Next update Preview
Just saw the small preview for the next content release, alot of LS and World bosses, is there anything for WvW? pehaps in a more official preview? will EOTM be released? changes to Wxp? anything for WvW?
A swift kick to the groin, the whole time they tell you are ungrateful and don’t appreciate the work they do. Like every other patch day.
Really guys, the WvW community should be used to getting pooped on after the WvW Matchup forum PR debacle.
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
There will be new features is the four coming releases.
can you link this preview?
can you link this preview?
Brutal, here you go.
Euro gamer had an interview with Anet, it was said they will now split features updates and LS updates. So I wouldn’t hold my breath on seeing any changes to wvw (maybe not even classes really) until after the march 4th update.
I really don’t know how I feel about this.
It was 2 vs 20 but its ok we got’em both!
If they wait until March, I will just find another game to play. Too many new games coming out to wait that long.
Euro gamer had an interview with Anet, it was said they will now split features updates and LS updates. So I wouldn’t hold my breath on seeing any changes to wvw (maybe not even classes really) until after the march 4th update.
I really don’t know how I feel about this.
Actually, I believe they said they’d take a break after the March 4 update and the next would be in the summer. Doesn’t seem like the right move considering a new MMO is coming out in early April.
can you link this preview?
Brutal, here you go.
thats hilarious, shows you how much I visit their homepage lmao
Some stuff mentioned in there about the direction for the next 3 months.
Does it mean no updates for WvW & PvP till March 2014?
That would mean nothing new in WvW for 4 months…really, really?!?!
Some stuff mentioned in there about the direction for the next 3 months.
Does it mean no updates for WvW & PvP till March 2014?
That would mean nothing new in WvW for 4 months…really, really?!?!
well honestly we will not know, its not like anyone from Anet comes to this sub forum to do anything but lock threads.
It was 2 vs 20 but its ok we got’em both!
so I have to wait til April or May to have a chance of getting something for WvW? Im not really into World bosses and prefer doing things with my guild and friends, I dont know what I can do for another 3 months, I heard nothing came in December as well
will EOTM come into Open Beta perhaps?
What to do about those servers that can’t compete, though? “Someone’s always going to win, someone’s always going to lose,” Johanson shrugged, “but we want to do things to help ensure you have a really fun play. Even if you’re losing, you have moments and rewards and things you’re playing for that they’re compelling right down to the last minute.”
Looks like the World Population Collaborative Development has filled them with fervent zeal to fix the imbalance eh?
Definitely not sticking to the tired “It’s not supposed to be fair” mantra.
Concern: ArenaNet won’t stop banging on about the Living World update plan and so will stick with it even if it’s not working.
Not true. ArenaNet is changing it this year.The original idea was to have four story teams making a month’s worth of content each, to be released in fortnightly bumps, and whatever mechanical features were ready at that time could be rolled in and included. ‘An online world updated more frequently than any other’ was the dream, but the reality was confusion.
“It’s very distracting to players,” observed Johanson. “It’s almost a muddled message, where we put these releases out and we want them to be excited about the story, to follow the story, and we also want them to be excited about the features that are coming with it. And either one or the other tends to be the thing that people cling onto.” And the other thing, people ignore.
“What we’re going to do this year is we’re actually separating the two of those out.”
All the big mechanical features ArenaNet is working on will be held back for a bumper update presumably in the spring/summer.
“When [Living World Season One] ends [on 4th March], we’re going to take a break for a little bit and then we’re going to do one really big feature patch that is more akin to what people see from some of our [MMO] competitors,” said Johanson, "where they bundle a lot of features together into a really big patch every now and then.
“We’re going to provide that experience and have this huge feature build that has a whole lot of gameplay-changing elements, a lot of quality of life improvements, a lot of features bundled together into one big patch. And that’ll come some time not too far after Season One completes.”
So yes… they will be delaying game features in favor of doing their “living story season”.
Which frankly is ridiculous, wvw is a separate system from the living story, so why does everything else need to be shoved aside to cater to living story first? Most wvw’ers I bet don’t even care about living story so why delay new wvw features. Arenanet has become such a frustrating company since release.
North Keep: One of the village residents will now flee if their home is destroyed.
“Game over man, Game Over!” – RIP Bill
what am I supposed to do for 3-5 months til anything on WvW comes out? (EOTM)
will it have another WvW season as a filler? wasnt the 1st season a filler for this years content?
what am I supposed to do for 3-5 months til anything on WvW comes out? (EOTM)
will it have another WvW season as a filler? wasnt the 1st season a filler for this years content?
play candy crush.. it has pvp mode also you know..
Archeage = Farmville with PK
I bet NCsoft has told Anet to hold release so that ppl would then be more tempted for Wildstar, another NCsoft child. After I learned how NCsoft collects the money from the gem store and uses them for other games, like wildstar, I lost believe in that publisher.
I think much of the mess here comes down to this. I could be wrong, it is simply a gut feeling, but I can’t help it.
Chronomancy works, I am proof of it. Now stop asking me questions. Time must be preserved!
Better just bring that EOTM 21 day. I would say that we have lost over 50% of our www population.
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch
The “all NA servers Linked” thing is probably the best thing about EOTM and is the best we can hope for to save WvW
It is probably a lot easier for the development team to push out fewer but bigger updates. Testing is likely easier and overall quality should go up as a result. I applaud the monthly development cycle but it probably creates a lot of havoc in their source and build management.
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”
It is probably a lot easier for the development team to push out fewer but bigger updates. Testing is likely easier and overall quality should go up as a result. I applaud the monthly development cycle but it probably creates a lot of havoc in their source and build management.
feature changes on a longer patch cycle work and most mmos already do this, they also are more forth coming with information, have a test realm and gather feedback. Silence for three months and then a very sparse preveiw of changes a week before it goes live just doesn’t work for features updates.
It was 2 vs 20 but its ok we got’em both!