(edited by Parlourbeatflex.5970)
New matchup system (official info)
I have a couple of serious questions.
1. Did the person that came up with the math for this graduate from high school.
2. To prove it, please upload a copy of your high school diploma.How about just a copy of their resume. I don’t see his high school experience on there. Hopefully the other stuff can count as relevant experience for your assessment.
You realize when this system fails, which it probably will….You just made a new Meme for the internet right?
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies
It a perfect world where all servers were based on an equal footing and coverage was the same across the board then this would be a good change but servers are not equal and adding an RNG factor to the current system will do nothing but destabilize the system even further due to the factors that are already doing this (WvW+PvE players counting towards server full status, coverage being the biggest factor in WvW but having zero ability for the system to factor this in). This will just create a new form of stagnation that isnt about servers fighting the same people for weeks on end but servers continually being curb-stomped by the higher tier servers that drop due to the huge deviation amount put into this system.
Will this new matchup system take effect this reset?
New bunker meta sux
There could be some very interesting match-ups. A T-1 server getting thrown in with 2 T-4s, talk about perfect 2v1 opportunity!
My only question: is anything going to be done about low population servers? On ET, we are out-manned by OTHER T8 servers, if we are thrown into a group with T6 or T7, we’d probably just boycott that week.
My fun laughs at your server pride.
Not sure how often Anet can explain that this first change is only to evaluate the accuracy of the ranking systems. SF and Elona both proved that the ranking system was not accurate. Using this new system will hopefully correct those problems. After a couple of weeks when the rankings are more accurate the deviation can be changed.
People are getting too caught up in the unfortunate examples used in the explanation. Those examples are from over a month ago and include a server which imploded.
is anything going to be done about low population servers?
I see four possibilities:
- enforced transfers done by ANet, I do not believe this is liked by the players nor by ANet.
- reduction of WvW-Map capacity to say 50 per map and side. This will result in horrible queues on the top-servers, maybe it will lead someone moving to WvW-wise underpopulated servers, that have no queues.
- You manage to motivate your PvE/sPvP population to play more WvW.
- You abandon this World as well, if there is no one left interested in WvW, it doesn’t mater who conquers your WvW-areas.
Anyhow, there is no relation between this problem and match-making.
(edited by Dayra.7405)
This is fantastic It will make it so people won’t be able to control t1 anymore by placing thier alt accounts and commanding on another a server with their main server in mind. Also this will allow anyone to beat a t1 server just think guys the top 3 servers have to think about and deal with war weariness you guys can bust kitten one week and beat them then take time off if you want ohh its soo tasty.
The rankings as they are now are crap soo any change is fantastic the stuff that goes on in T1 sometimes is soo trashy it would blow your minds.
Masters in Geek Mythology
(edited by Thesilentflute.8761)
Human element will ruin this system.
2 T1 servers get placed against a T2 or heaven forbid a T3 server, that T2/T3 server is done and packing it in within the first 24 hours. Without constant representation the system will give erratic ratings, a server like Maguuma may lose by 300k to an SoR/JQ and comeback the following week to crush HoD by 300k.
It’s balance vs variety, I prefer balance but I am up for giving variety a chance. It will be nice to not lag for a change.
[CDS] Caedas
Sanctum of Rall
Without constant representation the system will give erratic ratings, a server like Maguuma may lose by 300k to an SoR/JQ and comeback the following week to crush HoD by 300k.
Totally wrong. To take up your example: Currently Maguma has 327 rating points less than JQ and 377 rating points less than SoR.
This is totally unjustified and any match between them will bring that truth into light.
Should that match be really rolled (which is highly unlikely) it will end in a disaster for both SoR and JQ, Maguma will easily get +100 rating points out of the match just by reachng a NA primetime score of 230:230:230 and 0:345:350 at every other time.
The only match with a rating difference of >300 that currently exist is EU-T9 and you see the score Blacktide needs to reach against both other servers to get poor 50pts http://mos.millenium.org/servers/view/12/
(edited by Dayra.7405)
It’ll take effect at tonight’s reset?
Without constant representation the system will give erratic ratings, a server like Maguuma may lose by 300k to an SoR/JQ and comeback the following week to crush HoD by 300k.
Totally wrong
. To take up your example: Currently Maguma has 327 rating points less than JQ and 377 rating points less than SoR.
Should that match be really rolled (which is highly unlikely) it will end in a disaster for SoR and JQ, Maguma will easily get +100 rating points out of the match just by reachng a NA primetime score of 230:230:230 and 0:345:350 at every other time.
The only match with a rating difference of >300 that currently exist is EU-T9 and you see the score Blacktide needs to reach against both other servers to get poor 50pts http://mos.millenium.org/servers/view/12/
We don’t let JQ or BG have 230 during NA prime time, why would we let Maguma? Just Kidding. Sadly I don’t think that many people will care that they are gaining in ranking if they are being slaughtered in game.
I would say give this system a chance to work. The deviation can be changed later or they can even revert it back to the current scheme.
No, it will be installed at the 28. and affect the matches that start at 31. Mai:
Sadly I don’t think that many people will care that they are gaining in ranking if they are being slaughtered in game.
They aren’t slaughtered in the game, they are slaughtered while they are working or sleeping well.
And why should they care what happens while they are sleeping, if their effort while playing is good enough to gain rating.
Of course to make this psychological more valid: the Score sum shown currently in the game should be replaced by the currently reached rating change!
(already proposed this morning https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/pvp/wuvwuv/New-matchup-system-official-info/2082427)
(edited by Dayra.7405)
Human element will ruin this system.
2 T1 servers get placed against a T2 or heaven forbid a T3 server, that T2/T3 server is done and packing it in within the first 24 hours. Without constant representation the system will give erratic ratings, a server like Maguuma may lose by 300k to an SoR/JQ and comeback the following week to crush HoD by 300k.
It’s balance vs variety, I prefer balance but I am up for giving variety a chance. It will be nice to not lag for a change.
This may be a good social experiment.
If our base animal instinct is dominant in determining what happens yes, what you imply might happen. If we use ony our lizard brain then the weak may be devoured.
However if the higher human elements can rise and the logical mind take control and determine the strategy, then we may find some very good matches.
I’m always the optimist so I’m looking forward to this change.
I have a couple of serious questions.
1. Did the person that came up with the math for this graduate from high school.
2. To prove it, please upload a copy of your high school diploma.How about just a copy of their resume. I don’t see his high school experience on there. Hopefully the other stuff can count as relevant experience for your assessment.
Perhaps the better question to have been asked is: Who decided that this system was a good match making methodology for WvW in GW2?
People spend hard earned gold to xfer for a reason, we don’t want random matchups, especially when servers differ in population to such degrees.
Come on A-net… read our comments, don’t make a drastic mistake after all your improvements. This will do way more damage to the player base then it is to see if its worth seeing “Is this T1 server better than this T8 server hmmmmmMMMmmmmMMMMMMMMmmm!!!??”
Did you even read our comments? Or ANet’s for that matter?
People want DIFFERENT match-ups.
ANet isn’t making DRASTIC changes.
T1 and T8 will NEVER be in the same match-up.
Read before you post the same stuff everyone posted on Page 1 and 2.
My fun laughs at your server pride.
I think the kittenumptions that everyone is making are:
1) The current ratings of servers are valid. They are not because we are not getting enough varied match-ups to even generate valid data. Trying to judge the quality of a server based on their current rating is much like judging the quality of people’s Reddit posts by the average # of up-votes they get.
2) How big a spread will make a game a blowout? Is 400 rating points even a significant difference? Really its just a number with very little meaning right now. Once this system starts working (based on the math of the system the idea is that a rating +/- deviation is in fact an accurate measurement of the range of what their rating might be in a perfect world so this is technically the way this whole thing was supposed to work from the get go.I don’t want to do all of the probability math right now, but with absurdly high certainty there will only be a small amount of randomization each week as in order for a situation like Kaineng moving up to T1 to occur, every server from Blackgate to Maguuma would have to roll a lower range number than Kaineng, and some of them would literally have to roll almost -100% while Kaineng rolls almost +100%. As the blog post stated, at the end of the day we are really just going to see a bit of nice slight subtle movement so that match-ups are less stale, and eventually ratings are more accurate.
I think this is a great new idea and am looking forward to the matchups. One challenge has been that a lot of bandwagon type guilds have flocked to the top 2 tiers. Ultimately, it would be nice to see more balance across all of the tiers. So, one idea:
Give wxp a multiplier based on your tier. The lower your tier, the more wxp you get.
That should help with some transfers, especially now with the rank chests and the chance to get precursors.
Bad idea, SUCH a bad idea, i mean come on..
I spent almost 100g xferring servers to find the perfect wvw setting for me.
I’ve been to T1, its too much lag because of the overpopulation. If i get stuck in that again then I will say goodbye to wvw for a long time.
People spend hard earned gold to xfer for a reason, we don’t want random matchups, especially when servers differ in population to such degrees.
This is unneeded and such a bad idea, all the top guilds i’m in cahoots with agree.
Come on A-net… read our comments, don’t make a drastic mistake after all your improvements. This will do way more damage to the player base then it will to see if its worth seeing “Is this T1 server better than this T8 server hmmmmmMMMmmmmMMMMMMMMmmm!!!??”
First off, T1 vs. T8 can’t happen. In a perfect storm (rarely) a T1 server will face a T3 server.
Second, it IS needed and your transfers are evidence of that. There aren’t that many GOOD matchups out there. T1 NA is apparently a good fight based on all the posts of people who are not wanting to give that up. T6 NA seems like it’s getting pretty close, even though the same server wins every week. But what about:
- T5 where 2 servers are giving up because they don’t stand a chance after 3 months of the same match while the top server is slowly dying of boredom?
-T4 where one server wins by 100k each week but the point spread is such that the ratings only move by less than 2 points for all servers involved?
- T1 EU where two servers spent over a month getting beaten by 200k every week so that they could finally get a chance at moving out of the tier to face someone new?
The sample set is not limited to that either. This ratings system has the natural tendency to even ratings between opponents and not allow for movement. The artificial point gaps between tiers don’t reflect the actual abilities of the servers involved in many cases.
I would also argue that by abandoning tiered matchups that we will see people move around and settle in more evenly. Many of the T1 and T2 NA servers have had a steady influx of players looking for specific match conditions. They aren’t there to be loyal to a server. If those match conditions cease to exist on a weekly basis, they have already demonstrated their willingness to move on. I don’t see any reason to doubt they will do so again.
I strongly believe that this idea fixes a lot of things for the players who were affected the most by the deficiencies of the previous system. It will transfer some similar effects to other servers in the short term, but if that’s what it takes to get a more exciting matchup then I don’t see why some servers shouldn’t be willing to sit through a few blowouts in either direction in order to help out the rest of the servers that have been suffering for so long. Contrary to popular belief at the top of the ladder, there are a lot of very dedicated WvW players below T2. We deserve a chance at good fights as much as you do.
Ehmry Bay – The Rally Bot Vortex [VOID]
Why oh why didn’t they just implement the Winner goes up, Loser goes Down.
You get the variety, it won’t be stale like now. Extremely simple to implement.
It means their is more intense fighting towards the end of the week as 2nd and 3rd or 1st and 2nd (depending on score) battle it out to avoid the drop etc.
What is so hard that they cant see a simple promotion/relegation system week in week out is the best option.
Don’t get me started on their xfer prices based on server pve population :P Piken square (back when i was on there) was medium and ALWAYS queues in primetime for WvW. Still I believe they class as medium and still insane queues. Yet other servers that class as very high have no queues. GJ ANET – gemstore vampires.
Aurora Glade EU
Man, someone needs to copy edit that. About halfway through they switch from “server” to “shard,” and “world” is thrown in there once or twice. And then at the end it says “Your guess is as good as mine is.”
I think I like the idea though. We’ll see how it works out.
I have a couple of serious questions.
1. Did the person that came up with the math for this graduate from high school.
2. To prove it, please upload a copy of your high school diploma.How about just a copy of their resume. I don’t see his high school experience on there. Hopefully the other stuff can count as relevant experience for your assessment.
So that’s where the name glicko came from. I wish I could name things after myself :O
You can. For instance, if you aren’t too picky, you can do what I do. I like to think it’s a good day any time I get to take a Smith.
Why oh why didn’t they just implement the Winner goes up, Loser goes Down.
You get the variety, it won’t be stale like now. Extremely simple to implement.
It means their is more intense fighting towards the end of the week as 2nd and 3rd or 1st and 2nd (depending on score) battle it out to avoid the drop etc.
What is so hard that they cant see a simple promotion/relegation system week in week out is the best option.
Don’t get me started on their xfer prices based on server pve population :P Piken square (back when i was on there) was medium and ALWAYS queues in primetime for WvW. Still I believe they class as medium and still insane queues. Yet other servers that class as very high have no queues. GJ ANET – gemstore vampires.
Aurora Glade EU
I think switching up the tiers could work out in a few months’ time, as more transfers happen and the servers balance out a bit. It’s going to be a rocky road at the start however.
To address the ranking summing up (lack therof) a server’s performance, I would like to see the matchups shortened to three day increments. Weekend, then weekday, then one bonus day of no points, just killing mayhem. Then take the scores from the two segments of the week and add those into the math. It would give a better picture of how a server performs, and would give the underdogs a chance to hit unfortified structures anew a few days into the matchup to regain ground.
all classes 80, who is the cheesiest of them all?
gw2 dress-up barbie is the real endgame
I have a couple of serious questions.
1. Did the person that came up with the math for this graduate from high school.
2. To prove it, please upload a copy of your high school diploma.How about just a copy of their resume. I don’t see his high school experience on there. Hopefully the other stuff can count as relevant experience for your assessment.
When I saw “cv.html” I thought it was going to talk about coefficients of variance. And as I was viewing this in an Outlook RSS feed, I assumed you were making a joke. Resume… CV… Yeah.
and the stupidest grown-ups who are the most grown-up.”
- C. S. Lewis
So is that chart going to be the next matchup (starting the 31st)? So, I being Darkhaven, will be going against Crystal Desert and AR? I’m reading the chart the correct way, I hope.
Also, won’t this new way of matching mean that some servers will be absolutely massacred?
Please give us a keyring…
(edited by skullmount.1758)
Some of you are very very good at complaining. No matter what Anet does the negative nancies come out of the woodwork. The old system ? =sucks. The new system ?= sucks. No legitimate suggestions how to make it better…just complain.
Some of you could win 5 million in the lottery. Happy ? Nope, you would complain about the high taxes you have to pay.
Complaining for the sake of complaining is a sad way to go through life.
I have a couple of serious questions.
1. Did the person that came up with the math for this graduate from high school.
2. To prove it, please upload a copy of your high school diploma.How about just a copy of their resume. I don’t see his high school experience on there. Hopefully the other stuff can count as relevant experience for your assessment.
Haha That was so nicely done. Great resume btw
“All great changes are preceded by chaos.” Chopra
‘No matter what people tell you, words and ideas can change the world’ Robin Williams
I do hear some complaints from people I talk to about gettin tired of fightin the same servers after the 2nd or 3rd week.
I’m in tier 7, so most match ups are probably gonna end up with us losin but I’m lookin forward to givin it a try. I mean, worst comes to worst, a month later they just undo it. I like that they’re willin to experiment, honestly.
Edit: Also maybe now the 2nd and 3rd servers will stop whining about how terrible their population and coverage is and how life isn’t worth living and how they have to find a new bandwagon servers to transfer to.
So much negativism from all of you people. Come on. Any changes to this game are welcome. If it doesnt work, ANet will just find another way or roll it back.
I welcome the effort the team is puting on making things better for this game. We all know by now that GW2 still has a long way to go, and im here for the longrun. The fact is that if we werent seing any changes, any activity, any “shaking up the tree” by ANet, then and only then we would have reasons for concerns.
I say let ANet try new approaches, and with our help improve the game we all love. Keep posting your suggestions in the forum. Keep the feedback up.
I can tell you this much: im not a happy customer. I bought GW2 sincerely hoping it would be my only MMO for years to come. Im not happy with recent changes made to my class (mesmer), im not happy with current sPvP layout, im not happy with dungeons being left by the shadow, im not happy with many things, but i truly believe that the team working at ANet has the talent and skill to make things better.
Let them try, let them work, show them our support…
…if they fail we can release the hounds
“All great changes are preceded by chaos.” Chopra
‘No matter what people tell you, words and ideas can change the world’ Robin Williams
Some of you are very very good at complaining. No matter what Anet does the negative nancies come out of the woodwork. The old system ? =sucks. The new system ?= sucks. No legitimate suggestions how to make it better…just complain.
Some of you could win 5 million in the lottery. Happy ? Nope, you would complain about the high taxes you have to pay.
Complaining for the sake of complaining is a sad way to go through life.
How about complaining about complaining for the sake of complaining?
The changes sound great to me. Keep up the good work Anet!
@Clerigo, MMO forums breed the QQ. Take a drive by Blizzards #1 cash cow mmo forum. If you were a new player “thinking” about playing that game and based it on the vibe of their forums you would think not a single soul plays it and it’s the worst game in mmo history. It is what it is….
(edited by scootshoot.6583)
I think that in the long run this could do great things in terms of balancing wvw. Yes, there will be a lot of one sided victories, at least early on. The great thing about this system is that (at least for now) all but the lowest rank servers will likely have their day in the sun. Barring some really bad luck, if you’re server gets absolutely steamrolled one week there’s still a chance that your server will be the one steamrolling the following week. Morale boost (something that only existed before in the form of picking up a massive guild).
I hope, but I can’t really say for certain, that this will encourage guilds to move around, since rivalries between servers in their respective tiers will become less important. If this does happen, then it’s a step in the right direction for wvw.
I do however, think that the deviation they showed in their example may be a tad too large. If I were them I would shrink it a little bit, for now, then if wvw balances out a little more I would increase the randomness a little. As it currently stands the higher a server is the more extremely stacked it becomes, which means less deviation is more appropriate. If this change spreads out the guilds a little bit, servers become less stacked and more deviation is possible.
Again, this is all just speculation, but if things start moving between servers as far as guilds are concerned (and this may get me flamed) it may be time to open free transfers again.
They haven’t resolved the boredom of the stale maps, week long battle for 24/7 coverage…
Sure the new match ups will be fun for the first week, seeing a couple new servers… but most servers know how to play by now… it’s all about who has the bigger numbers.
Especially in Tier 1 and 2… it’s just about who has off hours coverage while everyone else is sleeping for 8-10 hours. A lot of destruction can take place… times that by 7 days for the week.. and you have your easy winners.
If you really want to solve the issues of WvWvW.. you also have to look at implementing a daily map… along side or replacing the week long battles… this balances the playing field.. and keeps it exciting everyday… instead of just friday night.. reset night…
Either having a weekly and a daily game .. or switching to just a daily game… and introduce some new maps… this is what will cure boredom.. and the replay ability of a 10 month old game…
How many thoroughly one-sided matchups did we have in August/September? I don’t remember many, even after they extended it to week-long, and there were free transfers. (also, the original proposal was for 2-week long matches! Imagine being locked in the wrong tier for twice as long…)
Remember its 1 v 1 v 1…
Even if you’re ranked #1…
And you face #5 and #10…
They could go 2 v 1… then what?
Better then #1 vs #2 vs #3 for 6 weeks in a row because they all have off hours coverage while everyone’s asleep all week long…
Match ups are only 1/2 the issue.
The other half are maps and a week long unbalanced coverage war.
In my humble opinion, this change is good for the gray pug blobby mass, that likes the siege-points game, ocasional fights where numbers decide winner, and coverage-driven victory.
For the few fighting guilds that still remain in the game resisting and wishing the game gave them what they want, this is just another nail in the coffin.
Now we will no longer be able to choose a good tier to go to fight one another and there will be weeks where we wont have anyone to fight with appart from a mass of pugs.
Guess it it will soon be time to go on “dormant” state untill the next game that promisses good mas pvp and rvr comes out.
Hoping for dev feedback on a specific question? How long in advance will we know what our matchup will be next Friday? We need a bit of time to organize which guilds will be going to each BL at reset, and a lot of that is opponent specific discussion.
If we had 30-60 minute heads up we could hammer it out, but we don’t want to be sending our most defensive and zerg busting focused guilds into blue BL hoping to defend homeland against an overwhelming force only to discover we are green and we are facing a lower tier opponent where the firepower could have been put to a different use.
If that’s been answered I apologize. I missed it.
Ehmry Bay – The Rally Bot Vortex [VOID]
There’s no pleading some people, after all the complains about “always the same matchups” when ANET does something about it “it’s a terrible idea”.
I don’t know if you people missing the bit where they said it’s NOT completely random.
The biggest problem in WvW right now I’d say is the people that when losing just stand around idle complaining about everything creating a queue for people that actually wanna play.
That and the lack of an organized effort, in my server at any given time there are more commanders in LA than the 4 WvW maps combined, its 1 or 2 in EB and ZERO on BL.
I have a couple of serious questions.
1. Did the person that came up with the math for this graduate from high school.
2. To prove it, please upload a copy of your high school diploma.How about just a copy of their resume. I don’t see his high school experience on there. Hopefully the other stuff can count as relevant experience for your assessment.
The only thing that can describe this: http://i2.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/011/848/cold.jpg
The match shuffle will help with the stale matches, what it doesn’t address as many have mentioned countless times is the how coverage is the ultimate decider for a server.
I would like to know if Anet has any plans to adjust rating based on player numbers per time zone. This would help with the server shuffle as well since servers with say on a simple scale of 0 – 10 having a +7 EU coverage, which is some metric of % of the que through EU time. You’d not want to match with say a mid or lower tier server with +0 for recorded population participation with that time zone.
The above could also allow for handicaps to servers that clearly do not have said coverage if there are going to be T1 vs T5 servers.
Handicaps can be much like other sports a free head start or maybe some server buff, can even be made time zone specific, if the NA vs NA is not to out of whack.
Anyway, Anet please take more into account coverage in your matches.
Hoping for dev feedback on a specific question? How long in advance will we know what our matchup will be next Friday? We need a bit of time to organize which guilds will be going to each BL at reset, and a lot of that is opponent specific discussion.
Usually there is a 15min break between the matches, right?
The new matches cannot be computed before the old matches end (you need the new rating resulting from the match to compute it).
is usually computed within seconds after end, and drawing some random numbers will not increase that in a noticeable way. So https://leaderboards.guildwars2.com/de/eu/wvw should be the place where you will see your new matchup approx. 15min in advance on next week friday.
(edited by Dayra.7405)
Just think of this as a way to improve the skills of those servers that have had lower ranking. You don’t get better by playing people of the same skill or worse than you.
I have a couple of serious questions.
1. Did the person that came up with the math for this graduate from high school.
2. To prove it, please upload a copy of your high school diploma.How about just a copy of their resume. I don’t see his high school experience on there. Hopefully the other stuff can count as relevant experience for your assessment.
You realize when this system fails, which it probably will….You just made a new Meme for the internet right?
What’s particularly embarrassing is there is absolutely nothing in Glicko’s CV about team sport analysis (which is at least remotely comparable to Server vs Server) let alone specifically on multiplayer video games. If Glicko did research in this field, he sure as heck wouldn’t be trying to shoehorn his single player vs single player Chess system into it.
(edited by sendmark.4731)
I can tell you now Kain lost over half of its guilds and is able to compete in t3. So if Kain gets matched up against any t2 server or above it would be a blow out. When Kain was at full strength (maybe 12 guilds) it was not able to compete with BG before it moved up to t1 and BG stomped everyone in t2 by 100k. As Kain was falling to t3 we still had around 9 active WvW guilds now we are down to maybe 4 WvW guilds. So the differences between t1, t2 and t3 are HUGE.
This is what people dont seem to understand. They havent been following wvw… but some of us have and are able to see the vast differences in strength between tiers.
Here is a some food for thought for those that think hmmm maybe a DB vs JQ vs TC matchup might be interesting or whatever.
Alot of servers were absolutely smashed by Kainengs rise through the ranks. Kaineng got to tier 2 and was getting beaten by BG there by 50k. A TIER 1 SERVER (SOS) fell apart and the vast majority of their wvw forces transferred to BG pushing them into tier 1. That last match in tier 2 for BG, A FULL STRENGTH KAINENG, lost by 150k.
After Kaineng collapsed, WM, RISE, MEOW, a huge portion of what made Kaineng massacre their way up to tier 2, moved to Blackgate. WITH ALL OF THAT ON BG, they are currently in third place in tier 1, losing by 80k +
I hope this somewhat paints a picture of how absolutely vast the differences between the tiers are. Granted there is a bit too much stagnation that developed, but all that it required was a simple adjustment to NUDGE a server out of a tier that it may not have belonged in.
Open free transfers to lower tier servers and this idea will be brilliantly perfect. A chaotic storm at WvW reset
Who will we face!!???!
this imo
Im in agreement with the one up, one down system. You win, you go up one spot….theres is an ultimate winner in every tier…so they all go up one….the guys in second place of all tiers stay right there in the blue spot. And all those in last, all go down the next tier. and of course the top dawg in tier 1 stays right there till he gets knocked down.
It would be an easy implementation to do…and if it sucked…after a few tries…then go to whatever crazy idea is next.
2nd Battalion / 5th Marines – Hotel Company – Fort Aspenwood
This thread has so much cringe in it.
Beast mode
Good to see an attempt to mix things up, because things had been way to static for way too long. Looks to me like a definite improvement.
They only fear to be crushed by two T2 servers (Rating-wise, not score-wise) such that JQ more lucky in match composition takes over rank 1
I like that suspense created by parallel matches much more than always and ever again the fight against the direct competitor
Do you wana watch the superbowl final-matchup repeated weakly for a year? This is the football equivalent of the current match-system of GW2.