Night Capping is still a thing

Night Capping is still a thing

in WvW

Posted by: DeityAngel.5648


The idea of extending the tick time to 15 minutes does not work. Especially if it runs 15 minutes 24/7.

The idea of balancing night capping will not work for many reason prime time and off time can not be combined together. in prime time you have the most fighting so you can equally fight each other in some way or another. But in off time if there is nobody on a team of 50 can easily wipe out the whole map and it doesn’t matter if we get it all back because we can never catch up.

Do the math Anet if someone has a 10k lead do you really think any one can catch up?
It leads to the fact sure we’ll win some battles in prime/daytime but they are fighting too as it is a US server. So having a total turnover wont happen plus at midnight the same thing happens again widening the gap more and more.

Shortening the time or extending the time infact does not change a thing because prime time is where the most fighting goes on and even at 5 minutes tick taking over is impossible.

Balancing the issue is hard ofcourse but this is not how WvWvW is suppose to be handled. Victory goes to the night cappers?

Because it really doesn’t matter what happens in the day we can win slightly but at night we get totally wiped because we are sleeping. Not only that they also have time to fortify while we are sleeping which makes it nigh impossible to even get things back.

What I am suggesting is that the outnumber buff has a direct ratios over people you’re facing. Say you have 100 v 10 I would suggest the 100 33% debuff on all stats and the 10 gets a 33% buff on all stats. The bonus would apply to every single NPC/Player. Something like this to give a fighting chance to the underdog. 33% sounds alot but remember you outnumber your opponents 10x which means you can wipe them out in a group.

What I want to discuss is a plausible fix not adjusting time or anything but a plausible fix.

We at Darkhaven was maintaining the lead ever since Reset but oh look night capping made us lose yet again.


Night Capping is still a thing

in WvW

Posted by: Samfisher.7942


Nobody has said 15 min points had anything to do with night capping. Your night is my morning and my morning is your night. ANet has said time and again they are happy with night capping. Recruit Asian/Oceanic players, do your part

Ezendor [SYN] – Synapse, Ranger
Sea of Sorrows

Night Capping is still a thing

in WvW

Posted by: AXLORD.2045


There is no issue to “fix” in night capping : WvW is a 24/7 battleground. I don’t understand why people should have a chance to win without playing. The only thing there is to fix is the outmanned buff, which is useless as it is now : “Here, you’re losing hard, take this PvE buff and go kill some mobs !”.

Night Capping is still a thing

in WvW

Posted by: DeityAngel.5648


If you followed Anet Mike said exclusively it was which points to me that you don’t read the forum that often. You make it sound like OH HIRE SOME AUSSIES mind you our server is FULL < and its not like a ton of Aussies will magically want to join us nor can they. They didn’t say they are happy with night capping which is why they extended the tick but it didn’t work nor will it work at all. US/EU player base is the majority and if the majority is upset they will do something.

Plus I would like less AU/SEA lagers all over the place in a US server.

Night Capping is still a thing

in WvW

Posted by: whiran.1473


So… you’re upset that your night team is worse than their night team but it’s fair (and working properly) that your peak time team is better than their peak time team?

That reminds me of the complaining in the rock, paper, scissors game when someone is playing rock and complains that paper is OP but scissors is just fine.

On the server I’m on we have a great team at peak hours, we have a decent team at night, and a weak team in the mornings.

Other servers have different times at which they are good and some at which they are bad.

Maybe take a night out during the weekend and stay up late to teach your “bads” how to play since you’re so good?

Night Capping is still a thing

in WvW

Posted by: DeityAngel.5648


So… you’re upset that your night team is worse than their night team but it’s fair (and working properly) that your peak time team is better than their peak time team?

That reminds me of the complaining in the rock, paper, scissors game when someone is playing rock and complains that paper is OP but scissors is just fine.

On the server I’m on we have a great team at peak hours, we have a decent team at night, and a weak team in the mornings.

Other servers have different times at which they are good and some at which they are bad.

Maybe take a night out during the weekend and stay up late to teach your “bads” how to play since you’re so good?

No they face us equally in the morning/prime time never behind by 20 points or so and they actually got the lead on us a bunch of times. But at night they just wipe the floor because we have barely any players on night. you can take over the whole map with 20 players.

Night Capping is still a thing

in WvW

Posted by: Fury.6248


People are upset come some server populations don’t even PvP during certain time periods. An people who are capping bases without any effort are being rewarded more then players going to war vs even teams an keeps that are defended. So ya, people are mad that the winning team is not who is better at pvp an has nothing to do with skill, its the server that can be online the most wins. An that’s a game mode that favors mouth breathers.

Dragonbrand Server

Night Capping is still a thing

in WvW

Posted by: Samfisher.7942


If you followed Anet Mike said exclusively it was which points to me that you don’t read the forum that often. You make it sound like OH HIRE SOME AUSSIES mind you our server is FULL < and its not like a ton of Aussies will magically want to join us nor can they. They didn’t say they are happy with night capping which is why they extended the tick but it didn’t work nor will it work at all. US/EU player base is the majority and if the majority is upset they will do something.

Plus I would like less AU/SEA lagers all over the place in a US server.

There’s no such thing as a “US” server in GW2. ANet has designated NA servers as INTERNATIONAL servers by virtue of pushing every non-European country into the NA servers. Deal with it.

Ezendor [SYN] – Synapse, Ranger
Sea of Sorrows

Night Capping is still a thing

in WvW

Posted by: Fury.6248


If you followed Anet Mike said exclusively it was which points to me that you don’t read the forum that often. You make it sound like OH HIRE SOME AUSSIES mind you our server is FULL < and its not like a ton of Aussies will magically want to join us nor can they. They didn’t say they are happy with night capping which is why they extended the tick but it didn’t work nor will it work at all. US/EU player base is the majority and if the majority is upset they will do something.

Plus I would like less AU/SEA lagers all over the place in a US server.

There’s no such thing as a “US” server in GW2. ANet has designated NA servers as INTERNATIONAL servers by virtue of pushing every non-European country into the NA servers. Deal with it.

“Deal with it” is a very non-competitive thing to say. It is truely sad that some people would rather win vs a empty keep then earning it. I guess people paid 59.99$ for a fantasy of being good at PvP because they do not like the reality…

Dragonbrand Server

Night Capping is still a thing

in WvW

Posted by: Samfisher.7942


If you followed Anet Mike said exclusively it was which points to me that you don’t read the forum that often. You make it sound like OH HIRE SOME AUSSIES mind you our server is FULL < and its not like a ton of Aussies will magically want to join us nor can they. They didn’t say they are happy with night capping which is why they extended the tick but it didn’t work nor will it work at all. US/EU player base is the majority and if the majority is upset they will do something.

Plus I would like less AU/SEA lagers all over the place in a US server.

There’s no such thing as a “US” server in GW2. ANet has designated NA servers as INTERNATIONAL servers by virtue of pushing every non-European country into the NA servers. Deal with it.

“Deal with it” is a very non-competitive thing to say. It is truely sad that some people would rather win vs a empty keep then earning it. I guess people paid 59.99$ for a fantasy of being good at PvP because they do not like the reality…

You think HoD wins during nights with no competition? LOL. We just have “better/more” night players than many other servers. And no, you DO have to deal with it, cos this has been a possibility that Asian/Oceanic players will play during THEIR night time, you had ages to start something for your server and you didn’t. I would suggest pitching ideas like Blackgate has been doing. I respect them cos they are fixing their own problems themselves.

Ezendor [SYN] – Synapse, Ranger
Sea of Sorrows

Night Capping is still a thing

in WvW

Posted by: Fury.6248


Rofl, don’t confuse server outnumbering and arena.nets failure to queue a balanced portion of players for each server SKILL. Cause its not. In fact I hope and I really hope they make Mists like overflow and place server names next to people so you can see how bad majority of WvWvW players really are. HoD wins cause its 24/7 Queue times for WvWvW. Every other server has time periods where you can instant queue into WvWvW nuff said. Carried by population.

Dragonbrand Server

Night Capping is still a thing

in WvW

Posted by: Fury.6248


For example. Your “titan alliance” could leave and join Kaineng and you wouldnt even be noticed to other servers. HoD would still get first place. An things would go on like normal. Population wins matches currently not skill.

Dragonbrand Server

Night Capping is still a thing

in WvW

Posted by: Samfisher.7942


Rofl, don’t confuse server outnumbering and arena.nets failure to queue a balanced portion of players for each server SKILL. Cause its not. In fact I hope and I really hope they make Mists like overflow and place server names next to people so you can see how bad majority of WvWvW players really are. HoD wins cause its 24/7 Queue times for WvWvW. Every other server has time periods where you can instant queue into WvWvW nuff said. Carried by population.

Then I think you’d like to know that HoD has lead the scores for a huge majority of the time even on NA prime-time. And EVERY server that has gone against HoD has had a que during NA prime-time, so no. HoD EXTENDS their lead during night, but they have always been ahead on most times except during the ET and JQ match where both teamed up and really swept us away >.< Part of the game, we dealt with it and ended up winning (there were ques throughout the night for all 3 servers so your claim that HoD is carried by population is crazy).

Also, HoD has been winning since early access, when the majority of players didn’t even know where TA rolled, so even more proof that we’re not carried by a huge population. If anything, you can say we’re being let down by our population although I must say the HoD militia can be seriously good

For example. Your “titan alliance” could leave and join Kaineng and you wouldnt even be noticed to other servers. HoD would still get first place. An things would go on like normal. Population wins matches currently not skill.

I wouldn’t doubt it. But HoD is more than the militia, and more than TA. It is TA working with the militia that has proven to be a huge boon to us. NSP when they had AA had crazy ques as well, I don’t see you claiming they were carried by their population. If anything, NSP had even worse ques when AA was there.

Ezendor [SYN] – Synapse, Ranger
Sea of Sorrows

Night Capping is still a thing

in WvW

Posted by: Fury.6248


Actually Samfisher according to the points log that offically showed. HoD was barely winning matches when GW2 was released. Countless other servers had way better endscores then HoD untill September. An the sad truth is things slowly get more and more unbalanced due to server transfers being free. Facts are Facts your server was average during release and “HYPE” is causing transfers and ruining the WvWvW populations due to transfers being free. In the end battles are not being won with skill. Skill based pvp is how GW2 markets itself so you my friend are wrong if you think they can continue to market GW2 as a skill pvp game and leave WvWvW untouched.

Dragonbrand Server

Night Capping is still a thing

in WvW

Posted by: Samfisher.7942


Maybe you’d care to look at HoD scores again Here’s one listed on a spreadsheet for easier viewing.

Only once during the HoD vs ET vs JQ match did HoD even come close to losing a match, and almost every other matchup has been HoD = Server 2 + Server 3’s score. Look it up

And also September was when bugged scores were sorted, unless you want to believe the 300k scores (impossible, 750 scores every 5 minutes for 24 hours gives you 216k MAXIMUM assuming you had all points at all times for 24 hours without fail).

Ezendor [SYN] – Synapse, Ranger
Sea of Sorrows

(edited by Samfisher.7942)

Night Capping is still a thing

in WvW

Posted by: Fury.6248


Every win in WvWvW is Determined by how well each server does at it’s low peaking times. Until this flaw is fixed their can never be any skill based wins in WvWvW. An it’s sad because people would like their efforts to be recognized. People want to be known for going out and putting up a fight and winning and earning those wins. But no server in it’s current state of WvWvW can ever be good due to the flawed system currently in place. You will always and endlessly be disputed until the end of GW2. I don’t speak for other gamers. But myself included I only want to win if I am the UNDISPUTED winner. So please fix WvWvW. So our efforts in the Eternal battlegrounds can be recognized and we can actually achieve something we can be proud of instead of this current mess.

Dragonbrand Server

Night Capping is still a thing

in WvW

Posted by: Fury.6248


Samfisher if your going to link something as your defense… don’t link something that is proof that your wrong.

First match up….

Blackgate 55491 Henge of Denravi 99616 Northern Shiverpeaks 55436

After Transfers…

Blackgate 48551 Northern Shiverpeaks 37870 Henge of Denravi 136153

Dragonbrand Server

Night Capping is still a thing

in WvW

Posted by: Samfisher.7942


I’d suggest you give ideas instead of just saying “fix it”. Also, if you were gonna compare NA prime-time and NA nights, HoD would have lost I think ,1-2? of their matchups if scorings ended when Americans went to sleep. They’d still be top

Ezendor [SYN] – Synapse, Ranger
Sea of Sorrows

Night Capping is still a thing

in WvW

Posted by: Samfisher.7942


Samfisher if your going to link something as your defense… don’t link something that is proof that your wrong.

First match up….

Blackgate 55491 Henge of Denravi 99616 Northern Shiverpeaks 55436

After Transfers…

Blackgate 48551 Northern Shiverpeaks 37870 Henge of Denravi 136153

Also how is that “barely” winning? You also have to remember that many servers including HoD had TWO matchups going on at once. That is why ANet threw all data up to 1st September cos nothing was accurate.

Ezendor [SYN] – Synapse, Ranger
Sea of Sorrows

Night Capping is still a thing

in WvW

Posted by: Fury.6248


We actually did give real legit and fair reasons on how would could fix WvWvW without making any player feel as though their own time is useless. But for some strange reason closed the thread after 20,000views. Maybe things got to heated but it was the most popular and most needed thread on the entire forums.

Dragonbrand Server

Night Capping is still a thing

in WvW

Posted by: Fury.6248


In the end a fair and just system needs to be put in place that every player from any time zone can commit effort and time into WvWvW with the feeling that they have accomplished and contributed to the overall results. An currently a very large portion of GW2 gaming community is being shafted by the current system. Which is horribly unjust and very unhealthy for the future of our GW franchise which I can say I have truely fell in love with and doing everything I can to make sure that this game stays strong and does not become just another failed “WoW Killer” as so many other people always claim when MMO’s die.

Dragonbrand Server

Night Capping is still a thing

in WvW

Posted by: Samfisher.7942


I’ve just started reading the forums, but there are so many threads with so many random ideas I didn’t bother reading too many of them. Most I’ve read has been point scaling according to how many opponents they are facing (I believe this to be the “most fair” out of the lot) to universally lowering point gain by set percentages throughout WvW during all night hours. What would be your best favoured idea to fix it? I’ll try to comment from a player playing from the SEA region

Ezendor [SYN] – Synapse, Ranger
Sea of Sorrows

Night Capping is still a thing

in WvW

Posted by: Fury.6248


I think that no matter how many players are inside a map the numbers should always be distributed evenly. Now.. we do not have any proof that this is occurring… but anet has yet to release proof that it is not occurring which leaves me to believe they are still looking into it. Also I do not feel as though a servers “Downtime” no matter what time zone it may be in should create such a large gap that when their majority log in…. even if they do extremely well they will be to far behind to catch up. The only reasonable thing I can see them doing to stop that from occurring would be the following…

A: Enforce population control inside each WvWvW map. So that one faction can never outnumber another server by “To Many” players. The bad side effect of this option is some time periods would have increased Queue times. But a possible good outcome from this option is maybe some population will move servers to get faster queues to even out some of these off-peak hours populations.

B: Increase the difficulty of capturing bases when a server has low population. How about making more guards making them stronger? Making them spawn faster. Making walls/Doors have more health? Giving outnumbered players a better chance of pulling off a upset and defending a keep that was claimed “lost” by allies who have already given up.

C: Control the points based on the level of difficulty of a capture. (ill go into into this more into detail next post but i am currently at work brb)

Dragonbrand Server

Night Capping is still a thing

in WvW

Posted by: Samfisher.7942


I like idea B most out of the 3 (2?) that you gave. I’d actually rather see the “Outmanned” buff spawn some NPCs that that follow commanders and act like players that help hit on doors and smack other NPCs or actually give a buff that’s useful (a PvE buff, really? -_-)

Ezendor [SYN] – Synapse, Ranger
Sea of Sorrows

Night Capping is still a thing

in WvW

Posted by: Fury.6248


So option C:

If Server A: Has 150 people
Server B: 50
Server C: 20

By focusing on Server C due to the low population of that server you would get less points then if you focused on Server A or B.

This would encourage people attacking B or A instead of ganging on the already outnumbered and weaker of the two servers for free points. Also on top of that the great majority of players for the Main server that outnumbers the rest would still get a lead. This is super important cause we do not want anyone feeling as they do not contribute to a win. You would still be able to get a lead as Server A and outnumbering the other servers although the lead would be scaled down due to the low populations of the other servers keeping the matches closer together and a very tight conflict back to back non stop action that we all desire continuously over a long period of time(1-2 weeks). The end goal would be the deciding factor of each day in the war will be determined by the full 24hours conflict.

Dragonbrand Server

Night Capping is still a thing

in WvW

Posted by: Samfisher.7942


It would be reallly hard for any leaders in WvW to make any kind of informed decision cos the potential points for each capture keep changing, and there’s no way to see what’s worth how much until actually capturing it. Kinda makes the game into a huge guesswork.

Ezendor [SYN] – Synapse, Ranger
Sea of Sorrows

Night Capping is still a thing

in WvW

Posted by: Siad.3608


Definitely is a problem and no its not an issue of players on one server being better than another. It’s pure numbers and to say any different is ridiculous.

For example, I logged off at 3AM CST and all 3 servers were within 1000 points of one another. I log in after getting some sleep a mere 8 hours later and one server is at 42000 points and the other 2 are at 16000.

Kinda lose motivation to play WvW for the rest of the week knowing there is really no chance of winning because one server just caps everything when most other people are asleep.

I Steal Vcrs

Night Capping is still a thing

in WvW

Posted by: Fury.6248


It would be reallly hard for any leaders in WvW to make any kind of informed decision cos the potential points for each capture keep changing, and there’s no way to see what’s worth how much until actually capturing it. Kinda makes the game into a huge guesswork.

You could just add a points handicap onto the map screen or somewhere on the UI so its very easy to see which objective is currently the best to gain points. Plus it would add more depth to the game play where people have to make better decisions and not just be a mindless zerg to win. Knowing what to capture and when could be considered a skill.

Dragonbrand Server

Night Capping is still a thing

in WvW

Posted by: DeityAngel.5648


Its exactly what I mean Siad I want a fight not a night cappers win everything. There are plausible actions and non plausible actions. Non plausible would be adjusting ticks or points and the suggestions of getting AU/SEA players. Plausible would be adjusting the Outmanned and stuff like that.

Night Capping is still a thing

in WvW

Posted by: Copenhagen.7015


Same story everyday on my server, Devona’s Rest. Server resets and we start out winning for about 8 hours. I go to bed, come back, and some other server has everything capped and all of the orbs. The server is almost completely void of players from 3am to 3 pm. My guild started out on HoD, then moved to ET, and now we’re here. If we had a strong oceanic showing i’m sure we would prosper.

Night Capping is still a thing

in WvW

Posted by: Fury.6248


Any game depending on only 1 type of its player base is not working as intended. We all paid 59.99 an every ones efforts should be equal. Currently that’s not the case. Recruiting players from oceanic/Australia/China etc etc is not a solution its a exploit of a design oversight. Taking advantage of a situation is never the answer. They will be forced to fix world vs world or watch it decline rapidly into obscurity. All servers should be able to function in WvWvW as is with the only deciding factor being teamwork communication and skill. Population is not a factor that should ever take place in this type of game mode if you want people to take it seriously and enjoy it.

Dragonbrand Server

Night Capping is still a thing

in WvW

Posted by: Thrumdi.9216


Any game depending on only 1 type of its player base is not working as intended. We all paid 59.99 an every ones efforts should be equal. Currently that’s not the case. Recruiting players from oceanic/Australia/China etc etc is not a solution its a exploit of a design oversight. Taking advantage of a situation is never the answer. They will be forced to fix world vs world or watch it decline rapidly into obscurity. All servers should be able to function in WvWvW as is with the only deciding factor being teamwork communication and skill. Population is not a factor that should ever take place in this type of game mode if you want people to take it seriously and enjoy it.

ArenaNet’s advice to recruit off-peak players also directly contradicts their assertion that WvW is for casual players.

ArenaNet actually expects the casual player base of most WvW servers to start combing gaming forums, starting alliances etc. etc. for off-peak guilds to move to their server?

Think about that for a second. They are asking casuals to recruit at least the semi-hardcore i.e. a guild big enough and organized enough to make a difference if they transfer.

Such advice is completely ludicrous, and suggests ArenaNet is grasping at straws re: the problems in WvW.

Thrumdi, Captain of The Tarnished Coastguard

The ultimate GW2 troll.

Night Capping is still a thing

in WvW

Posted by: Benjamin.6235


Maguuma has less than 20 people on between about 4am to 8am eastern. We tend to have one other server with near 100 on at the same time. It’s not so much that the other team is going to win. It’s that this is not fun. At all.

ArenaNet just needs to match servers together based on their periods of activity. Grab all the servers with high night/morning populations and have them face off. Really not a hard thing to do.

[DERP] – Maguuma

Night Capping is still a thing

in WvW

Posted by: Xonal.5426


It’s a simple fix. Have the points income scale based upon population levels in the borderlands… at peak times 100% participation = 100% income, if in the early hours you’re looking 20-30% then only give 20-30% point income.

People seem to start complaining that they live on the opposite side of the Earth to the server they play on. But really what you’re looking at here is this:

- During a server’s peak time when all borderlands are completely filled, you essentially have a situation where very large groups of people achieve very very little in a long period of time.

- During a server’s off-peak time when some borderlands for some servers are flat out empty and maybe one server has managed to field a pop-capped force that swaps between them a huge amount is achieved in a very short amount of time.

This clearly isn’t right, the people playing at peak hours when WvW is at it’s busiest for that server region are effectively fighting for the scraps of the table, whilst those people doing the super early morning shift are enjoying the main course and creating the biggest impact on the outcome.

It’s backwards, I’ve mentioned one method of controlling this via scaling point income – however several systems should be inplace to ensure that the peak time WvW actually matters.

Night Capping is still a thing

in WvW

Posted by: Krathalos.3461


They really just need to make it so you can’t upgrade at night. I’m on Northern Shiverpeaks, and after we started winning, we just capped everything and upgraded them all. It’s literally impossible to lose anything now, and WvW is a complete borefest.

Night Capping is still a thing

in WvW

Posted by: Igolbug.7295


In DAoC there were some points when 1 realm would schedule a 5am relic raid and set alarm clocks for it. It was a 24/7 game just like GW2.

Igolbug – 80 Elementalist
The Owl Exterminators
Crystal Desert

Night Capping is still a thing

in WvW

Posted by: ZoLMiTRiPTaN.4567


They really just need to make it so you can’t upgrade at night. I’m on Northern Shiverpeaks, and after we started winning, we just capped everything and upgraded them all. It’s literally impossible to lose anything now, and WvW is a complete borefest.

I’m on Devona’s Rest and your server really killed WvW for us and Kaineng. I can tell you right now we’ve given up since you now have every single spawn point camped with multitudes of siege and people to the point that even if we did zerg en masse we wouldn’t be able to break the line. You guys made your bed just how you wanted it, now sleep in it. Enjoy the next five days

Oh… my… GLOB, Melissa!

Night Capping is still a thing

in WvW

Posted by: Mishi.7058


On SBI, we have a Queue’s All day and NIGHT long. Not Just “prime time” as some think of it. Sometimes we don’t. Just depends on how many are wanting to WvW. (You might find about 30minutes-1hour of a day without a Queue in SBI.)
I’m sure other well populated servers like HoD, JQ and such don’t have issues with lack of WvW players either.

Honestly I think if Anet makes WvW or changes it to nerf people who don’t play at night’s compared to the ones who play prime time, they will break WvW. (Sorry but, I can’t believe every NA server has no one on who plays during a specific time of day.)

Maybe your server changes to PvE players during the night time, you know when there are less farming events and they can tag more mobs for loot drops.

If your server is being hit hard during 1 time of day, I suggest recruiting to up a player base for that time of day in WvW.

Commander Silvannas
“Invincibility lies in the defence; the possibility of victory in the attack.” Sun Tzu