application. Simple fixes that would improve the health of small scale combat SO much, and not affect large scale combat.
Dire mesmers have to go. No build should be able to insta-stack 15 confusions + torment while being so survivable.
I agree, nerf conditions because 3 power burst specs won’t instagib you if they focus right?
Sure condition Mesmer is annoying but decent condition cleansing, line of sighting to prevent sceptre 3 goes a long way. However generally I wouldn’t pick the fight unless I was at a camp or something that needed defending, just a waste of time fighting it as you can be there for 10 mins without anyone really winning.
Btw are you still running base ranger Babou? Saw you the other night and thought you weren’t using Druid but might have been mistaken.
If you mean 3 burst players focusing you, you deserve to die no matter what build you are using when focused by 3 players lol. Although these days that doesn’t seem to be true for condi mesmers and mindless AoE shatter spamming.
If you meant there are 3 burst builds capable of instagibbing a full dire max toughness max vitality any class, please state which ones you THINK they are. The only one I can think of is full signet zerker d/d thief, which is a one trick pony and will probably die to the passive 3 confusion stacks from perplexity.
Not even possible on signet D/D if the mesmer runs Chaos. I play signet glass and have literally zero potential to improve my damage output without being heavily-reliant on RNG such that I can claim that I am at least tied for the title of hardest-hitting thief in the game/hardest-single-hitting player in the game.
It’s literally and mathematically impossible to kill a chaos-traited (which is assumed because that’s what the build runs) dire condition mesmer without getting into multiple seconds’-worth of combat. Literally impossible due to passive procs. And then to be punished for attacking them from passive procs from perplexity runes, and then take passive DoT from a confusion designed to punish attackers and attempting to burst them… that’s just ridiculous. Mind you, we’re talking situations which an entire build is being dedicated to one-trick ponying burst damage on a single attack. Why should condition builds, designed to win a sustained fight, be able to sustain against burst, and consequently out-burst most other builds it in the case of the condition mesmer?
Removing dire perplex solves almost all issues with conditions and turns them fair.
(edited by DeceiverX.8361)
1.) WvW needs separate Skill, Trait and Upgrades Balancing
2.) ALL Buff Items need to be removed from WvW, Butt Items need to become like in GW1 just PvE only (this would then open up also the option of more interesting and fun effects for Buff Items in the Game and would make also some overpriced Buff Items go down back to sanity)
3.) The Base Health System needs to be completely reworked, this would greatyl help also the overall WvW Balancing, if all classes woudl get finally individually get balanced for their Maximum Health, rather than splitting all up between 3 categories – we need to get finally rid of this Soldier, Scholar, Adventurer way of thinking, which limitates too much the balancing of this game in a bad way!!
4.) This game needs a RADICAL reduction of all Boons and Conditions by 50%.
Merge Boons and Conditions together, this would also result in Boons and Conditions becoming more effectful and important instruments that incluence the battles, instead of spam effects. As counter to it, reduce the durations of both by approx 25% and incorporate finally also Expertise and Concentration completely into Game, so that players NEED to put points into these attributes to get back to significantly longer effect durations, instead of the powercreep bonus that we currently receive from these attributes. A Condition Build finally needs to put same as much points into multiple different attributes, as like a direct damage build.
Conditions need to stop ignoring all defense. They shoukld ignore only Armor from Equipment, but definetely not Toughness, so that a very high defensive player with significantly more Toughness than an offense player should have also significantly much lesser trouble with conditions, than that offensive player, especially when in combination with using an attribute, that reduces also incoming conditions durations together with reducing the damage you receive from conditions
5.) For the whole game to become better to balance, ANet needs to rework the Attribute System, Healing Power needs to get merged with Vitality to make vitality more meaningful and if Naet doesn#t want to make changes on the Base Health System to turn into into individually based values per Clas,s then thy need to finalyl increase the effectiveness of Vitality, so that it increases better hte maximum health per point spent into it, so that Vitality becomes this way more more meaning full.
Attributes need to get merged through a Dual Effect System, this way it creates new space for especialyl neded new defensive Attributes that should affect the chance of receiving critical hits (who was thinking at Anet its good to just add only an attribute for increasing it, but not also a defensive one to decrese the chances of receiving critical hits?? Then there needs to be also an Attribute like Agility, which affects everyone’s maximum Endurance Regeneration Speed, so that Dodging becomes also for everyone in regard of defensive play a better option, then theres also no need anymore for something like Vigor)
6.) WvW needs finally class specific “Roles”, maybe through the Mastery System or the Wvw Rankl System, so that WvW offers class specific character progression with that you can change your playstyle in WvW with your chosen class and fulfill in WvW different tactical roles and maneuvers that are unique for each class.
As Thief I should be able to infiltrate enemy locations, remove enemy traps and sabotage their siege weapons or steal them to be able to use them agaisnt my enemies (fighting fire with fire mentality, or be in general also able to steal their supply also when camps haven’t been claimed, thats what woudl make for exampel thieves SPECIAL in WvW and would make playing a thief in WvW alot more fun, when you could do there unique thigns, that no other class in WvW can do fitting for the game mode.)
7.) Hard CC Spam needs finally to receive LIMITATIONS, players need to become finalyl after being hard cced for a little while IMMUNE to hard cc, so that players can’t get perma stunned by a bunch of enemies which spam all together their hard cc skilsl one after another so that you die without having a chance to do anything at all.
Either this, or this immunity should come automatically after using a STUNBREAKER SKILL, so that after using a stunbreaker, you are immune for the next 4-5 seconds for all upcoming next tries to stun you , control you, launch you, knockback you and so on … Hard CC skills also need from certain classes longer recharge times, to make them stronger tactical choices and not something, that you just spam away.
When these 7 steps would be done, then I guarantee you, would make the whole combat system if this game directly everywhere alot more fun. Especially in WvW
Instead of putting so many special rules into WvW, Orpheal, why not just port the stats from WvW into sPvP and balance the game as a whole using PvE stats? This bolsters diversity in sPvP through build granularity and promotes way more builds in sPvP which are not mathematically viable, but are in WvW due to how the math behind stats and scaling works.
Then we’re left with a unified game state which balancing can take place without needing to worry much about the consequences of decisions being made in terms of how it affects one game mode versus another, which is often a dividing issue in balance in GW2 due to the separation of the formats, and likely why balancing pace is so slow.
Remove dire/perplexity, deemed too overpowered for sPvP to begin with from WvW by replacing all instances of gear with the stat combo/rune combo to “choice of any stat/rune selection” items (they did this already for Magic Find when it was removed) and everything is resolved for the most part.
Removing content is NEVER the right solution.
If you remove things out of the game, this will create only ALIt of anger, frustration and disappointment for players, which have invested alot of time and effort to get these things, to the point, that for 100% sure this change of removing content from the game ultimatively results only in one thing!
Is this seriously what you want???
But if ANet just finally would balance all aspects of their game’s combat system and woudl take all aspects of it more into account when balancing things, nothign of existign content and player efforts just would get removed…
The content would still be there under rebaƶlancing all aspects of gameplay from the combat system, but under the changed mechanics wouldn’t they be anymore by fas as much OP as they are right now, due to conditions beign out of control, dealign too much damage, without that players can do anything to effectively reduce the damage, except of using buff food, that makes builds in WvW even far more overpowered in both directions and is currently the only way to keep the out of control conditions in check by using the stuff that reduces significantly condition durations.
by reworking the attribute system and adding meaningful defensive effects, while fixing toughness and vitality to become more meaningful, while Expertise and Concentration get fully integrated into the balancing of all boons and conditions, that would by far more affect positively the whole combat system of GW2, than it would do with just removing content – removing content is the simpleminded LAZY WAY of getting just rid of the problems in WvW.
Thats how I do see it.
Anet has reduced massively the toal amount of skills for all classes, so that they would have it alot easier to balance all classes in the game and to make compared to GW1 it also simpler to splitt properly the balancing betwene all modes so that all skills can be separately be balanced for all game modes.
Seperate game mode relative class balancing is the only way how I see how all parts of the game can be balanced, without that ever any game mode gets negative cunwanted chain reactions due to some made changes for a skill or a trait, that were made to fix for a specific mode, but affcted also negatively other game modes.
Its the only way how Anet get completely get rid from this problem, a game design problem, that should never ever exist in my honest opinion.
Thats why you have in the end also different game mode,s so that each of them gets individually balanced, because if you don#t individually balance all skilsl and combat system relative mechanics of the game, then there is absolutely no reason at all to have even different game modes, when in the end they share all the same balancing of the combat system.
Then we would need no pvp equipment systme, everyone would just play pvP with their PvE characters and equipment.
I doubt it hard that you or anyone else would find THIS would be funny for a single second, when you would get outplayed in PvP, because just someone else had better equipment than you, due to making out of all game modes just one big unifyed thing where skills, traits, upgrades and class mechanics don’t get individually balanced for each game mode.
In WvW its not a big deal if someone has better equipment than you, because you can get outnumbed anytime with the amount of players to make up for the difference of each individuals player character’s power and equipment.
ANd PvE is ruined when you use stuff with PvP balance in mind, because its then usually too boring/uneffectful for PvE to be useful at all.
Thats why all game modes need seperate balancing, because all game modes require different aspects.
PvE skills need some kind of powercurve, so that you get also some kind of character progression feeling, which is somethign, that woudl make skills for PvP play too poverful and unbalanced.
Its something that would make also WvW clearly again unbalanced, because of the masses of players for which these kind of skills aren’t designed for, because these powerful skils are designed for enemy, which dynamically can scale in power and especially health like huge sponges, so that fights last long enoug, that hundreds of playrs can get participation for battles, which eagin is something that happens only in pvE and not in anyother game mode.
Its impossible to measure everythign by the same yardstick here, which is another reason why its time, that ANet finally individually should balance all game modes with their concrete oown skill, trait and upgrade effects, so that when Anet specifically wants to change something on the PVP balance for instanc,e that no other game mode has to suffer from these changes as a chain recations, due to skills all sharign the same effects in all game modes.
Sure, this is absolutely no tiny task to taslk about, it will take time, but once anet would have done this great step, it would be a great step towards reaching overall game balance for the whole game, that will last and that won’t be directly destroyed again with douzens of chain recations just with the next coming balance patch that made some changes of skilsl that got shared among all modes with the same effect, where the change is for mode A perfect for mode B absolutely terrible and mode c could care less or also has either tears of joy or frustration, how anet coudl dare to ruin in most cases someones most prefered game mode, due to destroyign someones personal most like builds, or making something else not possible anymore due to the changes in any of the three modes.
Come on, I’m not talking here about something, I’m not absolutely sure about, that many peopel here i nthe forums haven’t already experienced with anet over the past 3 to nearly 4 years since GW2 exists!!
I’m talking here about facts, that mostly everybody has experienced here already, thigns which will keep on happening, as long ANet doesn’t start with balancing all modes individually by 100%
Until this doesn’t change, we have a neverending problem here, and i somehow kind of feel its all the time this kind of box of pandora, which ANet just fears to open, because they know, that it would be alot of work to do to bring back this game on the right track, from where it would become for all modes alot easier to keep them balanced, because nobody would have to worry then really anymore, if any of their changes they currently work on will negatively affect any other game modes and cause here in the forums everywhere MASSIVE dissatisfaction among the players to the point, that many maybe permanently leave the game due to the changes that affected in the end more of the game, than what Anet intentionally wanted in the most cases.
(edited by Orpheal.8263)
My problem with condis is they are supposed to be dot but in this game they are basically bursts due to heavy handed condis and heavy handed cleanses…condis should be more about gaining stacks and high uptime then it currently is
I Bought Hot – Revenant | [QQ]
Condi other than perplexity is fine (and durability runes are just as broken), condi is no more imbalanced than the insane direct damage you can do now or the perma boon spam, they nerfed the most obnoxious thing about condi which was the 40% food.
As someone mentioned a few posts above (one of the few who apparently has any idea of what balance is in a game and that it involves more than a direct one for one comparison) condi builds have defensive stats, but they lack in other areas such as mobility, and if you want to talk about imbalance then by far the most obnoxious imbalanced area of WvW (smallscale) is the vast difference in disengage which results in huge differences in a fundamental principles of PvP – risk vs reward, I wonder how many hypocrites we have who play d/p or s/d thief, mesmer, gs/staff ranger, etc..
Condi other than perplexity is fine (and it’s no more broken than durability runes), condi is no more imbaalnced than the insane direct damage you can do now or the perma boon spam, they nerfed the most obnoxious thing about condi which was the 40% food.
As someone mentioned a few posts above (one of the few who apparently has any idea of what balance is in a game and that it involves more than a direct one for one comparison) condi builds have defensive stats, but they lack in other areas such as mobility, and if you want to talk about imbalance then by far the most obnoxious imbalanced area of WvW (smallscale) is the vast difference in disengage which results in huge differences in a fundamental principles of PvP – risk vs reward, I wonder how many hypocrites we have who play d/p or s/d thief, mesmer, gs/staff ranger, etc..
s/d thief and shatter mesmer have low risks vs high reward? lol
I Bought Hot – Revenant | [QQ]
Condi other than perplexity is fine (and it’s no more broken than durability runes), condi is no more imbaalnced than the insane direct damage you can do now or the perma boon spam, they nerfed the most obnoxious thing about condi which was the 40% food.
As someone mentioned a few posts above (one of the few who apparently has any idea of what balance is in a game and that it involves more than a direct one for one comparison) condi builds have defensive stats, but they lack in other areas such as mobility, and if you want to talk about imbalance then by far the most obnoxious imbalanced area of WvW (smallscale) is the vast difference in disengage which results in huge differences in a fundamental principles of PvP – risk vs reward, I wonder how many hypocrites we have who play d/p or s/d thief, mesmer, gs/staff ranger, etc..
s/d thief and shatter mesmer have low risks vs high reward? lol
Yeah unless you are terrible, because you can disengage most fights, choose your engagements at will, they are low risk classes for roaming, which is why over the course of this game those classes have been so popular and things like necro or guard have not, you must be new.
Condi other than perplexity is fine (and durability runes are just as broken), condi is no more imbalanced than the insane direct damage you can do now or the perma boon spam, they nerfed the most obnoxious thing about condi which was the 40% food.
As someone mentioned a few posts above (one of the few who apparently has any idea of what balance is in a game and that it involves more than a direct one for one comparison) condi builds have defensive stats, but they lack in other areas such as mobility, and if you want to talk about imbalance then by far the most obnoxious imbalanced area of WvW (smallscale) is the vast difference in disengage which results in huge differences in a fundamental principles of PvP – risk vs reward, I wonder how many hypocrites we have who play d/p or s/d thief, mesmer, gs/staff ranger, etc..
Nah man, I got away and won on those builds because of my mad skills, 1337 kiting ability and superior knowledge of all things not because of broken low cool downs, endless reset potential or RtL on steroids like abilities. Was all skill especially my auto proc immunities carrying me back to the safety of my group when I over committed.
Condi other than perplexity is fine (and it’s no more broken than durability runes), condi is no more imbaalnced than the insane direct damage you can do now or the perma boon spam, they nerfed the most obnoxious thing about condi which was the 40% food.
As someone mentioned a few posts above (one of the few who apparently has any idea of what balance is in a game and that it involves more than a direct one for one comparison) condi builds have defensive stats, but they lack in other areas such as mobility, and if you want to talk about imbalance then by far the most obnoxious imbalanced area of WvW (smallscale) is the vast difference in disengage which results in huge differences in a fundamental principles of PvP – risk vs reward, I wonder how many hypocrites we have who play d/p or s/d thief, mesmer, gs/staff ranger, etc..
s/d thief and shatter mesmer have low risks vs high reward? lol
Yeah unless you are terrible, because you can disengage most fights, choose your engagements at will, they are low risk classes for roaming, which is why over the course of this game those classes have been so popular and things like necro or guard have not, you must be new.
No, not really new, but nice attempt at a jab at me.
S/d thief I would put as low risk low reward. Sure you can run, but good luck having the damage necessary to punch through tanky enemies.
Shatter mesmer I would say is still high risk high reward. Depends on your build. Power mesmer in general is pretty poop, try using a power mesmer vs any kind of warrior after the Adrenal Health change.
I Bought Hot – Revenant | [QQ]
Shatter mesmer I would say is still high risk high reward. Depends on your build. Power mesmer in general is pretty poop, try using a power mesmer vs any kind of warrior, Rev, scrapper, Druid, guard, ele after HoT.
Fixed that for you. Bonus mention to everything else HoT if you play core mesmer.
Edit: Playing anything core vs HoT you’re at a disadvantage and thief is in a similar spot to mesmer, though at least they’re are actually uncatchable now.
(edited by apharma.3741)
Wut? Glass Mes is low risk? :T
The issues with conditions are being vastly overstated. There only a problem with some few small number of builds and perhaps those Perplexity Runes.
Dire armor is no issue whatsover. If you can kill people in Soldiers you can kill people in dire. If you can kill a warrior in 3k armor you can kill someone in dire. The ability to pump out damage enough to kill an enemy in armor 3k armor and 20K health does not vanish just because that person wears dire.
Perplexity runes are a bit overtuned in comparative terms. As example the one stack of bleed , posion and torment with Krait comes with a 45 second cooldown and only usable with an elite. The fear off nightmare occurs once every 60 seconds. Both of these are somewhat less in damage terms then what one gets off 5 stacks confusuion with a 15 second cooldown and base duration of 8 seconds. Put a person in Krait or Nightmare and it can hardly be claimed they OP just because they wear Dire armor.
Perplexity should be tweaked. Number 4 bonus should happen once every 60 seconds. Number 6 bonus should be 5 stacks confusion on a 5 second duration on a 45 second cooldown. They can be kept in the game, they are just too much bonus damage.
Do that and many of the issues are addressed . From there conditions can be looked at based upon whether or not a given profession has too easy access.
(edited by babazhook.6805)
The issues with conditions are being vastly overstated. There only a problem with some few small number of builds and perhaps those Perplexity Runes.
Dire armor is no issue whatsover. If you can kill people in Soldiers you can kill people in dire. If you can kill a warrior in 3k armor you can kill someone in dire. The ability to pump out damage enough to kill an enemy in armor 3k armor and 20K health does not vanish just because that person wears dire.
Perplexity runes are a bit overtuned in comparative terms. As example the one stack of bleed , posion and torment with Krait comes with a 45 second cooldown and only usable with an elite. The fear off nightmare occurs once every 60 seconds. Both of these are somewhat less in damage terms then what one gets off 5 stacks confusuion with a 15 second cooldown and base duration of 8 seconds. Put a person in Krait or Nightmare and it can hardly be claimed they OP just because they wear Dire armor.
Perplexity should be tweaked. Number 4 bonus should happen once every 60 seconds. Number 6 bonus should be 5 stacks confusion on a 5 second duration on a 45 second cooldown. They can be kept in the game, they are just too much bonus damage.
Do that and many of the issues are addressed . From there conditions can be looked at based upon whether or not a given profession has too easy access.
The problem is not how tanky Dire is. The problem is the damage output it can put out while still being as tanky as soldier.
I Bought Hot – Revenant | [QQ]
The issues with conditions are being vastly overstated. There only a problem with some few small number of builds and perhaps those Perplexity Runes.
Dire armor is no issue whatsover. If you can kill people in Soldiers you can kill people in dire. If you can kill a warrior in 3k armor you can kill someone in dire. The ability to pump out damage enough to kill an enemy in armor 3k armor and 20K health does not vanish just because that person wears dire.
Perplexity runes are a bit overtuned in comparative terms. As example the one stack of bleed , posion and torment with Krait comes with a 45 second cooldown and only usable with an elite. The fear off nightmare occurs once every 60 seconds. Both of these are somewhat less in damage terms then what one gets off 5 stacks confusuion with a 15 second cooldown and base duration of 8 seconds. Put a person in Krait or Nightmare and it can hardly be claimed they OP just because they wear Dire armor.
Perplexity should be tweaked. Number 4 bonus should happen once every 60 seconds. Number 6 bonus should be 5 stacks confusion on a 5 second duration on a 45 second cooldown. They can be kept in the game, they are just too much bonus damage.
Do that and many of the issues are addressed . From there conditions can be looked at based upon whether or not a given profession has too easy access.
The problem is not how tanky Dire is. The problem is the damage output it can put out while still being as tanky as soldier.
No. I put out more damage in power then I do wearing dire and using Conditions.
I can get a 12k vault on a single attack. I can get 14k using unload. Either of these take one single attack. I can not do that wearing dire.
The issues with conditions are being vastly overstated. There only a problem with some few small number of builds and perhaps those Perplexity Runes.
Dire armor is no issue whatsover. If you can kill people in Soldiers you can kill people in dire. If you can kill a warrior in 3k armor you can kill someone in dire. The ability to pump out damage enough to kill an enemy in armor 3k armor and 20K health does not vanish just because that person wears dire.
Perplexity runes are a bit overtuned in comparative terms. As example the one stack of bleed , posion and torment with Krait comes with a 45 second cooldown and only usable with an elite. The fear off nightmare occurs once every 60 seconds. Both of these are somewhat less in damage terms then what one gets off 5 stacks confusuion with a 15 second cooldown and base duration of 8 seconds. Put a person in Krait or Nightmare and it can hardly be claimed they OP just because they wear Dire armor.
Perplexity should be tweaked. Number 4 bonus should happen once every 60 seconds. Number 6 bonus should be 5 stacks confusion on a 5 second duration on a 45 second cooldown. They can be kept in the game, they are just too much bonus damage.
Do that and many of the issues are addressed . From there conditions can be looked at based upon whether or not a given profession has too easy access.
The problem is not how tanky Dire is. The problem is the damage output it can put out while still being as tanky as soldier.
No. I put out more damage in power then I do wearing dire and using Conditions.
I can get a 12k vault on a single attack. I can get 14k using unload. Either of these take one single attack. I can not do that wearing dire.
Do you read?
I never even said that condition does MORE damage than power. The problem is it how tanky Dire is allowed to be while still pumping out crippling DPS in condition bursts.
BTW nice cherrypicking, would love to see you hit 12k Vaults on a dire or soldier player.
I Bought Hot – Revenant | [QQ]
The issues with conditions are being vastly overstated. There only a problem with some few small number of builds and perhaps those Perplexity Runes.
Dire armor is no issue whatsover. If you can kill people in Soldiers you can kill people in dire. If you can kill a warrior in 3k armor you can kill someone in dire. The ability to pump out damage enough to kill an enemy in armor 3k armor and 20K health does not vanish just because that person wears dire.
Perplexity runes are a bit overtuned in comparative terms. As example the one stack of bleed , posion and torment with Krait comes with a 45 second cooldown and only usable with an elite. The fear off nightmare occurs once every 60 seconds. Both of these are somewhat less in damage terms then what one gets off 5 stacks confusuion with a 15 second cooldown and base duration of 8 seconds. Put a person in Krait or Nightmare and it can hardly be claimed they OP just because they wear Dire armor.
Perplexity should be tweaked. Number 4 bonus should happen once every 60 seconds. Number 6 bonus should be 5 stacks confusion on a 5 second duration on a 45 second cooldown. They can be kept in the game, they are just too much bonus damage.
Do that and many of the issues are addressed . From there conditions can be looked at based upon whether or not a given profession has too easy access.
The problem is not how tanky Dire is. The problem is the damage output it can put out while still being as tanky as soldier.
No. I put out more damage in power then I do wearing dire and using Conditions.
I can get a 12k vault on a single attack. I can get 14k using unload. Either of these take one single attack. I can not do that wearing dire.
Do you read?
I never even said that condition does MORE damage than power. The problem is it how tanky Dire is allowed to be while still pumping out crippling DPS in condition bursts.
BTW nice cherrypicking, would love to see you hit 12k Vaults on a dire or soldier player.
It immaterial that a person in dire armor can pump out damage. He still can not pump out as much as a person using power as you acknowledge . Whether the Condition build in dire or not power will do more damage. That he is tankier is immaterial as power still pumps out more damage over a shorter period of time.
As to cherry picking you are doing the cherry picking. Condition damage is flat and not predicated on the armor an enemy has. Power damage goes up the lower the enemies armor. No matter the armor the enemy wears you are not getting 14k ticks off your conditions as a thief and there no way in the world you are going to get anywhere near those 14k ticks for the expenditure of 5 ini.
Added to that something like vault can do damage against 5 targets. No condition application available to the thief can pump out that amount of damage or anything close to it for 5 ini spent.
(edited by babazhook.6805)
Every small group these days is just made of condition mesmers, necros, and thieves. It is getting really stupid, as if the last 2 years of condition roaming meta wasn’t stupid enough.
For every person that asks for a nerf on condi, there will be an equal number asking for a nerf on regular inflicted dps. At least with that you are alive even in the worst case, 15-20 seconds in a 1v1 fight? Why do we have thieves in two hits taking down someone with full vitality gear, or 3 hits on someone with full toughness? A warrior or guardian taking someone down in 5 seconds? You want to nerf anything, I suggest we start with all the HOT builds. I would support Anet putting a dev on the one builds website everyone seems to love so much, and make it there goal to never allow a build to sit on that website longer then a week without a nerf or counter. Its sad when I know what someone is running simply because of the class type they are on.
Honestly, it was a huge mistake making confusion tick for damage regardless. I can see the original confusion as a mechanic to tone down mindless skill spam but what’s the point when it’s getting heaped onto you relentlessly and you’re taking damage anyway? This seems purely like more PvE changes draining into WvWvW. And I’ve said it a million times, torment has no place in such a fluid, action oriented combat system. In a game with cripple, chill, immobilize and weakness, the addition of torment leaves me scratching my head.
I’m not a big proponent of nerfing things hard in this game, especially the blanket statements like “nerf condi”, but what you typed here I can agree with. Those specific things need reworked/changed in those ways. I play all classes in pvp and wvw and know when something is pretty broken. Condi chrono is especially strong because of the crazy re-application of the confusion and torment. I’m not saying nuke it hard, just a rework. Dire with plex runes, food and stacks is crazy in duels and small man wvw. It’s just dirty. And not in a good way.
I have no problem with any other condi build or actual condi tbh, and that’s coming from a person who atm doesn’t use any condi builds(i love fat crits).
Maguuma & A Few alts on other NA/EU servers
Honestly, it was a huge mistake making confusion tick for damage regardless. I can see the original confusion as a mechanic to tone down mindless skill spam but what’s the point when it’s getting heaped onto you relentlessly and you’re taking damage anyway? This seems purely like more PvE changes draining into WvWvW. And I’ve said it a million times, torment has no place in such a fluid, action oriented combat system. In a game with cripple, chill, immobilize and weakness, the addition of torment leaves me scratching my head.
I’m not a big proponent of nerfing things hard in this game, especially the blanket statements like “nerf condi”, but what you typed here I can agree with. Those specific things need reworked/changed in those ways. I play all classes in pvp and wvw and know when something is pretty broken. Condi chrono is especially strong because of the crazy re-application of the confusion and torment. I’m not saying nuke it hard, just a rework. Dire with plex runes, food and stacks is crazy in duels and small man wvw. It’s just dirty. And not in a good way.
I have no problem with any other condi build or actual condi tbh, and that’s coming from a person who atm doesn’t use any condi builds(i love fat crits).
This. Condition builds seems pretty balanced right now except for condi chrono/mesmer.