(edited by Mystle.9241)
No sense of urgency?
at this point i don’t really put too much stock into what anet says and form all my decisions on what i actually see. At this point I don’t expect any sigificant wvw changes for i’m guessing maybe at least 6 months so i’m exploring other games at the moment. I might come back when it improves if i’m not enjoying the other games i’m playing.
They are in contact with players that probably are asking for more gimmicks lol!
something like:
“OMG player want so bladly this…. need now a trebuchet that can hit from EB keep to the other side of the map where the other keeps are this will be so coool”
I don’t know if you guys remember being in school or if you’ve ever had the sort of job where people have long-term assignments, but you may recall that if the professor or boss asks, “How’s the progress on that project?” and the response is, “Oh, it’s almost ready. I’ve been working really hard on it for a long time, but it’s not quite perfected yet. I don’t want to bother you with the little details just yet, but, trust me, it’s going to be fantastic!” it means they haven’t even started.
So for a while now I have been on the sidelines just watching how this WvW disaster unfolds. There is one thing painfully obvious to me, and that is the fact that even now there isn’t much urgency shown by Anet. SAYING that it is top development priority doesn’t mean anything. SAYING that it’s been on that works for a year is meaningless because truthfully the WvW cimmunity cannot bring itself to trust that Anet knows what it’s doing.
For starters, they claim to be in communication with WvW players, however as far as my knowledge it’s only been like 1 black gate commander and really that’s it. Correct me if I’m wrong. I would not credit the recent interviews done by Reyana towards Anet’s efforts because that was more player/ community driven. No proof, no communication, nothing to really give me confidence they actually talk to players and ask for feedback. I know they read these forums, it doesn’t even take 10 minutes from my coffee break to read most of it. There have been millions of incredible suggestions on these forums these past years but none of them have been paid any attention.
Another thing I am curious about is the fact that Collin mentioned placing a heavy amount of resources towards the WvW. LOL WHAT? What does this even mean? More devs that don’t know what WvW is? PVE devs to add more PVE content? Because we all know they would never take resources away from their beloved esport dream. PvP takes top priority, no matter what they say. Honestly how many people are actually involved with WvW development?? Was there even one from the beginning or was WvW just a side projects for bored people at work to put out kitten content. Well kitten does seem to be Anet’s mantra so I guess it makes sense.
I have so many other questions, but I don’t wanna spend all day typing it all out, just I want to know. Where is the sense of urgency??? There are STILL big PVE and PVP updates happening, and WvW is still being put on the back burner despite massive dissatisfaction amongst the players. Seriously just some transparency goes a long way especially since most of the people that complain about this game are also the ones that care the most. Let me know your thoughts.
Man you are 100% right.
That’ s why I stil haven t bought Hot.
They say : yes we ll focus more on wvw.
Soon after they announce new pve content .
Good. My money will stay safe in my pocket i promise.
Let see, how does one say that they think a company fibs without insulting any individual? I’ll try, “While intentions are grand and the words are soothing, they seem to rarely equate to actual successes or improvements.”
You would think after saying WvW is a top priority, they would communicate more, but nope, still silent as ever and still probably as clueless as ever.
When they say WvW is a priority I am sure they are referencing current development efforts. I believe them when they say they have been working on a big WvW overhaul.
Their silence on why it didn’t make HoT is telling. It appears to be months away and likely points to the project being more difficult than the initially planned. I also think they believed the HoT “improvements” would satisfy the WvW crowd for a bit and did not anticipate the poor reception.
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”
When they say WvW is a priority I am sure they are referencing current development efforts. I believe them when they say they have been working on a big WvW overhaul.
Their silence on why it didn’t make HoT is telling. It appears to be months away and likely points to the project being more difficult than the initially planned. I also think they believed the HoT “improvements” would satisfy the WvW crowd for a bit and did not anticipate the poor reception.
You sir are a more trusting man than I.
When they say WvW is a priority I am sure they are referencing current development efforts. I believe them when they say they have been working on a big WvW overhaul.
Their silence on why it didn’t make HoT is telling. It appears to be months away and likely points to the project being more difficult than the initially planned. I also think they believed the HoT “improvements” would satisfy the WvW crowd for a bit and did not anticipate the poor reception.
Anet said that they’ve been working on the upgrade for over a year, and that it won’t even be ready for BETA until the end of 2016 – meaning we probably won’t see anything until 2017.
If WvW were a revenue generator, they would have finished the upgrade awhile back. The “it’s difficult” angle can only be stretched so far. As an architect, I understand that you can only throw so much man power at projects. Project do take a certain amount of time to complete, and sometimes having to many people is worse than having too few.
But we didn’t want a WvW overhaul with all the PvE fluff that they’ve spent so much time on. We wanted a solution to the population imbalance problem that has plagued WvW since day-one.
In the three years I’ve played WvW, there have been two weeks that I can recall, where I was genuinely surprised at the outcome of a match up. Usually (99.99% of the time) I can not only tell you who will place 1st, 2nd & 3rd, but also what the spread of points will be at weeks end.
This is the core problem with the game mode, and they’ve never done anything to address it. This is what we want fixed.
When they say WvW is a priority I am sure they are referencing current development efforts. I believe them when they say they have been working on a big WvW overhaul.
Their silence on why it didn’t make HoT is telling. It appears to be months away and likely points to the project being more difficult than the initially planned. I also think they believed the HoT “improvements” would satisfy the WvW crowd for a bit and did not anticipate the poor reception.
The reception in the betas was pretty poor.
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro
When they say WvW is a priority I am sure they are referencing current development efforts. I believe them when they say they have been working on a big WvW overhaul.
I find it impossible to believe that they are taking WvW seriously but somehow think that making people wait months just to beta test changes is going to do any good.
It simply doesn’t follow logic. They also wouldn’t be so hush hush when it’s abundantly obvious that the patient is bleeding out on the operating table. Hype has done them wonders in the past and is all they have left to keep people here and waiting.
By the time they reveal the actual details of this overhaul, it won’t matter. It won’t matter because no one will care. No one will care because no one will be around to care. Too many will have moved on to other games and those that stick around will probably just resign to EotM rather than deal with WvW2.0 with new wonky team systems, a decimated playerbase, and the same crappy rewards on maps made for a population that is no longer there.
Anyone “prioritizing WvW” is going to be fully aware of this.
And when said beta test appears later this year, are they going to accept much player input? Given almost 2 years of development by that point with little input or communication about whats coming, i doubt it.
Good news! More commander tag colors! Only 100g EACH your welcome!
And when said beta test appears later this year, are they going to accept much player input? Given almost 2 years of development by that point with little input or communication about whats coming, i doubt it.
Good news! More commander tag colors! Only 100g EACH your welcome!
It’s ok they will hype it up like its actually gonna be any good. See what Anet fails to understand is that we are sort of beyond the point of hype and PR. We need FACTS, details, COMMUNICATION. I’ve never seen a company so clueless about these things.
Urgency requires competition or a threat of competition. Until CU and Crowfall start stealing gw2 players, there is absolutely no reason for anet to do anything about wvw.
Urgency requires competition or a threat of competition. Until CU and Crowfall start stealing gw2 players, there is absolutely no reason for anet to do anything about wvw.
Well at the rate they are going, those games will be out before the update is in beta, but seriously that is not the only cause for urgency. You see your dog dying will you not do everything you can to save it? You don’t wait for other dogs to threaten to replace it
EDIT: Even better example. You have a box of cookies. You notice someone is taking your cookies but you wait until it’s all gone to do anything about.
(edited by Mystle.9241)
Urgency requires competition or a threat of competition. Until CU and Crowfall start stealing gw2 players, there is absolutely no reason for anet to do anything about wvw.
dunno about NA but in EU we will have Black Desert soon, one more beta test and then its gonna be launched… estimates are either Q2 or Q3 2016 and due to the fact that they already had 2 betas and that its already running in Korea and Russia the game should be balanced, optimized and bugless (I hope)… its also cheaper than gw2 – one time 25-30 bucks or so…
There is no urgency. They have said that they are working on an overhaul for over a year but only tell us 2 weeks ago. Add that the only persons who they have talked to are pug commanders in NA lol.
Plus before HoT they mentioned WvW being no1 priority…bringing back PPK and reverting upgrade changes is high priority? I have only been in WvW maybe three times after HoT released and looks like I won’t be stepping back in for a long time to come.
(edited by Sird.4536)
They are in contact with players that probably are asking for more gimmicks lol!
something like:
“OMG player want so bladly this…. need now a trebuchet that can hit from EB keep to the other side of the map where the other keeps are this will be so coool”
Bad joke***
Where can I buy that GPS system (probably need to advance some Mastery or was it Rank to use it) to guide my missile from Treb?
Bad joke***
I think Anet was taken by surprise.
Before HoT you couldn’t transfer to full servers. This was to spread out the population. I don’t think it worked as intended. On FA when we went from full to very high we could queue two maps in NA prime time. Our SEA, OCX and EU coverage was considerably less. So over the course of 24 hours, if a server had an even distribution of players you wouldn’t have the population to queue two maps.
After HoT a lot of WvW players raced to get the new elite specializations and guilds raced to get the latest upgrades. This led to a dropoff in WvW participation. What I think surprised Anet, is that they thought the population levels would return to pre-HoT levels, but they haven’t. Now we’re lucky to queue EB once or twice in a week.
I’m an altoholic and a casual PvE player and I have 7 of 9 elites unlocked so I’d expect a lot of WvW players who wanted to get the specializations on their main characters have all done so.
I think whatever plans Anet had for WvW were changed, are changing, will change…. since the participation levels dropped after the release of HoT, and haven’t recovered.
Instead of coming up with just a new and improved WvW, Anet also has to figure out a way to get more players into WvW.
I think Anet was taken by surprise.
Before HoT you couldn’t transfer to full servers. This was to spread out the population. I don’t think it worked as intended. On FA when we went from full to very high we could queue two maps in NA prime time. Our SEA, OCX and EU coverage was considerably less. So over the course of 24 hours, if a server had an even distribution of players you wouldn’t have the population to queue two maps.
It was a mistake because the number of servers was far far too much for the total population just prior to HOT. They would have been better encouraging playing to move up to higher pop servers.
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro
So for a while now I have been on the sidelines just watching how this WvW disaster unfolds. There is one thing painfully obvious to me, and that is the fact that even now there isn’t much urgency shown by Anet. SAYING that it is top development priority doesn’t mean anything. SAYING that it’s been on that works for a year is meaningless because truthfully the WvW cimmunity cannot bring itself to trust that Anet knows what it’s doing.
For starters, they claim to be in communication with WvW players, however as far as my knowledge it’s only been like 1 black gate commander and really that’s it. Correct me if I’m wrong. I would not credit the recent interviews done by Reyana towards Anet’s efforts because that was more player/ community driven. No proof, no communication, nothing to really give me confidence they actually talk to players and ask for feedback. I know they read these forums, it doesn’t even take 10 minutes from my coffee break to read most of it. There have been millions of incredible suggestions on these forums these past years but none of them have been paid any attention.
Another thing I am curious about is the fact that Collin mentioned placing a heavy amount of resources towards the WvW. LOL WHAT? What does this even mean? More devs that don’t know what WvW is? PVE devs to add more PVE content? Because we all know they would never take resources away from their beloved esport dream. PvP takes top priority, no matter what they say. Honestly how many people are actually involved with WvW development?? Was there even one from the beginning or was WvW just a side projects for bored people at work to put out kitten content. Well kitten does seem to be Anet’s mantra so I guess it makes sense.
I have so many other questions, but I don’t wanna spend all day typing it all out, just I want to know. Where is the sense of urgency??? There are STILL big PVE and PVP updates happening, and WvW is still being put on the back burner despite massive dissatisfaction amongst the players. Seriously just some transparency goes a long way especially since most of the people that complain about this game are also the ones that care the most. Let me know your thoughts.
Man you are 100% right.
That’ s why I stil haven t bought Hot.
They say : yes we ll focus more on wvw.
Soon after they announce new pve content .Good. My money will stay safe in my pocket i promise.
Me too
You would think after saying WvW is a top priority, they would communicate more, but nope, still silent as ever and still probably as clueless as ever.
It wouldn’t surprise me if they’re keeping things quiet because they spent the entire WvW budget on PvE content.
Urgency requires competition or a threat of competition. Until CU and Crowfall start stealing gw2 players, there is absolutely no reason for anet to do anything about wvw.
I disagree. They are losing players in bucketloads; not to other games, but to sheer boredom. That, if anything, is even worse. It means players would literally rather sit around playing single player games than your game. It’s really pretty disgusting. Reminds me alot of what happened in WARhammer online.
players would literally rather sit around playing single player games than your game
I’m already there, got a Xbone for Xmas and only login to GW2 for the login rewards. I’m keeping tabs on the game only to see if any future changes make it playable for me.
I don’t want to bother you with the little details just yet, but, trust me, it’s going to be fantastic!"
Donald Trump is on Anet’s WvW dev team!?!
They never had a sense of urgency unless it comes to a TP gem bug. Or when it affects their glorious pve. ( hello proofs of heroic ).
Madness Rises [Rise] – Banners Hold.
Don’t argue with idiots, they pull you down their level and own you with experience.
Instead of coming up with just a new and improved WvW, Anet also has to figure out a way to get more players into WvW.
I lolled. Actually I snorted, but I don’t like to admit that I do that.
When they say WvW is a priority I am sure they are referencing current development efforts. I believe them when they say they have been working on a big WvW overhaul.
Their silence on why it didn’t make HoT is telling. It appears to be months away and likely points to the project being more difficult than the initially planned. I also think they believed the HoT “improvements” would satisfy the WvW crowd for a bit and did not anticipate the poor reception.
Poor reception is the kindest way of putting it. It must be a difficult project and I don’t believe that we will be given any kind of honest information about the overhaul any time soon.
In the mean time, I’ve found something else to do with the money I was spending on gems. Greeting cards and “fan art creations” to send to Bellevue.
(My kids love shopping with me at Hobby Lobby.) My first creation is a Dragon Banner! I’ll post a pic of it in this thread after I finish it tomorrow; I need to add the finishing touches.
Edit: grammar
chopping wood one day, dropped a piece,
all I could say was, “…fell…foot…”
(edited by Fellfoot.8156)
They never had a sense of urgency unless it comes to a TP gem bug. Or when it affects their glorious pve. ( hello proofs of heroic ).
Not only PvE there new Toy is this stupid eSport road, which will destroy everything balance wise
The last time there was a sense of urgency you got what WvW is now….
Kinda ironic that when it’s ready applies only to PvE and not to WvW.
Seems you could fit the entire remaining NA population in two tiers now. I’m curious how low it will go.