(edited by Zaoda.1653)
New WXP Rank: Golem Mastery
Rank 1 (5 points): Golems you control move 25% faster
Rank 2 (15 points): Increases damage done to gates by 20%
Rank 3 (30 points): Nearby golems move 50% faster for 5 seconds when you enter or exit a portal
Rank 4 (50 points): Golems within a 900 radius of you don’t take falling damage
Rank 5 (75 points): Improved Shield Bubble. Shield Bubble lasts 25% longer and reflects projectiles back at the sourceI also think there should be a trebuchet mastery rank, but I hardly ever use those so I’ll leave that for someone else to suggest.
Please stop giving ANET more bad ideas. All they focus on is siege updates when what people really want are some new map ideas.
Thank you for telling me I have a bad idea, you really made my day.
Rank 1 (5 points): Golems you control move 25% faster
Rank 2 (15 points): Increases damage done to gates by 20%
Rank 3 (30 points): Nearby golems move 50% faster for 5 seconds when you enter or exit a portal
Rank 4 (50 points): Golems within a 900 radius of you don’t take falling damage
Rank 5 (75 points): Improved Shield Bubble. Shield Bubble lasts 25% longer and reflects projectiles back at the sourceI also think there should be a trebuchet mastery rank, but I hardly ever use those so I’ll leave that for someone else to suggest.
NO!!! We don’t need more reason for people to golem rush. Bad Zaoda, bad!
Golems are already kind of overpowered…
No more reasons to build golems are needed. Resorting to golems is literally “throwing the kitchen sink” at the enemy since you have already failed at everything else.
Less skill lag would be better than siege masteries…
Right now the new meta is massed omegas, and it’s well a “little” broken.
Making something already so overpowered even more so isnt likely to be a good idea.
Different commander icons to encourage less blobbing would be better also, should lead to less skill lag
[VoTF] www.votf.net
Golems are the last thing in the game that requires a buff
Make it cost the same as Supply Mastery and maybe it’ll work.
Rank 1 (5 pts): Auto attacks spawn another Golem (2s cd).
What, it’ll be fun. Really.
Less skill lag would be better than siege masteries…
Yeah a new WEXP-skill
Laag Mastery:
lvl1: increases server prio to execute your ‘2’ skill
lvl2: increases server prio to execute your ‘3’ skill
lvl3: increases server prio to execute your ‘4’ skill
lvl4: increases server prio to execute your ‘5’ skill
lvl5: increases server prio to execute your healing skill
PS: I was not complaining, I was making a constructive proposal to improve dealing with the skill laags ANet obviously is unable to fix. Higher WEXP rank => more priority to use a skill.
PPS: I do not see ironie in being on a high-rank server and do not liking skill laags, we have them more often so we are more annoyed of them.
PPPS: you should rename your account, I find it an offensive name, and you can be banned for offensive names. (but I am in good mood, I do not report you)
(edited by Dayra.7405)
Less skill lag would be better than siege masteries…
Yeah a new WEXP-skill
Laag Mastery:
lvl1: increases server prio to execute your ‘2’ skill
lvl2: increases server prio to execute your ‘3’ skill
lvl3: increases server prio to execute your ‘4’ skill
lvl4: increases server prio to execute your ‘5’ skill
lvl5: increases server prio to execute your healing skill
Complaining about skill lags AND playing on elona’s reach. that’s kinda ironic
But since this is a problem of the entire WvWvW and we’re all thinking that anet should def. fix that i’m going to agree with you :P
Rank 1 (5 points): Golems you control move 25% faster
Rank 2 (15 points): Increases damage done to gates by 20%
Rank 3 (30 points): Nearby golems move 50% faster for 5 seconds when you enter or exit a portal
Rank 4 (50 points): Golems within a 900 radius of you don’t take falling damage
Rank 5 (75 points): Improved Shield Bubble. Shield Bubble lasts 25% longer and reflects projectiles back at the sourceI also think there should be a trebuchet mastery rank, but I hardly ever use those so I’ll leave that for someone else to suggest.
Rank 1 is good except maybe 5% – 10%, there’s a reason golems move slow in the first place. Rank 2 also should be tweaked down a little 5%-10% damage sounds more realistic. Rank 3 is bad because it relies on use of mesmers and their portals. If you look at all the other skills and ranks, they don’t rely on a specific style of gameplay or a specific class skill. Rank 4 is bad due to bad interactions with edge of map and jumping off cliffs as shortcuts and so on. Rank 5 seems realistic as a skill.
Maybe you should have titled this as an IDEA? Not that this is official since people might take it the wrong way.
Treb Mastery is coming soon and I figure this rank should really be implemented. I think Golem Mastery would be the final rank needed in WvW considering it is, after all, siege, and since all siege are getting ranks, why not golems?
Yes perhaps the ranks need altering in terms of the percentages, like maybe 10% increased damage to gates rather than 20% etc. and perhaps rank 3 of Golem Mastery could be reduced to 3 seconds of 50% faster movement rather than 5 seconds (so it’s in line with the ‘courier speed’ rank)
I think the portal idea should stay though (in my opinion) as without portals, golems are pretty much useless because they’re about as fast as turtles… and if I had 1 gold for every time someone left a golem in the middle of heading towards an enemy tower/keep because it’s too slow and the fact that they’d probably miss out on a lot of extra WXP points, I would be extremely rich by now.
Also, by the time the golems reach their destination by walking, chances are if there isn’t a big team with the golem, it isn’t going to make it (or people just literally leave them – I’ve seen it A LOT, and it’s such a waste of a blueprint and supply). Not to mention, mesmers are a golem’s best friend and first point of call when it comes to moving faster.
(edited by Zaoda.1653)
I don’t think that they’ll add much to increase the golem’s power against structures seeing as how they are already powerful, especially in significant numbers . I imagine they’d focus on the golem’s utility and survivability. For instance, in no particular order:
Your rank 1 and 5 skill proposals (probably 10% speed boost).
Golems do 5% more damage.
Increased attack radius and number of targets that can be hit with the number 1 skill.
Bubble shield creates a combo field (light or water).
Golems takes 75% less falling damage.
Whirling attacks (#2 skill) act as a whirl finisher.
(edited by Roy.7405)
75 points? Are you insane? Except if people can make 1 point a hour, HELL NO!!
ps: I am fully aware that some already require 100 points, and I have been always against it.
Golems can carry 10 ppl inside it. I wanna see this. Less blobs.