New maps specifically for small team tactics?

New maps specifically for small team tactics?

in WvW

Posted by: xTiMeBoMBx.2863


Small teams of 5-8 aren’t relatively effective on any of the current maps due to the zerg’s quick ability to response across such small maps. It has became just a bit harder to ninja cap supply camps when all servers are utilizing the effectiveness of scouts. I was thinking ANet should introduce new special maps that people could sign up to get in. The map would be some what like SPvP fights where the first team to “500” points wins and the accumulated score gets added to the respected server with a bonus that the winning server gets a x2 score or something like that. You can do a variety of objectives to score points in these maps from killing players, capturing points, capturing flag, king of the hill, etc… Any combination of those would be great and fun for small tactical fights. Better yet, make each map dedicated for one specific objective of gaining points on top of points from killing players. These type of maps should also limit to 5-8 player per server and ANet should be the judge of what that number would be. The maps become available every 4 hours with a 1 hour early notice (24/6) but also only accessible when all 3 servers fill the open spots. The notice, in gold texts, should appear across WvW player’s screen. This method will actually get the guilds on each servers to talk to each other to nominate their best players for the map, again there should be many maps of such. I know the problem of random players registering for the maps but then that falls on the commanders of the servers to address their players if they want a successful outcome. Just an idea but idk. Maybe this will be fun.

New maps specifically for small team tactics?

in WvW

Posted by: Tynyss.8237


Reminds me of the alliance battles in gw1 and they were awesome!
I really love the idea

New maps specifically for small team tactics?

in WvW

Posted by: sostronk.8167


Sounds awesome. Id totally adopt these new maps for the current ones if they were catering to smaller size/scale fights. Although I do disagree with what you said about 5-8 man groups not being effective. Roamers and Havoc groups are extremely vital to a servers success and they contribute a very large amount of the points directly and indirectly.

New maps specifically for small team tactics?

in WvW

Posted by: xTiMeBoMBx.2863


Oh no, small groups are effective but what I meant is they can’t be their full potential in the current battlegrounds. Zergs can response w/i minutes to any disturbances across the map. Plus w/e positive small groups did now can be undone in seconds and then overshadowed to overwhelmed by night capping. Well I don’t know. I just thought something new injected into the system is better than another seige upgrades, buffs/debuffs, WXP, etc… None of those interested me nor kept me interested. I just want a good strategic fight where brain wins with a small help from the brawn.

(edited by xTiMeBoMBx.2863)

New maps specifically for small team tactics?

in WvW

Posted by: xTiMeBoMBx.2863


so is this possible ANet?

New maps specifically for small team tactics?

in WvW

Posted by: Atherakhia.4086


They need to get around to adding guild vs guild and guild housing.

Guilds should have an instance with their guild structure in it and as they get more and more influence and rewards their structure gets bigger and bigger.

Guilds could then ‘war’ other guilds and an instance would be created with one guild’s structure on one side and the enemy’s structure on the other. Players would then have to break into the enemy’s castle and steal their banner.

Guilds would then have a ‘guild hall’ in their castls where their members could see all the other guild’s banners they’ve stolen.

New maps specifically for small team tactics?

in WvW

Posted by: Lymain.6723


If you want to play sPvP, then play sPvP imo.

[AS] Tarnished Coast

New maps specifically for small team tactics?

in WvW

Posted by: xTiMeBoMBx.2863


@Atherakhia yes some like that but I want it to not be guild specific only so there’s flexibility for those aren’t in any guilds to contribute if they wanted. Again I stress that this method needs multiple new maps so accommodate all of the guilds and lone rangers. It also can’t be just about stealing flag because that will get stale quick. A variety of maps with different ways to attain points per map so that the fights are different for everyone each week. Also the communication part where guilds nominate the most fit players for each of the maps sounds awesome. It’s just like football’s special team.
I also forgot to mention that it take the concept of spirit watch into consideration too. This means there are ways to win the war eventhough you are outnumbered.The orb possession in spirit watch in this case would be parallel to the borderland fights and capturing all of the points is a counter for when your team is failing at the orbs. This will add intensities to every week’s match when the weight is put on the shoulders of the nominated individuals where they can turn the tide and carry their server to victory.

If you want to play sPvP, then play sPvP imo.

It’s not about SPvP. I think you’re failing to see my suggestion/picture.

(edited by xTiMeBoMBx.2863)