Nerf the arrow carts V2

Nerf the arrow carts V2

in WvW

Posted by: LoneWolfie.1852


As usual, reset nights start off with keeps 5+ super arrow carts. The damage needs to be

1) Reduced the damage by 25%.
2) AOE capped from 50 to 25.

I simply do not see any place for super arrow carts camping the areas. This makes the game incredibly boring as nothing short of golems+portals can break the doors down fast enough (unless enemy fails to place a scout on keeps).

Nerf the arrow carts V2

in WvW

Posted by: Natronix.9827


Oh its you again with the same topic again.

Theres trebs, catas, ballistas, counter ac, and many other ways to counter the AC’s.

You simply dont want the defenders to have any chance at winning when out numbered. You’re previus thread proves my point

Commander Nachonix

Nerf the arrow carts V2

in WvW

Posted by: Sovereign.1093


It is difficult and expensive and time consuming to break; therefore it must be nerfed. >3<


[Salt] Heavy Loot Bag

Always Loyal

Nerf the arrow carts V2

in WvW

Posted by: LoneWolfie.1852


Oh its you again with the same topic again.

Theres trebs, catas, ballistas, counter ac, and many other ways to counter the AC’s.

You simply dont want the defenders to have any chance at winning when out numbered. You’re previus thread proves my point

Proves what point? I’m not asking to remove 100% of the damage. It still does huge amount of damage if you trait for it, and the changes are still disadvantageous for anything below 25 people. Right now 10+ defenders fighting 50 people off is what I call nonsense. You cannot expect that to be reasonable.

PS: I guess IOJ is in desperate need for more wvw players, seeing how you defend arrow carts like that.

(edited by LoneWolfie.1852)

Nerf the arrow carts V2

in WvW

Posted by: Natronix.9827


Lol this guy is hilarious!

Why would a topic like this have ANYTHING to do with my server? I mean its siege, part of wvw you know, like, everybody from all servers use it.

Quality > quantity buddy.

10 smart defenders can and have all the right to defeat 50 not so bright attackers

Commander Nachonix

Nerf the arrow carts V2

in WvW

Posted by: CreativeAnarchy.6324


AC damage is fine, I’d like to see it get increased though.

You need to soften your target first. You cannot expect to rush in without removing some stuff and sometimes you may have to build your own cats/trebs/AC to clear their siege. If you did not do that, your problem.

I speak for my self and no one else. Only fools believe they speak for a majority.

Nerf the arrow carts V2

in WvW

Posted by: Natronix.9827


Here’s the previous thread made by the same guy on the same topic.

10 defenders could beat his 30 man when the gate was at 10%. He also claims to be sitting under AC fire for 10 seconds. Yeah, the arrow carts are definetly the problem

Commander Nachonix

Nerf the arrow carts V2

in WvW

Posted by: CreativeAnarchy.6324


Here’s the previous thread made by the same guy on the same topic.

10 defenders could beat his 30 man when the gate was at 10%. He also claims to be sitting under AC fire for 10 seconds. Yeah, the arrow carts are definetly the problem

I remember reading that.

Their tactics were flawed before and nerfing AC damage is the only way to make their flawed tactics work.

I speak for my self and no one else. Only fools believe they speak for a majority.

Nerf the arrow carts V2

in WvW

Posted by: LoneWolfie.1852


Here’s the previous thread made by the same guy on the same topic.

10 defenders could beat his 30 man when the gate was at 10%. He also claims to be sitting under AC fire for 10 seconds. Yeah, the arrow carts are definitely the problem

Sorry, I need to correct that spelling mistake.

Some of the arrow carts were placed outside countering range as well as a suspicious zoom hack/multi-monitor setup, which of course seem to be highly endorsed by your “well placed arrow carts” idea. You have to forgive me for finding the combination hacks/exploits with 5+ super arrow carts to be ridiculous (sarcasm). Just to throw out this question, has your server never used the super cart + zoom exploits?

Also, “Great tactics” doesn’t seem to work too well when servers are left with 2 towers and 1 keep, since they are mostly sticking to 2 areas to defend. It was a pretty decent surprise attack because we got the reinforced gate to 10% before they got onto the arrow carts. I’ll remember to tell the commander to bring 10 golems instead to waste the gate, instead of using super rams. At that stage it’s pointless to bring out surprise attacks but just overwhelm the areas with force.

Admittedly, the 10+ defenders fighting off the 50 zerg scenario were ready on a specific garrison’s gate and crushed the siege quickly so we had to fall back (all their towers were turned into paper, so they started defending garrison by hiding like turtles). So long as there are 5+ super carts and ready players, it’s actually capable of breaking anything except a full golem rush.

And the quality of T1 servers are without any question better than IOJ. Mainly because they are experienced in fighting zergs all the time. So it’s pretty funny how you insinuate like your server is good…

(edited by LoneWolfie.1852)

Nerf the arrow carts V2

in WvW

Posted by: Simonoly.4352


If your tactics failed because you were countered by a wall of arrowcart fire then you just need to back off and try something different. Not every siege that takes place is decided in minutes. If you really want to cap an objective that is being well defended then you just need to invest more time and resources. Even then, not everything is meant to be and sometimes you just need to accept defeat and move on.


Nerf the arrow carts V2

in WvW

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


Here’s the previous thread made by the same guy on the same topic.

10 defenders could beat his 30 man when the gate was at 10%. He also claims to be sitting under AC fire for 10 seconds. Yeah, the arrow carts are definitely the problem

Sorry, I need to correct that spelling mistake.

Some of the arrow carts were placed outside countering range as well as a suspicious zoom hack/multi-monitor setup, which of course seem to be highly endorsed by your “well placed arrow carts” idea. You have to forgive me for finding the combination hacks/exploits with 5+ super arrow carts to be ridiculous (sarcasm). Just to throw out this question, has your server never used the super cart + zoom exploits?

Also, “Great tactics” doesn’t seem to work too well when servers are left with 2 towers and 1 keep, since they are mostly sticking to 2 areas to defend. It was a pretty decent surprise attack because we got the reinforced gate to 10% before they got onto the arrow carts. I’ll remember to tell the commander to bring 10 golems instead to waste the gate, instead of using super rams. At that stage it’s pointless to bring out surprise attacks but just overwhelm the areas with force.

Admittedly, the 10+ defenders fighting off the 50 zerg scenario were ready on a specific garrison’s gate and crushed the siege quickly so we had to fall back (all their towers were turned into paper, so they started defending garrison by hiding like turtles). So long as there are 5+ super carts and ready players, it’s actually capable of breaking anything except a full golem rush.

And the quality of T1 servers are without any question better than IOJ. Mainly because they are experienced in fighting zergs all the time. So it’s pretty funny how you insinuate like your server is good…

So running PVT and spamming 1 equals skill?


Nerf the arrow carts V2

in WvW

Posted by: Dee Jay.2460

Dee Jay.2460

Arrow Carts are the ONLY weapon that even gets close to countering Zergs. Nerfing them would just encourage more and more zerging which we have enough of.

In fact plenty of times Zergs still can comfortably rezz their dead while under AC fire, something that shouldn’t be possible.

If Arrow Carts don’t have a proper counter, except for more Arrow Carts, then that’s a different problem.

(edited by Dee Jay.2460)

Nerf the arrow carts V2

in WvW

Posted by: LoneWolfie.1852


So running PVT and spamming 1 equals skill?

So placing 5 superior arrow carts and spamming 123 equals skill?

Nerf the arrow carts V2

in WvW

Posted by: Banzie.5248


So running PVT and spamming 1 equals skill?

So placing 5 superior arrow carts and spamming 123 equals skill?

Wait you’re throwing a server under the bus for a few peoples opinions? Nice. Anyways of you want open field fights why are you even worried about Acs. You shouldn’t be anywhere close to attempting a keep or tower. Just baiting. Second I would like to point out that when you say 10 defenders shouldn’t be able to keep 50 people out realistically, that you are wrong, keeps have always been designed to do just that with the right people and supply behind them.

Please keep servers out of the topic, and refer to the individual. If you post, you’re asking for their opinions not their servers.

Isle Of Janthir

Nerf the arrow carts V2

in WvW

Posted by: LoneWolfie.1852


So running PVT and spamming 1 equals skill?

So placing 5 superior arrow carts and spamming 123 equals skill?

Wait you’re throwing a server under the bus for a few peoples opinions? Nice. Anyways of you want open field fights why are you even worried about Acs. You shouldn’t be anywhere close to attempting a keep or tower. Just baiting. Second I would like to point out that when you say 10 defenders shouldn’t be able to keep 50 people out realistically, that you are wrong, keeps have always been designed to do just that with the right people and supply behind them.

Please keep servers out of the topic, and refer to the individual. If you post, you’re asking for their opinions not their servers.

The problems actually come from the servers unbalanced population. Basically Devon wrote about how excited he was to be able to defend a position against larger numbers with arrow carts, and a big reason why arrow carts were buffed up to levels that can “defend against zergs”, so that smaller sized servers can hold the bigger ones from capping.

It’s not at the level where defenders are holding back attackers till more defense reinforcements arrive, but beating off the horde by pressing 1, 2, 3. Which is ridiculous.

And instead of solving the population issues (increase loot from killing players/various things) and making wvw enjoyable, things seem to be increasingly heavy handed and more boring. Oh, you have 5 super arrow carts? Here, enjoy my 10 golems. Now that my zerg has taken your tower/keep, here, enjoy the same 5 super arrow carts and suffer with your smaller population (where you can never take it back).

And when everything is laid to waste, enjoy the same 5 super arrow carts on your spawn point. Etc, etc. In any case, I gave my opinions. I can tell a lot of the guild leaders dislike super carts (especially the guilds who put down super carts in the battle field, that is a tremendous lol).

(edited by LoneWolfie.1852)

Nerf the arrow carts V2

in WvW

Posted by: Seigfried.5938


Remove all siege except rams. If the enemy wants to destroy your rams, they should come out and destroy it. We need to encourage open field fights without the aid of AC/ballista.

Gandara → SoS → BG → Gandara → SFR

New bunker meta sux

Nerf the arrow carts V2

in WvW

Posted by: Middzz.1490


So running PVT and spamming 1 equals skill?

So placing 5 superior arrow carts and spamming 123 equals skill?

Wait you’re throwing a server under the bus for a few peoples opinions? Nice. Anyways of you want open field fights why are you even worried about Acs. You shouldn’t be anywhere close to attempting a keep or tower. Just baiting. Second I would like to point out that when you say 10 defenders shouldn’t be able to keep 50 people out realistically, that you are wrong, keeps have always been designed to do just that with the right people and supply behind them.

Please keep servers out of the topic, and refer to the individual. If you post, you’re asking for their opinions not their servers.

The problems actually come from the servers unbalanced population. Basically Devon wrote about how excited he was to be able to defend a position against larger numbers with arrow carts, and a big reason why arrow carts were buffed up to levels that can “defend against zergs”, so that smaller sized servers can hold the bigger ones from capping.

It’s not at the level where defenders are holding back attackers till more defense reinforcements arrive, but beating off the horde by pressing 1, 2, 3. Which is ridiculous.


What is ridiculous is your belief that numbers should just walk over walls .Sieges err real ones lasted months even years in a few cases .AC are the only counter defenders have to an extent .The walls offer no protection the inane LOS gives all the advantages to the attacker not the defender .Clones can zap through gates and to the top of walls .Pets simply fly ….Walls offer no reduction shield to AOE …

Attackers have many advantages now defenders few ,to increase that bonus even more is the the only ridiculous statement in this thread .

Nerf the arrow carts V2

in WvW

Posted by: KOK.2650


Wait you mean that the massive zerg need to wait for their siege to take out enemies siege before charging in?
That terrible. Nerf them all.
1)For a start , defender can’t build siege inside the tower or keep just like what the dev did to spawn area to encourage spawn camping.
2)Let also add a cap to number of defender allowed inside the tower and keep.
3)Allow attack siege to hit any place inside the tower while the defender siege can’t hit back (DONE)
4)Anyone on the wall cannot hit anyone below while those below can hit them back(DONE)
Come on dev . Do your job. Objective shouldn’t be able to be defended

Kok -lvl 80 warrior Tsukoyu-lvl 80 elementalist
Ayumu-lvl 80 Necromancer
Tsu-lvl 80 thief

Nerf the arrow carts V2

in WvW

Posted by: Lord Kuru.3685

Lord Kuru.3685

AC are the only counter defenders have to an extent .The walls offer no protection the inane LOS gives all the advantages to the attacker not the defender .Clones can zap through gates and to the top of walls .Pets simply fly ….Walls offer no reduction shield to AOE …

Attackers have many advantages now defenders few ,to increase that bonus even more is the the only ridiculous statement in this thread .

This is true. Walls are more of an advantage to attackers than defenders. The defenders have a much smaller area to move about, with serious LOS problems, while attackers can carpet those thin walls with AOE and move about freely.

In the lower tiers, we simply can’t have someone in every tower at all times. Because of this, I actually think superior siege like rams and cats are OP (not to mention with the masteries) in these lower tiers.

Nerf the arrow carts V2

in WvW

Posted by: Tukmolytes.3467


Hey OP, you don’t use ACs to defend your tower?

Darn I’m doing it wrong all this time!

Tukmolytes [TRBO]
Isle of Janthir [2012-2017] → Fort Aspenwood [2017-Present]
Power Ranger