No point in WvWvW
Well said. Needs fixed right away. Unplayable with this bug.
Thank god the PvE gameplay is top notch!
Just takes some time to load all textures in large groups. Just keep tab targeting or follow your target caller and you will be fine for now. Hopefully they can address this soon.
A big advertisement for this game will be people posting FRAPS videos of WvW on youtube. This bug is inexcusable and should be hotfixed ASAP
Put the game on a SSD?
I don’t have a SSD.
I have a SSD and it still happens
“get new computer” is textbook trolling. Pay no mind.
This bug actually convinced me to upgrade my PC. I thought dropping two grand on gaming hardware would help, but it doesn’t. At least my FPS jumped from 10 to 40 in WvW gauntlets. Thanks 3770k!
Its not a bug. Its how ANet keeps the lag in WvW manageable. Its a crappy solution that I hope they improve on ASAP
Well said. Needs fixed right away. Unplayable with this bug.
Thank god the PvE gameplay is top notch!
I sense sarcasm !
O don’t think it is a bug, but it happens in Large Dynamic Events as well. It’s really awful to be inside Stonemist and not able to see enemies or allies further than 600 range.
And my computer is prettykittengood. Running max everything with 60+ fps.
O don’t think it is a bug, but it happens in Large Dynamic Events as well. It’s really awful to be inside Stonemist and not able to see enemies or allies further than 600 range.
And my computer is prettykittengood. Running max everything with 60+ fps.
it runs when I waypoint and sometimes in WvW it’s rare it happens if I’m in 1 zone but don’t let me open my map to waypoint…
If it is to prevent lag, they need to reverse their current design and make allies fade out rather then enemies.
This bug actually convinced me to upgrade my PC. I thought dropping two grand on gaming hardware would help, but it doesn’t. At least my FPS jumped from 10 to 40 in WvW gauntlets. Thanks 3770k!
Two grand and you only got a 30 frame increase???? What, did you buy a Mac or something. 2 grand gets you a super computer where i am from, you should be running 60 frames on ultra in WvW battles with a 2 grand computer.
I only paid 600$ for my rig and i run 60 frames on medium in a WvW battle, this price for your rig doesnt make sense for it’s output unless it is 10 years old.
Please don’t lie about prices you paid to look good, it is rather cheesy, OR you will look like an idiot who bought a pc from a store who overprices kitten because they know most people have kitten all knowledge of computers.
This bug actually convinced me to upgrade my PC. I thought dropping two grand on gaming hardware would help, but it doesn’t. At least my FPS jumped from 10 to 40 in WvW gauntlets. Thanks 3770k!
Two grand and you only got a 30 frame increase???? What, did you buy a Mac or something. 2 grand gets you a super computer where i am from, you should be running 60 frames on ultra in WvW battles with a 2 grand computer.
I only paid 600$ for my rig and i run 60 frames on medium in a WvW battle, this price for your rig doesnt make sense for it’s output unless it is 10 years old.
Please don’t lie about prices you paid to look good, it is rather cheesy, OR you will look like an idiot who bought a pc from a store who overprices kitten because they know most people have kitten all knowledge of computers.
OR you will look like an idiot for derailing a thread trying to look cool for calling someone out on a public forum.
Back on topic. They need to fix this immediately…sitting on top of keeps and not being able to target ballistas cause no enemy player render is ridiculous. I also get the sense that some guilds are exploiting this by deliberately running around in great numbers all grouped together and then flanking where nobody sees them render until you are dead.
Also, it has nothing to do with a SSD. Its been deliberately put in place by ANet to satisfy the cry babies about lag by those with crappy computers.
Agreed 100%, i so often try to check what to target left middle or right flanks, but i cant see anything….
This needs to be hotfixed asap.
Get those men working Arenanet, honeymoon is over slap those slackers on the face and let them get the job done !!!
At least show red names from distance. Many times, I saw no one or a few red names in front of me and suddenly a whole bunch pop up, like 40- 50 very close in front of me. That’s just awful. You can’t judge the situation to fight or to retreat.
BTW, I’m using an SSD.
You guys know what really §$%"§$ me off ?
This drawing delay of enemie characters (even the friendly ones) causes things like, beeing instadowned by a OP-Thief who is still invisible.
I had to laugh really hard a few times, when the game finally decides to actually show him comeing out of stealth when he already is doing to “F” thingy.
btw…i have invader armor, not a glasscannon.
Pls, say that its my fault, so i can stop the ragequitting on this one
I have no idea why Anet is punishing people with good PCs. This clearly should be a client side option. The current setting should be the default and people who has a rig to show more from further away should have the option to do so.
The draw distance is sad in this game….this is borderline console material here. Go to Lion’s Arch Jewel crafting area and you can reproduce this problem since it constantly has a ton of people there. Walk towards it and 5 to 10 guys will phase into existence 10 feet in front of you. Now, slowly back off and they’ll disappear when you get around 50 feet away. You cannot pvp like this when a ton of classes have range immobilization and not give people warnings.
It even happens out of W3v2.
There’s some event where you have to push back centaurs from repairing a bridge or something and if you’re standing a little way away from the bridge the centaurs that are running to the bridge just fall over and die without seeming to have taken any damage.
It’s working as intended, not a bug to prevent FPS drops imo. They’re still fixing stuff, be patient !
and all this time i thought it was my lamekitten computer idk if this is on there (anet) side or on mine but it is rather annoying when im running to catch up with my team and the next thing i know im next to a mob of enemys and stomped dead in seconds