New to WvW, need some help

New to WvW, need some help

in WvW

Posted by: The Great Al.2546

The Great Al.2546

I’ve tried playing WvW leading up to this release, for the past few weeks. I love the new map, the design and asthetics are amazing.

But here is my WvW experience from the last few weeks -

Find an uncontested waypoint.
Run around until I can find a commander to follow (usually takes a few minutes).
Spend a few minutes following him around, until I get defeated.

Rinse, repeat.

Is it just me, or are there not enough waypoints? I spend more time wandering through empy sections of the map than I do in a battle. And when I am in a battle, generally don’t last very long (playing as an Ele).

New to WvW, need some help

in WvW

Posted by: retsuya.4708


1. Look for wvw builds.
2. Join a wvw guild.
3. Get on your server’s voice comms.

[WB] Fort Aspenwood

New to WvW, need some help

in WvW

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


it’s all about positioning, stay close to your zerg and away from the red circles.


New to WvW, need some help

in WvW

Posted by: Slomo.1029


See it from the other perspective: You kill a 60 man group and want to cap a tower. But just 1 minute after you killed them, they are already on your position because they used a waypoint nearby and ran back. This would be really annoying since the enemies could simply “graveyard rush” you.

~ Gandara

New to WvW, need some help

in WvW

Posted by: johnnymiller.5968


I’ve tried playing WvW leading up to this release, for the past few weeks. I love the new map, the design and asthetics are amazing.

But here is my WvW experience from the last few weeks -

Find an uncontested waypoint.
Run around until I can find a commander to follow (usually takes a few minutes).
Spend a few minutes following him around, until I get defeated.

Rinse, repeat.

Is it just me, or are there not enough waypoints? I spend more time wandering through empy sections of the map than I do in a battle. And when I am in a battle, generally don’t last very long (playing as an Ele).

You’ll learn soon enough why more way points are bad idea. Playing any class in world vs world is a learning curve when you are new to the format. Any class can be downed quick in large battles or by skilled opponents.
There is plenty of information online about character builds for world vs world and the roll each class plays.

New to WvW, need some help

in WvW

Posted by: Victory.2879


Op, you are now experiencing what is called ‘positional awareness’, which is something pve’rs generally don’t learn about, as well as ‘full zerk build syndrome’ which is what many pve’rs bring when they enter wvw (and die a lot).

As an ele you need to have a decent build, be on voice comms, join a decent guild, and most importantly of all, be aware of what is around you at all times (overlapping water fields, healing, cleansing, etc).

People who can’t handle being squishies tend to end up playing the faceroll warrior/guardian- which is why you see so many of them:-)

Victory, Beings Lost On Borderlands (BLOB), SFR & Gandara (inactive)

New to WvW, need some help

in WvW

Posted by: selan.8354


also check for the latest wvw builds

each class has different wvw builds. dont be a rallybot, so watch for that initial stun,imobilize spam and if u are new dont run berserker. go more tanky.

get on ts and learn the ropes
dont take supply from an upgrading keep
dont queue upgrades if u dont know what u are doing
talk to people on your server
learn how to use siege
get mastery in ram,supply mastery, ac mastery,and get applied fortitude and guard leechwith your rank points
get on the community ts

Lv 80 glamour Mesmer Triforce Mesmerpower PU mes,Lv 80 power necro
Isle of Kickaspenwood

New to WvW, need some help

in WvW

Posted by: Blanger.3162


I’ve tried playing WvW leading up to this release, for the past few weeks. I love the new map, the design and asthetics are amazing.

But here is my WvW experience from the last few weeks -

Find an uncontested waypoint.
Run around until I can find a commander to follow (usually takes a few minutes).
Spend a few minutes following him around, until I get defeated.

Rinse, repeat.

Is it just me, or are there not enough waypoints? I spend more time wandering through empy sections of the map than I do in a battle. And when I am in a battle, generally don’t last very long (playing as an Ele).

Waypoints are fine (read other comments explaining why)….

It will get better and easier for you, I was in the same situation awhile back just keep working at it, like everyone has said check your build and make adjustments to suit WvW and your play style. Slow down if you die in a battle don’t WP back right away, lay there and watch the battle looking for pointers on how each class is played and who knows your team may win the battle and you’ll get rezed.

And it can’t be stressed enough to be aware of your surroundings, there are roving solo players, roving team scouts, roving havoc teams, and small guild groups always looking for your team or zerg.

WvW can be a lot of fun and very rewarding, it is to a lot of players the best aspect of GW2 and I find it more fun every day I play, there is a lot to learn and just face the facts you are gonna die a lot until you get the hang of playing your build and learning the ropes, it’s not at all like PvE and you need to forget a lot of what works in PvE because it doesn’t work in WvW.

Unless you have 100% map completion use that as your goal till you get the hang of WvW there are lot of poi’s, vistas, and skill points in each area to do and it’s a worthwhile goal.

New to WvW, need some help

in WvW

Posted by: Reverence.6915


I’ve tried playing WvW leading up to this release, for the past few weeks. I love the new map, the design and asthetics are amazing.

But here is my WvW experience from the last few weeks -

Find an uncontested waypoint.
Run around until I can find a commander to follow (usually takes a few minutes).
Spend a few minutes following him around, until I get defeated.

Rinse, repeat.

Is it just me, or are there not enough waypoints? I spend more time wandering through empy sections of the map than I do in a battle. And when I am in a battle, generally don’t last very long (playing as an Ele).

Eles in general don’t last long in WvW. Lowest hp + lowest tier armor = stupid squishiness. Get some PVT armor to start with (exotics will do fine) and change your build to something like 0/0/20/30/20 or 0/0/10/30/30 or 0/0/30/30/10. Stick to a staff, stay ranged, pan your camera around at all times, even when you’re just running (really important, as if you’re in the tail, a thief can spot you out and instagib you if you don’t see them).

If you have any experience in sPvP, you should be fine to be honest. Voice comms help a lot. It’s not a “must have”, but it’s highly recommended. You’ll get a lot of bad commanders yelling stupid things in coms (stack! push! stupid rally bots! they had too many! waypoint back!), but every server has a good commander that you can follow and learn from.

Expac sucks for WvW players. Asura master race
Beastgate | Faerie Law
Currently residing on SBI

New to WvW, need some help

in WvW

Posted by: Heezdedjim.8902


I’ve never done arena PvP in other MMOs, because I just don’t have that 1v1 competitive drive to stick with it long enough to get through the spawn-run-instagib-lather-rinse-repeat phase that takes so long to get out of.

WvW I like though because, even though I die quickly to the inevitable 5v1 focus in zerg fights that go badly, I still wind up spending a lot more time alive than dead. So if I can find a zerg to run around with, I at least get to accomplish something every time I am out, like flipping a tower or keep, getting a couple map points, or maybe catching and killing some stragglers or a smaller zerg, before I die and have to run back.

I also feel like I can skill up in siege and make a real contribution even though I may continue to suck 1v1, which would make me forever useless in an arena setting.

WvW actually feels like a mini-game version of the more strategic MMOs like World War II Online (now called Battleground Europe, I think), where it’s almost like an RTS but where all the zerglings are players.

It’s the tactical and logistical aspects that make it feel like something where even with relatively low player skill you can jump in and move the ball forward a couple yards every time (even if it gets moved right back again), as long as you’re willing to pay attention, follow a commander, make an effort to do what you’re told, and try to learn from your mistakes.

New to WvW, need some help

in WvW

Posted by: Heezdedjim.8902


Stupid question, but this seems like the right thread to ask it in: What’s a rally bot?

New to WvW, need some help

in WvW

Posted by: selan.8354


Stupid question, but this seems like the right thread to ask it in: What’s a rally bot?

a rallybot is someone that runs into a zergfight and gets killed while other team has downed players and pretty much rallies the whole zerg that was downed already. the big reason why zergbusters run tagless so people dont follow them.its the worst thing to have someone rally 8-10 players u downed already.

Lv 80 glamour Mesmer Triforce Mesmerpower PU mes,Lv 80 power necro
Isle of Kickaspenwood

New to WvW, need some help

in WvW

Posted by: Heezdedjim.8902


a rallybot is someone that runs into a zergfight and gets killed while other team has downed players and pretty much rallies the whole zerg that was downed already. the big reason why zergbusters run tagless so people dont follow them.its the worst thing to have someone rally 8-10 players u downed already.

To extend the lavish display of my noobishness: I’m not that familiar with how the downed mechanics work, but I think what I understand from this is that if I run into a zerg and die, then does anyone who hit me while I was downed get rallied from that kill? Or are a certain number of enemy players rallied any time an enemy is killed near them?

Also, other than hanging back in ranged and trying to stick with my own zerg, and not get isolated so I get 5v1’ed and killed, what can I do to avoid being a rallybot, so that I will not be That Guy?

New to WvW, need some help

in WvW

Posted by: selan.8354


a rallybot is someone that runs into a zergfight and gets killed while other team has downed players and pretty much rallies the whole zerg that was downed already. the big reason why zergbusters run tagless so people dont follow them.its the worst thing to have someone rally 8-10 players u downed already.

To extend the lavish display of my noobishness: I’m not that familiar with how the downed mechanics work, but I think what I understand from this is that if I run into a zerg and die, then does anyone who hit me while I was downed get rallied from that kill? Or are a certain number of enemy players rallied any time an enemy is killed near them?

Also, other than hanging back in ranged and trying to stick with my own zerg, and not get isolated so I get 5v1’ed and killed, what can I do to avoid being a rallybot, so that I will not be That Guy?

yes everyone that hit u will rally off u. so for example i go down and i hit like 5 player before, if one of them dies, i rally. u can also hit an npc while downed and if he dies u rally

Lv 80 glamour Mesmer Triforce Mesmerpower PU mes,Lv 80 power necro
Isle of Kickaspenwood