New/better upgrade ideas

New/better upgrade ideas

in WvW

Posted by: Bubi.7942


Hey guys!

With siege getting buffed all the time, I think it’s only fair that the defense should also get buffs. Currently some of the upgrades right now are near useless, others are meh.

Here are some of my ideas for all things – feel free to yell at me, call me a n00bzor, and/or advise me to l2p.

But better yet: add your own ideas, or adress mine with what you think are good/bad about them. So here goes:

1. Sentry (yes, you read that right)

Name: Advanced training
Cost: 2,5 silver, 0 supplies

After a short period, say 5 mins, the sentry becomes an elite tier (silver) NPC. Everything he does is the some, except for an HP, armor, and damage buff. The damage buff should be enough to kill a Dolyak with no upgrades (caravan guard).

2. Supply camps

Hire Caravan guard, Hire additional guards and Increased supply deliveries are fine imo.

Strengthen guards is not… so:

Name: Promotion
Cost: 20 silver, 250 karma, 200 supps

Supervisor becomes an elite tier guy, the rest of the guards become veterans.

No more camp flipping with just the 2 of you. If you think this would be OP, just think of camps with mercs in them. Not too hard.

3. Towers, Keeps and Stonemist Castle

Here’s an idea for Reinforce doors:

Name: Reinforce doors
Cost: same as was before

Reinforce doors now adds spikes to the the door, granting retaliation to gates.

PvD that you blobster.

Also this could be a seperate upgrade branching out from Reinforce doors. You could buy gates separate upgrades like: Spiked gate (retaliation), Frost gate (chill on hit and to rams), Poison gate etc..

Name: Raise Guard level
Cost: same as was before

In the lord room 1 guy becomes elite tier, rest are veterans from now on. On the doors and walls 1-1 guys becomes an elite.

New branch for towers/keeps/SM:

Utility branch including 3 upgrades: 1 – Build defenses faster and cheaper, 2 – Siege decay buff, 3 – Fixed respawning normal Arrow carts

Name: Upgrade training
Cost: 12 silver, 400 supplies (for keeps – changes accordingly to towers and SM)

You build fixed (mortar, cannon, oil) siege and non fixed siege inside the keep 20% faster, and you have a chance to recover some (0-4) supply when useing all of yours when building inside a tower/keep/SM (on top of cashback from supply mastery)

Name: Built to last
Cost: 20 silver, 800 supplies (changes accordingly to towers and SM)

Siege now lasts an extra hour in you structures.

Name: Build Arrow carts
Cost: 25 silver, 1000 supplies (for keeps – changes accordingly to SM)

All gates now get a fixed arrow cart (or just inner) location – on these carts, you can actually zoom out, and see what you are shooting at.

4. Mercenary camps

4 brand new upgrades. Only 1 upgrade may be purchased at a time

Name: Additinal toops
Cost: 10 silver, 15 mins

Outgoing forces now have 3 extra members

Name: Replenish troops
Cost: 5 silver, 15 mins

The merc camp now replenishes it’s troops over time (the event meter goes up after a while)

Name: Train tacticians
Cost: 10 silver, 20 mins

After the camp has been taken, the some of the mercenaries (or an extra team maybe) head out to attack a nearby tower (thus tagging it)

Train commander
Cost: 10 silver, 20 mins

With all troops now goes a commander, granting minor buffs (health and damage) to nearby allies (NPCs and players alike).

Well, that’s all for now, share your toughts!

(edited by Bubi.7942)

New/better upgrade ideas

in WvW

Posted by: Roe.3679


I think a lot of these ideas are really good. I especially like the spiked doors idea, I think that could introduce some different tactics, and making sentries and guards higher tiers. It could at very least prevent a highly upgraded point from getting ninja’d. The other ideas with built to last on siege is smart.

I would like to see the upgraded roaming sentries give out some sort of a call when killed. Right now when I see that upgrade I just think, "great! More stacks. " it’s useless, currently.

New/better upgrade ideas

in WvW

Posted by: Reverence.6915


Spiked doors idea… is awesome!

Way too many things that only affect EBG though. Maybe give the borderlands 1 mercenary camp. Bring back the quaggans!

Expac sucks for WvW players. Asura master race
Beastgate | Faerie Law
Currently residing on SBI

New/better upgrade ideas

in WvW

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


I think the spiked doors idea is fantastic (as long as it only affects players, and not siege/golems).

I think keeps should have a more objective-based capture process. Like…a final upgrade being a 5-10g buy & 3000 supply, which is a piece of indoor-only fortified siege protecting the lord room that has the ability to wipe blobs. The only way to take the keep is to go through a process like:
1) Assault Control Room
2) Once in the Control Room you have to take an action to destroy the siege (plant a charge or something like that) and defend it for 2 minutes to complete the destruction. They can come in, wipe you, and you defuse the bomb (10 second action, maybe), so to speak.
3) Take the lord room as we do now.
4) If the siege is destroyed, but you successfully push the attackers off, you have to rebuy the upgrade.
5) You can risk just going straight to the lord room, but if will probably wipe if someone mans that siege.

(edited by Hickeroar.9734)

New/better upgrade ideas

in WvW

Posted by: Bubi.7942


I’m actually suprised this thread didn’t get any bashing so far.

Hickeroar: If I understand this, right, this is like a semi-self-destruct button in the keep? Cause that would be awesome