Alright..i got a few questions regarding this. I read two of the sticky threads before but as i recall they didn’t help with the questions i got. Some of them are pretty simple if i had more experience probably i would know them, but i only did WvW 1week after the 2nd Season event started, and now ocasionally i do EotM to finish a couple of meta-achievs that are taking longer, or attempting to do those ‘regular’ EotM achievs that only have one tier. So what i would like to know:
1 – Do colors/sides/maps change on WvW often? I need them to finish my map completion in 2characters, and we are so overwhelmed that unless that happens doesn’t look like i’ll ever reach the 100%.
2 – I believe that you need 1200+ levels in WvW or something to max out every skill, and like half of that if you don’t master any siege weapon. How should i focus on my skills? At first i intented to work on my Supply, but the amount of levels required for that skill is just too much. What should i level at first and leave for later?
3 – Just to make sure, but despite the JPs looking the same at the 3borders you get an achievement for each of them, right?
4 – Every siege other than ACs, Ballistas and Cannons take down gates?
5 – Does every siege that takes down gates, other than Ram, take down walls as well?
6 – Does every siege needs to be refreshed, even Cannons? How long do they last if no one interacts with them, 60min ?
7 – Are there any other type of players other than Roamers and Zerg members?
8 – How many players are needed banded together to be called ’’Zerg’’ ? And are Roamers players that necessarily act solo getting camps and such, or we can call Roamers to a small group of players in the same party too?
9 – Will a WvW booster also give more experience to my character’s ‘normal’ level, or only for the WvW one (which gives points for WvW skills) ?
10 – I read here somewhere, someone who said that they always take SMC from the wall, not the gates like every other place. Why is that? I only took the Castle 4 times or so, and i believe that the last one we went in from the gates.
11 – Our enemy servers changed the other day, was it because of the current WvW event (guessing this is the reason) or something else? And how often do we get new guys as enemies?
12 – After this WvW season is over, the server ranks will be adjusted i assume. Does that means that that will decide the new servers we will have to face during the following months?
13 – How many times per year we get WvW seasons, or it isn’t a ‘scheduled’ event?
14 – I heard that unlike the typical WvW maps EotM isn’t server based. How does it works, how do they decide which server belong to each color?
15 – Colors/sides in EotM change as well? How often?
16 – What is the typical strategy approach in WvW? After having tried for a while, i got my own idea of what should be done and what my server tends to do, but i would like to know if it is like that for every other server as well. Why to go for a camp or tower first, why that tower and not that other, why to move to an enemy border or the EB right now; that kind of thing.
17 – Does your server has more than 1commander tag at same time? Do you guys ever have lack of commanders? On mine usually we only can find one on our border, and often we can’t even find one there ;(
18 – Do you think that different servers will ever merge, in order to fight against the low population in some of them, or are these Home Worlds with a low amount of WvW players destined to fail?
19 – I know that the sieges face the direction of the user, but can all of them – even rams and cannons- rotate 360ยบ, in case it ends up being necessary for some reason?
20 – The borderlands have 6wp associated to them, despite each player only being able to use 1, since the other 2 belong to the other servers. Why they are 6 and not 3 then, does that mean that every other server can build at least 1wp at some place?
21 – What are the requirements in order to have one extra wp? And can it be destroyed or just disappears when the place where it is belongs to other server?
22 – I believe i got 1shoted the time i approached a Legendary Defender of other team, but it was on EotM. Does that means that it is impossible to get to the other servers spawn, and kill players? What if you are a thief?
23 – I see people complaining about hacking, but is it that common, can really any guy easily use these hacks? Is there a list describing those hacks so that i know what i should be expecting?
24 – Are there any other big issues, across all WvW servers, besides the hacking issues and the ‘unreachable’ titles/full achievements?
All insight on these or other important stuff you think i should know is appreciated. If you just know/want to answer to a couple of questions or you think that there’s a link that answers very well to any of my questions, please go for it