North American WvW guilds should move to Europe!

North American WvW guilds should move to Europe!

in WvW

Posted by: Archaos.4953


Currently in the North American bracket the servers with largest and most consistent 24 hour coverage wins. Period.

Unfortunately there are only a handful of NA servers with any semblance of 24 hour coverage. This is unlikely to change. There are simply too few Oceanic and East Asian guilds on North American servers to provide more than a few servers any significant coverage. These “lucky” servers tend to do well in WvW and experience a massive influx of fair weather WvW focused players exploding the queue times and ultimately killing the server. Henge of Denravi is a case and point in this cycle, Jade Quarry is just another example.

The cycle will continue until more North American WvW guilds make the necessary steps to change it.

There is a solution.

Move to a European server.

The only way to “fix” night capping is to encourage server communities to become truly international. WvW focused guilds looking for servers with better 24/7 coverage need to be willing to move to servers that have larger international populations covering those time zones.

Arenanet made a mistake by initially segregating North American and European servers.

This left WvW subject to the “night capping” phenomenon. On North American servers this meant that Oceanic players in particular played king maker. Titan Alliance and other Alliances were able gain their momentum in large part due to their Oceanic coverage. Easily defeating strong servers that lacked night coverage. There are simply too few Oceanic pvp guilds to cover a significant number of North American servers.

The only solution for NA guilds looking for strong night coverage is not to fight over the handful of Australian/NZ and East Asian guilds and consider joining European servers.

For these reasons Ruin has decided to move to the Desolation EU (Primarily United Kingdom) server.

North American WvW guilds should move to Europe!

in WvW

Posted by: mangarrage.1062


So are you saying that instead of being the victim of nightcapping. we should transfer to an EU server so we can become the PvD nightcappers?
Sounds so crazy it just might work

North American WvW guilds should move to Europe!

in WvW

Posted by: Archaos.4953


Our experience on Desolation has been that there is little PvDoor.

Eastern European and particularly Russian guilds cover a huge number of time zones and other language based servers have significant 24/7 coverage.

The European bracket is also from personal experience far more challenging than anything in North America.

North American WvW guilds should move to Europe!

in WvW

Posted by: Lord Awesomeness.1804

Lord Awesomeness.1804

So are you saying that instead of being the victim of nightcapping. we should transfer to an EU server so we can become the PvD nightcappers?
Sounds so crazy it just might work

Week after week it proves to be the most successful strategy, so why not follow it?

I think it’s a sound idea, anyway. Plus, if enough NA players go to EU servers, it might mean that all three sides get fair coverage all 24 hours, and it might not end up being PvD for the NA players.

I’m not in a WvW guild, but I might transfer to a EU server just for something to do. WvW on my NA server isn’t particularly fun and hasn’t been for some time.

North American WvW guilds should move to Europe!

in WvW

Posted by: RecycledBill.5701


Anyone know what the increase in ping will be for an NA player going to an European server is? Just curious if it will be noticeable.

North American WvW guilds should move to Europe!

in WvW

Posted by: Ral.5326


It makes sense for Oceanic and Asian guilds to play on NA servers as they don’t have there own but for NA guilds to move to European servers is just a way for them to take the easy way out and will further unbalance populations of European servers, which already have far worse problems with night capping than NA do.

If NA guilds want to avoid queues and want a challenge they should move to lower population NA serves, not EU.

North American WvW guilds should move to Europe!

in WvW

Posted by: Lord Awesomeness.1804

Lord Awesomeness.1804

If NA guilds want to avoid queues and want a challenge they should move to lower population NA serves, not EU.

It has nothing to do with either queues or a challenge. It has to do with wanting to have a contribution that actually matters.

Currently, the server with the Australian guild wins the match-up. That’s the only reason HoD was #1, because they had enough people to completely dominate between 3am-9am. JQ is doing the same thing right now. SBI has some Australians, but not many, and that’s why we were able to slaughter the tier 2 servers (IoJ and BG) but can’t compete with JQ this week. Those of us who play during prime time make absolutely no difference to the outcome of the match, and it’s frustrating to always log in when I get home for lunch and see everything in WvW belong to one team (whether or not I’m on that team is irrelevant, it’s no fun either way).

We don’t upgrade keeps because there’s no point, they’ll just fall when there’s no one around to defend them.

And besides, if the EU servers are worse about night-capping than the US servers, that should be all the more reason for NA players to transfer to EU servers. Night-capping goes away with competition, it doesn’t get worse. We’d upgrade our keeps if we knew we had a night crew to defend them.

North American WvW guilds should move to Europe!

in WvW

Posted by: Nevron.9413


That’s the only reason HoD was #1, because they had enough people to completely dominate between 3am-9am.

To be fair, if the scoring system was locked to NA primetime, HoD would have still been number one due to beating out every other top server during NA primetime. The only chance other servers had was to double-team and/or night-cap. They obviously couldn’t night-cap, so they double-teamed, and the dominance of HoD coverage over the other servers rendered the NA double-team efforts futile.

Guild – Shadow of Apophis [SoA]

North American WvW guilds should move to Europe!

in WvW

Posted by: Malediktus.9250


Come to riverside [DE], we can always use a night crew

1st person worldwide to reach 35,000 achievement points.

North American WvW guilds should move to Europe!

in WvW

Posted by: Kardiamond.6952


Is it me, or is Ruin switching server each week? I might be wrong, but didn’t you start on AR or something liek that, then switched to another, and then now switch to Europe?

If thats the case, you might want to stick to a server longer. The WvW dynamic change a lot, give your server some time before leaving it again.

Rotthen (Necro) / Zhyx (Engineer) /Inglorious Beasterd (Ranger)
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]

(edited by Kardiamond.6952)

North American WvW guilds should move to Europe!

in WvW

Posted by: Fleas.6472


Ruin Gaming has been on serveral servers since launch. They moved to Eredon Terrace and had around 4 guilds (approximate number unknown) that they did WVW with. Ruin Gaming was directly responsible for the WVW and was supposed to be a part of some sort of alliance.

Ruin Gaming has recently quit WVW on Eredon Terrace after they realized they weren’t winning against Tier 1 servers. So they packed up and left the server. In fact last week they gave up and posted that in map chat. Two other guilds that did a lot of PVP also left for IOJ. So a tier 2 server in NA is now having issues even staying afloat.

Ruin is not the first guild to do this. ArenaNet is directly responsible for allowing people to transfer with no consequences.

So my question is…..

What happens when Ruin doesn’t get the success they are looking for this time? Is the idea really coming from a viable or credible source? If you move to a European server such as Desolation what happens then?

If you ask my opinion on the subject matter I will tell you this. His points are valid but I wouldn’t trust anything Archaos has to say. I would be willing to try a European server but not one that Ruin has anything to do with.

Here is what Ruin is directly and solely responsible for on ET.
-Leaving a top 5 server because they couldn’t get number 1. So they quit.
-Had to issue an apology to other servers for their behavior (guild website)
-Went into other servers to see what WVW tactics they used before battleing the next week.
-Went to other servers to post recruitment messages to attempt to get more members. (so they could eventually leave…)

So for Ruin Gaming……Guilds sell themselves through actions. All the gaming community sees is a guild that jumps ship and causes problems on servers they have been to.

Good luck to everyone that heads to Desolation. I hope you don’t fall to the same Ruin tactics that so many others were blinded by.

North American WvW guilds should move to Europe!

in WvW

Posted by: Ilesyt.7084


Ruins Of Surmia is looking for US guilds for the server, there are currently none, and I imagine that the Name would fit your guild or Alliance’s name

Leader of Deus Ex Machina [DEX]
Ruins of Surmia

North American WvW guilds should move to Europe!

in WvW

Posted by: Kardiamond.6952


So I wasn’t wrong

Rotthen (Necro) / Zhyx (Engineer) /Inglorious Beasterd (Ranger)
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]

North American WvW guilds should move to Europe!

in WvW

Posted by: Fleas.6472


People have to realize at some point that there is a reason why a guild keeps being called out. Just check the forums.

I am the last one that likes to say anything. However, I knew that this post was coming for that guild.

These games always have servers located in different regions. Quite frankly, I don’t see the point in leaving servers when a game has been out a short time. All MMO’s come out with problems and need bug fixes.

Let ArenaNet fix the issues. We need stability on servers right now. These decisions effect more than one guild. It effects a server. Who wants to be locked on a dead server?

Here is another fun filled question……

When two countries are at war…do you join the one that has 24 hour coverage? You don’t always need 24 hour coverage to win a war. Think about it.

(edited by Fleas.6472)

North American WvW guilds should move to Europe!

in WvW

Posted by: Lord Awesomeness.1804

Lord Awesomeness.1804

What EU servers are predominantly English-speaking and would welcome a solo US player and possibly his friend?

EDIT: oh, and one that preferably doesn’t have Ruin on it.

North American WvW guilds should move to Europe!

in WvW

Posted by: Jacklo.4230


I have to wonder if GW2 even has “European” servers:
command line: netstat -n -p tcp -b | more

When logged in to Gandara I see 3 connections from GW2.exe, all resolving to Austin, Texas.

If this is the case, there’s no problem using “European” servers from US.
Not too good that Europeans have to deal with extra latency and ping though.

Don’t take this as gospel, I don’t know their network structure, but that’s how it seems to me.

North American WvW guilds should move to Europe!

in WvW

Posted by: Brunners.7251


What EU servers are predominantly English-speaking and would welcome a solo US player and possibly his friend?

EDIT: oh, and one that preferably doesn’t have Ruin on it.

RUIN haven’t been that bad for Desolation, in fact they’ve been a major help for us over the weekend.

So head to Desolation

Acadamey Gaming EU [AG]
Sign Ups:

North American WvW guilds should move to Europe!

in WvW

Posted by: Fleas.6472


Yes, Ruin will be a huge help. Because they have a lot of people.

However, once again they like to move around all the time. So they help this weekend next weekend they will move to servers in Japan. Because in Japan they play in a timezone that is what Ruin is looking for next week. Then again, Japan doesn’t know who Ruin is yet.

Then there will be another post on the forums to come join Ruin in Japan. Rinse and repeat….anyone see the vicious cycle yet?

Can you please stop calling Desolation the server to go to? Just call it ruined server.

I can’t wait until they leave Desolation also. Big guilds cause lots of problems period. They cause problems because they recruit quantity over quality.

Transfer to a server where you don’t know anyone or know the guilds. Less chance of having issues.

(edited by Fleas.6472)

North American WvW guilds should move to Europe!

in WvW

Posted by: Kardiamond.6952


Major help for now, but they will lose once and flee to another server.

Rotthen (Necro) / Zhyx (Engineer) /Inglorious Beasterd (Ranger)
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]

North American WvW guilds should move to Europe!

in WvW

Posted by: Fleas.6472


Some people will take the warning. Others will go there because they will see the numbers in WVW.

I saw several posts today stating that they are attempting to pull out of WVW on their NA server because they don’t want to win. They are afraid that if they move into Tier 1 in the NA rankings the server will fall apart. That is just plain sad.

People see an influx of gamers moving to their server when they are winning which brings instability. The latest that people see as a potential issue are IOJ and JQ. I hope they are incorrect.

Hopefully ArenaNet will shutdown the server transfer issue. However, I agree with so many on the forums. The damage has already been done and may be irreversable. I think we will see lots of blowouts on charts and servers pulling out of WVW entirely.

North American WvW guilds should move to Europe!

in WvW

Posted by: Ilesyt.7084


What EU servers are predominantly English-speaking and would welcome a solo US player and possibly his friend?

EDIT: oh, and one that preferably doesn’t have Ruin on it.

We at Surmia welcome everyone, and no, there’s no “RUIN” guild here even though our name is Ruins of Surmia :p
We also have a night time guild called Surmian Nightwatch, I’m sure they will be happy to have you.

Leader of Deus Ex Machina [DEX]
Ruins of Surmia

North American WvW guilds should move to Europe!

in WvW

Posted by: iHaukka.2815


Seafarer’s Rest could use some help. We are top6 (T2) medium population server (for now) but we are getting beaten during night by many servers. Our daycrew is probably one of the strongest in europe (not including french) and therefore we have made our way to T2 even with being nightcapped.

Arborstone however showed us that it’s a long way to T1, they are just insanely strong. We lost many wvw players this week because of them but that will be most likely fixed during next week.
So if you are looking for medium pop server with very organized wvw. Join us.

One does simply walk into keeps

North American WvW guilds should move to Europe!

in WvW

Posted by: Romek.4201


please dear americans DONT do this – be fair

in europe we dont have only 1 language – we have french german spain english servers

when now you guys go europe and join only the english speaking servers you will destroy COMPLETE COMPETIVE WvW for 1 language only servers and this is half the servers in europe

stay on NA and fight and dont exploit a broken system


North American WvW guilds should move to Europe!

in WvW

Posted by: Katsumoto.9452


Aurora Glade is a friendly place. Mainly English speaking (just search the Guilds list and you’ll see a mass of English). Currently mid table I believe and in a real tight battle with 2 French servers. Can’t speak for everyone but i’d welcome you.

Romek. It’s not totally unfair though is it. There’s a fair bunch of French Canadians on the French servers and Latin Americans on the Spanish. The Germans are a bit left out on nights but you can’t deny the presence of those others. Also Anet said they may look into some sort of scoring alteration to make off peak capping fairer.

Aurora Glade [EU]

(edited by Katsumoto.9452)

North American WvW guilds should move to Europe!

in WvW

Posted by: Genev.2450


Blacktide currently has a gap of a few hours between European night-time and Russian morning, we’re up against Desolation (and RUIN, though I mostly see individual members instead of the large groups due to my time of playing) at the moment and making them work for it!

English is the main language on the server, and in WvW.

North American WvW guilds should move to Europe!

in WvW

Posted by: AndrewSX.3794


So are you saying that instead of being the victim of nightcapping. we should transfer to an EU server so we can become the PvD nightcappers?
Sounds so crazy it just might work

Yeah, when in response to nigthcapping moaning Anet said “In war and love everything is allowed” it became this for community:

“Get yourself too a night/morning crew, or stop QQing getting stomped by who has it”.

Simple as that.
Imo, they should directly get rid of server separations EU/US, cause if mixing the timezones is the only way for servers to get competitive (US guys on EU night, and viceversa) that’s what everybody will try to do – making EU/US split useless.

on topic:
Lots of EU servers are looking for US guys. Gunnar’s Hold would get much better cause atm it has nobody at those hours, and even if daytime things go well, since the 7days switch of matches, when holding stuff by night became essential for the outcome of a figth, it lost a lot of ranks (and due to this ppl) – i bring it as example cuz it’s the server i’m on, and can see directly what happens there, just that.

But it’s not the only one.

Seafarer’s Rest EU – PvE/WvW – 8 × 80 chars.
Most used: Guard/Mes/War/Nec/Ele.
Yes, i use 5 chars at time. Because REASONS.

North American WvW guilds should move to Europe!

in WvW

Posted by: Xpiher.5209


Simple as that.
Imo, they should directly get rid of server separations EU/US, cause if mixing the timezones is the only way for servers to get competitive (US guys on EU night, and viceversa) that’s what everybody will try to do – making EU/US split useless.

Exactly! Support the idea and bump the thread with that title in the suggestions forums and here

North American WvW guilds should move to Europe!

in WvW

Posted by: ratatosk.1859


What EU servers are predominantly English-speaking and would welcome a solo US player and possibly his friend?

EDIT: oh, and one that preferably doesn’t have Ruin on it.

From experience, almost all servers that aren’t tagged DE/FR/SP will have English as the primary language. You might see some chat in other languages, but anything important and/or coordination will be in English.

Seafarer’s rest would definitely welcome more US people. We have a pretty good EU prime time crew – to my knowledge the only server who have beat us in primetime is Arborstone [FR], but our night crew is far too small to compete with the top servers atm.

[spaz] Seafarer’s Rest

North American WvW guilds should move to Europe!

in WvW

Posted by: Mishi.7058


Here is my question for the OP.

Do your EU servers have people set to translate for NA players?
I know some of the NA server’s have 24hr translators for the oceanic’s/others who play from EU.

Commander Silvannas
“Invincibility lies in the defence; the possibility of victory in the attack.” Sun Tzu

North American WvW guilds should move to Europe!

in WvW

Posted by: ratatosk.1859


Translate British English to American English? Almost all communication is in English on the international servers anyway, I don’t think you’ll need a translator service unless you really want to read the random insults or jokes people sometimes post in their national language.

[spaz] Seafarer’s Rest

North American WvW guilds should move to Europe!

in WvW

Posted by: Svarty.8019



Here is my question for the OP.
Do your EU servers have people set to translate for NA players?
I know some of the NA server’s have 24hr translators for the oceanic’s/others who play from EU.

The Scandinavians tend to chat in English, the British chat in English… the French, Spanish and Germans have their own servers.

Nobody at Anet loves WvW like Grouch loved PvP. That’s what we need, a WvW Grouch, but taller.

North American WvW guilds should move to Europe!

in WvW

Posted by: Genev.2450


Something that would be asked is not to rant in map chat about “English being the server language”. This isn’t specifically directed at American guilds, I’ve seen Europeans do it too, but the rare times things ar mentioned in another language, it’s usually about a specific language guild looking for more members, or somebody looking for a guild speaking the same language.

Sure, English is the main language for most servers, but if something is said in another language, it’s likely not relevant to our interests.

We’re non-Russians on the “Russian” server, the officers of Xaoc that we ahve communicated with speak English as far as I, as a normal member (non-leader), have seen.

North American WvW guilds should move to Europe!

in WvW

Posted by: Zordan.5628


European WvW guilds should move to NA!

Currently in the European bracket the servers with largest and most consistent 24 hour coverage wins. Period.
Unfortunately there are only a handful of European servers with any semblance of 24 hour coverage. This is unlikely to change. There are simply too few Oceanic and East Asian guilds on European servers to provide more than a few servers any significant coverage. These “lucky” servers tend to do well in WvW and experience a massive influx of fair weather WvW focused players exploding the queue times and ultimately killing the server.
The cycle will continue until more European WvW guilds make the necessary steps to change it.
There is a solution.
Move to a NA server.
The only way to “fix” night capping is to encourage server communities to become truly international. WvW focused guilds looking for servers with better 24/7 coverage need to be willing to move to servers that have larger international populations covering those time zones.
Arenanet made a mistake by initially segregating North American and European servers.
This left WvW subject to the “night capping” phenomenon. On European servers this meant that Oceanic players in particular played king maker. Titan Alliance and other Alliances were able gain their momentum in large part due to their Oceanic coverage. Easily defeating strong servers that lacked night coverage. There are simply too few Oceanic pvp guilds to cover a significant number of European servers.
The only solution for European guilds looking for strong night coverage is not to fight over the handful of Australian/NZ and East Asian guilds and consider joining NA servers.

Fixed that for you!

Zordan from Millersund (DE)

(edited by Zordan.5628)

North American WvW guilds should move to Europe!

in WvW

Posted by: lin.2814


I think that blacktide not Russian server now.
Yep , this server have many russian players but it is multinational.

North American WvW guilds should move to Europe!

in WvW

Posted by: Genev.2450


I think that blacktide not Russian server now.
Yep , this server have many russian players but it is multinational.

That’s why i put Russian in quotes, it’s seen as a Russian server by many outsiders, but from my experience, it isn’t
I also mention ealrier in the thread that English was the main language spoken, i just repeated it for the guy worrying about translators and giving an example of a community which people usually assume is non-English speaking

North American WvW guilds should move to Europe!

in WvW

Posted by: AndrewSX.3794


Afaik, aside FR – DE – SP servers (for obvious reasons) in EU zones the chat language is almost always fully in english.

Seafarer’s Rest EU – PvE/WvW – 8 × 80 chars.
Most used: Guard/Mes/War/Nec/Ele.
Yes, i use 5 chars at time. Because REASONS.

North American WvW guilds should move to Europe!

in WvW

Posted by: MajorKong.8095


I only request that any Americans moving to European servers refrain from writing period like this. Period.

Human Elementalist -The Iron Triangle [IRON]
My WvW review

North American WvW guilds should move to Europe!

in WvW

Posted by: Snort.3698


Black tide is well known as an Irish server.

That being said we Irish are often hard to understand.

Being serious, I lead the UnNameds warbands in WvW and i spent last night chating for 40 minutes with the leader of the large Russian Guild Chaos to discuss tactics and the server( forums and shared voice comms and the like). We discussed tips, tactics and strategy and the Russians and Polish said if needed theyc ould translate back and forth for the minority without English or with poorer English.

His Gaelic was as good as my Russian so we spoke in English, we were joined by the Polish and UK guilds. English is very much the linga franca(see what I did there)

We have zero communication issues and we though we might. I posted some of my thoughs on the transfer here.

Snorth Tufmudda – The UnNamed _ThUn.
Project Blacktide 24/7

(edited by Snort.3698)

North American WvW guilds should move to Europe!

in WvW

Posted by: Kitsune.4280


US guilds can be very useful for EU servers, and there will be no PvD at least in first 2 brackets. As we know Vizunah Square and Arborstone both have massive night presence, Desolation has RUIN now, Seafarer’s Rest has at least one NA guild. So WvW matches won’t be broken by such transfers. Also players from NA servers can transfer to EU servers to see everything with their own eyes and to estimate the level of possible opponents and allies.
Also international english speaking community of Far Shiverpeaks will be glad to fight side by side with some tough WvW guilds from NA servers. We have no queues during European offpeak hours and a high level of European prime-time score, also we have good opponents from the highest EU bracket with organized and skilled nighttime players and things are getting more and more interesting from match to match now. We have a very small night presence (~10-15 ppl are online at night as far as I know) and also will be glad to see good and talented commanders for those of us, who like to play during night hours.

North American WvW guilds should move to Europe!

in WvW

Posted by: Dee Jay.2460

Dee Jay.2460

I shal perzonali wekom eweri Amerikan player to oua German server. We vill be delited to be ur hostz

North American WvW guilds should move to Europe!

in WvW

Posted by: Modeus.7924


the ping from NA to the European servers is fine and for the most part the game has performed better since moving.
The competition has been astounding, unlike most NA servers you do not see player drop off as soon as the score becomes lopsided they fight tooth and nail to recover and its been an absolute blast to play there.

there has always been stiff competition until at least midnight EST and by 2am EST the early morning Russian players are logging in and fighting hard.

On ET you would see Ruin hold down EB and every other borderland would be crushed by the opposition in Tier 1, the alliance responsible for the other borderlands would be PVEing and raiding the trade post by Saturday, one guild no matter how big or dedicated to WvW cannot carry a whole server indefinitely and the players would burn out trying. ET had some great Tier 1 guilds and a strong WvW focus but lacked coverage to compete in Tier 1 and was crushing Tier 2 both led to people not Queuing after the weekend.

After Ruin left ET went into a free fall, TL the leaders of AA slunk away to IOJ before even announcing to their alliance they were leaving. The Oceanic/Asian guilds in AA moved to blackgate with about 1/3 of TA to stack a third NA server with major coverage. JQ/IOJ/BG should be some interesting fights for first.
ET and HOD are in a death spiral to tier 3 or 4 perhaps lower.

I see quite a lot of QQ about having NA players move to the EU bracket. but at tier 1 you need 24/7 coverage, the issue of language is a non starter. If the NA servers can co-ordinate despite dealing with many Asian languages and countries where speaking a second or third language is much rarer than Europe I say see it as a challenge to be overcome not whinged about.
International French players seem to be on the EU FR servers so why not international English?

—Modea Farstrider—

North American WvW guilds should move to Europe!

in WvW

Posted by: Rainsfords.7419


For the record, SBI was consistently ahead of HOD over the weekend until early Monday morning during the week-long match ups.

North American WvW guilds should move to Europe!

in WvW

Posted by: Modeus.7924


ET and SBI both managed to keep HOD in third place until Monday when their coverage advantage became overwhelming.

—Modea Farstrider—

North American WvW guilds should move to Europe!

in WvW

Posted by: Bonzi.7324


the server that is winning the european T1 this week hosts not a single NA/Oceanic guild………must be their superior organisation <.<

btw , it’s not VS

~less QQ more PEWPEW~ [EC] roaming since BWE2
Bonzi – Ranger / Onizuka Kenji ~ Ele
Badhabbits – Thief / Meíster ~ Guardian

North American WvW guilds should move to Europe!

in WvW

Posted by: Gavello.2813


Yes, Ruin will be a huge help. Because they have a lot of people.

However, once again they like to move around all the time. So they help this weekend next weekend they will move to servers in Japan. Because in Japan they play in a timezone that is what Ruin is looking for next week. Then again, Japan doesn’t know who Ruin is yet.

Then there will be another post on the forums to come join Ruin in Japan. Rinse and repeat….anyone see the vicious cycle yet?

Can you please stop calling Desolation the server to go to? Just call it ruined server.

I can’t wait until they leave Desolation also. Big guilds cause lots of problems period. They cause problems because they recruit quantity over quality.

Transfer to a server where you don’t know anyone or know the guilds. Less chance of having issues.

You obviously have a personal grudge against us which is fine, but don’t derail the thread as such, and definitely don’t do it with incorrect information.

Ruin was originally with Northern Shiverpeaks, AFTER every single major wvw guild and alliance moving from that server did Ruin decide to go to ET due to the queue times which for a big guild like Ruin is a huge issue. Why play on a server you can’t play on with your friends?

After building ET up to a Tier 1 server, Ruin got fed up of what was being fed to them from other guilds on the server not naming names with excuses and such and it became apparent that Ruin was the only reason we were in T1 and as has been said earlier, we can’t carry a server without getting any rest. Other guilds have to step up. Side Note: Ruin has never been and never will be apart of an alliance, as evidence has shown they all end up collapsing anyways and are filled with too much trouble, we are happy to work with them for the betterment of the server but that’s it.

So we left to a place where we don’t have to worry about do we have enough night coverage or do we have enough players in the borderlands covering them while we keep the eternal battlegrounds on lockdown. And so far….It’s been pretty darn great to be in a server that’s very well populated with like minded guilds and players that have the drive to be no.1 because what else are you going to shoot for as a server?


North American WvW guilds should move to Europe!

in WvW

Posted by: RamzaBehoulve.5640


Some of you guys need to stop thinking in terms of Europe and NA.

ANet stance is very clear how they see this developing. They intended from the beginning for EU/NA players to play together by allowing the switch. It’s just obvious they expect guilds from different time zones to join up and create 24/7 warfare now.

An old statement of theirs was also pretty spot on when they said EU and NA servers were mostly an administrative separation and that it was only mostly about where you were logging in from.

Case in point, there is almost no difference in gameplay latency playing on the other side of the planet for NA or EU. Don’t know for Asians/Australians, but I’m pretty sure it’s working fairly well for them too.

Sooner or later, it’s likely the separation NA/EU for WvW will simply disappear and every server will be able to fight any other with only one worldwide ladder.

(edited by RamzaBehoulve.5640)

North American WvW guilds should move to Europe!

in WvW

Posted by: Snort.3698


Snorth Tufmudda – The UnNamed _ThUn.
Project Blacktide 24/7

North American WvW guilds should move to Europe!

in WvW

Posted by: Verhoeven.7364


yes i suggest a move to far shiverpeaks, we have very strong day time europe guilds but we lack a night crew so we lose everything during the night.
If we had some american guilds at that time our server would be very strong.
We have a very nice population so hopefully some of you americans want to join us.

North American WvW guilds should move to Europe!

in WvW

Posted by: Mishi.7058


Oh I was only asking so others would know.

I found my home server I love, and I don’t plan on moving anymore.

Best of luck getting some more NA guilds onto EU servers though <3

Commander Silvannas
“Invincibility lies in the defence; the possibility of victory in the attack.” Sun Tzu

North American WvW guilds should move to Europe!

in WvW

Posted by: Elkantar.9460


Yep, come to Kodash We will help you to beat RUIN butts

Charakter: Kindron
Server: Kodash