Night Capping

Night Capping

in WvW

Posted by: Dinks.2478


Every time I try to bring this up in the Night Capping thread it gets deleted as off-topic. So I’m going to bring it up in its own topic.
Part of the statement is that

We feel that everyone should have the ability to contribute no matter what time of the day it is. How we’ve came to this conclusion is that no player’s time is more valuable than another.

How come it is completely fair when the Oceanic/off-hour players undo all of the effort of the day players. But it is unfair when any form of balancing is requested?

The very logic of not making sure North American players time is equally important in the game, is giving more value to an Oceanic players time. Which is a direct contradiction of the statement above from the Matt Writer post.

I will continue to play and I won’t bring this up again unless somebody wants to have a real discussion about it, but I am kind of disappointed that the expected result is that some time in the far away future these servers will magically balance themselves out and that guilds will just decide randomly they want to leave the winning servers for losing ones and lose all of their influence in the process.

I wouldn’t go as far as to say we disable WvW or make it useless for night players to play like some other people have suggested. That is just selfishness. I would however like to see if anybody has any sensible suggestions to solve this problem.

A start would be to disable the ability to move between servers you are currently matched up with, and taking it further and locking down high population servers.

Thank you for this wonderful game Arenanet, I truly do love it, and I know you do too. I’m off to eat before the WvW match-ups reset later!

Night Capping

in WvW

Posted by: Kreedz.8127


I hate it when the NA players undo all the work us Oceanic players did during the day, its so unfair….

Night Capping

in WvW

Posted by: Cloud.7613


I hate it when the NA players undo all the work us Oceanic players did during the day, its so unfair….


NA players are blissfully unaware of the population their own country has and how many people actually PLAY during off-peak time.

Night Capping

in WvW

Posted by: Moose.6294


This is my idea, which i “think” might be the fairest way to ensure that everyone can contribute EQUALLY and play in WvWvW without feeling their efforts are hopeless

Night Capping

in WvW

Posted by: Dinks.2478


I will change the terms, I will say day and night players only. The point does not change. If you only thing you have to add is semantics, don’t bother.

Night Capping

in WvW

Posted by: Moderator.3406


Please refer to this thread regarding this issue.

This thread is closed.