New Maps Please

New Maps Please

in WvW

Posted by: Caius.8094


Reply to points please:
1) WVW needs maps.
2) Maps should incorporate a changing environment matching the work done for PVE maps… the DBL, EBG, and BL maps are near 3-5 years old!
3) These new maps should be smaller than the giant DBL and the repetitive BL maps.
4) The new maps can facilitate 20v20v20 for GVGVG action; 30v30v30 for servers, and even 40v40v40 for those that think zerging is actually fun (pro tip: no one thinks this).
5) These new maps should also “be only playable” when a number of players sign up for the map and close when one team just ups and quits. holding a keep 24/7 for a week is not fun at all… there is no reward for doing this other than moving up or down a tier.
6) WvW is fun again but the balance of 70 v 50 v 10 still exists. See item 5 as a possible point to address this.

A FINAL Word: Anet said a year ago that zerging and blobbing was not their intention… that can be addressed with introducing 1) new smaller maps, 2) have maps that require a sign up to open and close the map when the population leaves, and 3) heeding suggestions above and comments below.

~ Warpïg

New Maps Please

in WvW

Posted by: Gop.8713


I think wvw would be more fun if the max number of players from each server on each map was more limited, but there are a lot of problems with implementing that. Primarily, a smaller max number of players makes each afker or enemy alt account hurt that much more . . .

I’m also not a fan of the idea of making players wait for a minimum threshold of players from each side before the map opens, or giving each team the opportunity to close the map for everyone with a collective rage quit . . .

What I would be interested in is reducing the number of players from each server, but increasing the number of host servers — not links — in each skirmish. So instead of WvWvW we’d have WvWvWvW or WvWvWvWvW. Then have maps big enough that it would not be practically possible for any one server to actually control the whole map with the number of players they are limited to . . .

I don’t think it’s very reasonable to expect them to make the kind of effort it would take for such a major overhaul at this point though . . .

New Maps Please

in WvW

Posted by: msalakka.4653


Or maybe just undo the linking horseshit and work on BALANCE.

Gutter Rat [cry] | Gandara | Roaming nuisance
~ There is no balance team. ~

New Maps Please

in WvW

Posted by: Luranni.9470


What’s “BALANCE”? Is that an LS achievement?

Perish [FLEE]

New Maps Please

in WvW

Posted by: ThunderPanda.1872


What’s “BALANCE”? Is that an LS achievement?

That can’t be right. It should be a dungeon achievement. Double check it though, it should be somewhere in the archives.

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