New WvW Updates

New WvW Updates

in WvW

Posted by: RootOfLyfe.9748


Due to a lack of coverage, the new bloodlust mechanic leaves the lower population servers incapable of grabbing bloodlust and recapturing towers at the same time. This has several effects on the WvW matchup:

1. No bloodlust and you’re often down from 50 -150 points into every stat per enemy vs the server which has greater numbers and has/is taking your towers and keeps.

2. No towers means no safe-havens from the abundantly buffed invaders roaming the borderlands. Furthermore, it means there is nowhere to draw significant points from to give your server a fighting chance at “Winning” the match up.

3. Ultimately it causes demoralization of the player base to the point where they don’t want to play anymore.This will happen because no matter how hard they try they’re out-manned and SEVERELY outgunned.

A viscous cycle has been created where the lower WvW population servers have absolutely no chance to win or even compete in WvW. Don’t believe me? Check the scores…

The upper tiers may be able to strike some kind of balance, because they have the numbers to field people in more locations, but in lower rank/tier servers the inability to cover the large number of territories coupled with less stats per player makes it impossible for them to fight back and win. Hence, WvW will die in these servers. So how do we fix this? Change WvW back to how it was pre-9/17 update.
Ram mastery is cool, but the bloodlust mechanic needs to be taken out of WvW. Or you will see a mass exodus of players who loved WvW in the lower tiers leaving the game and/or servers.

Commander Pierre Von Fluen
Raven Hold [RH]
Gates of Madness

New WvW Updates

in WvW

Posted by: Victoitor.2917


The uphill battle for a lower population server just became so much worse.

Raimundo Faztudo (Human Engineer) – Current WvW
Mr Tauser (Char Warrior) – Current PvE
[CATZ] – HoD

New WvW Updates

in WvW

Posted by: IMAGE.1509


Someone or group of people needs to be fired. This is a repeat of the ORBs. We don’t need these kind of incompetency leading the team. And on top of the non-existing testing. I didn’t pay Anet for a non-finished product. If I wanted to be a beta tester I’d signup for other soon to be released games. People at my work place get paid to QA my code, I’m not going to QA for Anet for free. Heads need to roll at Anet.

New WvW Updates

in WvW

Posted by: ptitminou.6489


Someone or group of people needs to be fired. This is a repeat of the ORBs. We don’t need these kind of incompetency leading the team. And on top of the non-existing testing. I didn’t pay Anet for a non-finished product. If I wanted to be a beta tester I’d signup for other soon to be released games. People at my work place get paid to QA my code, I’m not going to QA for Anet for free. Heads need to roll at Anet.

You aren’t QAing their code. In fact, it seems obvious that ANet has very few programmers and too many designers, especially when all they talk about is “limitations”. There is very little code involved. You are experiencing terrible design decisions and bad priorities, trademark of teams that cannot agree on anything if it doesn’t bloat their own personal egos.

kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten
Because censorship is the most important part of the MMO business.

New WvW Updates

in WvW

Posted by: IMAGE.1509


I am QAing their code if I find their bug and reporting it. That’s what QAs do.

New WvW Updates

in WvW

Posted by: IMAGE.1509


I don’t think they have good designers. Their system has limitations on the size of players in one area, limitations to how much skills can be calculated (AOE limits) but they want servers to zerg? That makes no design sense. They want big epic battkitten th WvW and PVE, but their framework cannot handle it. If they have designed their system with so much limitations, I would think they would want smaller battles.

The square block do not fit in to a triangle hole.

New WvW Updates

in WvW

Posted by: IMAGE.1509


“I” in this context doesn’t mean me specifically. “I” as in the general player base that report bugs.

Reporting bugs is QAing for Anet. kitten right I don’t work for Anet for free. If they want me to report bugs, they better pay me.