New idea; New Bonuses.

New idea; New Bonuses.

in WvW

Posted by: Magnetron.5823


We all know the bonuses per server % etc right?

But do we all care for extra xp? Well maybe the new players.. I have a better idea, that will maybe bring PVE players into WvW too.

How about we change the server bonuses that you get, like:

Faster World boss spawn.
Chance % to craft x2 materials (good for ascended)
More % World bosses in Orr
Better % chance for pre-c

  • Be original and add yours

This way the game will balance itself better, PVE players want these bonuses and WvW get more players because of this.

The current bonuses are just not interesting to fight for your server! It is not about the bloodlust or the loot or the community!

Eureka!! It is about the server bonuses!

Born in the Desolation. Die for Desolation.

New idea; New Bonuses.

in WvW

Posted by: Lenador.1436


We all know the bonuses per server % etc right?

But do we all care for extra xp? Well maybe the new players.. I have a better idea, that will maybe bring PVE players into WvW too.

How about we change the server bonuses that you get, like:

Faster World boss spawn.
Chance % to craft x2 materials (good for ascended)
More % World bosses in Orr
Better % chance for pre-c

  • Be original and add yours

This way the game will balance itself better, PVE players want these bonuses and WvW get more players because of this.

The current bonuses are just not interesting to fight for your server! It is not about the bloodlust or the loot or the community!

Eureka!! It is about the server bonuses!

“Ill just guest i dont have time to fool around in wvw”

Cön-Guardian DB
[Con] Supreme Team of Con

New idea; New Bonuses.

in WvW

Posted by: Professor Sensei.2941

Professor Sensei.2941

“Hi I’m a PvE kitten and I support this post.”
Given that I almost never leave WvW (with the exception of the last few weeks due to the bloodlust buff) giving me more PvE buffs would be lame.

Professor Sensei – Thief
Everything Purple