Newbie Questions

Newbie Questions

in WvW

Posted by: Pokecenter.3548


Alright..i got a few questions regarding this. I read two of the sticky threads before but as i recall they didn’t help with the questions i got. Some of them are pretty simple if i had more experience probably i would know them, but i only did WvW 1week after the 2nd Season event started, and now ocasionally i do EotM to finish a couple of meta-achievs that are taking longer, or attempting to do those ‘regular’ EotM achievs that only have one tier. So what i would like to know:

1 – Do colors/sides/maps change on WvW often? I need them to finish my map completion in 2characters, and we are so overwhelmed that unless that happens doesn’t look like i’ll ever reach the 100%.

2 – I believe that you need 1200+ levels in WvW or something to max out every skill, and like half of that if you don’t master any siege weapon. How should i focus on my skills? At first i intented to work on my Supply, but the amount of levels required for that skill is just too much. What should i level at first and leave for later?

3 – Just to make sure, but despite the JPs looking the same at the 3borders you get an achievement for each of them, right?

4 – Every siege other than ACs, Ballistas and Cannons take down gates?

5 – Does every siege that takes down gates, other than Ram, take down walls as well?

6 – Does every siege needs to be refreshed, even Cannons? How long do they last if no one interacts with them, 60min ?

7 – Are there any other type of players other than Roamers and Zerg members?

8 – How many players are needed banded together to be called ’’Zerg’’ ? And are Roamers players that necessarily act solo getting camps and such, or we can call Roamers to a small group of players in the same party too?

9 – Will a WvW booster also give more experience to my character’s ‘normal’ level, or only for the WvW one (which gives points for WvW skills) ?

10 – I read here somewhere, someone who said that they always take SMC from the wall, not the gates like every other place. Why is that? I only took the Castle 4 times or so, and i believe that the last one we went in from the gates.

11 – Our enemy servers changed the other day, was it because of the current WvW event (guessing this is the reason) or something else? And how often do we get new guys as enemies?

12 – After this WvW season is over, the server ranks will be adjusted i assume. Does that means that that will decide the new servers we will have to face during the following months?

13 – How many times per year we get WvW seasons, or it isn’t a ‘scheduled’ event?

14 – I heard that unlike the typical WvW maps EotM isn’t server based. How does it works, how do they decide which server belong to each color?

15 – Colors/sides in EotM change as well? How often?

16 – What is the typical strategy approach in WvW? After having tried for a while, i got my own idea of what should be done and what my server tends to do, but i would like to know if it is like that for every other server as well. Why to go for a camp or tower first, why that tower and not that other, why to move to an enemy border or the EB right now; that kind of thing.

17 – Does your server has more than 1commander tag at same time? Do you guys ever have lack of commanders? On mine usually we only can find one on our border, and often we can’t even find one there ;(

18 – Do you think that different servers will ever merge, in order to fight against the low population in some of them, or are these Home Worlds with a low amount of WvW players destined to fail?

19 – I know that the sieges face the direction of the user, but can all of them – even rams and cannons- rotate 360ยบ, in case it ends up being necessary for some reason?

20 – The borderlands have 6wp associated to them, despite each player only being able to use 1, since the other 2 belong to the other servers. Why they are 6 and not 3 then, does that mean that every other server can build at least 1wp at some place?

21 – What are the requirements in order to have one extra wp? And can it be destroyed or just disappears when the place where it is belongs to other server?

22 – I believe i got 1shoted the time i approached a Legendary Defender of other team, but it was on EotM. Does that means that it is impossible to get to the other servers spawn, and kill players? What if you are a thief?

23 – I see people complaining about hacking, but is it that common, can really any guy easily use these hacks? Is there a list describing those hacks so that i know what i should be expecting?

24 – Are there any other big issues, across all WvW servers, besides the hacking issues and the ‘unreachable’ titles/full achievements?

All insight on these or other important stuff you think i should know is appreciated. If you just know/want to answer to a couple of questions or you think that there’s a link that answers very well to any of my questions, please go for it

Newbie Questions

in WvW

Posted by: Karizee.8076


You’ll find many answers in the wiki, all typed up and ready for you to read

Newbie Questions

in WvW

Posted by: ykyk.2740


Not to be lazy, but alot of those are basic mechanical questions that can be answered by some quick reading. Other than that…

SMC walls question – SMC outer has a lot of walls, it can be hard to scout all of them so people looking to sneak a cap might go by the walls instead of the gates (which are much easier to spot).

Siege rotation – all siege can be rotated as far as I can think of, though many cannons have angles that are blocked.

Borderland waypoints – each keep can be upgraded with a waypoint, but it’s fairly difficult to reach and requires a lot of supply/a lot of time. If you flip an enemy keep all upgrades reset, including the waypoint.

Legendary defenders – yes they always oneshot you, to prevent people from getting into enemy spawns. It’s still possible with stealth and gimmicks, but the home server are invulnerable in their spawns so it’s rather pointless outside of trolling (or killing golems parked in spawn)

Server merging/population – servers are supposedly matched with similarly-populated servers, but it’s not perfect and there are definite issues. It can be difficult in low pop servers if you always get matched against bigger servers, but more populated servers struggle with queues and arguably more griefing/lag/etc.

Hacks – anet doesn’t like people talking about them. It’s really obvious, people teleporting into places they shouldn’t reach etc, or underneath the map and stuff like that. Nothing much you can do about them. It’s annoying when it happens, but it’s not like it’s rampant or anything.

Issues with WvW – people like to complain about population imbalances/server stacking, nightcapping, zerging/blobbing, class imbalances, stealth, skill lag…so basically everything. We still play it though, so jokes on us.

Newbie Questions

in WvW

Posted by: zortek.9607


Welcome to WvW.

These are all very good, articulate questions and the previous responders point you in an appropriate direction.

Besides reading, I strongly encourage you to join a WvW oriented guild — one that is willing to train enthusiastic new players.

If true 100% map completion is a priority for you (and you are unhappy with your current situation), you may wish to consider transferring to a stacked server in the mid to lower tiers — one that easily can own or flip any/all maps at their leisure.

There was a HUGE migration of casuals to Kaineng last year (for various reasons but map completion was a motivator) — and then stayed for a bit of the easymode-roflstomping rise through the ranks. If the forums were any indication, the migration also created a HUGE amount of angst as well.

Anywho… I think your questions are praiseworthy and someone should seriously consider making you their apprentice.

Newbie Questions

in WvW

Posted by: RedStar.4218


I’m in a nice mood so let’s get on with the answers :

1- Every week colors are random. One day you’ll eventually be another color.
However, during the current season, I’m not sure if it’s really random. Green used to be the server with the highest point, blue middle, and red lowest. Out of season the color rotation is random, it might not be the case during the season.

2 – It really depends on what you intend to do. Take a look at each mastery and see which one you’ll use the most.

3 – Yes you get an achievement from each one of them.

4 and 5 – Ram can take down gates. Trebuchet and catapults can also considerably damage a gate, but they do more damage to walls. Mortars can “damage” gates but you’ll have to be incredibly patient to take down a gate with a mortar or anything else.

6 – Cannons, oil and mortars do not disappear if no one interacts with them for an hour, unlike every other siege (rams might have a lower time limit, not sure).

7 and 8 – I define a zerg as 25+ players, because it’s the amount that can pop up orange swords. Roamers are players who wander around (alone or with a few buddies) who are mainly looking for PvP fights against others and occasionally take a camp or two, sometime even a tower.
Havoc teams are a small group of players that attack an objective, while the commander group (the zerg) is busy doing something else.
Scouts are people who roam the map and alert the commander of enemy positions.

9 – A Wxp booster will only affect the amount of Wxp you get.

10 – SMC has a lot of destructible walls and it’s quite common for servers to trebuchet one side.

11 – Friday is the reset day, which means a new match up (you can sometime end up fighting the same servers). if you want to see how much time is left before reset.

12 – After this WvW season is over, the server ranks will be adjusted i assume. Does that means that that will decide the new servers we will have to face during the following months?
12 – The ranks of each server depends on their ratings. In the current season, servers are divided into 3 tiers and cannot fight a server from another tier. Once the season ends it will be possible.

13 – It isn’t scheduled.

14 and 15 – EotM is color based. Every server with the same color will be on the same team in EotM. Your color, like before, is the same color you have in your match up and is random (or not, because once again, I’m not sure if it’s random during the season).

16 – Well you have to consider quite a lot of things :
-is the tower heavily fortified (fortified gates)
-does the opposite server have a lot of defenders or a huge attacking force
-do you have enough people to get that tower
Generally a camp isn’t too hard to cap and if there’s a huge force harassing you in a map, some people think that going in another map to attack their towers/keeps will pull that attacking force away from your Borderland/EB side.

17 – You can have as many commander tag people are willing to show on a map. Some servers have no commander tag up because no one wants to tag up or no one has a tag.

18 – I don’t think so and I hope not.

19 – Yes. But for cannons they are probably going to hit the wall they are on, and ramming a player isn’t too useful.

20 and 21 – You can build a WP in all keeps (Garrison, Bay and Hills + the 3 EB keeps). Any server can build a WP in any keep, as long as they hold it long enough for the upgrade to complete. When a server loses an objective (camp/tower/keep) all the upgrades go back to 0.

22 – Impossible to kill players in spawn because they are invulnerable there.

24 – Well the biggest issues is what people call night cap (or PvD). Basically, some servers have a lot of players during certain times of the day while the opposing servers have nearly no one to defend. Thus that server is able to cap quite a lot of objective with basically no opposition (thus Player versus doors).
And basically, a server is only as strong as it’s night team (regarding PPT (points per tick) of course).

BTW : if you consider transferring, be wary that you won’t be able to play in the borderlands or EB until the current match up ends and the one after it. For example if you transfer on monday 14/04 you’ll only be able to play in those maps on friday 25/04, after the reset.

(edited by RedStar.4218)

Newbie Questions

in WvW

Posted by: Dasefex.4810


I will clear up color real fast since redstar just about nailed every question. During non season play it will be based on rank so for example (ill use the match up in currently in) Fort Aspenwood would be green because they are higher then Storm Bluff and Henge of denravi Storm bluff would be blue and henge would be red because they are the lowest rank. If it would be in season since henge has the most points right now they will be green. In this case its a tie with FA and SBI with 8 points but FA had a higher score last match (or it cound be rank but im pretty sure its score) so they would be awarded blue and sbi would be red.

Fishy Joes 80 necro wvw
Digital Sacrifice Guild