Never Have Had a Close Match in WvW
How’s it going to be an even fight without you! WvW isn’t a sideliner’s game type. You have to get in there and get things done!
Please define what you mean by a “close match”. Do you mean a 100,000 point deficit between your server and the winning one, or a 20,000 point deficit?
The problem is that most of wuvwuv is set up to encourage snowballing (the ridiculous, insane orb bonuses)
its all about the orbs
Commander Plok The Original Leader of Shadow of Agony [GOAT]
I’ve had several, but it requires the losing servers to not give up when they start losing. And this rarely happens without a large organised presence on the server.
Vayra – Elementalist
Forkrul Assail – Mesmer
I think the orbs are one of the problems that needs to be looked at.
WvW is only fun on Friday’s when players are pumped for a fresh start. Once a single side holds all 3 orbs and gains the hp & stat bonuses (which they don’t even need if they were able to get them in the first place) it appears the other servers lose motivation and give up trying.
Also, why does the unmanned buff give +karama and exp? Doesn’t it make sense to swap these buffs or something?
I’m all for rewarding the better pvpers but I don’t think this system is sustainable long term if the goal is to have a fair/positive wvw experience.
(edited by Zarazakzr.2076)
Zarazakzr, you are as right as your name is difficult to type! As it stands the losing players are being given rewards (karma/xp bonuses) and the winning players are being given a crutch (orb bonuses)! Ludicrous!
SBI did have one, their 1st 1 week match between SBI HoD and ET.
“Invincibility lies in the defence; the possibility of victory in the attack.” Sun Tzu
Our server had one really close and it was great. Like WvW was advertised. Then only one other that was ‘decent’, never really in doubt who would win, but still ok due to 2nd and 3rd were close and respectably competitive, able to hold territory for legitimate time.
Other than that, for 70% of the time the game has been out, its been pretty much blowouts one way or the other. Not good enough Anet.
You guys should check out the match we’re having in Ferguson’s Crossing v Kaieneng V Denova’s Rest. An absolute blast, where the only domination seems to be happening on each server’s home borderland. On average we’ll each hold an equal-ish piece of the pie, and fight hard for more!
I guess that’s something to be grateful for when you’re in the lowest bracket, lol
Keep up the good fight, Kaieneng / Denova! I don’t care if you push us out of your borderlands, we’ll push you out of ours! Best match I’ve had yet, hehehe.
(And it’s so nice seeing us share an equal part of EB every once in a while. We should invite you guys over for some balist— Uh… I mean cake.)
Cheers! <3
-Ferguson’s Crossing-