[MdA] Mietitori di Anime – Officer
Commander-Whiteside Ridge (Whiteside Pact Alliance)
So for you we must stay here having not fun and seeing other ppls who paid same price for the game getting their kittenin contents, just cuz there is nothing to play?
Is not sure ppl will come back. Im not used to come back to game i left.
WvW is way too casual as it is now. There is NOTHING hardcore about WvW. It has no depth, very little strategy, and the rewards pale in comparison to PvE. Zerging is way too effective and not frowned upon enough.
The most strategic moments was EB in SM, before the lord was moved. It took strategy to take SM. Now even that is more casual…You either are steamrolling over everything, or being steamrolled.
1) Siege Equipment AoE should be uncapped.
2)Burning Oil should be insta death(you have no excuse for being hit by this..).
3)Cannons need a better way to defend from being AoE spammed(at least protect the user, same goes for oil). Maybe increase hp a bit also.
4)There needs to be a cap on the amount of siege that can affect a door/wall. That slows golem rushes, catapult wall chewing, or a ram blitz(which favors a zerg).
5)Doors/Walls should NOT be repaired after taking over a settlement.
6)Better rewards for Defenders. This would have more players want to defend.
Basically, anything that slows down a zerg. Currently a zerg can sweep through areas too quickly. This can dumb the game down a lot when the good zerg herding commanders are online. A massive slow zerg becomes useless(they must be time efficient), so this would create more importance on smaller tactical groups(not 50+ member roflstomp ones).
(edited by Akumu.7238)
My point is that Planetside cannot replace WvW. They are too different. Anyone who likes WvW, or wants to like it, will come back to see if their expectations have been fulfilled. Especially without a sub as a barrier.
Unless they implement more ascended gear, and the only way to get it is through pve. It’s true that there is no sub, but people who play in guilds usually want to play with their old team mates, if the guild decides to leave because of a useless system, it’s not as likely that they will come back.
For those that don’t do guild pvp, this is quite true, they will come back and check it out. But a lot of players won’t as their guild have decided to move on.
For the people saying its not easy to update WvW thats why it takes so long, ‘balance’ and whatnot. There are a lot of very small things that would add to the game without ‘balance’ issues. Spice up the borderlands maps for instance. Wouldn’t be super difficult, in fact they could even use current PvE maps I am sure most WvW players wouldn’t care, anything would be better then this bland copy/paste/repeat maps they have now. Have guilds change appearance of keeps when they are claimed. A lot of superficial stuff would go along way, it also would show the WvW community that you are not neglecting them.
Now for those people that say WvW doesn’t bring in the gem sales. That is purely because of poor monetization. WvW players are probably the most hardcore players of the game in general and would be your money base if you were a standard ftp game. How do you think all those commanders get their badges at 100g? A lot are from gems. By simply adding many superficial things they could make bank on WvW. Server transfers could be paid, could have different looking siege if paid, different looking keeps/tower/guards etc. So much could be made of this, in fact the people in charge of doing this should really be fired, since it would be so easy to make money on WvW and yet they haven’t even tried.
I agree with the OP on all points and am very sad that this is how things have turned out with Anet. They have ran this game very poorly since release. I would say sPvP and WvW were not ready for launch they look like some beta test areas really. The kitten dungeons have more detail in them. And I wont keep my hopes up for Feb. Anet has a bad habit of over hyping itself so to say that the Feb. update will fix/help everything (or even anything) in WvW is way overoptimistic in my mind.
There was a joke on another thread saying that when Feb comes around the patch notes will say, we have fixed WvW ‘by adding 4 new jumping puzzles’ you are welcome. I could sadly see that actually happening at this point. Just saying don’t pin your hopes on something they ‘may’ do in the future. Give me some details and we can talk.
I’ve had rare drops in WvW and I’ve earned money there. The loot is pretty much samish no matter what you do, so if you WvW a lot you should be able to afford exotics.
Its not the same, the general quality of loot is noticeably worse in WvW, I barely even get any greens. Yes you can get rares and exotics, the chance is lower than for dungeons.
A) Its not easy to change mechanics or add certain things into wvw
There already have been changes to WvW, namely:
1) Orbs were removed
They already have PvE bonuses form WvW why not tie more of them to the orbs instead of removing them entirely? This isn;t a major change in mechanics.
They are working on:
Culling issues
They have already tried to patch it and made it worse. It is terrible at the moment. I can have 20 or so players in a battle chase round 1 or 2 enemies (via nameplates) for minutes and not have them render. It is beyond ridiculous that they haven’t fixed it given it is far far worse than it was at launch. It should be a major priority.
They are cleary not taking the WvW community seriously.
WvW community is one the biggest. Just compare the number of post made in this section compared to sPvP or any other PvE section.
However their lack of actual improvement in regards to WvW is slowly killing WvW. More and more player are leaving each days.
How hard is it to put a ranking system ? Where are the class balance for WvW ?
Granted adding WvW armor set or any other content can take time but they are plenty of other things that they could have done in that time.
They removed stealth capping ONLY today. The issue was reported a long time ago.
In the mean time, sPvP got a new map which I am quite sure no one could care less about.
Instead they keep throwing empty word at us that they gonna improve things and implement this and that for WvW. But have not seen any action yet !
February is WAY too far.
There is no need for an other MMO for people to quit. People are stopping even if there is nothing else. I saw lot of people going back to WoW which they despise only because GW2 is not showing any improvement in WvW and they rather PvE in a good old fashion game than WvW in the current state.
I saw lot of people going back to WoW which they despise only because GW2 is not showing any improvement in WvW and they rather PvE in a good old fashion game than WvW in the current state.
Exactly this…So many players I know(guilds/friends/etc) went back to WoW ONLY because Anet fails to deliver with WvW. It’s kind of sad that every MMO after WoW almost forces you to go back.
I have no interest in playing a game that sees pvp as the lowest priority. Really they just kinda copied some daoc ideas and shoved it off to the side not even making it part of the world.
The game play is poor, culling and downed state reward zergs.
We can’t form warbands (hello our guild wants to play together, right now its better to not even group your team as the name colors of guildmates not grouped is much easier to read )
WvW is not even part of the world, its 4 instance game play vs randoms with no names. Endless free server transfers increase lopsided snowballing and firmly root this game in a no-community random/anon hot join feel.
We can’t even do instanced pvp with our real toons, (spvp is a joke).
There is just zero feel of a mmo world we are fighting for, its just so flavorless and bland. Fighting endless no name players that you will likely not see again, or even know if you have fought them before is not pvp.
This can only be described as PvA, player vs anonymous.
(edited by dooger.2640)
This can only be described as PvA, player vs anonymous.
One true fact I agree on. It’s sad that we don’t know who we face, it takes the whole pvp feeling away. I know that A-net wants to help those who are new with this. But they still get targeted first thanks to the green arrow, so I don’t see the point of not showing the names.
i think content works a bit differently in wvw than for pve. in terms of pve content, people think about new maps, new dungeons, new gear,…
new maps in wvw ? i think REPLACING 2 of the 3 identical maps would be a good idea, having them very specifically themed like having a half map covered in a huge forest would be neat, … I’m not sure i want MORE maps, but getting 4 genuinly different maps instead of 1+1x3 isn’t too much to ask imho. and i’m not asking that anet shuffles the location of towers and keeps a few pixels. different maps.
new dungeons in wvw ? i wouldn’t mind a Darkness Falls or Passage of Conflict or Labyrinth of the Minotaurs type of dungeon (those were w3 dungeons in dark age of camelot. brutal places)
new gear in w3 ? i strongly dislike mmo’s that introduce generation of generation of new gear that makes all old gear obsolete. i wouldn’t mind new gear with odd stat combinations like a 2h weapon that only had ,says, power stat on it instead of, says, power/prec/ cit%, or some new sigils and runes.
so, what is the sort of content that i am missing and that i would like anet to add to the game ?
- a pvp advancement system that is NOT a gear threadmill. something like the Dark Age of Camelot realm ranks.
- updated user interface/chat log. the chat log is utter rubbish and crap for w3 purpose.
i want to be able to see every single point of damage and healing that i take or do in it. not just a little selecection of it. i have been killed before in w3 in open field with an empty chatlog. according to chatlog i had not taken any damage. rediculous.
i want to see in the /m " player X was killed by player Y" for every death that happens in the zone in a ‘random’ place and “X was killed by Y in/near ZZZ” where ZZZ is a notable terrain feature like a fort / tower / suply camp.
i want to see in /m “the forces of ‘server name’ have taken control of ZZZ”
i want to see in /m “(guilndame) has taken control of ZZZ” EDIT/ADDITION : after a guild claims a tower/fort/keep.
i want to see in /g “a guard of (location name of place claimed by your guild) was killed with ‘number’ of enemies in the area”
- i want more grouping options. combining 4 groups of 5 man each in to a 20 man warband like in Rift was very neat and usefull.
- the ability to make alliances of guilds that share an /alliance channel would be apreciated.
- the abililty for players to make private chat channels that need to be joined and/or can be locked would be great. especially for commanders.
-the ability to identify enemy players.
you target ‘playername’
your ‘effectname’ hits ‘playername’ for xxx damage
’playername’s’ ‘effectname’ hits you for xxx damage
(edited by muylaetrix.2096)
I don’t think a content update to WvW after half a year is too much time waiting, it’s a system that’s very easy to completely unbalance and needed time at first in the live enviroment to make any conclusions on its state and how to improve upon it.
If they had added more things earlier without much development time they probably would’ve broken more than fixed or added.
Furthermore, I know plenty of P2P games that had far less content at release and far less things added afterwards within the same timeframe after launch, esp. on the pvp side of things. The majority of games didn’t even start with seasonal events yet and we’ve already had 2.
And of course the PvE experience will be fixed / improved upon and added to first because it’s simply where the most of time over the playerbase is spent and where the first impressions of the game are usually had. The amount of WvW only players is relatively small, even folks that WvW a lot often also like some PvE stuffs on the side.
Patience is a virtue that too many people lack. What’s waiting 2 more months for a large WvW update, it’s not like it’s unplayable in its current state, I’m still having fun fights in there even though I agree a lot can be improved upon.
i think content works a bit differently in wvw than for pve. in terms of pve content, people think about new maps, new dungeons, new gear,…
new maps in wvw ? i think REPLACING 2 of the 3 identical maps would be a good idea, having them very specifically themed like having a half map covered in a huge forest would be neat, … I’m not sure i want MORE maps, but getting 4 genuinly different maps instead of 1+1x3 isn’t too much to ask imho. and i’m not asking that anet shuffles the location of towers and keeps a few pixels. different maps.
new dungeons in wvw ? i wouldn’t mind a Darkness Falls or Passage of Conflict or Labyrinth of the Minotaurs type of dungeon
(those were w3 dungeons in dark age of camelot. brutal places)
new gear in w3 ? i strongly dislike mmo’s that introduce generation of generation of new gear that makes all old gear obsolete. i wouldn’t mind new gear with odd stat combinations like a 2h weapon that only had ,says, power stat on it instead of, says, power/prec/ cit%, or some new sigils and runes.
so, what is the sort of content that i am missing and that i would like anet to add to the game ?
- a pvp advancement system that is NOT a gear threadmill. something like the Dark Age of Camelot realm ranks.
- updated user interface/chat log. the chat log is utter rubbish and crap for w3 purpose.
i want to be able to see every single point of damage and healing that i take or do in it. not just a little selecection of it. i have been killed before in w3 in open field with an empty chatlog. according to chatlog i had not taken any damage. rediculous.
i want to see in the /m " player X was killed by player Y" for every death that happens in the zone in a ‘random’ place and “X was killed by Y in/near ZZZ” where ZZZ is a notable terrain feature like a fort / tower / suply camp.
i want to see in /m “the forces of ‘server name’ have taken control of ZZZ”
i want to see in /m “(guilndame) has taken control of ZZZ”
i want to see in /g “a guard of (location name of place claimed by your guild) was killed with ‘number’ of enemies in the area”
- i want more grouping options. combining 4 groups of 5 man each in to a 20 man warband like in Rift was very neat and usefull.
- the ability to make alliances of guilds that share an /alliance channel would be apreciated.
- the abililty for players to make private chat channels that need to be joined and/or can be locked would be great. especially for commanders.
-the ability to identify enemy players.
you target ‘playername’
your ‘effectname’ hits ‘playername’ for xxx damage
’playername’s’ ‘effectname’ hits you for xxx damageetc
This, would be awesome If they get anything close to that. A-Net would come out as a winner company in the eyes of world pvpers.
If you really want to keep players shut up and waiting for another two months, just tell us what you plan on updating. Asking for patience because we will do ‘something’ in 2 months is unreasonable, asking for patience because we will add x, y, z and fix a, b, c in two months is a lot easier to swallow. It does not need to be explicit but a little info wold go a long way here.
As for PvE being such a big player, yesterday I saw Jormag up and do you know how many people were trying to do it? 2 …… that is the busiest part of the game really?
Why is there so much spoiled brat posts like this all the time?
I don’t mind waiting a couple months.
Why is there so much spoiled brat posts like this all the time?
I don’t mind waiting a couple months.
There’s been pretty serious bugs in WvW since launch (culling, insane lag in SM, easy hacks, glitches, getting games changes way after they were implemented somewhere else, 0 new content, removal of orbs since hacks couldn’t be stopped, free unlimited transfers, ….).
If you’re playing anything but WvW that might be ok but there’s quite a couple of people that bought GW2 only or mainly for WvW.
Having no serious updates or even info on the updates we might get is annoying and I don’t really get why you’d call it spoiled brat behavior.
Except there is news that February will be the month WvW be messed with, and people continue to play the brat card still. I have played a truly buggy mmo which was called Anarchy Online… people didn’t throw fits in that game nearly as bad as here.. Of course this is the WoW people mostly…
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