New to GW2, looking for a competitive World to Play on

New to GW2, looking for a competitive World to Play on

in WvW

Posted by: Lurowene.7951


Title says it all, I’m DLing the game right now, I played the original GW and then WoW but I’m giving GW2 a shot, any suggestions on what World to join?

New to GW2, looking for a competitive World to Play on

in WvW

Posted by: dbradfield.2751


Northern Shiverpeaks, obviously. ;-)

Treasure Chested | Human Elementalist
Treasured Chest | Norn Warrior
Northern Shiverpeaks

New to GW2, looking for a competitive World to Play on

in WvW

Posted by: Turtletaub.5719


From what I understand Jade Quarry is ALL the rage…Highly recommended!

New to GW2, looking for a competitive World to Play on

in WvW

Posted by: Trueshots.9456


if you like zerging and low talent pools I’d head for something in the top tiers, if you want to be challenged try a small server…….

~Poison Caltrop~
I apologize, If you didn’t outnumber me, it wasn’t a fair fight

New to GW2, looking for a competitive World to Play on

in WvW

Posted by: fixit.7189


Head on over to JQ if you can. This is the new and improved HoD.

Has all the major DAoC guilds + hangers on. Win win.

(edited by fixit.7189)

New to GW2, looking for a competitive World to Play on

in WvW

Posted by: fractalKinesis.8569


Jade Quarry has many talented commanders for WvW, organized Teamspeak, and many various good players who can teach you a lot. And it shows.
However, the server is regularly ‘full’, so you might have to settle for someone else.

Xiro, High Five Warriors [HFW], Jade Quarry

New to GW2, looking for a competitive World to Play on

in WvW

Posted by: choob.4269


JQ has the best WvW queue time out there and the competition against them is nonexistent so you’re going to have a great time there :P

On the contrary if you want to have a REALLY fun time, I highly recommend Kaineng

80 Human Mesmer
80 Sylvari Ranger
Both got nerfed. Yay