No Grind? Hehehe... Funny

No Grind? Hehehe... Funny

in WvW

Posted by: Feralnex.4071


Hello, I’ll get right to the point, so It’s about WvW Achievements (Titles). Why they are so HARD to get it? They said no grind, but I see a lot of grind. 250k player kills in WvW? Spend 1.000.000 supply on siege? It’s sick. They said NO MORE GRIND. Same with Keg Brawl, when get in the game, I see only grinders… So please… Make it easier…

No Grind? Hehehe... Funny

in WvW

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


So, playing the game is “grinding” in your eyes?
Because that is exactly what these achievements are about. Playing WvW. By playing WvW you will, sooner or later, finish these achievements.

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square

No Grind? Hehehe... Funny

in WvW

Posted by: AMP.2398


So, playing the game is “grinding” in your eyes?
Because that is exactly what these achievements are about. Playing WvW. By playing WvW you will, sooner or later, finish these achievements.

Almost all of the achievements would take a moderately dedicated WvW player 10 to 15 years to get. Or in other words, just about no one will ever finish these achievements.

GW 5 will likely be out by then and I doubt GW2 servers will be kept going for that long.

No Grind? Hehehe... Funny

in WvW

Posted by: Obscure One.4357

Obscure One.4357

The design was fine until they added the achievement reward system. Before that it was exclusively a matter of personal prestige to obtain the max in any of these titles and achievement points didn’t really matter at all. Now that they’ve altered the design it’s clear achievements were whimsically given point values that didn’t reflect, nor took into account, the amount of time it takes to gain them. By making these achievements represent tangible rewards they invented a grind that did not previously exist. Furthermore the WvW achievements are so unattainable, most players will never complete a singular one of these title tracks over the lifetime of the game with dedicated daily play.

Circumventing profanity filters one kitten at a time.

No Grind? Hehehe... Funny

in WvW

Posted by: Cactus.2710


So, playing the game is “grinding” in your eyes?
Because that is exactly what these achievements are about. Playing WvW. By playing WvW you will, sooner or later, finish these achievements.

I know that you feel compelled (or paid) to always defend ANet, but at least try to be objective. How about actually quantifying what “sooner or later” is before making such a comment. Please offer your own calculated estimate of how long you think a truly serious player would take to complete a few of those achievements. I’ll bet you don’t, but it should be humorous if you do.

D/D Thief who prefers mobility to stealth … so yeah, I die a lot
Stormbluff Isle [AoD]

No Grind? Hehehe... Funny

in WvW

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


I know that you feel compelled (or paid) to always defend ANet, but at least try to be objective. How about actually quantifying what “sooner or later” is before making such a comment. Please offer your own calculated estimate of how long you think a truly serious player would take to complete a few of those achievements. I’ll bet you don’t, but it should be humorous if you do.

Well at least one person have already completed one of them.

I do agree however that most of them are somewhat extreme, but calling them a grind is quite silly, since they all come naturally by simply playing the game mode as usual.

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square

No Grind? Hehehe... Funny

in WvW

Posted by: Zikory.6871


So, playing the game is “grinding” in your eyes?
Because that is exactly what these achievements are about. Playing WvW. By playing WvW you will, sooner or later, finish these achievements.

I know that you feel compelled (or paid) to always defend ANet, but at least try to be objective. How about actually quantifying what “sooner or later” is before making such a comment. Please offer your own calculated estimate of how long you think a truly serious player would take to complete a few of those achievements. I’ll bet you don’t, but it should be humorous if you do.

It takes about 7 years of non stop 24/7 playing to get some of these WvW achievements in there current state. So it would probably take around 14+ years for most to some people to get these. That said, Anet has already addressed this issue in other threads and are looking into a away to adjust them but its not as easy as just typing different numbers. Also these achievements are not a main issue in WvW and they should look at other issues as a higher priority.

[KnT] – Knight Gaming – Blackgate
Zikory – Retired Thief
Zikkro – Zergling Necromancer

No Grind? Hehehe... Funny

in WvW

Posted by: AMP.2398


Well at least one person have already completed one of them.

I do agree however that most of them are somewhat extreme, but calling them a grind is quite silly, since they all come naturally by simply playing the game mode as usual.

They will not come naturally by simply playing the game, exception aside. Go and crunch the numbers yourself – or check out the post that has already crunched the numbers for you in 5/10/15 year figures. The vast majority of players are going to fall into the 15+ year estimates. A small amount are going to fall into the 10 year estimate, and if you fall in the 5 year estimate you’ll likely be dead in a year or two from muscle atrophy, malnutrition, and sleep deprivation from physically being attached to a computer that much.

Besides, GW2 servers simply won’t be around to play on so many years in the future.

Don’t take this as a personal attack but one would have to be completely deluded or ignorant of the numbers involved to say they are achievable from simply playing the game mode as usual.

No Grind? Hehehe... Funny

in WvW

Posted by: WhiteAndMilky.2514


My yak slapper is still at 0% and I have killed over 1900 supply dolyaks.

I play all the things 80. Pew Pew Pew. Killin joor commanders.
4 Warriors, 3 Rangers, 3 Mesmers, 2 Engineers, 2 Guardians, and Necro, Thf, Ele
-Beastygate Beast Milk, OG BG Veteran Native

No Grind? Hehehe... Funny

in WvW

Posted by: Klawlyt.6507


Wasn’t it stated by one of the devs that that branch of achievements weren’t meant so much as achievements, but just as stat counters. And that rather than code a whole new system for them, they just tossed them under AP with hilariously high goals.

I’ll admit, it’s not the best way to handle things, but I believe that’s what we have here. Why they would attach a title to it is beyond me.

The possibility of physical and mental collapse is now very real.
No sympathy for the Devil, keep that in mind.
Buy the ticket, take the ride.

No Grind? Hehehe... Funny

in WvW

Posted by: Wanze.8410


They said that they are aware of this and right now, wvw players dont get as much AP in return for their time invested as pve players.

I expect them to change the wvw achievement values in an upcoming update.

Tin Foil [HATS]-Hardcore BLTC-PvP Guild
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.

No Grind? Hehehe... Funny

in WvW

Posted by: Klawlyt.6507


On one hand, getting more AP in WvW would be nice, as you’re right, you don’t get much. On the other hand, the AP update took AP from “completely meaningless” to “kind of neat, I guess” in my opinion. I suspect that sentiment is mirrored by many avid WvWers, but I could be completely off the mark on that one.

The possibility of physical and mental collapse is now very real.
No sympathy for the Devil, keep that in mind.
Buy the ticket, take the ride.

No Grind? Hehehe... Funny

in WvW

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


They will not come naturally by simply playing the game, exception aside. Go and crunch the numbers yourself – or check out the post that has already crunched the numbers for you in 5/10/15 year figures. The vast majority of players are going to fall into the 15+ year estimates. A small amount are going to fall into the 10 year estimate, and if you fall in the 5 year estimate you’ll likely be dead in a year or two from muscle atrophy, malnutrition, and sleep deprivation from physically being attached to a computer that much.

Besides, GW2 servers simply won’t be around to play on so many years in the future.

Don’t take this as a personal attack but one would have to be completely deluded or ignorant of the numbers involved to say they are achievable from simply playing the game mode as usual.

Which of them doesnt come naturally with time though?
If you actually are playing WvW you will be escorting dollies, you will be killing dollies, you will be taking and defending camps/towers/keeps/stonemists, you will kill players, you will siege and you will repair. And there we suddenly have all the achievements being worked on.

Lets not assume that the servers will shut down x years in the future, since we have no actual information about this (GW1 is a good example about how ArenaNet works with “dead” games. they simply makes stuff automatic and keeps the servers up, the same could be done for GW2).

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square

No Grind? Hehehe... Funny

in WvW

Posted by: King Amadaeus.8619

King Amadaeus.8619

They will not come naturally by simply playing the game, exception aside. Go and crunch the numbers yourself – or check out the post that has already crunched the numbers for you in 5/10/15 year figures. The vast majority of players are going to fall into the 15+ year estimates. A small amount are going to fall into the 10 year estimate, and if you fall in the 5 year estimate you’ll likely be dead in a year or two from muscle atrophy, malnutrition, and sleep deprivation from physically being attached to a computer that much.

Besides, GW2 servers simply won’t be around to play on so many years in the future.

Don’t take this as a personal attack but one would have to be completely deluded or ignorant of the numbers involved to say they are achievable from simply playing the game mode as usual.

Which of them doesnt come naturally with time though?
If you actually are playing WvW you will be escorting dollies, you will be killing dollies, you will be taking and defending camps/towers/keeps/stonemists, you will kill players, you will siege and you will repair. And there we suddenly have all the achievements being worked on.

Lets not assume that the servers will shut down x years in the future, since we have no actual information about this (GW1 is a good example about how ArenaNet works with “dead” games. they simply makes stuff automatic and keeps the servers up, the same could be done for GW2).

He is trolling us right? No way anyone is that pro-ANET (I mean I knew he was but not to this extent), even ANET said they failed at those and will be scaling those achievements to something more realistic….For you to insinuate that casually playing a game 15+ years is SOP, is simply ridiculous bro.

And yes it is a grind, because achievement points “matter” now…And for people that don’t play that kittenfest they call PVE, this is the only real manner they have of getting said points. Had they left achievement points alone, I would have sided with you more.

Mag Server Leader

No Grind? Hehehe... Funny

in WvW

Posted by: Feralnex.4071


Thanks for all opinions, I hope that Anet will fix it… Keg Brawl will not take so much time to get achievements as WvW so let them fix just WvW section. But I still think that Kegmaster title is very hard to get.

No Grind? Hehehe... Funny

in WvW

Posted by: Cactus.2710


They will not come naturally by simply playing the game, exception aside. Go and crunch the numbers yourself – or check out the post that has already crunched the numbers for you in 5/10/15 year figures. The vast majority of players are going to fall into the 15+ year estimates. A small amount are going to fall into the 10 year estimate, and if you fall in the 5 year estimate you’ll likely be dead in a year or two from muscle atrophy, malnutrition, and sleep deprivation from physically being attached to a computer that much.

Besides, GW2 servers simply won’t be around to play on so many years in the future.

Don’t take this as a personal attack but one would have to be completely deluded or ignorant of the numbers involved to say they are achievable from simply playing the game mode as usual.

Which of them doesnt come naturally with time though?
If you actually are playing WvW you will be escorting dollies, you will be killing dollies, you will be taking and defending camps/towers/keeps/stonemists, you will kill players, you will siege and you will repair. And there we suddenly have all the achievements being worked on.

Lets not assume that the servers will shut down x years in the future, since we have no actual information about this (GW1 is a good example about how ArenaNet works with “dead” games. they simply makes stuff automatic and keeps the servers up, the same could be done for GW2).

He is trolling us right? No way anyone is that pro-ANET (I mean I knew he was but not to this extent), even ANET said they failed at those and will be scaling those achievements to something more realistic….For you to insinuate that casually playing a game 15+ years is SOP, is simply ridiculous bro.

And yes it is a grind, because achievement points “matter” now…And for people that don’t play that kittenfest they call PVE, this is the only real manner they have of getting said points. Had they left achievement points alone, I would have sided with you more.

No, lordkrall isn’t a troll. I honestly suspect he’s on ANet’s payroll, but this is what he always does. He’s extremely consistent in his defense of ANet no matter how silly it makes him sound. Personally, I’d have more respect for him if he WAS a troll.

D/D Thief who prefers mobility to stealth … so yeah, I die a lot
Stormbluff Isle [AoD]

No Grind? Hehehe... Funny

in WvW

Posted by: King Amadaeus.8619

King Amadaeus.8619

They will not come naturally by simply playing the game, exception aside. Go and crunch the numbers yourself – or check out the post that has already crunched the numbers for you in 5/10/15 year figures. The vast majority of players are going to fall into the 15+ year estimates. A small amount are going to fall into the 10 year estimate, and if you fall in the 5 year estimate you’ll likely be dead in a year or two from muscle atrophy, malnutrition, and sleep deprivation from physically being attached to a computer that much.

Besides, GW2 servers simply won’t be around to play on so many years in the future.

Don’t take this as a personal attack but one would have to be completely deluded or ignorant of the numbers involved to say they are achievable from simply playing the game mode as usual.

Which of them doesnt come naturally with time though?
If you actually are playing WvW you will be escorting dollies, you will be killing dollies, you will be taking and defending camps/towers/keeps/stonemists, you will kill players, you will siege and you will repair. And there we suddenly have all the achievements being worked on.

Lets not assume that the servers will shut down x years in the future, since we have no actual information about this (GW1 is a good example about how ArenaNet works with “dead” games. they simply makes stuff automatic and keeps the servers up, the same could be done for GW2).

He is trolling us right? No way anyone is that pro-ANET (I mean I knew he was but not to this extent), even ANET said they failed at those and will be scaling those achievements to something more realistic….For you to insinuate that casually playing a game 15+ years is SOP, is simply ridiculous bro.

And yes it is a grind, because achievement points “matter” now…And for people that don’t play that kittenfest they call PVE, this is the only real manner they have of getting said points. Had they left achievement points alone, I would have sided with you more.

No, lordkrall isn’t a troll. I honestly suspect he’s on ANet’s payroll, but this is what he always does. He’s extremely consistent in his defense of ANet no matter how silly it makes him sound. Personally, I’d have more respect for him if he WAS a troll.

Yeah I always expect him and the other (1-2) ANET diehards in any thread like:
“Quit this game”
“Wvw is failing”
“Wvw is dying”
“WvW made me kill my kitten”

But I never thought I would see someone argue the fact that these were realistic achievements. The wet paint on the side of my house will dry naturally, the grass in my yard will grow naturally, those are both things I care nothing about participating in actively much like these current WvW achievements…I do not want to spend 15 years of my life working on a fake achievement in a game that has a greater than 50% chance of being dead long before then.

Mag Server Leader

No Grind? Hehehe... Funny

in WvW

Posted by: Aberrant.6749


“WvW made me kill my kitten”

Not sure if profanity or actual kitten.

Tarnished Coast
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide –

No Grind? Hehehe... Funny

in WvW

Posted by: Scoobaniec.9561


They need to adjust wvw archievements. But i think they are aware of that atm

No Grind? Hehehe... Funny

in WvW

Posted by: Obscure One.4357

Obscure One.4357

“WvW made me kill my kitten”

Not sure if profanity or actual kitten.

I love it when your kitten is playing with my kitten. Your kitten is always so soft and well groomed.

Am I being cute or filthy?

Circumventing profanity filters one kitten at a time.

No Grind? Hehehe... Funny

in WvW

Posted by: ErlendR.6107


Hello, I’ll get right to the point, so It’s about WvW Achievements (Titles). Why they are so HARD to get it? They said no grind, but I see a lot of grind. 250k player kills in WvW? Spend 1.000.000 supply on siege? It’s sick. They said NO MORE GRIND. Same with Keg Brawl, when get in the game, I see only grinders… So please… Make it easier…

Is a grind just for fashion.
You can play against every single player without disadvantage without grind.
And thats all my eng S:

Proud ex-Kaineng T8 best server ever vs DR & FC

(edited by ErlendR.6107)

No Grind? Hehehe... Funny

in WvW

Posted by: Feralnex.4071


Hello, I’ll get right to the point, so It’s about WvW Achievements (Titles). Why they are so HARD to get it? They said no grind, but I see a lot of grind. 250k player kills in WvW? Spend 1.000.000 supply on siege? It’s sick. They said NO MORE GRIND. Same with Keg Brawl, when get in the game, I see only grinders… So please… Make it easier…

Is a grind just for fashion.
You can play against every single player without disadvantage without grind.
And thats all my eng S:

But if I want to get achievements for AP from WvW, than I have to grind ;s

No Grind? Hehehe... Funny

in WvW

Posted by: Obscure One.4357

Obscure One.4357

They need to adjust wvw archievements. But i think they are aware of that atm

Oh, we all know they’re completely aware. Pretty sure the only development time WvW issues are given is Devon Carter posting on the forums assuring us they know about the problem and are looking into ways to fix it.

But mostly they just don’t give a !#&%.

Circumventing profanity filters one kitten at a time.

No Grind? Hehehe... Funny

in WvW

Posted by: DanH.5879


Almost all of the achievements would take a moderately dedicated WvW player 10 to 15 years to get. Or in other words, just about no one will ever finish these achievements.

GW 5 will likely be out by then and I doubt GW2 servers will be kept going for that long.

courtesy of a-net dream team

No Grind? Hehehe... Funny

in WvW

Posted by: Delta Blues.8507

Delta Blues.8507

Hello, I’ll get right to the point, so It’s about WvW Achievements (Titles). Why they are so HARD to get it? They said no grind, but I see a lot of grind. 250k player kills in WvW? Spend 1.000.000 supply on siege? It’s sick. They said NO MORE GRIND. Same with Keg Brawl, when get in the game, I see only grinders… So please… Make it easier…

Is a grind just for fashion.
You can play against every single player without disadvantage without grind.
And thats all my eng S:

Well it kind of is. If we count WvW ranks as grind (which i do) you get a 250 vitality boost which is HUGE.