New Siege Weaponry

New Siege Weaponry

in WvW

Posted by: TransparentlyOpaque.1824


I pondered a little bit on some of the things that could be added into wvwvw.

One idea that seems like it has potential, is a Krate of Bombs. They would cost supply to open/access, but not as much as a typical siege device- perhaps when you drop the Krate there are 5 bombs total per krate and each one cost 2-4 supply to take from the Krate.

It could open up a bit of options for smaller operation parties, and give individual players a bit more potential impact and roles on the battlefield. A small team could use the bombs to soften up walls or gates. Individual players could nominate themselves as kamakaziee bombers, distracting the enemy while the army sets up the real assault.

Mind you the damage level would not be insanely high, but if left unchecked, a full krateload of bombs will make a (smallish)dent in the HP of a Wall/Gate.

Perhaps it could also be a playing field leveler- maybe it only becomes accessable when a server is losing or outmanned by a substancial amount. The “outmanned” buff is ok, but frankly when you are facing the enemy numbers in those circumstances, those slight increases are not going to do much when a wave of 20-50 players comes rolling over you in a blur.

Bombs are already in the game, implementing them would not be too extensive.

Thats my thought, any comments or further ideas?

(edited by TransparentlyOpaque.1824)

New Siege Weaponry

in WvW

Posted by: Forest.4197


That would pretty hilarious- drop a couple of landmines right behind a gate to punish everyones nature to zerg after a gate breaks. BOOM whole zerg dead

Thumbs up for this idea