New WvW Map

New WvW Map

in WvW

Posted by: Savoy.6824


Did the devs just solve the server population imbalance with the new map. That would be so awesome. I see all this qq over open field fights but what I think everyone is missing is that while you may get 20% less open field fighting, there may finally be a way for small servers to have a chance to compete evenly against the blob servers.

How does a map with less open field fighting accomplish this the short sighted people ask? By providing way more choke points and a stronger defensible position for the poor under populated servers high atop a mountain, while the high pop servers sit at the bottom in their more easily assaulted keeps.

Of course, the devs will have to always have the lowest rated server spawn in the mountain keep and never let the top ranked spawn there.

tl;dr Less open field fighting in exchange for more balanced matches? Freakin duh, yes please

And we should consider every day lost on which we have not danced at least once – Nietzsche

New WvW Map

in WvW

Posted by: Synosius.9876


It works both ways. Defense always loses, attackers might be driven off temporarily but pure defense strat is just dying a slow death

New WvW Map

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


Did the devs just solve the server population imbalance with the new map. That would be so awesome. I see all this qq over open field fights but what I think everyone is missing is that while you may get 20% less open field fighting, there may finally be a way for small servers to have a chance to compete evenly against the blob servers.

How’s this new map going to help empty servers defend though?

Nothing’s solved.

Gate of Madness

New WvW Map

in WvW

Posted by: Savoy.6824


@styx Well from the video it looks like it will be easy to knock attackers off eotm style, I know thats cheesy but when your outnumbered I say you gotta do what ya gotta do.

And we should consider every day lost on which we have not danced at least once – Nietzsche

New WvW Map

in WvW

Posted by: SneakyLemon.8461


It works both ways. Defense always loses, attackers might be driven off temporarily but pure defense strat is just dying a slow death

a group of 5 rotating disablers and using siege can defend against quite a lot while waiting for backup.

“pure” anything never works for, well, anything.

New WvW Map

in WvW

Posted by: Savoy.6824


Context: any serever that is not in T1/T2. One more thought, maybe even a fact. The blobs servers are very opportunistic. I say this because when my server is the higher rated one we tend to turn when faced with resistance and go look for an easier target. The mindset is that we could assault this tower but it would be a lot of work and take lots of siege for little pay off. So lets just go over here where the enemy isnt.

Make the lower population server more difficult to get to and attack and you will see less of a ppt imbalance.

Now of course the ppt means nothing guys are about to show up and blast this but if you think about it, if the people who do like ppt have their base defended then they will be able to go out and mount an offisive against that higher pop server on that open field of theirs, thus giving everyone who like those open field fights (Im one of those) their fill.

And we should consider every day lost on which we have not danced at least once – Nietzsche